Chapter 210
Amidst the laughter, Tang Tang turned into white light and was thrown to the underworld!
Bloody Limbo's eyes are tearing apart!Tang Tang was dead, but there was nothing, not the ancient mirror at all, just a few bottles of auxiliary medicine lying quietly on the ground, and a fourth-level staff!

Are you still fooled after all?Cunning little girl!
Bloody Limbo punched the ground fiercely, causing cracks to appear on the ground under him!
"I'm going, bloody Limbaugh actually exploded my horcrux!"

When Tang Tang was resurrected in the underworld, his expression was quite gloomy, and he cursed fiercely, and everyone around him also showed sympathy.In the underworld, there are too many people who are swearing. It's nothing more than someone blowing up something good, so everyone is not surprised.

In fact, Tang Tang didn't reveal anything good, that is, the golden stick with the animal horn was exploded.

To be honest, the Golden Rod Pointed by Beast Horns is about to be eliminated, and it is not worth feeling sorry for losing it, but after all, I have used it for so long, so I still have some feelings.Secondly, there is a big difference between being eliminated by oneself and being exposed by others. The former is a pity, but the latter is not happy. Moreover, Tang Tang only rose to level 46 after killing the mummy, and now he has dropped back to level 45. , also makes people very angry.

However, fortunately, he also got something, which is something worth celebrating. As for how he got it, it was actually very simple. At that time, Tang Tang asked Tang Jian to give him the things, and Tang Jian also threw the things to Tang Tang.However, neither of the two of them said that the thing was the treasure of heaven and earth, and to put it bluntly, it was just a preconceived concept.

Tang Jian casually threw an armor mirror, and Bloody Lin Bo and God of War regarded it as the Kunlun mirror. Of course, this was also related to their not entering the Kunlun Shrine, and not seeing the Kunlun mirror in person.As a result, Tang Tang distracted Bloody Lin Bo and God of War.Tang Jian escaped successfully, returned to the small town of Kalamir, turned to Mingyue City, crossed the waters of the Moon River, and returned to Tangmen.

After returning to the human world from the teleportation array, Tang Tang went to the Holy Soul Village. It took only half an hour for the imperial weapon, and Tang Tang saw the Tangmen Mountain Gate.

When passing by the mountain gate, Tang Tang saw Tang Xiao, who didn't say much, pointed in the direction of Tangmen's main hall, and then waved at Tang Tang to indicate that there is no need to be polite, just go by yourself.

After Tang Tang nodded, he went straight to the main hall.

When Tang Tang arrived, Tang Jian, MT and Tang Taluo had already arrived, but the old man Tang Taiwu was nowhere to be seen.

"Girl, I'm sorry." Seeing Tang Tang falling down, Tang Taro spread his hands helplessly and said, "I can't help you much."

"Senior, you're welcome." Tang Tang smiled and said, "Bringing King Guge out will already be of great help."

Tang Taro smiled wryly and shook his head. He just went to Kunlun Shrine for a stroll, and was kicked out by King Guge before he understood what was going on. It was the most embarrassing time.

After greeting the others, Tang Tang wondered, "Where is old man Taiwu, we have completed the task, so he should give us some benefits."

Tang Jiandao: "Wait for Tang Xin, until all five of them arrive. That unlucky ghost got lost in the Kunlun Shrine. He just committed suicide and went to the underworld. He is rushing back, and he probably will arrive soon."

Just as Tang Jian was speaking, there was a flash of sword light in the sky that day, and Tang Xin landed in front of everyone.

"You wait to bring the things in."

Tang Xin cupped his hands to greet everyone, but Tang Taiwu's voice sounded first in the main hall, and the closed door opened with a bang.

"Go, go!" Tang Tang pushed Tang Xin and said, "The old man is too annoying, you just hand in the task."

Tang Jian was stunned for a moment, and then immediately took out the Kunlun mirror and said in agreement: "Yes, yes, you are the team leader, it is most suitable for you to go."

