The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 283 Monster Atlas

Chapter 283 Monster Atlas
The distance between Jiuliu Island and Yinyue Island is not too far. According to Yuhuatian's estimate, everyone will be able to see Jiuliu Island in five or six days. Tang Tang was lucky.

However, according to Yuhuatian, the old man is very rare for the two-eyed wine springs on his island, and he never leaves the island on weekdays. Only in winter, when the springs sometimes freeze and no wine can come out, will the real wine flow out of the island. Also looking for some new wines by the way.

Therefore, if you go to Jiuliu Island in this season, the real Jiuliu old alcoholic is probably on the island.

With the destination in mind, the rest of the matter was much simpler. After running for half a day with a small boat, Tang Tang summoned the Giant Turtle Ba Xia and walked slowly towards Jiuliu Island.

On the way, Tang Tang asked Jin Lingdong to help clean the prisoner rescued from the Yinyue Island dungeon, and then Tang Tang became a little envious. The prisoner was about thirteen or fourteen years old, but he was very handsome. A pretty little boy, as for how pretty he is, anyway, after Jin Lingdong wiped the prisoner's little face clean, he couldn't help but exclaimed, which made Tang Tang quite unhappy, and said to himself that I had pretty features too, and I was a little small Pretty, you weren't surprised when you saw me, even though it was a boy.

In addition, the prisoner boy is not very talkative, or he doesn’t talk at all. No matter what he asks, he either keeps silent, nods, or shakes his head. Tang Tang heard nothing else from him except the two help calls and the reminder of 'that's a ghost'.

This can't help but arouse Tang Tang's curiosity. It is said that he can be imprisoned by the Yu family, one of the three overseas demons. After all, it is impossible for him to be a cat or a dog. After all, he is a person.

However, the child didn't want to speak up, so Tang Tang had no choice but to ask the eldest lady Yuhuatian, but Yuhuatian was also asked with a blank face. Thinking about it, the other party was the seventh lady of the Yu family. , It is not surprising that the identity of that person is not known.

So, Tang Tang had no choice but to give up. Anyway, he was just rescued. If he couldn't ask, he couldn't ask. Anyway, he even abducted Yuhuatian. If someone from Yinyue Island caught him, he would definitely be shot to death. Now it's okay to save one more. That's the thing, the worst thing is to go back and find a small island to throw people away and get rid of the relationship.

After three days like this, Jin Lingdong and Yuhuatian chatted and laughed quite comfortably, but Tang Tang felt uncomfortable. The two of them were whispering, and Tang Tang couldn't get in the conversation, even if there was a sentence in it He also had to be squeezed out, and the prisoner was a little mute, talking to him was as boring as a one-man show, Tang Tang had no choice but to go and play with Tianmeng Iceworm to pass the time, it was really boring, so he could only fight monsters.

It was also on this day that Tang Tang saw that his Skyfire Flame finally had only the last bit of proficiency, and after a few hours of monsters, he could be promoted to the seventh level. Naturally, Tang Tang was busy preparing to go into the sea, but his chest was A burst of seven-color light suddenly appeared, startling Tang Tang. He stretched out his hand to touch it in his bosom, and found an ancient book flowing with seven-color brilliance!
Shenzhou leaderboard!
The Shenzhou ranking list is an explanation after the ancient demon king attacked the Tang gate. It is of little use, similar to the monster illustrated book, except that there will be rewards for killing the designated leader monsters, but the leader monsters in the soul domain will get a few words Wan, there are only a few hundred boss monsters designated by the Shenzhou ranking list, let alone whether they can be defeated, it is very difficult to find them.

