The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 245 Tianmeng Ice Silkworm Zhanggui vs. Golden Eagle

Chapter 245 The Skydream Iceworm Returns to Battle the Golden Eagle
That day Meng Bingcan was worthy of being a 10-year soul beast, and actually understood Tang Tang's words, flapping three pairs of small wings, and flew towards Baxia.

However, such a move completely angered the red-eyed golden eagle. How could his prey be let go so easily?
An eagle howl soared into the sky!The red-eyed golden eagle suddenly soared into the sky, then swooped down, and was about to chase after the Tianmeng ice silkworm, but at this moment...

Thunderbolt Longyuan suddenly came out, and Tang Tang's imperial weapon hit him, and he bumped into the claws of the red-eyed golden eagle, stopping him.

The eagle roared again, and the red-eyed golden eagle was obviously very dissatisfied with Tang Tang who had let his prey go. With a flap of its wings, both claws attacked Tang Tang. Tang Tang hurriedly raised his sword to block the red-eyed golden eagle. double claws.

hum, hum...

The electric current entangled in the thunder and lightning ryongyon suddenly shook and swung to both sides, and the blade of the sword trembled suddenly and gave out bursts of humming.

Tang Tang couldn't help showing a surprised expression, what a strong metallic power!
The so-called power of gold is the origin of metalness. Almost all the best mineral veins in the world contain strong power of gold, while some monsters with metal nature are naturally full of power of gold. Although the power of gold cannot It is directly used for attacking, but it has unexpected effects. Take the golden eagle in front of you as an example. Because the whole body is full of gold power, the claws of the red-eyed golden eagle will become stronger, and the feathers will become extremely sharp. No problem.

Moreover, this is not the most powerful part of the power of gold. The power of gold has a greater characteristic, that is, all gold and iron objects will be affected by the power of gold. Tang Tang's Lightning Ryuyon is the best! example!

Raiden Ryuyeon is a Horcrux with the thunder attribute, unfortunately, it happens to be restrained by the metal nature.Therefore, Thunder Ryuyen has no effect on the Golden Eagle, not only does it cause very low damage, but even the auxiliary effect of Thunder Ryuyen is shattered by the Red-Eyed Golden Eagle's random flap of its wings after it is triggered. And Thunder Dragon Yuan was smelted by Tang Taiwu who collected Venus meteorite when he was young. You must know that Venus meteorite is one of the few metals that contains strong gold power. Tang Taiwu also used this feature of Venus meteorite to refine Thunder Dragon. When he was in Yuanyuan, he used several magic cores of thunder-attribute monsters and an extremely rare thunder soul to refine them into the Horcrux.

On the one hand, it suppressed the tyrannical Thunder Soul due to the restraint of its attributes, and on the other hand, through the release of the power of gold, it induced the electric current from the sword body. , the power is greatly reduced, and it is still a little out of control, which is a tragedy for any soul master.

However, Tang Tang held the corner of his mouth and smiled happily, very happy!
The level of the red-eyed golden eagle is level 55. Because it is not at level 60, it is still possible for Tang Tang to fight. However, the leader monster is never prepared for someone. Under normal circumstances, it takes a long time to challenge a leader monster. Dozens or even hundreds of people are needed to lead a well-coordinated team.

Even when leapfrogging the challenge, it is necessary to use crowd tactics of more than a thousand people.Therefore, it is not easy to single out the leader monster. Facing the red-eyed golden eagle who is only 5 levels higher than himself, which is regarded as the leader monster of the same level as himself, Tang Tang only has a 50% winning rate.

However, this time Tang Tang was full of confidence!
I am not a pure tool soul master. Losing a horcrux means nothing. More importantly, even though Raiden Ryuyon is easy to use, it is only because Tang Tang often drifts in the sea recently. Raiden Ryuyon, that is not Tang Tang's only Horcrux!
"Fire rain is not smoke sword!"

The red flames were blazing, and suddenly burst out from Tang Tang's palm, tyrannical, crazy, and full of aggression. Like a fire snake, it climbed onto Tang Tang's left arm, exuding that fiery aura unscrupulously. The waves were overwhelming, and the red-eyed golden eagle flapping its wings in front of Tang Tang couldn't help but retreat a little.

Flame, what the red-eyed golden eagle fears the most, is also the natural enemy of the power of gold!
The red-eyed golden eagle almost instinctively felt a trace of fear, which was a natural restraint.However, no matter what, the red-eyed golden eagle is also a mutated golden eagle, and Tang Tang has never seen a golden eagle with such strong golden power.Therefore, after a moment of silence, the red-eyed golden eagle roared up to the sky again, and then charged towards Tang Tang.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Tang Tang was obviously also satisfied with the red-eyed golden eagle's counterattack, and at the same time cautiously swiped the Huoyufeiyan sword towards his chest, although the flame had a strong restraint effect on the power of gold.However, after hundreds of years of practice, the red-eyed golden eagle's wings have long been refined by the power of gold, which is like the sharpest blade in the world. Tang cut it in half, but...

