Chapter 251

As soon as Bai Yulong finished speaking, Tang Tang heard the reminder, and exchanged glances with Jin Lingdong, Jin Lingdong also nodded, obviously she also got the reminder, this is undoubtedly a mission.Reminiscent of Bai Yulong's offer of twenty drops of birthday incense, so generous, the reward for this task should obviously not be bad.

However, looking at the sea of ​​blood that stretched for hundreds of miles, Tang Tang still had some lingering fears. This power might not be easily resisted. If he was not sure, if he didn't get the benefits, he would have to confess his life in the sea of ​​blood.

After pondering for a while, the temptation finally defeated reason, Tang Tang gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Bai wants me to resist the sea of ​​blood, how long do I need to resist?"

Bai Yulong said: "As long as Tang Xiaomei persists until the beginning of the day!"

Tang Tang looked at the sky, and it was almost dusk. If he could resist until sunrise, that is, one night, the time would not be too short, but he couldn't say how long it would be. It seemed like he could give it a try.

"Okay." Tang Tang thought for a while, then agreed, "I can only try my best."

Bai Yulong immediately rejoiced when he heard the words: "Thank you Tang Xiaomei for your kindness. I have a small item here, which can help Tang Xiaomei."

As Bai Yulong said that, he took out something from the baby, flexed his fingers and talked lightly, a rich green light flashed, and it fell on the ground and slowly swelled and enlarged, revealing its real body, it was actually a piece of wood.

Iron pear wood (material): Thousand-year-old iron pear flower heart, matured in the early 800s, hard to break, full of vitality!
Bai Yulong scratched his head and said: "Although this iron pear tree was only matured in the early 800s, it already contains a strong vitality, which has a strong restraint effect on those ghosts and souls, and can help Tang Xiaomei get twice the result with half the effort in the blood sea. But I have to trouble Tang Xiaomei to sacrifice and refine it first."

"Me?" Tang Tang pointed at himself and said in astonishment, "But... I don't know how to refine weapons!"

"If you don't know, you can learn it." Bai Yulong smiled and said, "There are six kinds of alchemy tools in the world: open fire and dark fire, among which there are six kinds of flames that are the best for refining tools. Does Tang Xiaomei know which six kinds of flames are they?"

Tang Tang shook his head quite bluntly, regardless of his past and present lives, he had little knowledge of refining Horcrux equipment, making medicinal pills, and depicting soul charms, and almost knew nothing.

Jin Lingdong rushed to say: "I know, the first one is Samadhi True Fire, and it is also the most powerful flame. It can be used for refining potions or soul tools. It is called the omnipotent fire. The second is the Netherworld Fire, the third type is the phoenix flame reborn from the ashes, the fourth type is the flame of deep sea ice, the fifth type is soul fire soul, and the sixth type is the blazing flame of sky fire!"

Bai Yulong laughed and said, "Don't Miss Tang know how to blaze with heavenly fire? Moreover, this iron pear wood is extremely hard. Even among the six kinds of good fires for refining, only Samadhi real fire, Phoenix flame, and skyfire are strong enough to forge." Huatie Limu, this is also the reason why I have obtained this iron wood for many years, but I have been refining it for Zeng, but I can't do anything about it, as for the art of refining weapons, I have a good book of refining methods here, which I can give to Tang Xiaomei."

Random splitting wind hammer method: It records the ancient powerful method of refining weapons. It is unique and few people in the world can understand it!

Tang Xiaomei handed the booklet to Tang Tang, and sighed: "It's hard to come by this weapon refining method, but unfortunately no one can understand the ancient things. So it's hard to understand the essence, but Tang Xiaomei just sacrificed the iron pear wood a little bit, and understands the basics The Dharma Gate is fine, but this booklet is fine too."

In fact, Bai Yulong is overthinking. Players are different from NPCs after all. NPCs' refining techniques are really hands-on. It requires a series of cumbersome steps such as tire making, congealing, forging, etc. It takes a lot of time. very long time.

But players are much simpler, or in other words, how can players spend dozens of days or even years refining things in idleness?Soul Domain will not come up with such a wasteful setting, everyone is here to pursue perfection, it is impossible to waste time like this.

Therefore, the player's refining is actually very simple. They have recipes or blueprints, enough materials, and then choose to refine. According to the time when the materials are placed, the order, quantity, grade, and of course the quality of the refining method, There will be a success rate, and the refining process actually only takes a few minutes.

And the chaotic wind hammer method is really good. The success rate of item refining from level one to level three can be increased by 75%, the success rate of level four to five can be increased by 60%, and the success rate of level six can be increased by 35%. Level 25 increases the success rate by 10%, level 3 increases the success rate by [-]%, and level [-] increases the success rate by [-]%.

In addition, refining Horcruxes increases the success rate by 70% from level one to level three, increases by 50% from level four to level five, increases by 30% on level six, increases by 15% on level seven, and increases the success rate on level eight. The first level increases the success rate by 5%, and the ninth level increases the success rate by 1%.