Therefore, Tang Tang has never used this monster illustrated book. At the same time, this is the first time that the ancient book shines, and the leaderboard will emit seven colors of brilliance. There is only one possibility, that is, there is someone recorded in the monster illustrated book nearby Boss!
Tang Tang immediately became excited. There are monsters designated to be killed on the Shenzhou leaderboard, which means that there will be rewards for killing them. As for the rewards, it is not written in the monster illustration, but it is marked as a reward for treasures. It is not bad. And it happens to be a monster that escaped from the Demon Town Tower, so he can go back to the Tang Sect to receive the master's reputation value, which can be summed up in four words-stable profit without loss!
However, Tang Tang glanced at the sea, but it was calm, and there was no sign of any monsters.

"Could it be that the leader is in the sea?" Tang Tang thought for a while, and then greeted Jin Lingdong: "Sister Lingdong, I'll go to the bottom of the sea to see."

Jin Lingdong and Yuhuatian were discussing with Yuhuatian about the beauty and beauty things overseas, and when they were talking about excitement, no matter where Tang Tang wanted to go, he waved his hand and signaled that he knew.

Tang Tang's original intention was to let Jin Lingdong be more on guard, and go to the sea to help if there is any trouble. After all, it was the boss monster, and Tang Tang didn't dare to arrogantly think that he would be able to take down the monster. I have no choice but to give up, anyway, if there is any trouble, I will send the sound transmission for thousands of miles.

When a wave appeared, Tang Tang jumped into the sea!
The imperial envoy tortoise breathed to avoid the water, and Tang Tang swam towards the bottom of the sea. When it sank about seven or eight meters, Tang Tang looked around carefully.

Blue water, colorful corals, and of course many schools of fish.

The bottom of the sea was also calm, and nothing unusual could be seen. Tang Tang immediately wondered. Could it be that the leader monster is not in the sea, but in the sky? It can't be that the monster illustration is wrong, right?
Just as he was thinking, a very slight sound of water surging suddenly sounded in Tang Tang's ears. If he didn't listen carefully, he couldn't hear it clearly at all. Tang Tang also saw seven or eight white water streams suddenly surging around him and flowing from his side. However, it suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Swinging the sword, turning around, the sword light flashed!

Chi Lian Jiao Snake Stick—1155!

Tang Tang raised his hand and struck out with a sword, and then his heart shuddered, the Chilian Flood Snake Staff didn't hit the air, as expected there was something behind him.Immediately afterwards, a black shadow leaped up suddenly, left Tang Tang's front, pulled away four or five meters, and floated above Tang Tang's head.

It is strange that the water flows out, and flows eastward into the water of Xianyi. Among them are many black turtles, which are shaped like turtles and have the head and tail of a bird. Its name is Xuangui!
Tang Tang took out the monster illustrated book and looked through it, and found the origin of the thing in front of him. It was a strange beast with a bird's head and a snake tail, and it was also the leader monster specified in the monster illustrated book to catch, but it did not escape from the Demon Town Tower. of.Therefore, the master's reputation is hopeless, but after killing him, there will be a treasure reward, and the little girl will naturally not let it go. Of course, the more important thing is that the tortoise in front of him is only level 67, and Tang Tang is still capable of fighting of.

"Big tortoise, surrender obediently!"

Tang Tang gave a strange cry, and ordered the Chilian Flood Snake Staff, because the Huoyu Feiyan Sword is not easy to use in the water, Tang Tang is using the Chilian Flood Snake Staff and the White Shark Spike at this moment, with both hands With a wave, it immediately turned into two rays of light, one blue and one silver, passing through the water, detoured to both sides, and then hit the spinning turtle.

It's just that, although the spinning turtle is a turtle beast, its speed is not slow, and its figure is also very flexible. It jumped forward fiercely, and jumped aside before the sword light met, and dodged the sword light lightly, and at the same time As soon as the tortoise's head was lifted, a blue light spewed out from its mouth, the speed was actually a few minutes faster than Tang Tang's sword light, and it hit the little girl's face first.

Tang Tang saw that the Chilian Jiaosnake Staff and the White Shark Spike were unable to rush back to protect himself, so he immediately grabbed the void, and a current was condensed in his hand, calling out the Thunder and Lightning Longyuan, and took advantage of the opportunity to face the blue light and slashed fall!

