The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 241 Chi Lian Jiao Snake Staff Water God Thunder

Chapter 241 Chi Lian Jiao Snake Staff Water God Thunder
Chilian Jiaosnake Staff (666th-level elite-quality Horcrux): soul ring: 6666 years, age: 50 years, flight speed +39, strength qualification: 44%, agility qualification: 34%, intelligence qualification: 5%, critical strike Rate increased by 5%, critical strike increased by 5%, attack speed increased by 260%, life value +20 points, mana value +40 points, (equipment level requirement: level 40, strength requirement: [-]. Chilian Serpent Staff is originally The fangs of the thousand-year-old water snake were transformed into poisonous bone and tooth arrows, and their power was extraordinary.)
Auxiliary [Poison: After hitting any target, there is a 50% chance of causing poisoning, 50 points of damage per second, lasting 20 seconds!Corrosion: After hitting the target, there is a 15% chance of corroding the opponent's weapon!Water breaking: Water damage increased by 15%, water attack speed +100 points! 】

Hongtao and Ariel: Gather huge waves to attack a single target, causing 20% ​​of the opponent's HP as damage, consumption: 30 points of soul power!
Fixed water beads (level 666 rare quality auxiliary Horcrux): soul ring: 6666 years, age: 50 years, flying speed +39, strength qualification: 44%, agility qualification: 34%, intelligence qualification: 8%, (water damage Increase by 10%, defense in water by 20%, water control speed by 15%, poison resistance by 5%, and 40% chance of absorbing poison when poisoned. Equipment level requirement: 40, strength requirement: [-]. This is a rare jade in the sea , was swallowed and conceived by a thousand-year-old water snake, and has the magical effect of avoiding poison and driving water.

Auxiliary [Conception: Conceived with mana, can continuously improve the effect of cold jade, the maximum increase: seven levels]

The Qiantang Jiao's morality is indeed not low, it is actually a thousand-year-old water snake, and the thousand-year-old monster is naturally full of treasures, from snake scales to snake tendons are all high-quality materials, only the thousand-year-old water snake essence makes Tang Tang laugh bitterly, As a level 65 leader monster, it is really speechless that such rubbish can be released.

However, Tang Tang also knew that it was because the Qiantang Jiao shattered the magic core. Originally, the essence should be the magic core. No chance of killing it.

As for the Chi Lian Jiao Snake Staff, Tang Tang felt like crying when he saw it. Using the Fire Rain and Non-Smoke Sword in the river and sea would cause damage to the flying sword itself. Therefore, as long as it entered the water, the Fire Rain and Non-Smoke Sword would be destroyed. If it is abolished, Tang Tang can only rely on Thunder Dragon to support himself, but Tang Tang is good at flying with two horcruxes, and if he encounters a strong enemy, he will also play with flying with three horcruxes. One horcrux is definitely not enough of.

Unexpectedly, what is really lacking, the Chilian Flood Snake Staff can only be regarded as a sixth-level Horcrux, and its attributes can only be regarded as average, and it only comes with a soul skill, that is, Hong Tao and Ariel. Losing 20% ​​of the opponent's health, but it needs to consume 30 points of soul power, it may not be very useful, but if you fight in the water, the power of the Chilian Serpent Staff will greatly increase, I am afraid it is not weaker than the Thunder Dragon Yuan , is really the Horcrux that Tang Tang needs most right now.

And with the big surprise of the Chilian Jiaosnake Staff, the light of Dingshuizhu, a fifth-level auxiliary Horcrux, is much dimmed. High-level auxiliary Horcruxes are very rare, and if they are sold, they must be expensive, but their limitations are too large, they are only effective in water, and they cannot be worn for a long time.

However, since he is going overseas, Dingshuizhu is also a surprise for Tang Tang. It can greatly improve his combat power in the water. It's no big deal if the water is still available someday.

Putting the things away, Tang Tang was about to leave the cave, but suddenly he had a thought, the thousand-year-old water snake is not weak, and after so many years of cultivation in the Qiantang River, I don't know if there are any good things in the snake cave Thinking about that old man Hanbing who is a casual cultivator, he has so much stock in stock, maybe that Qiantangjiao has been in the river for thousands of years, and he is hiding some treasures, since he is here, he will naturally go to see it.

Thinking so, Tang Tang immediately turned around and walked into the depths of the cave. However, Tang Tang didn't take the wrong idea this time. There were indeed some things in the cave, but they were all dead bodies. Obviously, they were the food of the Qiantang Jiao. There are also some tattered clothes, fishing nets, fishing tackle and other things, probably brought back by Qiantang Jiao who capsized the merchant ship and hung them on his body.

Naturally, these useless things did not fall into Tang Tang's eyes. He glanced at them casually and prepared to leave, but at this moment, Tang Tang suddenly saw a very dim bead in the pile of rags. It was seen by Tang Tang.

Tong Lingzhu:? ? ?

The whole body of the bead was dark green, as if it was covered with a layer of oil, and there was no attribute, which made Tang Tang puzzled, but looking around, this bead was the only interesting one, even if it was useless, it was all kept as a souvenir , After stuffing it into the backpack, Tang Tang raised his breath to avoid the water and left the cave, swimming towards the river.

"Warriors, the warriors are there, everyone row over!"

As soon as Tang Tang came out of the water with his head, he saw many fishing boats parked around Jiangxin. When he saw Tang Tang sticking his head out, they all rowed over. The leading boat was the old man who sent Tang Tang to Jiangxin. When he rowed in front of Tang Tang, the old man immediately knelt down on the bow of the boat, crying.

