The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 302 The Broken Dragon Soul

Chapter 302 A Day Trip to Hell, Broken Dragon Soul

But not far from Tang Tang, there is a small stone bridge with a stone tablet beside the bridge: Naihe Bridge.

As for the opposite side of the Naihe Bridge, it is naturally a teleportation array that can throw people back to various towns in Yangjian.

That is to say...

The little girl has already boarded the train for a day trip to the underworld.

As for how he was beaten to death, Tang Tang really felt a little inexplicable. Anyway, Tang Tang remembered that when the dragon scale blade was about to reach him, he finally rushed to open the black gold sword box, and then it was like a dream. Watching a scholar who looks even worse than a peerless beauty, playing the guqin in front of her, and then...

There is no more, when the scholar finished playing the guqin, he opened his eyes and found himself in the underworld.

"what happened!"

Tang Tang saw that his experience was about to reach level 55 and fell back to 53% of level 98. He was also very speechless. To say that he was directly poked to death with his finger by the Demon of Joy, Tang Tang could accept it. After all, his current strength is poor There are too many, the first calamity and the second calamity are really incomparable.But they were almost able to kill the Huanxi Demon, but they fell short in the end. This makes people feel a little bit unwilling, and makes people feel that they can succeed with a little more effort, or with a little bit of luck. It's very frustrating.

Thinking of this, Tang Tang couldn't help taking out two teleportation talismans from his pocket. Ever since his eldest sister Tang Mei and the others fell behind, Tang Tang has also developed a habit of always keeping these teleportation talismans, anyway, there are only 10 of them. It's not that I really can't afford a gold coin, but right now there are teleportation symbols with recorded coordinates on Giant Whale Island and Sea of ​​Forest, as long as they use the teleportation symbols, they can go back overseas.But, do you want to go back?Tang Tang thought about it and gave up. He hung up by himself, which meant that the Demon of Joy got his body, and even if he went back, it would be useless, and he would definitely be unable to beat him.

"Wait..." Thinking of this, Tang Tang suddenly slapped his head and said, "Where's Miss Lingdong?"

"It's here, it's here!"

Tang Tang was talking, when a white light appeared not far away, Jin Lingdong stepped out of the beam of light, honorably following in Tang Tang's footsteps, and also came to the underworld to report.

"Sister Lingdong, I'm sorry!"

Tang Tang spread his hands and made an apologetic expression at Jin Lingdong. As for what he was sorry for, Tang Tang couldn't say for sure. Anyway, as a main combat force, it's not a good thing for a nanny to protect his back. Nervous, but at least it proves that Tang Tang is quite responsible.

However, Jin Lingdong showed no signs of disappointment at all, she stretched out her jade-like fingers and swayed in front of Tang Tang, tsk-tsk, with a rather smug expression.

"Don't draw conclusions too early!" Jin Lingdong smiled and said, "Little girl, I'll give you a gift first!"

While talking, Jin Lingdong reached out to touch the backpack, and immediately after, Tang Tang showed a stunned expression.

It was a broad sword with three-color flames flowing, and the blade had a very heavy feeling, which made people think of 'the epee has no front, and it is too clever to work'.

Of course, this is not the most important thing, what is more important is the name of this sword...

Fire Dragon Scale!

What is the Fire-robbing Dragon Lin Sword?

"You killed the Demon of Joy?" Tang Tang grabbed Jin Lingdong's shoulder and said incredulously, "How did you kill him!"

"It's not me!" Jin Lingdong said, "Look at the information prompt of Soul Domain."

Tang Tang froze, then opened the prompt panel, and immediately had the urge to vomit three liters of blood and hang himself with a rope.

Hint: you kill the Joy Demon!

Hint: you kill yourself!
Hint: You kill the player Jin Lingdong!

Pointing at himself, Tang Tang said in disbelief, "I killed the Joyful Demon? Then I killed myself? I didn't feel it. It seemed that I had arrived in the underworld for no reason. I thought I was killed by the Joyful Demon. gone."

Jin Lingdong said: "No, actually I don't know how I died, but I was far away, and I saw you turn into white light, and then I ran to pick things up, and just after picking things up, I died too."

While talking, Jin Lingdong blinked her eyes, expressing her innocence, while Tang Tang scratched her scalp in puzzlement, and pulled her hair down one by one. After pulling for a long time, she didn't understand what was going on. However, at least you can know that it must be the ghost of the black gold sword box. The biggest possibility is that Feng Qiuhuang's power is too strong. Bringing even Tang Tang to the underworld for sightseeing.

This might be the biggest one. In this way, it seems that the black gold sword box can't be used easily, otherwise, what's the matter if even the owner is wiped out every time?Moreover, the stronger the power Feng Qiuhuang displayed, the more uneasy Tang Tang was. You must know that Soul Realm has always been as refined as a ghost, and as much as you pay, you will definitely get paid. With Feng Qiuhuang's current performance Judging from the power of the sword, it is too high to pay such a magic weapon just for killing Hu Jin. From this, it can be seen that it may not be an easy task to get Feng Qiuhuang out of the black gold sword box.

To put it bluntly, Soul Realm's reward for helping the Giant Whale Gang kill Hujin is actually a black gold sword box and [-] town sealing charms, which means that Tang Tang's reward is that he can open the box [-] times.As for how to obediently obey the pair of twin swords that would annihilate everything as soon as they get close, it depends on Tang Tang's ability.

However, having said that, if every time the box was opened, Tang Tang would not dare to use it indiscriminately if he had to be killed every time he opened the box. These days, it is really not easy to fight a monster and gain some experience.