The blue light was so fragile that it couldn't be hit by a single blow. With Tang Tang's blow, it immediately became torn apart, but it didn't disappear, but bloomed to the surroundings. Tang Tang suddenly felt uncomfortable, and quickly raised his hand to protect his face. forward!

Bang, bang, bang...


Tang Tang's arm was hit by three split blue lights, causing damage to his body. At the same time, Tang Tang grabbed the blue light and held the blue light in his hand when he was hit. He spread his palm and saw that it was broken into several pieces. The coral rock fragments spit out from the mouth of the spinner is actually a complete piece of coral rock. No wonder the thunder and lightning ryongyon hit the blue light and smashed it into pieces.

As soon as the spinning tortoise succeeded in the blow, it immediately became more vicious, opening its mouth wide, but six blue lights came in succession, attacking Tang Tang.

Tang Tang suffered a loss once, how could he be fooled again, with a thunderbolt longyuan guard in front of him, the flying back white shark fangs and red serpent staff entangled again, entangled each other in an S shape, The coral rocks wrapped in blue light were smashed halfway. As for the broken rocks that exploded, although it was impossible to guard against it, it was impossible to stop it with sword light, but the scope of the impact was not large. The coral rocks were smashed halfway. , the blasted gravel naturally cannot attack Duanmuyu

Unexpectedly, as soon as the blue light was shattered, Tang Tang suddenly saw a black shadow flashing in front of him, but it was the tortoise with its head shrunk, and suddenly killed himself in front of him, hitting himself with the hard tortoise shell.

"What a cunning big tortoise, who actually knows how to use false tricks to lure the enemy!"

Tang Tang's reaction was not slow, and his movements were naturally even slower. He immediately grabbed Lei Dian Longyuan and slashed forward, using the blade of his sword to hit the main spinning turtle's body.

Sure enough, the spinning tortoise was extremely fast and flexible, but its strength was not outstanding. Tang Tang easily blocked the spinning tortoise with his sword.However, just as Tang Tang breathed a sigh of relief, the tortoise suddenly stretched out its snake-like tail, and flicked it forward fiercely, but it didn't draw towards Tang Tang, but directly at Tang Tang. Immediately after his own back shell, the spinner turtle, whose whole body was retracted into the turtle shell, spun violently like a top.

bang, bang...

The tortoise shell rubbed against the sharp edge, and a piece of thunder was wiped out on the blade of Lei Dianlongyuan. What's more, with the force of the rotation, Tang Tang couldn't resist the tortoise, and was beaten back and forth.

"This big tortoise is a bit difficult to deal with!"

Tang Tang retreated seven or eight meters in a row, and the speed of the spinning turtle did not decrease at all. Tang Tang gritted his teeth and waved his hand!
"Thunder Breaks the Sky!"

A bolt of purple thunder crashed down, striking the back shell of the spinner turtle.

Thunderbolt Sky—350!

The damage caused by the spinning tortoise is extremely low, not like the power of thunder breaking the sky at all. Presumably because the body is retracted into the turtle shell, the defense of the spinning tortoise has also been greatly improved.However, the power of the thunder that broke the sky was real. Although the damage was not high, the tortoise was struck by the lightning and sank for several meters. Tang Tang took the opportunity to evade with his feet The tortoise swam to the top of the tortoise, and the lightning dragon in his hand rolled up a sword flower, and then slammed towards the tortoise below!

In an instant, a mass of azure sword light suddenly exploded from the blade, one turned into two, and the second turned into four, overlapping and connecting into one piece!
24 bridge moon night + thunder and lightning ryongyon - 2241!

The 24 sword light marks fell, except for one missed, and the other 23 all hit. The tortoise screamed suddenly, and seven or eight fine cracks appeared on the solid back shell, with fine blood streaks faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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