Chapter 277
There are a lot of fights and kills, and it is quite interesting to play this mode of clearing the level occasionally. However, Tang Tang is still more confident in his own skills and cannot fight. Obviously, the success rate of rescuing Jin Lingdong will be much lower. It's a pity that in the world of the soul domain, only the soul domain has the final say, what is said is what it is, you have to listen to it, and you have to listen to it if you don't listen.

After complaining secretly in his heart, Tang Tang still walked forward honestly holding the sheepskin map.

At the first corner, Tang Tang found a flashing blue dot. It was a dungeon guard, wearing black clothes of Yinyue Island disciples, walking back and forth at the corner. Tang Tang watched furtively for half a minute I found out that it was tricky, and the guards had 8 seconds to go forward and back, and I just took the 8 seconds when the guards turned their backs to myself and crossed the corner.

With Tang Tang's speed, 8 seconds is enough to run a long distance. Naturally, there is no difficulty. He avoided several dungeon guards in a row, which made Tang Tang feel a little complacent. The difficulty is too simple, and he can definitely do it. Easily dodged.

Until he walked to the middle of the dungeon, Tang Tang found that there was a three-way passage in front of him, and the correct road was the first passage.But how to pass the three-way road?There is a dungeon guard in each of the three forks. When the dungeon guard in the first passage leaves, the dungeon guard in the second passage will appear. When the dungeon guard in the second passage leaves, the dungeon guard in the third passage will appear. When the dungeon guard of the first passage leaves, the dungeon guard of the first passage will complete a turnaround and appear at the fork.

Tang Tang was a little sweaty. The three forked roads were completely a cycle, but Soul Realm would never give unsolvable questions. Tang Tang calculated the time carefully and found that the interval between the first passage and the second passage was extremely short, only 1.5 seconds , but the interval between the second channel and the third channel is 3.5 seconds, and the interval between the third channel and the first channel is 5 seconds.

In this way, Tang Tang's plan to rush into the first passage directly by riding the dungeon guards in the first passage was impossible.Because there is about 5 meters of open space in front of the three forked roads, it is impossible for me to pass through within 1.5 seconds, and I ran into the dungeon guard of the second passage halfway through.

Therefore, the correct approach is that when the dungeon guard in the second passage turns back, Tang Tang rushes into the second passage to avoid it, and then waits for the dungeon guard in the third passage to appear and turns back. The second passage guard who turned around in the passage and walked back.

At this time, the dungeon guard in the first passage will appear before the dungeon guard in the second passage and turn back. There will be an interval of 1.5 seconds between the two, which is a good opportunity for Tang Tang to rush into the first passage, because the second The distance from the three passages to the first passage is only 2 meters away, which is half the distance compared to directly rushing through the open space. It takes 1.5 seconds to rush through the 5-meter open space, but it is enough to rush into the first passage from the third passage. A fork in the road.

"It really depends on precise calculations!"

After Tang Tang came to a conclusion, he wiped his sweat deeply. The most annoying thing is to use his brain.

Although he complained, Tang Tang was still ready. His body was slightly bent, his legs were bowed, and he was fully on guard like a leopard. The moment the dungeon guard in the second passage turned his head, he quickly moved He rushed out from the corner and stepped into the open space in front of the three-way road!
3.5 seconds of time!

This is the interval between the appearance of the dungeon guards in the second passage and the third passage. It is not easy to rush through the open space without making too much noise in such a short period of time. Even halfway through the rush, Tang Tang saw a hazy figure appearing in the third passage. Seeing that he was about to fall short, Tang Tang gritted his teeth and made a tiger pounce. Using the momentum, he slid across the ground, bringing up a cloud of smoke and dust, making it possible to enter the second passage .

At this very moment, the dungeon guard of the third passage appeared, and the two of them passed by almost a wall, Tang Tang was really relieved, and stayed there for two seconds against the wall, waiting for the third passage to pass. The dungeon guard turned his head and slipped lightly into the third passage.

The next step is a little simpler. It is not difficult to cross from the third channel to the first channel in 1.5 seconds. The key is to pinpoint the time!

Tang Tang didn't need to bother to count the time, the moment when the dungeon guard in the first passage appeared and turned around was the perfect time, so Tang Tang just had to keep his eyes on the first passage!

5 seconds!
3 seconds!
1 seconds!
After the dungeon guard of the first passage appeared, Tang Tang tensed every nerve in his body. The moment the dungeon guard finished patrolling the open space at the fork and walked back to the passage...

Tang Tang rushed out suddenly, but at this moment, Tang Tang's heart suddenly thumped, and a bad premonition emerged. He turned his head to look at the second passage he was about to pass through, and suddenly realized it!
"Damn it, I forgot to include the field of vision!"