While sighing, he took out the black gold sword box. The new town sealing talisman has not been affixed yet, but the sword box is not opened, it seems that there is no sealing magic talisman, as long as the sword box is covered, it will be fine, but , who dares to take this risk?It is not certain that the broken sword box will suddenly go crazy one day, killing people to ashes in seconds.Therefore, Duanmuyu honestly touched a magic talisman for sealing and pasted it on the mouth of the sword box.

Come on, feel at ease now.

Tang Tang didn't care about it after posting the town talisman. From this, it can be seen that Tang Tang is actually a slob a lot of the time. If it were someone else, he would probably have to think about why Bai Yulong said that the black gold sword box can save people at critical times. She died, but in the end, even Tang Tang himself died. Why did Tang Tang kill the Joyful Demon, and his level and cultivation base value dropped, but he didn't give himself the experience of killing the Joyful Demon? Why did Bai Yulong say that the black gold sword box can only The box was opened for 30 seconds, and then immediately sealed with a magic talisman, and Tang Tang was directly hung back to the underworld. It took almost 10 minutes, and nothing happened without the sealing talisman.

It's not that Tang Tang didn't think about these doubts, but he was just lazy to think about them. Instead of thinking about these things that would lead to no conclusions for a while, Tang Tang would rather care about the attributes of the fire-robbing dragon scale!
Fire-robbing Dragon Sword (Level 899 Legendary Horcrux): Soul ring: 8999 years, age: 89 years, flight speed +85, strength qualification: 81%, agility qualification: 83%, intelligence qualification: 8999%, damage 270, Attack speed 10, crit rate increased by 10%, chance of ignoring damage increased by 5%, vulnerability attack rate increased by 500%, life value +520, mana value +120, soul power value +85 (equipment requirements: level [-], soul awakening .An ancient famous tool, the treasure of the Dragon Palace, the sword body is thick but extremely sharp, once this sword comes out, the sun and the moon will not shine!)
Fire-robbing Dragon Scale (Flying Sword) (eighth-rank top-grade): Red lotus convicts, Fire-robbing Dragon Scale, equipment requirements: level 1.85, 2. Yuanshen or Yuanling, damage 50505570, flight speed 30003000, attack speed 27002865, attribute xìng: violent Hit rate increased by 10%, chance of ignoring damage increased by 10%, excellent strike rate increased by 5%, root bone +15, vigor +220, spiritual power +220, true essence +120, special attribute: robbing fire (15 1500% chance to trigger Calamity Fire Burning Body, causing 15 points of fire attribute damage to the opponent, 1500% chance to trigger Calamity Fire Surrounding, fire attribute xìng damage immunity 25 points) Dragon Scale (HP is 22000% lower, trigger Dragon Scale Body Protection, maximum offset damage 120 points for [-] seconds)
Fire-robbing Dragon Scale (Split the Fire-robbing Dragon Scale into 5 dragon-scale blades to attack, the damage of each dragon-scale blade is 15% of the damage of the Fire-robbing Dragon Scale, each gun needs to consume [-] points of mana)
Wind Dragon Escape (Tear a space gap in the air, leading to any location within a radius of 150 meters, consumption: 10 points of soul power!)

Tang Tang burst into tears. He had never obtained a few of the eighth-level legendary Horcruxes in his previous life. This time, the ancestral grave was full of smoke. , It's not much worse than the sum of the damage of my four sixth-level Horcruxes.However, the level 85 equipment limit is quite speechless, and then looking at the second limit, it is not speechless, but vomiting blood to death, and it takes the second catastrophe to condense the soul.

However, it was something to look forward to, but Tang Tang hesitated for a moment, and still handed the mouthful of Fire-robbing Dragon Scale to Jin Lingdong.

Jin Lingdong showed a bewildered face, while Tang Tang said: "This sword is still for you. Back then on Giant Whale Island, it was said that good things should be divided equally. I took the Ghost Blood Banner. Although I have to sacrifice it myself, I can refine it to nine level, and I still have Fengqiuhuang, so you deserve this sword, speaking of it, you should be at a disadvantage."

Jin Lingdong smiled and shook her head, "But I don't know how to use it."

Tang Tang said: "Then sell it. I guarantee that if you sell this sword, you will become the richest woman in Soul Realm at this stage. A man can raise two at a time, one to chat with and one to sleep with."

"Fuck!" Jin Lingdong immediately blushed and gave Tang Tang an angry bite, then took out a small light ball and said, "This is enough for me."

Broken Dragon Soul (rare treasure): the soul of a thousand-year-old evil dragon, during which consciousness has been annihilated, is the main material for refining the Tribulation Pill

"I'll go, Transcending Tribulation Pill?!"

Tang Tang's eyes suddenly brightened like night pearls. She had heard about the Tribulation Pill for a long time, and its function was very simple. After eating it, it directly condenses the soul and directly avoids the second catastrophe. It is absolutely invincible. The problem is that only master alchemists can refine Tribulation Pill, and the success rate is not 100%. What is more troublesome is the materials needed for refining Transcendence Pill. These materials are probably not much easier than crossing the catastrophe.

Take Qiantangjiao's thousand-year-old snake scales as an example. The most precious material Tang Tang has seen at this stage is only a "rare quality" material, but what about this dragon soul?Every broken one has the words "rare and rare treasure" on the back. To be honest, it's the first time Tang Tang has seen materials with the words "rare and rare" after being reborn for so long.

(End of this chapter)

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