The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 338 The Power of Fang Ji Mie Lingbing

Chapter 338
But before Tang Tang figured out what was going on, Jiang Nanchun had already flown forward again, Tang Tang sighed, at worst, he would die with this silly girl once, and he was entrusted by others, so he didn't let her go!

Continuously crossing the front line until the front line contact point, Jiang Nanchun stopped, and there was no movement for a long time.

"Hey, what are you doing..." Tang Tang leaned up to take a look, okay, this woman was in a daze again, so she leaned into Jiang Nanchun's ear and shouted: "Your money fell to the ground!"

"Where, where, where is my money."

Jiang Nanchun's eyes lit up immediately, and he came back to his senses in an instant.

Tang Tang said helplessly, "Don't change the money, what are you going to do?"

"Oh, it's already here." Jiang Nanchun looked around, then clasped his hands together, made a very strange hand formula and said: "Spirit!"

As the words fell, Jiang Nanchun's side suddenly felt a sharp sword aura, Tang Tang raised his eyebrows, and suddenly retreated a few meters.

Cyan, blue, red, brown, green, crystal, red, black, white, pure!
Qiongguang of ten colors gushes out from Jiang Nanchun's body like a spring, and the intermingling rays of light of ten colors slowly spread out, condensing illusions in the air, and slowly turning into ten great swords with different colors and imaginary shapes Suspended in the sky, each one is nearly ten meters high and two meters wide. Each mouthful is shining with various colors of streamers, blooming like gorgeous fireworks.

"The ten directions are dead!"

Jiang Nanchun called softly, and the ten great swords slammed down towards the crowd at the same time!
The green sword shattered into countless wind blades!

The blue sword is like water, turning into waves in the air and filling the battlefield!

The red sword turned into fire, and the raging flames swept across!

The brown sword shook the ground, and ground thorns with a height of more than ten meters suddenly rose from the ground!

The green sword turned into an illusion, turning into countless vines and spreading around!

The crystal ice sword blooms like a gorgeous ice crystal flower on the ground!

The red thunder is like a sword, splitting the void marks in space!

The great sword condensed by Jiang Nanchun's ten Qiongguang actually represents wind, water, fire, earth, wood, ice, thunder, darkness, light and nothingness. The battlefield covered everything within a radius of ten miles. In the mist imagined by the water sword, screams, howls, howls, and countless painful sounds sounded. Immediately afterwards, hundreds of white lights flew up at the same time. , like a white meteor shower, flying towards the underworld!


Tang Tang swallowed her saliva, and looked at Jiang Nanchun. This silly girl still had a dumbfounded expression, making it hard to believe that she just killed hundreds of players with one blow!

After a long while, Tang Tang opened his mouth and said, "Have you survived the second soul king's calamity?"

"No." Jiang Nanchun tilted his head: "I am a soldier of the Ten Spirits, so I cannot overcome the tribulation."

Tang Tang said: "Ten Spirit Soldiers?"

"Yes, the ten spirit soldiers are..." Jiang Nanchun tilted his head, scratched his face with his hands and said, "I don't know what the ten spirit soldiers are, anyway, they are not wisdom soul masters, nor are they tool soul masters. I don't know how to do it." Jue, it can’t fly in the sky, but it can hold weapons, I use it called Bing Ling Jue, the more balanced the ten attributes are, the more powerful it will be.”

What Jiang Nanchun said was unclear, but Tang Tang understood more or less. He probably inherited the inheritance of loose cultivators, or he belonged to a branch of the sect just like his own Wisdom Dual Cultivator. It must be balanced, and although Jiang Nanchun didn't say clearly about the advantages of the ten spirit soldiers, he can guess one or two by looking at the terrifying attack power.

You know, crossing the catastrophe is of course dangerous, but it also comes with great benefits, and Jiang Nanchun obviously has no chance to enjoy the benefits of crossing the catastrophe.

At this time, Jiang Nanchun suddenly patted Tang Tang on the shoulder and said, "I'll leave it to you later!"

When the words fell, Jiang Nanchun urged the sword to go back, making Tang Tang confused, but when he looked back, Tang Tang was frightened to death. Dozens of bloody mercenary gangs rushed towards him, thinking I think it is also true, since the Shifang Nirvana Kung Fu killed so many members of the Scarlet Mercenary Group, someone will naturally find the source and kill them.

Tang Tang wanted to run away, but seeing Jiang Nanchun crookedly riding a flying sword in the distance, he had to give up the idea of ​​​​running away with the imperial weapon. He could run away easily. The question is, can Jiang Nanchun do it?More importantly, Tang Xin seems to have asked himself to protect Jiang Nanchun!
"Just do your best!"

Tang Tang sighed, and then slapped in the air!
"The sky is blazing!"

An incandescent to almost transparent flame flew forward, and as Tang Tang pulled his palm horizontally, the flame immediately blocked the gang members of the Scarlet Mercenary Group like a wall.

at the same time……

24 bridge moon night!
Tang Tang soared into the air, swung the flying sword forward, and the 24 sword lights hit the leader's body, piercing him with white light.


"Ah, it's the female demon head of the Tang Sect, get out!"

"Isn't it? Why is she here again!"

"Run, run, the little girl is coming to kill again!"