Swearing fiercely, the field of vision of the dungeon guards is five meters in a fan shape, that is to say, if they are within five meters, even if the opponent is in the passage, they can still see Tang Tang. Even if the dungeon mode fails, Tang Tang Guang calculated three When the guard walked out of the passage, he forgot the range of vision, and the interval between the first passage and the second passage was only 1.5 seconds. Obviously, the distance must be within five meters. As long as Tang Tang passed the second passage ...

To bad!
Tang Tang secretly thought that he had miscalculated, but he was also glad that he suddenly came to his senses at the last moment, stopped abruptly, and looked around, it was really inevitable, but Tang Tang had a flash of inspiration again, the fan-shaped field of vision, that is not What about the top of the head?

"Forget it, a dead horse is a living horse doctor!"

As soon as Tang Tang gritted his teeth, although he couldn't use the sword control technique or allow him to attack, the flying sword could still be equipped. After pulling out the white shark's fangs, Tang Tang stepped on the wall and jumped up fiercely. He inserted it into the ceiling, then twisted his waist, kicked his legs, grabbed the sword hilt and hung upside down from the ceiling, with his limbs spread out, lying there like a big turtle.

At this moment, the dungeon guard in the second passage stepped out and stepped under Tang Tang's body step by step, but he never found Tang Tang's trace. After walking back into the passage, Tang Tang heaved a sigh of relief. , let go of the shark tooth bone sword, and after falling back to the ground, immediately followed the dungeon guard into the passage!

At the end of the passage, there is a new corner. The dungeon guards will walk out of the corner to patrol for a few seconds, and behind them is a completely blind spot. Therefore, the few seconds of patrol time is naturally Tang Tang's best chance to escape. Find the gap, Tang Tang rushed out quickly and fled far away!
Having successfully escaped from Sanchakou, Tang Tang breathed a sigh of relief!

The difficulty of the three-way road is not generally high. Tang Tang guessed that it belongs to the difficulty of small checkpoints. After passing through the three-way intersection, there are some corners. After finding the trick, just time the dungeon guard to turn around , it is easy to pass, there are only a few T-junctions that are a bit difficult, and you need to face two dungeon guards at the same time, and the speed of the two dungeon guards is not the same, but with the lessons learned from the three-fork intersection, Tang Tang But it was safe and sound.

Pulling out the map and carefully checking the location, Tang Tang found that he had almost come to the end, leaving only a curved corner and a big corner connected to a ten-meter-long passage to reach the location of the bell.

This made Tang Tang feel like victory was in front of him, but as soon as he entered the corner, Tang Tang became stupid and couldn't help cursing: Damn it, you are playing with me!
There were two dungeon guards at the chained corners, but the two dungeon guards did not move. They just sat on the edge of the two corners, their eyes staring like copper bells. Staring straight ahead, how should this pass?

Tang Tang couldn't help but glanced at the ceiling. Swordsmanship cannot be used, so naturally he can't fly over. Do you want to be Spider-Man?

But when I think about it carefully, I feel unreliable. It is no problem for my white shark fangs to be inserted into the ceiling and hang upside down. He and his arms are strong enough to hang upside down, but Tang Tang's palms don't have hooks, so it's fine to hang upside down, but he can't crawl on the ceiling!

Tang Tang scratched his head. It was impossible to walk in the air, but it was also impossible to walk on the ground. He was seen as soon as he came out of the corner. However, Soul Domain can't give impossible tasks. Could it be that he took the wrong route?
Taking out the map and comparing it twice, Tang Tang confirmed that his walking route was correct. There was only one passage left after passing the chain of corners, but how to get there?can't be seen yet...

"Wait!" Tang Tang slapped his palm suddenly and murmured, "It seems that he only said that he should not be seen, but he didn't say that he should not disturb the other party?"

Tang Tang felt that he had grasped the trick, but he was not sure in his heart. If he guessed it, he would be able to pass the test smoothly. If he guessed wrong, it would mean failure!

Failure is absolutely unacceptable!

Although I was reborn once, I came to enjoy life, but the process is actually not happy, boring, tiring, and boring, but the ending can always make people experience great joy, like the moment of successful customs clearance, beheading the boss monster The last second, the moment of cheering while hugging the dropped equipment Horcrux, the joy brought by these moments is indescribable.
However, the dungeon mode also has a time limit, and if it is delayed, it will fail. This makes Tang Tang in a difficult situation, should he fight?
"Let's fight!" Tang Tang gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't fight, you don't know if you will succeed. Even if you fail, you know that you have worked hard after all!"

As soon as Tang Tang gritted his teeth, he took out a small bottle of life potion from his backpack and threw it towards the corner, and he threw it very cleverly. The chain of corners was in the shape of lightning. line, and he was able to pass that vial through two corners at a time.

This point is not difficult for Tang Tang. After all, a person who has practiced martial arts is still good at the strength and angle of shots. However, Tang Tang has no idea whether he will succeed or fail!
(End of this chapter)

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