Tang Tang is not a scarecrow who can be bullied!
When the golden wings sliced ​​through the air, swept across the sky, and fell towards Tang Tang, Tang Tang also advanced without hesitation, and went up to the red-eyed golden eagle. The wings of the clawed golden eagle!
When the golden wings pierced the air, swept across the sky, and fell towards Duanmuyu, Duanmuyu also did not hesitate to retreat, and went up to the golden eagle with sharp claws, waving flames and flying brightly , bumped into the wings of the red-eyed golden eagle!
The sound of crisp metal chirping!
Tang Tang raised the Huo Yu Fei Yan sword to block the red-eyed golden eagle's wings, feeling the pressure from the wings, and then pressed the other hand on the sword body, pushing the red-eyed golden eagle's wings back go, next...

"Fire and thunder detonate!"

The two sides competed with each other, that is, at the moment of pushing each other, Tang Tang grasped the gap that had disappeared, and suddenly released some strength. Hidden with his left hand, he quietly condensed a blazing fire thunder in his palm, Although the red-eyed golden eagle is a mutated monster, monsters are not that smart after all. In other words, monsters always follow their own instincts in fighting methods, adding a touch of dangerous wildness and domineering tyranny. They all look very vicious, but they will also pay a price for it.

Just like the red-eyed golden eagle in front of you.

The moment Tang Tang unloaded his power, the red-eyed golden eagle also attacked with all his strength, and at the same time pushed Tang Tang back, but also spread his wings, completely revealing his body in front of Tang Tang's eyes.Then, Tang Tang nimbly grasped the gap, and suddenly stretched out his hidden left hand, pressing firmly on the red-eyed golden eagle's chest, naturally including the Huo Lei Bang that contained the blazing flames of heaven!

Fire Thunder Detonation -2788!

There was a huge explosion sound suddenly, and the explosion of fire and thunder actually blurred the flesh and blood on the red-eyed golden eagle's chest, and Tang Tang himself was pushed back by the surging air wave.

Blood, dripping down.

The red-eyed golden eagle paid a terrible price. The golden power can make the red-eyed golden eagle's body stronger, but it is vulnerable in front of Huo Lei. The flame can easily break the golden power, but, The gore also stimulated the red-eyed golden eagle, flapping its wings and bobbing violently up and down.

Tang Tang seems to be very experienced. She knows that even if she can suppress the power of gold, she may not be able to defeat the red-eyed golden eagle. What she needs to do now is to tease and seduce the red-eyed golden eagle to become irritable , frequently revealing gaps and flaws, and at the same time she had to be cautious. She didn't believe that a mutated golden eagle that had lived for hundreds of years would never do anything other than brutal and unreasonable collisions.

Sure enough, after hovering in the sky for a while, under Tang Tang's constant teasing, the red-eyed golden eagle finally took the lead in attacking again. With a flap of its wings, two violent wind blades rushed towards Tang Tang's face.

Quite simple and straightforward, Tang Tang wasn't very afraid of such an attack. Commanding the Huo Yu Fei Yan Sword, he prepared to forcefully take down the two wind blades.But when the wind blades reached him, Tang Tang couldn't help regretting that the two damn wind blades were covered with dense iron sand, and those tiny iron sands that could leak out from between his fingers could not be defended at all. When Tang Tang blocked the wind blade, all the iron sand was thrown on Tang Tang's body by the force of the wind.

Puff puff……

Damage—5, Damage—3, Damage—8…

The damage of those iron sands is not high, but it is better than the large number. The damage from Tang Tang's body is densely packed like drizzle. What's worse is that Tang Tang has not had time to make any damage after bearing the iron sand. When I reacted, I felt a sudden pain in my back!

The red-eyed golden eagle actually took advantage of Tang Tang's chance of being blinded by the flying iron sand to go around behind her, and took advantage of the opportunity to hit Tang Tang fiercely. Its huge body hit Tang Tang's back, knocking Tang Tang Tang slammed down hard.

Tang Tang fell towards the sea, and then, the eagle roared into the sky, and the red-eyed golden eagle obviously didn't intend to let Tang Tang go. It circled and turned upside down in the air, and after gathering its wings, it swooped down in a straight line. The moment it was about to approach Tang Tang, A pair of golden wings that were as sharp as knives opened suddenly.

Tang Tang's expression froze. He wanted to cut himself in two with one blow. Obviously, the red-eyed golden eagle hated him very much, but would Tang Tang let the red-eyed golden eagle succeed so easily?

The sword sounded again, and Tang Tang blocked the red-eyed golden eagle's wings with the Huo Yu Fei Yan sword at the last moment.Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his hand and shot a fireball at the red-eyed golden eagle, but the red-eyed golden eagle easily dodged it with a flick of its head. Tang Tang immediately swung his sword and slashed again, while the red-eyed golden eagle spread its wings , The sound of metal and iron clanging sounded again.

This time, Tang Tang gritted his teeth and used the blade of his sword against the golden wing. Naturally, the red-eyed golden eagle was not to be outdone, and both sides fell towards the sea together, playing hand-to-hand combat in mid-air.Until Tang Tang slightly felt that he could not hold on to the strength of the red-eyed golden eagle, he summoned Thunder Ryuyon with his left hand, held it in his hand, and then used 10 points of soul power to slash forward into the void!
"Lightning Spear!"

An azure electric arc transformed into a long spear gushing out from Leiden Ryuyon's sword. At such a close distance, the red-eyed golden eagle was naturally inevitable, and was sent flying out after being hit in the lower abdomen by the blow.However, after flying upside down for two or three meters, the red-eyed golden eagle spread its wings casually, and the electric arc on its body was shattered by the power of gold. It's just repulsed.

(End of this chapter)

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