The refining of special items will increase the success rate according to the different materials, but it is not clear for the time being, but judging from the increase in the success rate of the refining tool and the refining tool, it should be pretty good. Tang just learned the increased success rate, according to the improvement of proficiency, as well as the time, quantity, sequence, etc. of groping and refining, the success rate can also be improved.

Generally speaking, even if the random chopping wind hammer method cannot be said to be the best among the weapon refining methods, it can still be regarded as the word "top grade".

Tang Tang rubbed his hands, knowing that he had found the treasure, and before the mission started, Bai Yulong gave himself a big gift, and at the same time looked at the piece of iron pear tree, Tang Tang also became a little excited.

I really don't have much interest in alchemy and tool refining, because it is very troublesome. Whether it is alchemy or tool refining, even if the method of learning is top-grade, it cannot be avoided that proficiency is the root of improving the success rate.

Therefore, it takes time to improve proficiency aside. After all, refining does not take much time, but collecting materials takes a lot of time, especially some rare materials are hard to find. Of course, if you have money If so, you can also pay a lot of money to buy materials to improve your proficiency.

It's a pity that Tang Tang neither intends to waste time on collecting medicinal herbs, searching for pulses and mining, nor does he intend to spend a lot of money to build himself into a master of alchemy or equipment refining. He prefers to spend this time on his own strength. In terms of improvement, such as leveling and hitting treasures, or killing people is also good.

However, now that he has learned the art of refining, Tang Tang can't wait to try it.

Moreover, because of its unique characteristics, iron pear wood cannot be used as a material for refining equipment and alchemy. It can only be directly refined to become a magic weapon or a weapon. The rain urges the Sun God Flame, and it is enough to make a show. In Duanmuyu's view, this seems to be very simple, but after choosing refining, the success rate shows 66%, which is not very low, and it is quite auspicious. .

However, Bai Yulong still persuaded: "Actually, I think it would be better to find other things to practice."

"Don't worry." Tang Tang said: "Aren't you also anxious to resist the sea of ​​blood? So you should hurry up. It's just hammering wood into shape, what's the difference from kneading mud, I'm sure it will be fine."

Full of confidence, Tang Tang condensed a cloud of heavenly fire into a flaming hammer and struck towards Tie Limu.

The iron pear wood is indeed strong, and with the temperature of the blazing fire, it is not afraid at all. It takes a long time to burn a stick of incense before it turns red. It's a good time, too early to condense the body and it takes a lot of effort, and after a long time of tempering, the iron pear wood will be burned to ashes by the flames of the sky.

Although Tang Tang was full of confidence, when it came to the critical moment, he was also very nervous. Sweat was dripping on his forehead, and he carefully hit the flame hammer on the iron pear wood. The appearance of pear wood, melting, condensing, melting again, condensing again...

"Little sister Tang..." Bai Yulong urged, "It's been half an hour, you have to hurry up, otherwise Tie Limu will really turn into ashes."

Tang Tang didn't speak up, she really didn't have the energy to speak, she also felt that the scorching heat had penetrated into the inner layer of the iron pear tree, and gray stains had appeared on the surface, which was a sign that it was about to be burned. After all, the 800-year-old iron pear tree is only a fledgling , more careful and fast carving is needed.

However, after refining, Tang Tang realized that her thinking was too simple. It was just a condensed form, and she needed to exert great energy to control it. On pear wood.

"A little bit, just a little bit."

Tang Tang murmured to himself, just when the iron pear tree was scorched black, he extinguished the flames of the sky, fell to the ground with a plop, and fell on his back with a sound, lying on the ground panting loudly , glanced at his mana, and it happened to be exhausted at this time, as long as it was a second late, the iron pear tree might be annihilated in ashes.

However, it's finally done.

Tang Tang let out a long sigh of relief, then sat up with the ground propped up, and then, that smile froze suddenly.

"Damn it." Tang Tang suddenly said madly, "What the hell is this!"

Jin Lingdong tilted her head and said, "Isn't it a raft? I think it's pretty good."

"Raft?" Tang Tang pointed to the front and back of the "raft" with a dark face, "The position should be the dragon's head, the back should be the dragon's tail, and the middle should be hollowed out, and I want to make it Golden!"

Bai Yulong was surprised and said, "You don't intend to make a dragon boat?"

Tang Tang said pitifully, "Isn't it like that?"

Bai Yulong could only laugh along with him: "Actually, for someone who is a first-time crafter, he has already done a very good job."

Jin Lingdong rubbed Tang Tang's hair and said comfortingly, "Don't worry, in terms of abstract art, what you did is the best!"

Tang Tang suddenly felt the urge to cry!

The setting sun is gradually setting, and the dusk is full of water and sky!
Tang Tang rowed the raft that she firmly believed to be a "dragon boat" to the sea of ​​blood, with a gloomy expression on her face, and Jin Lingdong sat behind the raft, wanting to laugh but didn't dare to laugh out loud, for fear of hitting her victoriously A strong little girl.

At the same time, the sea of ​​blood was getting closer and closer to them.

(End of this chapter)

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