The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 274 1 against 3 White Shark Spike vs Snowflake Sword

Chapter 274 One Enemy Against Three White Shark Spikes vs Snowflake Sword

Also at this time...

A sneer appeared on the corner of Tang Tang's mouth, escape technique is not impossible to break!


Stretching out his right hand forward, and pinching it fiercely, the flame that rolled forward suddenly made a loud bang, and immediately after that, Tang Tang used the hellfire to shatter the continuous flames into countless fist-sized pieces. The flames swayed towards the surroundings, like a rain of fire all over the sky.

The woman suddenly felt bad and wanted to escape, but she was a step too late. The shattered flames almost enveloped the area around her. Xue Dun slammed hard on his back.

As soon as her throat was blocked, the woman spurted out blood, staining the snowflakes in front of her, half kneeling on the ground, gasping for breath, panting heavily.

Seeing that the blow was successful, Tang Tang didn't stop, and immediately used the breath of the phoenix chick to meet the woman again. The Fire, Rain and Non-Smoke Sword in his hand was emitting red light, and he was about to slash at the woman, but At this moment, a scolding voice suddenly sounded from Tang Tang's side!
"Sister Xueyue, I'm here to help you!"

A little boy who looked to be only sixteen or seventeen suddenly came towards Tang Tang from the side. He held two ice swords and waved his hands lightly. The two swords turned into streamers and hit Tang Tang's vest.

On the other side, there was also a sudden loud noise, and a pillar of snow shot up into the sky. When the snowflakes dispersed, a sturdy figure appeared in the snow pillar. The muscles all over his body were swollen, and the snowflakes were flying around, but his upper body was naked and his feet were full. With a height of two meters, like a board of an iron tower, with two white axes in his hands, he walked quickly towards Duanmuyu. Every time he took a step, the snow under his feet would boom, and a large part would be sunken, showing his strength amazing.

"Fourth brother!" The little boy dancing with the ice sword suddenly called out again: "Hurry up and help, he hurt sister Xueyue!"

The tower-like man had no expression on his face. He glanced at the woman who was injured by Tang Tang, and without any nonsense, he rushed to Tang Tang directly and struck with his axe, without any fancy tricks.However, as the ax fell, all the dancing snowflakes swayed towards the sides, as if the air had been split by the axe, which showed how powerful the ax was.

Tang Tang sighed, and after playing a few rounds, she also found that the woman who had sneaked up on her just now, and the little boy on the left, and the man on the iron tower on the right seemed unusual, and they were not wearing the white silk like ordinary Silver Moon Island disciples. It seems to be determined by one's own preferences, the weapons are not uniform, and the three of them are all different, and their strength is even stronger than the average Yinyue Island disciples. It might even be the core disciple of the Yinyue island master, who is not sure, so it is naturally difficult to deal with.

At this moment, the giant ax and the ice sword also killed Tang Tang, and Tang Tang also believed in his heart that these three people were not ordinary disciples, so of course he would not take it lightly, watching the two ice swords strangle him Without further ado, with a wave of his hand, the Huoyufeiyan sword turned into a fire meteor and went towards the two swords. With a sweep of the fire tail in the air, the two ice swords were stopped!

As for the giant axe, it is not something that can be stopped by ordinary flying swords. What's more, the iron tower man looks like he has great strength. When he comes down with that axe, there is at least a thousand catty's strength. How could Tang Tang be willing to bear some damage to the sword body, since that's the case...

"Then compare who is more domineering!"

Tang Tang also yelled coquettishly, but he gave up the flying sword, and went straight towards the giant ax with his bare hands, but when he was about to hit the axe, suddenly there were two "pops" in his palm, and a ball of water gushed out. The incandescent skyfire blazed, condensed into fire and thunder, detonated, and hit the ax face!
When the fire and thunder touched the surface of the axe, it exploded suddenly, and a huge fire ball exploded between Tang Tang and the man on the iron tower. Pushing away from both sides, retreating five steps each, inserting the weapon into the snow, this is how to stabilize the figure!
Tang Tang and the man in the iron tower were defeated and feared injury!
The iron tower man's thunder ax didn't hit Tang Tang, so naturally it didn't count as damage, and the price Tang Tang paid was that he was also affected by the fire and thunder, and was blown to pieces.However, Huo Lei is very powerful to many people, but in terms of Tang Tang's fire resistance, being blown up by Huo Lei can only be regarded as a minor injury, but the iron tower man suffered a lot.

However, just as Tang Tang repelled the iron tower-like man, the woman called Sister Xueyue suddenly shouted at the little boy: "Don't worry about her fire sword, his sword is not as fast as yours, bypass the fire sword, attack Its deity!"

The little boy's ice sword was entangled by the Huoyufeiyan sword, and he was also very distressed. As long as her ice sword intersects with the Huoyufeiyan sword, the blade will be damaged immediately, which makes the boy very depressed. Right now Hearing this, it suddenly dawned on me, right, why am I entangled with her flying sword, I can attack the deity, my ice sword is extremely fast in the snow, the speed of ordinary flying sword can't catch up with my own flying sword.

The little boy figured this out, and immediately commanded the two ice swords to go around in a circle, passing the Huo Yu Fei Yan sword, but unfortunately, Tang Tang hooked his lips, and he had more than one flying sword, so he just used it with one move. Wrapping the thunder with one arm, Tang Tang flicked it hard, and the current scattered, revealing the sword of Lei Dian Longyuan, and threw the two flying swords forward.