Both Tang Tang and Tang Jian have Xiao Jiujiu, anyway, their credit is indispensable, but her resurrection stone is useless, not afraid of [-], just in case, what if the old man Tang Taiwu wants to take the things back?Simply out of sight and out of sight, he pushed Tang Xin into the hall, at least let him go to find out if the old man Taiwu would be stingy enough to take back the God of Resurrection Stone.

But half an hour after Tang Xin entered, the soul domain announcement immediately sounded.

Announcement: Everyone in the Tang Sect worked together to find the spiritual treasure 'Kunlun Mirror'!
Announcement: The Tang Sect has obtained the spiritual treasure 'Kunlun Mirror', and the experience gain of the students under the Sect has increased by 15%!

Announcement: The Tang Sect has obtained the spiritual treasure 'Kunlun Mirror', and the prestige value of the students under the Sect has increased by 10%!

Immediately, a purple light surged from the main hall of the Tang Sect, and a radiant Kunlun mirror flew out of the main hall and landed on the main hall of the main hall. Immediately afterwards, the main hall was filled with strange lights of seven colors, which lasted for a long time!
Looking at the three announcements from top to bottom, the Tang family was full of joy, while Tang Tang and the other five were dumbfounded. Didn't they say that the thing should be a tenth-level heaven and earth spirit treasure?Why does it seem to be quite different from what they imagined!

"Damn it..." At this time, Tang Xin walked out of the main hall cursing and said, "This time I was tricked by the soul domain."

Tang Tang immediately grabbed his collar and said, "What's the matter? Didn't the Kunlun mirror be a tenth-level magical weapon!"

Tang worked hard and said with a smile: "I didn't know it would be like this. I entered the door, and the old man Taiwu snatched the things away. It turned out that it was not a tenth-level magic weapon at all, but some kind of heaven and earth spirit treasure, not for players. It is used by sects or gangs, and the attributes are as stated in the announcement. In the future, Tangmen disciples will increase their experience by 15% when they kill monsters, and their reputation points will increase by 10% when they do tasks or kill monsters. I said that that thing is a tenth-level magic weapon, so we were fooled by the soul domain."

Tang Tang gritted his teeth and said, "You mean that I wasted a lot of energy and went to visit the underworld, but it turned out to benefit the Tang Sect. Everyone enjoys it. Is that what you mean?"

Tang Xin said helplessly: "Actually, if you think about it now, this incident in the Soul Realm may have something to do with the last time a group of monsters attacked Tangmen. Although there were a lot of people last time, there were actually a lot of people. None of them participated, such as the hidden sects that are far away, even if it is a basic sect, more than half of the people choose to continue to play themselves instead of participating in the event. Feeling dissatisfied, that's why this competition for heaven, earth and spirit treasures was launched. After everyone saw it, it turned out that participating in large-scale activities was not for some people to gain benefits, but for the whole sect. Therefore, in the future, everyone is willing to Work hard for your sect and actively participate in large-scale events."

Tang Tang gritted his teeth and said, "What does it have to do with me? All I know is that my work was wasted."

"Who said that!" Tang Xin slapped Tang Tang's paw off and said, "It's because of you that you didn't let me finish my speech. Our work was not in vain. Taiwu let us all go in."

Tang Tang's face looked a lot better, and he was finally not working for nothing, so he ran into the hall in a hurry after leaving Tang Xin behind.

"Hello, Uncle Taiwu!" Tang Tang quietly wiped some wine on his face, and said with a sad face, "We did our best for the sake of Mount Shu, that's called going into the water, going into the fire, and there is no credit for it." Hard work, you can't just give us something to perfuse us."


The others immediately cursed in unison in their hearts.

Tai Wu didn't take it seriously, waved his hand, and an invisible force pushed Tang Tang out, then Tai Wu pointed to Tang Taro and said: "Little boy has a good talent, he can create his own spells, this old man will give you some pointers." Fan, help you go further!"

