The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 295 Yuhuatian Escaped Marriage Incident?who is cannon fodder

Chapter 295 Yuhuatian Escaped Marriage Incident?who is cannon fodder
Sure enough, Xue Luoyue seemed to really know the passage to the giant bluestone coffin, she didn't need to grope for the stone wall like they did, but directly found the passage covered by the cover-up, took the lead and passed through.

"Wait a minute." When Xue Luoyue passed through the stone wall, Tang Tang motioned: "Long Ying, you go second, sister Huatian is fourth, sister Lingdong is sixth, and I am eighth." Let's go, it should be no problem to enter in such a staggered way."

"Little girl, you are really careful!"

The remaining people on the other side curled their lips at Tang Tang sarcastically, but still followed Tang Tang's request and entered the rear of Yubi one by one. This is the only way to avoid the possibility of being ambushed by the other party by staggering the order of entry. .

After the people in front entered one by one, Jin Lingdong opened Tang Tang's palm, and said quietly to Tang Tang through voice transmission: "Little girl, don't you find it strange? How do they know the internal structure of Shicheng?"

"Of course it's strange." Tang Tang smiled and said, "I also know that Xue Luoyue lied, or in other words, seven points of truth and three points of falsehood, part of what he said was false. Of course, it is also possible that what he said was true At least I can see two problems. First, there are only two people with Xue Luoyue, one is Bai Fengyu, and the other is the one who spoke just now. When Long Ying attacked Xue Luoyue, Only the two of them helped. Bai Fengyu has already stated that he is not a member of Eternal Academy. It may be because of the mission that he must save Xue Luoyue. The other one may be a player of Eternal Academy, and it may also be because of the mission. Then What are the other people traveling together for? Secondly, Xue Luoyue admitted that his mission was not given by the Qing Emperor, that is to say, if Xue Luoyue did not lie about the mission process, then the goal of the mission was not to help the Qing Emperor deal with it. The Yu family, but provoke Qingdi and the Yu family to fight, in this case, would it be better to kill Yu Huatian?"

Jin Lingdong said: "Maybe he wants to kill, but he can't beat us."

"Stupid!" Tang Tang said, "Think about it, what excuse did he say Qingdi used to attack Yinyue Island?"

Jin Ling said: "Sister Huatian's escape from marriage?"

Tang Tang said: "That's right, and then Xue Luoyue also said that Emperor Qing and Yushui were both in the sarcophagus, so if Yuhuatian meets those two, Yushui directly throws Yuhuatian to Qingdi, what else will Qingdi have?" Stand to attack Silver Moon Island?"

Jin Lingdong suddenly said: "So, if he is telling the truth, then he should prevent Yuhuatian from entering the sarcophagus, or find a way to kill Huatian sister, and prove the fact that Huatian sister escaped marriage. But, it is not right, if sister Huatian Hurry back to Yinyue Island, once she shows up, won't she be able to fight?"

Tang Tang flicked Jin Lingdong's head with his fingers and said, "Why don't you get the hang of it? Let me tell you that it will take at least 2 or 3 days for Yuhuatian to get back to Yinyue Island, but she can go back immediately, Emperor Qing He's not here, and Xue Luoyue, who is his fiancé, is also not here. How can we negotiate when the person in charge and the party concerned are all absent? At that time, just find some excuses to attack Yinyue Island. On the contrary, if Yuhuatian appears in the In front of Qingdi, Qingdi has no excuses. As for how Qingdi withdraws the disciples of the Wangu Academy around Yinyue Island, can't he use sound transmission for thousands of miles? Otherwise, Qingdi will not even be able to do this. No?"

Jin Ling said: "That is to say, Xue Luoyue wants Emperor Qing to see Yuhuatian? But, why? It's not good for him."

Tang Tang shrugged and said, "Then only ghosts know, anyway, it can be seen that Xue Luoyue at least lied or concealed something, and, like you said, why did he keep Yuhuatian? Why did he know?" The structure inside the sarcophagus? Is there another conspiracy? If you want to know the answer, it’s best to go with him, and it’s up to you when the time comes.”

After saying that, Tang Tang added in his heart, even if Xue Luoyue was going to be unfavorable to Yuhuatian, as long as he let himself find the treasure hidden in the sarcophagus, at worst, he would grab it and run away immediately.

While thinking, Tang Tang also drilled through the stone wall.

Behind the stone wall was still a jade room, but Xue Luoyue seemed to know the way, so she could easily find the place of blindness.

Walking forward with Xue Luoyue, Tang Tang suddenly remembered something, and suddenly said to Xue Luoyue: "Before we arrived at the Yushi, did you see someone who was dressed in black, even wearing a mask The black guy, we actually chased him into the jade room, otherwise, we might still be walking along the corridor."

"I haven't seen it." Xue Luoyue shook her head, then said with a smile: "I think you may not know what those jade rooms do. In fact, those jade rooms are shortcuts to the sarcophagus, and those jade rooms are connected to each other. They are not connected, but are distributed in various positions of the sarcophagus. At the same time, there are five passages in each jade room, and four of them lead to other jade rooms. It can be understood as a teleportation array, just like the teleportation method of the underworld. They can be resurrected in various cities, and there is another one, which is the passage to get out of the jade room and return to the sarcophagus, the person you are chasing may not necessarily take the exact same transmission passage as you."