But at this moment, the man in the iron tower shook his head and came back to his senses. He picked up the ax and continued to rush at Tang Tang. Continue to use the opportunity of Huo Lei, and at the same time, the woman from Xue Dun took a short rest, and at this moment she also regained her breath, stretched out her hand, condensed the snowflakes in the air into a snow sword, and rushed towards Tang Tang with a gust of wind.

With one enemy and three, Tang Tang is also a brave man with high skills, and he is not afraid at all. These three are much stronger than ordinary Yinyue Island disciples, but weaker than Tang Tang.However, there are too many people and they complement each other. It is not so easy to succeed if you want to kill three people at the same time. I am afraid that there will be no more than a hundred rounds when you are fighting against three people. You can strangle yourself to death.

"You guys forced me!" Tang Tang sighed, "Don't blame me for being cruel!"

Those three people ignored Tang Tang, they just regarded it as a bluff, and continued to fly towards Tang Tang, trapping Tang Tang to death with a triangular formation.

However, the little boy's ice sword is not slow, and Bingdun can use the snow to escape, so the speed of escaping in the snow is naturally not to be underestimated, but the man with the iron tower is obviously taking the path of strength, so the speed is slow It wasn't just a little bit, Tang Tang smiled lightly, and leaned towards the man in the iron tower, but didn't wait for the man in the iron tower to make a move. As soon as his figure moved, he walked around lightly, and didn't run away, but shot at the surrounding disciples of Yinyue Island. go!
"Death pulse!"

Tang Tang's figure disappeared in a flash, disappeared without a trace, and when he reappeared, he had already entered the crowd, and the thunder and lightning Longyuan in his hand let out bursts of sword sounds, A lightning arc was brought out, and it suddenly opened in the crowd. Six people with one sword rushed past with Tang Tang. The throats of the six Yinyue Island disciples were pierced, and the flesh on both sides of the wound was still faintly scorched. One piece fell down at the same time with a tacit understanding.

It's just that Tang Tang succeeded in one blow, but he didn't have any intention of keeping his hands. With a light wave of both hands, the Huo Yu Fei Yan Sword and Thunder Lightning Long Yuan turned into fire meteors and lightning arcs, spinning and flying around Tang Tang's side, protecting Surrounding Tang Tang's body, at the same time Tang Tang reached out to touch the backpack at his waist, and a silver-gray light suddenly scattered.

With a touch of bright red, revealing the smell of blood.

White Shark Spike!

When this sword comes out, it will be stained with blood!

Tang Tang let out a low cry, and quickly swiped the white shark's fangs, immediately chopping down a Yinyue Island disciple beside him.Tang Tang immediately danced the white shark wolf teeth three times in and three out, and cut down a dozen Yinyue Island disciples in the blink of an eye...

"Despicable little girl, come at us if you have the ability!"

Seeing Tang Tang's unscrupulous slaughter, the three inner disciples immediately became furious, roared in unison, grabbed the horcruxes and rushed into the crowd.

Tang Tang ignored them, and continued to pick on those ordinary Yinyue Island disciples. The three of them were furious, and the Xuedun woman gritted her teeth. Gritting his teeth suddenly curled up beside him, he used Xuedun to move, and quickly appeared beside Tang Tang!

This time, Tang Tang didn't make use of the blazing sky fire and hell fire!

The woman was overjoyed at once, the snowflakes all over the sky were really an excellent support for Xue Dun, seeing that Tang Tang didn't use fire spells, she just assumed that Tang Tang couldn't do it, or those two spells had some requirements, so she used them easily no.In this way, his Xuedun became a pretty good opportunity for a sneak attack, so he naturally wouldn't hesitate, and suddenly condensed the snow into a sword, and slashed towards Tang Tang's back, but at this moment...

Tang Tang turned around suddenly, and pulled the corners of her mouth strangely, causing the woman to thump for no reason. Then, she saw Tang Tang suddenly turned around and raised her sword. Stained with countless blood, there was already a hint of dark red in the body of the shark bone sword, and the silver-gray sword light of the sword body naturally turned dark red, with a faint smell of blood!
The woman suddenly felt a wave of fear in her heart, and she wanted to withdraw her sword and walk away, but right now, she is not in charge.

The white shark's fangs held high by Tang Tang suddenly slashed down, but the snow sword in the woman's hand didn't even have the slightest resistance. There was a muffled sound, and it was immediately smashed to pieces. With a flick of the woman's waist, the woman flew upside down, flew upside down on the snow, and rolled tens of meters away, before hitting a small tree in the yard, and managed to stabilize herself. He was holding the ground with his hands, and just when he raised his head, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and he fell limply on the ground, but was hit by Tang Tang into a near-death state!
"Sister Xueyue..."

The little boy seemed to have a deep relationship with the woman, he let out a miserable cry, and then urged two ice swords to slash towards Tang Tang with a look of anger, but he just rushed in front of Tang Tang...

Tang Tang swung the sword suddenly, the white shark's fangs made a beautiful half-moon arc, and the sharp edge brought out a burst of energy, and the two ice swords shattered into four pieces with two "clicks", leaving the The dull expression on the little boy's face!

(End of this chapter)

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