A circle of soft white light swayed on Tang Taro's body, and then Tang Taro said happily: "My Wind and Thunder Double Kill has reached the seventh level, and the maximum level of improvement has changed from eighth to ninth."

Taiwu nodded, then threw a booklet to Tang Xin and said, "Your talent is not bad, don't waste it, this booklet is for you."

MT took a glance at it, and immediately said happily: "Qingfeng Thirteen Swords, a level [-] soul skill, the maximum improvement is level [-]."

Tai Wu then pointed at MT and said: "This old man loves to study spells. When I was 30 years old, I created a trick. It is a unique spell. It's cheap for you."

Tai Wu pointed between MT's eyebrows, and a phantom of wind and fire dual wheels appeared in front of MT's eyes, and then he said excitedly: "Fenghuo dual wheels, fifth-level wind and fire dual-attribute spells, the maximum improvement It's level nine."

Taiwu is more generous every time, and the five people can see a clue. The rewards are obviously given according to their contributions. Tang Taluo and this Tang Xin are unlucky, basically belong to soy sauce, sad Mu Ti entered the depths of the royal tomb and also participated in the robbing, obviously getting much better.

In this way, the best things still have to fall on Tang Tang and Tang Jian?
Everyone immediately focused their attention on the two of them.

However, when it was their turn, Tai Wu didn't give anything directly, but sighed: "I can't teach you what the two of you have learned."

"No way!" The two of them immediately looked stunned, and then flattered: "Uncle Taiwu, you can't treat one more favorably than another, can you?"

Tai Wu shook his head and said: "You have a good mentor, why do you need me to teach you, but you will benefit from it, and it is not in vain for you to work. These two things were used by me when I was young, so I will give them to you two. people!"

With one sleeve of Taiwu's robe, two rays of light flew out, one blue and one white, and landed in the hands of Tang Tang and Tang Jian.

"Wow!" Tang Jian suddenly yelled strangely: "Yin Yang Throat Locking Whip, a sixth-level legendary auxiliary Horcrux!"

Although Tang Jian didn't mention the attributes, the word "Legendary Quality Level [-]" alone is enough to make others envious. As the person who brought the Kunlun Mirror back to the Tang Sect, there is no doubt that Tang Jian is the biggest winner this time. Someone might be rewarded better than him.

Sure enough, the blue light that landed in Tang Tang's hand spread out, and it turned out to be a flying sword that was blue in color and entwined with traces of purple current!
Raiden Ryuyeon (Level 666 legendary quality Horcrux): Soul ring: 6666 years, age: 65 years, flight speed +34, strength qualification: 38%, agility qualification: 30%, intelligence qualification: 40%, (equipment level requirements : Level 40, strength requirement: [-]. Shocking thunder, piercing electricity. See also Longyuan rushing to the Big Dipper, and several disputes in the soul domain!)
Auxiliary [Lightning Cry (30% chance to paralyze the target for 6 seconds after the attack hits any target) Sky-shattering Lightning (with Lightning Ryuyeon attacking the target as the range, all targets within a radius of one meter are effective against the target) Abyss Wandering Dragon ( When it’s raining or using Thunderbolt in water, the attack speed will increase by 20%, and the damage value will increase by 20%)]

Dragon Shadow (Thunderbolt Ryuyon will leave a series of phantoms to confuse the opponent when attacking, duration: 360 seconds, consumption: 10 points of soul power!)

Summon Dragon Soul (Use the flying sword to make an illusion, summon ten dragon souls to gallop and attack within a radius of 30 meters, the duration is 75 seconds, consumption: 20 points of soul power)
Thunder Spear (Shoot a bolt of lightning forward and turn it into a spear to attack the opponent, the power is determined according to the attribute, consumption: 10 points of soul power)
(End of this chapter)

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