The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 299 The Power of the Fire-robbing Dragon Lin Sword and the Joy Demon

Chapter 299 The Power of the Fire-robbing Dragon Lin Sword and the Joy Demon
The Huanxi Demon tilted his head and squatted on the ground with a smirk on his face.Although the person looks small, it is a pity that he does not have the slightest feeling of innocence, but looks a bit crazy.

Tang Tang knew that this guy was the type with a hidden knife in his smile, so he curled his lips and tried not to look at him, and continued: "The provocation process is almost like this. As for your purpose, it is probably to enter this secret path. Unfortunately, despite your poor and happy reputation It’s not small, but I heard that you are not very good at fighting, and the sea of ​​​​the forest is a forbidden area of ​​​​the Dragon Palace, so there is no way there is no heavy martial law. Moreover, the Dragon King can arrive at any time, so naturally it is not something you can deal with. Therefore, you want to enter the giant bluestone coffin , you must create chaos here, so that you can take advantage of it, and moreover, you must have masters who can deal with the Dragon King..."

"So, you put your mind on Emperor Qing and Yushui, and the two of them can deal with the Dragon King together. However, these two are powerful masters. If you let them lead people into the sea of ​​forests, into the bluestone giant Coffin, you can completely suppress other overseas casual cultivators, and at the same time, it is very likely to start a war or negotiate with the Dragon King, and the situation is out of your control. Therefore, you plan to provoke Qingdi and Yushui, and Qingdi will send all his men to capture Silver. Moon Island, Yushui naturally left people to guard Yinyue Island, but the two of them were reluctant to part with the spirit treasure that could attract the different phases of heaven and earth, so naturally they could only come alone, or bring a few people."

clap, clap, clap...

The Demon of Joy clapped his little hands and said: "Very good, I take back the sentence I said earlier that you are "not very smart". You guessed almost all of them correctly, but you were wrong about one thing."

The Demon of Joy suddenly exerted force on his feet, leaving two spider web-like cracks on the ground immediately.Immediately afterwards, Tang Tang felt his eyes go blurry. At a distance of nearly ten meters, the Demon of Joy arrived in front of Tang Tang in an instant.

"Huo Yufei..."

Tang Tang immediately wanted to summon the Huo Yu Fei Yan Sword, but at this moment, the Demon of Joy suddenly touched Tang Tang's chest...

Tang Tang felt as if his chest had been hit by a sledgehammer, and he flew upside down, hitting the wall hard, and spewed out a big mouthful of blood as soon as his throat was sweet.

Huanxi Demon smiled and said: "The thing you are wrong about is that you think my skills are not good. In fact, I am not only stronger than Qingdi and Yushui, even the Dragon King may not be my opponent!"

Jin Lingdong exclaimed, and quickly released the recovery of life, recovering Tang Tang's life, away from the call of the underworld!

And Huanxi Demon knocked Tang Tang back with one blow, as if it wasn't enough, he casually reached out and grabbed a handful of the wall, the rock wall was like tofu in his palm, he grabbed a piece lightly, and then pinched it hard, The rock was completely turned into powder, and at the same time, the Demon of Joy burst out with surging mana. As soon as the mana was pressed, Tang Tang was immediately pushed back to the wall, and the body that had been smashed into spider webs and cracked The wall was also overwhelmed, and it completely cracked, forming a deep pit sunken inward.

"Little girl, how do you feel?" Huanxi Demon said with a chuckle: "I am no worse than the Dragon King. Maybe, within a hundred moves, I can't tell the difference with him, but after a hundred moves, he is by no means me. opponent!"

Tang Tang gritted his teeth and said, "You have such strength, why bother playing tricks, playing tricks, playing tricks!"

The Demon of Joy sighed: "Why does everyone think that the Demon of Joy is only good at running away? Because I have never shown my strength in front of others. It's not that I don't want to, but I can't!"

As the words fell, Huanximo suddenly raised his right arm, and that arm suddenly made two "pops", and the meridian on the forearm suddenly burst, and red blood flowed down Huanximo's arm, The forearm fell limply, and it was directly crippled!
"My power is too powerful. An ordinary body can't let me do it with all my strength. If I forcibly use the mana in my body, I will be smashed to pieces and explode!" The joy demon said disdainfully: "This is what I need to spend a lot of time on. Calculating the reason of Qingdi and Yushui, if you want to open the secret path, you must use the magic sealing formation, and the only one who can use the magic sealing formation is the Moon Sea Dragon King. However, I opened another path and found four dark attributes People, dismantling the magic sealing formation and setting it up by four people can barely use the magic sealing formation. The only flaw is that blood sacrifices are required, and it takes quite a while to set up the formation. During the formation process, if one person is killed , the magic circle will be destroyed, and if I use my magic power for a long time, this body will become shattered. Therefore, I need Qingdi and Yushui to help me a little."

Tang Tang laughed at himself and said, "However, killing me won't waste too much time, one and a half moves are enough, and your body can still hold on, what do you mean?"

The Demon of Joy laughed and said, "It's easy to talk to smart people, so I decided to reward you, and I'll let you see the secret here."

Huanximo raised his palm, and Tang Tang was "sucked" by him, and his body flew towards Huanximo's palm. Huanximo grabbed Duanmuyu's back neck, and Jin Lingdong was about to step forward immediately. , but Tang Tang gave her a wink and shook her head, signaling her not to be impulsive.

Huanxi Demon seemed to have not seen the small movements of the two of them at all. He grabbed Tang Tang and strode forward. Tang Tang guessed even the Ten Great Saint Soldiers and the Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasure, but when he reached the end of the passage, Tang Tang was still taken aback.