"Don't, don't do this, I'm not used to it." Tang Tang spat out a mouthful of river water, jumped onto the bow of the boat and said, "Old man, get up, what's going on, why are people from the village here?"

The old man had a grateful expression on his face, and he didn't want to get up, but Tang Tang stretched out his hand, and the old man couldn't compare to Tang Tang's strength, so he got up and told the story again. It turned out that the old man saw Tang Tang enter the river, although He didn't dare to drink there, but he didn't leave. He bravely stayed on the boat and waited. After a while, the carp spirit's body floated to the surface of the river. The old man was very happy when he saw it. He just waited for a while, but Tang Tang Tang floated up, this is the rush, only when Tang Tang was injured during the battle, he ran back to the village in a hurry to call for someone to rescue Tang Tang, after all, he wanted to see people in life, and he wanted to see the corpse in death.

Tang Tang was also a little moved. The simplicity of these fishermen is rare.

Back on the shore, those fishermen wanted to hold a banquet, but Tang Tang refused. He did have things to do, and after evading, he wanted to go to Guanyin Niangniang Temple, so he left, but before leaving, Tang Tang still Leave 50 gold coins.

In fact, sometimes knowing that everything is fake, everything is just like a game, but when you really get into it, you will still infect everything around you, but, what's wrong with this, sometimes, enjoying it quietly is also a kind of happiness.

Thinking wildly, Tang Tang returned to the Guanyin Empress Temple.

Still a little deserted, only a few people.Tang Tang asked for three more sticks of high incense, and after bowing respectfully three times, he inserted the high incense into the incense cauldron. At this moment, the statue of the Goddess of Mercy radiated a soft light, and a part of it was separated from it. The ball fell gently into Tang Tang's hands.

God of Water Thunder (Level 30 spell): Extracted from the boundless sea essence, once it is used, it will be endlessly alive. The damage is determined according to the heart of the source of law and attributes. There is a 600% chance to add 0.5 points of damage. Release time: instant, cool down Time: [-] seconds, maximum improvement: level [-], if you can gather the God of Water, the God of Metal, the God of Wood, the God of Fire, and the God of Earth, you can combine the God of Thunder!
Tang Tang's eyes immediately glowed with fiery light, and he sincerely kowtowed three times to the statue of Goddess Guanyin!
Killing the first level 43 boss will reward you with a book of level [-] spells. This is quite a generous reward, and more importantly, you can find five kinds of divine thunder to fuse together. This makes Tang Tang very happy. You know, Sun and Moon The Qiankun Wheel is a combination of three auxiliary Horcruxes.Therefore, Tang Tang has a special eye for the fusion combination, but Tang Tang seems to have forgotten one thing, where should she go to find the other four divine thunders?
After leaving the Avalokitesvara Temple, Tang Tang prepared to leave Qiantang.

Those old fishermen only knew some ordinary shipbuilding workshops, and they didn't know any ships that could reach the sea, so Tang Tang had to give up. It seemed that he could only find some auxiliary Horcruxes of the ship type, but Tang Tang ran to the auction house Look, she was almost scared and passed out on the spot.

Tang Tang has spent less money recently, but she has made some money. It's just that she didn't expect that the price of goods has dropped to such an extent.

A four-level Horcrux is not expensive, but around 200 to 500 gold coins.

But the fourth-level Horcruxes are common goods, almost everyone has one, but what about the fifth-level Horcruxes?A total of 1000 gold coins, and they are only of the fifth-level ordinary quality. The upper limit is almost not capped. There are four to five thousand gold coins. As for the sixth-level Horcruxes, Tang Tang only saw two, one with 99 gold coins The high price, leave a message for barter.There is another one with a asking price of 9000 gold coins, and it is only of the sixth level of ordinary quality.

As for Yushui's auxiliary Horcrux, the price is similar, slightly more expensive, between 500 gold coins and 2000 gold coins for level four, and in terms of attributes for level five, the cheapest one is more than 3000 gold coins, and level five is even more expensive. There are over [-] gold coins, and as for those above level six, there are none at all.

Tang Tang's face was black, as if it was stained with ink.

The little girl has two purposes for this trip. The first one is of course to find an auxiliary Horcrux for Yushui. If she can find a fourth-level one that suits her heart, she can barely make do, so it can't be said that she can't afford it.

However, the second purpose of Tang Tang's trip was to pick a suitable Horcrux!

Since the Youlongxifeng Sword and the Beast Horn Point Golden Staff were scrapped, Tang Tang only had a third-level Nether Ring, a fifth-level Moqiu Sword, and a sixth-level Fire Rain and Non-Smoke Sword in his hands. The sixth-level Thunderbolt Longyuan and the newly obtained sixth-level Chilian Serpent Staff, the Nether Ring and the Moqiu Sword are really outdated, with neither damage nor attack speed.

Although the Horcruxes of the mass players are still level [-], they are obviously not worthy of Tang Tang's strength, and Tang Tang can't stand the killing efficiency of low-level Horcruxes. However, the Huoyu Feiyan sword is completely unusable in water, and it is equivalent to a useless sword. Even if he newly obtained the Chilian Jiaosnake Staff, Tang Tang can only play with two Horcruxes flying together. If he encounters a strong enemy , Tang Tang wanted to play three horcruxes together, but he couldn't do it. Moreover, if he couldn't play three horcruxes together, that's all. Tang Tang could play it, but he didn't have a horcrux at hand. Wouldn't that be too disappointing? ?

(End of this chapter)

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