Tang Tang said: "That is, the short-distance teleportation array, which can travel through the entire sarcophagus in a short time through continuous teleportation."

Xue Luoyue said: "You summed it up very accurately, that's almost what it means. Alright, we should be able to go out."

Xue Luoyue seemed to be very clear about the location of each teleportation array in the Yushi, counting in her mouth, silently recited the number of Yushi, and when the count reached 22, she knocked on the wall and went out. Finally, what appeared in front of him was no longer the sapphire stone room, but a corridor with stone walls, and there were still some skeletons nearby, but there were no corpses, so no monks should have come here, or in other words, no monks could have come here.

And Xue Luoyue seemed to be familiar not only with those jade rooms, but also with the passages in the sarcophagus. Tang Tang was a little dizzy as she walked along the corridors. At the same time, she admired Xue Luoyue, this corridor Each one is about the same width, and there is no decoration except for a torch inserted every three meters on the wall. It is indeed a bit capable to be able to recognize the road under such circumstances.

It's just that for a small road idiot like Tang Tang, it was a bit torturous, so Tang Tang stopped looking at the corridor at all, but looked at other people, only to find that the whole team was almost divided into three Dial, Tang Tang and the five naturally got very close.Secondly, Bai Fengyu and the person who taunted Tang Tang walked in the front, and the remaining five silently kept a distance from Tang Tang and the others, and pulled away to the left and right.

"Pinch?" Tang Tang pouted, pulled Jin Lingdong and whispered, "No matter what happens, never leave my side!"

If the other party has the intention of attacking, then there is no doubt that Jin Lingdong will be the first target to be eliminated. Jin Lingdong not only has the recovery aura, but also the spells that increase the state, and its effect can completely dominate the battle. However, think If he wanted to make a move against Jin Lingdong, he had to ask the little girl if he would agree. After confirming that the other party was not honest, Tang Tang quietly prepared to take out the Ghost Blood Banner.

"Here we are, just walk around the corner ahead!"

At this time, Xue Luoyue yelled, took the lead and trotted all the way, passed the corner in front of her, and then she looked stunned!
Dead end!

The corridor behind the corner turned out to be a dead end, no, strictly speaking, there was a road, but now it was blocked by a pile of rubble and rocks.

"Damn it!" Xue Luoyue kicked a stone, and then spread her hands helplessly, "The front is the deepest stone room in the sarcophagus, if the spirit treasure that caused the abnormal phase of the world is inside the sarcophagus, it should be in this rubble back."

The few people who came with Xue Luoyue said: "The problem is how to get over it."

Tang Tang took out the white shark fangs, shattered a huge rock with a sword, looked inside and said: "There are gaps between the rubble, you can climb in, if you really can't get through, you can only use violence to crack."

Xue Luoyue made a gesture of invitation and said, "You first?"

Tang Tang spread his hands and said, "I think it's better to enter by replacing people at intervals, and after entering a person, enter the next one after 3 minutes. Of course, it doesn't matter who wants to enter immediately."

Xue Luoyue sneered and said, "You don't need to be so guarded against us? I think we get along pretty well. You should be able to rest assured that we won't ambush you."

Tang Tang shook his finger and made a gesture of invitation to Xue Luoyue. The gaps in the rubble were dull and the space was extremely limited, making it impossible to move in a large range. This was simply an excellent place for a sneak attack.

Xue Luoyue looked at the others, and said helplessly, "Okay, I'll go in first, you can do whatever you want."

After Xue Luoyue entered, Bai Fengyu and the person who had been with Xue Luoyue also entered together. As for the five people who had been out of touch with each other, they neither chose to enter the rubble together, nor separated as Tang Tang said. It took 3 minutes to enter, but Xue Luoyue and the others were allowed to go ahead for 30 seconds before diving into the rubble.

Tang Tang frowned suddenly, how far can he climb in 30 seconds?Such a distance is not so much for protecting oneself from being attacked, but for surveillance?

Three minutes later, Yu Huatian and Long Ying couldn't wait to enter the rubble and ruins. It was not difficult to guess the people in the stone room after they were able to break the solid stone city into such a state.

"Let's go too." Waiting for Yuhuatian to enter, Tang Tang observed the surrounding area of ​​the rubble, and suddenly released a sword light to smash a rock again: "However, we have to change positions!"

The rock that Tang Tang hit again was closer to the ceiling. At the same time, Tang Tang also blasted deeper with his sword light, away from other people's positions. Only then did he push away the rubble and quietly slipped in through the gap.

Tang Tang was so careful, of course, to protect Jin Lingdong. She was confident that she could escape the sneak attack, but Jin Lingdong was hard to say. On the other hand, protecting Jin Lingdong was equivalent to protecting herself. Knowing what will appear behind the rubble, in this case, whoever wants to go ahead can go, anyway, Tang Tang is determined not to be cannon fodder.

(End of this chapter)

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