That is a person, no, it should be said to be half human and half demon!
At the end of the corridor is also a stone room, which is very similar to the stone room at the entrance of the secret passage. The only difference is that the stone dragon in the center is gone, and there is a half-human, half-demon monster standing instead, with a human head and a human body. It has the outline of a human being, but its body is covered with fine black dragon scales, its forehead has horns, its hands are like claws, and its back has a black tail that is 5 to 6 meters long. It looks like a dragon or a python. Bundled like a mummy, and then nailed to the four corners of the stone platform in the formation of a magic sealing formation.

"Do you know what this is?" Huanximo asked Tang Tang, and then laughed loudly: "This is my body, my real body. I used this body to fight overseas 70 years ago. I haven't met an opponent, even Emperor Qing can't survive thirty moves in my hands!"

Tang Tang frowned, as if he had thought of something, and then said in shock: "Are you the Demon of Joy, or Zhenyuan Tianzun!"

70 years ago, who was known as the number one master overseas and had never met an opponent in overseas, except Zhenyuan Tianzun?

Huanxi Demon snorted and said, "I am Huanxi Demon and Zhenyuan Tianzun. Why can't Huanxi Demon and Zhenyuan Tianzun be the same person? I was originally a deep sea evil dragon. Challenge overseas experts from all walks of life. Unfortunately, they are all people with vain names. Even the Dragon King is just an ordinary person. I made an appointment with him 30 years ago to fight against the forest sea. Could he defeat me? Unfortunately, he thought he could seal me with the magic sealing circle, but at the last moment I escaped with my soul transformation. However, the body of an ordinary human can't bear the magic power of the dragon clan at all. With more than [-]% of the strength, the body's meridians will burst immediately."

Tang Tang said: "You do so many tricks just to get your body back!"

"And the life of the Dragon King!" Huanxi Demon said with a ferocious face: "I spent ten years looking for a secret method that could barely allow me to display part of my strength, and then spent ten years looking for someone with the dark attribute to teach me how to seal demons." In the end, it took another ten years to find a magic weapon that can cut off the cold iron chains locked on my body. Who knows the hardships? If I can see the sun again, the first thing I will do is to slaughter the whole family of Yuehai Dragon Palace No, I won't kill them, I want to occupy the Dragon Palace in front of the Dragon King, and become the Lord of the Dragon Palace, haha, but an evil dragon has become the Dragon King, and it will be more painful than killing them!"

Tang Tang sighed: "It turns out that the Demon of Joy is not out to be happy. You are doing harm overseas, so you are looking for something."

The Huanxi Demon laughed and said, "And I finally found it!"

The Demon of Joy spread his palm, and a palm-sized flame jumped out of his hand, but the flame was red, black, and blue!
Tang Tang was taken aback immediately, could it be that Samadhi is really popular?However, after thinking about it, he immediately vetoed it. During the Heavenly Tribulation, Tang Tang had seen the Samadhi True Fire. Although the Samadhi True Fire was made of stone-in-fire, wood-in-fire and air-fire, it was still crimson red, not Three color flames mixed.

Also at this time...

The three-color flames suddenly exploded, and a broad sword loomed in the fire!
The blade of that sword is made up of countless dragon scales, and each dragon scale is shining with flames of different colors, and the blade is extremely wide, about the same as a person's waist, and it is naturally extremely heavy, making it difficult to use just by looking at it. It can make people have a kind of power that can open monuments and crack stones.

"This sword is called Jiehuo Dragon Scale. It consists of 99 red dragon scales, 99 black dragon scales, and 99 chilong scales. There are 290 seven dragon scales in total. The hilt is made of celestial dragon bones. It took 81 days..." At this point, the Huanxi Demon suddenly laughed heartily and said: "Speaking of which, this fire-robbing dragon scale is still a treasure of the Dragon Palace, but I secretly stole it from the warehouse of the Dragon Palace. If I want to cut more chains of ice that lock my body, I can only use this fire-robbing dragon scale!"

"Congratulations, congratulations!" Tang Tang laughed dryly, and then said: "The ins and outs are clear, but I still have a question to ask."

The Happy Demon seemed to be in a good mood, and waved his hand indifferently: "You ask!"

Tang Tang said: "To put it bluntly, you have a grudge against Dragon Palace, and it has nothing to do with me, right? So, can I trouble you to let me go, and then, you take your body to avenge what you deserve, I'm just a treasure hunter , since there is no baby here, I think I should go back."

Huanxi Demon smiled and said: "I think you have a good relationship with Long Ying all the way. She is also from the Dragon Palace, so you don't want to save her? You know, you want to defeat me now, and you still have some hope. If you let me get back my body, No one can stop me anymore!"

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!" Tang Tang hurriedly said: "I don't like dealing with that girl, I just want to come to the forest sea to hunt for treasures. That's why I talked to that chick, you can kill if you want, even if it is hehe Hey, it doesn't matter to me if you kill me again, just take care of yourself?"

"Tang Tang!"

The parachute stomped anxiously. All the way, Jin Lingdong got along well with Yuhuatian and Longying. With her temperament, she couldn't do nothing but Tang Tang was also helpless. The neck is still being squeezed, and when someone turns around and squeezes hard, he will have to go on a day trip to the underworld. At this time, he can make do with it.

Huanxi Demon laughed and said: "You are quite interesting, little girl. I don't make things difficult for you, and I don't want to kill you. However, since I spared your life, then this woman will belong to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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