Chapter 291
"Could it be that after a few years, there will be another bloody battle?"

Yuhuatian murmured softly, but found that someone pushed her, and immediately came back to her senses.

Tang Tang asked worriedly from the side: "Are you okay?"

Yuhuatian shook his head and said, "It's nothing, just a little distracted."

Long Ying said: "In this case, let's go to the depths of the forest sea to have a look."

Yuhuatian glanced at Master Jiuliu, but nodded in agreement.

Immortal Jiuliu sighed, and no longer tried to dissuade him, he slapped the cork of the barrel and sat alone under the big tree to drink.


After bidding farewell to Immortal Jiuliu, the five of them continued to head towards the depths of the forest sea.

There were many monsters in the forest sea, but now all the way deep, there are only two or three kittens. Presumably, it is the blessing of the past and the blessing of the future generations. Those monsters have been wiped out by the casual cultivators who entered the forest sea. up.However, what is strange is that there are no corpses along the way, neither casual cultivators nor those monsters.

However, in this way, it was easy to walk, and there was no trouble walking all the way to the depths of the forest sea, until the evening...

"What a strong smell of blood!"

Tang Tang rubbed his little nose and said, the other people also looked solemn, obviously they all smelled the smell of blood.

In addition, a faint mist appeared in the surrounding woods, mixed with the smell of blood and drifted towards the surroundings. The further you went in, the thicker the fog and the heavier the smell of blood. Duanmuyu and the others had the courage to After walking a hundred meters forward, he gasped.

Dead Sea!The densely packed corpses came into view!

There were countless corpses lying in disorder in that forest, with different appearances of death, some had their throats sealed with a sword, some had no limbs left, some had green faces, and some looked innocent and smiled peacefully. Yes, at a glance, there are two or three hundred corpses, all wearing different clothes, some of them are casual cultivators, and some are disciples of some sects.

Yu Huatian waved his hand and said, "Everyone, look around and see if there is anything suspicious!"

"No, let me do it"

Tang Tang directly took out the ghost blood banner from his back, and with a flick of the banner, countless soul spirits floated out of the corpse, and quickly fell into the ghost blood banner!
The little girl wanted to use this ghost blood banner as early as when she first entered the island, but those shrimp soldiers and crab generals were too weak, and Tang Tang didn't want to make up for it, so she didn't use the ghost blood banner.Right now, those two or three hundred monk corpses have brought Tang Tang a good harvest. There are actually six soul spirits that are at the level of the boss monster, and they are directly refined into the soul-stirring cold smoke. The rest are sacrificed, and you can get 310 seven Nether black air, and all of them are above level 60, the quality is very good, and more importantly, before the sacrifice, those soul spirits will be imprisoned in the ghost blood streamer, what Tang Tang wants to know, just ask those soul spirits Soul will do.

However, after asking, Tang Tang's expression became strange, he hesitated and said: "Those spirits said that they didn't know how they died, and they died inexplicably."

"Nonsense!" Long Ying said dissatisfied: "Look at the corpses on the ground, some were wounded by swords, some died of poison, some were beaten to death by fists and feet, and some were burned to death. where?"

"No, they don't know." Yuhuatian lowered his head and touched a corpse, rubbed up some blue powder and said, "Ecstasy smoke, a poisonous mist, won't directly kill people, but will create hallucinations , They fought to death in hallucinations."

Long Ying wondered: "Then why are we fine?"

"Maybe I know this!" Tang Tang smiled and grabbed the Tianmeng Iceworm from his skirt and said, "The Tianmeng Iceworm, the king of poisonous beasts, can cure all poisons!"

"Chirp! Chirp!"

That day, the dream ice silkworm cooperatively flapped three pairs of leaf wings and circled in the air, not without the intention of showing off, so Long Ying couldn't help but grab it, and pinched the little wings fiercely.

When Tang Tang stuffed the Tianmeng Iceworm back, Yu Huatian continued: "Be careful next time, since you have made a move, I am afraid that the treasure land is not far ahead."

Long Ying emphasized: "My father said that there are no treasures in the sea of ​​forests, so the abnormal appearance may not be the birth of Lingbao."

Tang Tang said: "I've heard you say this more than ten times. The problem is that what your father said is useless. Everyone doesn't think that there is no silver 300 taels here."

Long Ying snorted immediately, and didn't say much.

Yuhuatian has the demeanor of a big sister, and waved her hand to signal to continue to move forward.

The deeper you go, the more dead people are. Except for Tang Tang, everyone seems less indifferent.

The little girl is very happy. These are the supplements of the ghost blood streamer. The more people die, the more spirits and souls there will be. In a short time, Tang Tang sacrificed more than 500 ghost black air, soul-stirring cold smoke It has also reached Nine Dao, and the grade of Ghost Blood Banner has become a third-level elite quality!
In addition, the mist pervading the woods also changed from thin to thick, and then from thick to thin, and gradually began to dissipate. When the mist was so thin that it could hardly be felt, everyone also saw the end of the forest sea. Then……

It is an endless shock!

Walking out of the forest, there is a large open space, and in the center of the open space, stands a huge bluestone coffin!

The huge bluestone coffin was hundreds of feet high, surrounded by black smoke, and under the huge coffin, a huge sarcophagus was carrying the huge sarcophagus with its eyes closed.