Tang Tang raised the horcrux and was about to say something harsh, but he didn't expect that the crowd of dozens of blood-colored mercenary groups made a commotion. Run away without a trace!
"No!" Tang Tang wondered, "Could it be that I have reached the point where people "run away on hearing the news" and can scare people away just by relying on my name?"

Tang Tang scratched his head and fantasized, but at this moment, the dozens of bloody mercenary gang members urged Fei Jian to kill him again.

"Hey, you still dare to come?" Tang Tang suddenly pointed forward in high spirits: "I don't want to die...Hurry up..."

Tang Tang was saying some harsh words to show off his majesty, but who would have thought that those dozens of people were just leading the way, and a phalanx of more than 200 people rushed out from behind. Charge over here!

"damn it!"

Tang Tang cursed fiercely, poured a bottle of blessing potion into his mouth, instantly recovered his health and mana, and then quickly released the blazing flames of the sky to protect his side, blocking those sword lights from falling, Immediately, Raiden Ryuyon was raised high.

"Summon Dragon Soul!"

The lightning dragon turned into a huge thunder ball, and with Tang Tang's light pinch, it turned into ten lightning bolts and rushed into the crowd, slowly congealing, and turned into ten ferocious dragon souls wreaking havoc.

It's just that summoning the dragon soul alone can only disrupt the opponent's formation. However, with large-scale spells, Tang Tang only knows how to use Skyfire Blazing Flame and Caohai Futu. Although they are all group attack spells, they are not very suitable for the current situation.

"It is said that the guy from the landlord really will give people difficult problems!"

Tang Tang couldn't help but sighed. She could understand why Tang Xin needed someone to protect Jiang Nanchun. This silly girl was a fortress with extraordinary power. She could inflict severe damage on the opponent, so she should be given special care.However, Tang Xin should deploy a team of dozens of people to protect Jiang Nanchun. You know, this kind of thing cannot be done by one person...

Thinking like this, Tang Tang suddenly had a flash of inspiration, as if he had thought of something!
Also at this moment, the phalanx of the Scarlet Mercenary Corps suddenly pulled out their soul skills at the same time, hitting the blazing flames of the sky continuously, forcibly opening a gap, and flying towards Tang Tang.

Tang Tang hurriedly threw the so-called flash of light out of his head for the time being, and at the same time urged the Fire Rain and Non-Smoke Sword and the Thunder and Lightning Longyuan, surrounded by thunder and fire, to meet each other.

"Dragon Shadow!"


Tang Tang quickly used 20 points of soul power, and at the same time used the dragon shadow attribute of Raiden Ryuyen, causing Raiden Ryuyen to bring out an afterimage in the air, as if dozens of flying swords were connected into one handle, and The Gale Boots are small top-quality boots bought in Kunlun. Its function is also very simple, that is, to increase the speed of the imperial weapon by 35%!

This is the way Tang Tang thought of to deal with it, that is - hurry up!

Spells are suitable for group attacks, but their own mana can't keep up, and secondly, there is time to release them. Tang Tang's soul skills are mostly single-target high-injury, single-handedly very good, but it is too embarrassing for Tang Tang to block hundreds of people alone Tang.

Therefore, Tang Tang simply increased the speed of his imperial sword to the limit. Putting on blood-drinking gloves, coupled with the speed increase of the blast boots, Tang Tang's shooting speed directly exceeded 500 points, and with the effect of the dragon shadow, Tang Tang There are dragon shadows around, obviously there are only two Horcruxes, but it seems that hundreds of Horcruxes are flying around Tang Tang's body, cutting off the dozens of sword lights that came first without any mistakes!
This move naturally frightened the gang members of the bloody mercenary group. Usually dozens of sword lights formed a circle, and anyone would end up being torn to pieces by the sword lights. Who would have thought that Tang Tang would not dodge or dodge? It's against common sense to block them all, and it's full of deterrence.

Also at this time, Tang Tang finally remembered what he had forgotten.

Ghost Blood Banner!
I came here to collect the ghost tentacles that my soul refined into ghost energy!

While using the Horcrux to protect the body, he quickly slapped the palm in the air, and used the blazing flames of the sky to repel the gang members of the Scarlet Mercenary Group. Tang Tang quickly took the Ghost Blood Banner from his backpack come out.

Dance with the flags!
Nearly a hundred streams of ghostly energy were released by Tang Tang, turning into streaks of black energy and crashing into the phalanx of the Scarlet Mercenary Corps, rampaging, attracting the gang members of the Scarlet Mercenary Corps to wave their weapons to greet them, and quickly followed those The black air is entangled together.

To be honest, Tang Tang felt a little distressed seeing the Nether Qi kept being cut off by those bloody mercenary gangs, but he managed to collect it.However, considering my own hand breaks comprehensively, whether it is soul skills, spells, horcruxes, or auxiliary horcruxes, most of them are mainly single-handedly. Only the ghost blood banner can adapt to the current scene, even in the face of hundreds of people. , can also be entangled.

If it is still not enough, then the only option is to let out all the Dementor Cold Smoke!

Thinking so, Tang Tang glanced at the attributes of the Youhun Blood Banner, and then he was taken aback!
230 six paths!

Not only did the Nether Qi in the ghost blood streamer not decrease, but there were more than 100 more. However, the nearly [-] ghost Qi that I released right now have been cut off by one-third by the opponent, and, The amount of Nether Qi is still increasing rapidly.

"I see!"

Tang Tang touched the flag pole, and soon understood the reason!
(End of this chapter)

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