Furthermore, it is the coffin lid of that giant coffin!

The coffin cover was about several feet high, plain and unadorned, like a piece of stone slabs spliced ​​together, it was very ugly, but eight huge copper and iron rings were hung on the coffin cover, on which were tied two A black iron chain the size of a human body is hung on the copper and iron ring, hanging downwards, but the chain is tied with eight giant beasts. Those giant beasts are huge, all of which are like a small mountain. There are prisoner cattle, Yazi, Xiaofeng, Pulao, Suanni, Juan, Negative, and Chiwen are all held in their rings, and the black iron chain is fastened in the ring!
"The ancient times cover the sky, and the Nine Dragons pull the coffin!"

Stirring his throat joint, Yuhuatian struggled to spit out these eight characters!
The dragon gave birth to nine sons, and the nine sons were different. These strange beasts were all ancient alien species.It was rumored that it would be extremely difficult for ordinary people to see one of the strange beasts, but now someone actually used these nine beasts to pull the coffin?
Who is it that can have such strength?
Tang Tang and the others looked at each other, and finally nodded firmly, collected their minds, forcibly suppressed the shock that the huge bluestone coffin brought to them, and slowly moved towards the coffin lid in the air until they were a hundred meters away. At that moment, Bi An and Xiao Feng, who were prostrate in front of the coffin lid, suddenly got up and opened their eyes, but they didn't make any changes. After scanning their eyes for a few times, they slowly crawled to the sides, stretching the black iron chains straight, Slowly opened a small gap in the giant coffin, revealing endless darkness!

Now that they have reached the coffin lid, they naturally have no reason to give up, stepping into the gaps of the giant bluestone coffin one by one, Bi An and Xiao Feng loosened the black iron chain on the door knocker, and the huge coffin lid slammed shut.Immediately afterwards, the surroundings were plunged into darkness, but soon, fires lit up in the darkness, but there was a corridor inside the coffin lid, with torches hanging on both sides of the corridor, and the torches lit up when the door was closed Afterwards, Tang Tang and the others were scared to death.

In front of them stood a man!

There was also a coffin beside that person, it was a bronze coffin the size of a person!
The moment the flame came on and the silhouette was revealed, it looked quite scary at first glance, but after a while, Tang Tang realized that the man was just standing in the middle of the corridor, but he didn't move, his head was lowered, and he was silent.

Yuhuatian stepped forward to take a look, and was immediately surprised: "Sorrowful about the corpse of the sky burial?"

Tang Tang leaned over, breathed the man's breath and said, "He's dead, is he famous?"

Yuhuatian said: "It's more than famous. 300 years ago, this person ran amok overseas with a pair of blood palms and a bronze coffin of a ninth-level Horcrux. Even now, among the three saints and three demons, unless Zhenyuan Tianzun takes action, others are afraid." It's not his opponent, it's just that Shichou disappeared 300 years ago, but he didn't expect to die here."

Tang Tang took out the ghost blood streamer and waved it, then shook his head and said: "There is no spirit, it seems that he didn't just die, he should have been dead for a long time, but, I don't know why, the corpse is neither rotten nor stiff."

"Shichou practiced the corpse demon skill, so the corpse will not rot, hey..." Yuhuatian said in a normal way, and quickly grabbed Tang Tang who wanted to touch the bronze coffin and said: "Don't touch it, the bronze coffin belongs to Shichou No one can touch the natal Horcrux, whoever touches it will die, and it cannot be reincarnated, it will become a corpse slave."

Tang Tang quickly withdrew her hands. She had heard about the ninth-level Horcrux, so she thought about it.However, the natal Horcrux cannot be driven by outsiders, and Tang Tang can't use it even if he takes the coffin, not to mention turning into a zombie if he touches it.

The appearance of Shichou made Yuhuatian very surprised, but knowing that Shichou had been dead for a long time, Yuhuatian felt a little relieved, but was even more surprised what was hidden in this huge bronze coffin, even a person like Shichou Old monsters will come here, and they will die.

In this way, although the huge bronze coffin looked dangerous, it also attracted everyone's curiosity and drove them to move forward.

The corridors are wide and long.

There are countless skeletons around, but they are all old, and they will be weathered if you touch them a little bit. Of course, there are also some corpses, and those corpses still have spirits and spirits, but they are all monks who entered the huge bronze coffin to hunt for treasure. I know, some Yuhuatian doesn't know, some are overseas masters, and some are unknown casual cultivators.

Tang Tang used the Ghost Blood Banner to communicate with those spirits, but he didn't get any useful information. They just entered the huge bronze coffin. Everyone didn't want to return empty-handed. Some cooperated with each other, and some fought with each other , Some have hatred in the first place, while others have no hatred or hatred, and are blinded by interests.

But at this moment...

"Be careful!" Yuhuatian suddenly spread his arms, stopped everyone, and then shouted to the surroundings: "I don't know which senior is"

The corridor was very well sealed, after all, it was inside the giant coffin, and it was very spacious. When Yu Huatian shouted, there were bursts of echoes.However, the echo echoed for a while, but no one agreed, and at the same time, the corridor was straight, and it didn't look like a place with Tibetans.

(End of this chapter)

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