The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 342 The Demon Dao Chased and Was Wanted Again

Episode 342

The winter in the Soul Domain is not too cold, the sun is setting on the body, and there is a feeling of sluggishness!

Tang Tang stood in front of the railing of a residential house in Tengzhou, let the sun shine on her body, and stretched comfortably with her arms raised!

After a while, after exercising, Tang Tang opened the Shenzhou Morning Post in his hand. Unfortunately, Soul Realm didn't release any latest news. Thinking of the announcement, since it was an upgrade, the news publishers in Soul Realm World might not be able to react in time, and For this reason, there was a lot of quarreling, and the content of the quarrel was not about the update content, but the battle of Konoha Fantasy City.

"Oh, what luck!"

Regarding this, Tang Tang just curled his lips and muttered.

If you want to defeat such a big gang like the Scarlet Mercenary Corps, it may not be effective even if you win Konoha Fantasy City. As long as Scarlet Limbo can keep a group of high-level members of the Scarlet Mercenary Corps, they can still make a comeback. The current level is hard to say, but the Scarlet Mercenary Group can be kept anyway. However, if this is the case, in the short term, Scarlet Limbaugh and Scarlet Muka will have to recklessly, but if Konoha Fantasy City is not lost...

Then it will be really troublesome, the so-called hitting a snake and hitting seven inches, to deal with giants like the Scarlet Mercenary Group, you must either kill them with one shot, or don't act rashly, right now the Scarlet Mercenary Group has escaped for a while because of the soul domain. Jie, the background is still there, and the bloody mercenary group will inevitably counterattack in the future. In the era of chaotic player forces, I am afraid that they really want to be rewarded.

"Hmm..." Tang Tang looked at the mess of various newspapers and said, "This is what the legendary landlord expected. Could it be that he knew that the Scarlet Mercenary Group could not lose? Or that guy Tang Yukuang succeeded in overcoming the tribulation?" Did he arrange it?"

Tang Tang rubbed his head, and felt that he thought too much about the legendary host. No matter how powerful that guy was, he couldn't know that after the three players successfully survived the second catastrophe, the soul domain would automatically upgrade. It doesn't mean that you can pass it if you think about it.But, then again, Tang Yukuang also survived the catastrophe of the soul king. That guy finally came back after being silent for so long. This perseverance is really admirable. Things are always a minority.

At this moment, Tang Tang's thousands of miles of voice transmission shook.


"Little girl!" Tang Mei's voice sounded, "Come out for dinner soon?"

"Okay." Tang Tang flipped through the newspaper and found that there was still no announcement about this soul domain, so he continued: "The update content will not be released, I think this update will not be so smooth, and the time should be quite long. For a long time, tell me, where to eat."

Tang Tang thought for a while and said, "How about my house? Your godmother hasn't seen you for a long time. If the upgrade is still not over at night, let's go to a tavern near the main city?"

Tang Tang said: "It's okay, big sister, you have the final say."

Tang Mei said, "Will I pick you up, or come here by yourself?"

Tang Tang said: "I'll come here by myself. Remember to let my godmother, your mother, make the soup. She knows what I like to drink."

Tang Tang said: "You little girl, there's no problem."

Turning off the sound transmission, Tang Tang went out to go to the eldest sister Tang Mei's house for dinner, but thinking that it seemed that he hadn't seen Tang Mei's mother for a long time, she was also his own godmother, so he felt that it was not good to go empty-handed, so he went straight to the house. nearest grocery store.

To be honest, it is not easy to buy gifts for Tang Mei's mother, and she is not short of money, expensive things do not show their value, but also look rusty, too cheap and not good at life, and too common It was obviously insincere, and he turned around and brought a few catties of baijiu to the door, that would be too much to smoke.

Therefore, Tang Tang went to the grocery store to pick up some rose tea imported from Latin America. It was not too expensive, and half a catty was only 600 gold coins. The key is that drinking scented tea has the effects of clearing away heat and nourishing the skin, anti-wrinkle and whitening. Women, no matter what age they are, are unavoidable in this regard, and as far as Tang Tang knows, scented tea is quite popular in Soul Realm, and the expensive ones cost hundreds of dollars. There are [-] grams of gold coins, and there are a few cheap gold coins of [-] grams, and they all seem to sell well.

After shopping, Tang Tang went straight to Tang Mei's lair.

"Hey, the little girl is here!" The one who opened the door was Tang Mei's mother, who was naturally Tang Tang's godmother, with a smile on her face, and then she hugged Tang Tang with a little reproach and said, "Why do you still bring things, too? You're welcome."

"Don't, this is not a gift." Tang Tang said with a smile: "It is polite to bring a gift. I am purely honoring your mother. The scented tea imported from Latin America is good for beauty and lowers blood pressure. Those noble ladies in Latin America I love to drink this stuff, and of course you should drink it too, so let me get some for you to taste."

Although Tang Tang's mouth is unreliable, sometimes it is full of trains, and sometimes it is very cheap, but if you really want to fool people, it is also a small mouth that is sweet, and the thief who immediately coaxed "Lafayette" was happy, making Tang Tang Tang stayed by himself, and before turning around to enter the kitchen, he still smiled and said that he wanted to prepare delicious food for his good daughter.

Seeing off the old Buddha, Tang Tang naturally went straight to Tang Mei's room, and tiptoed in through the door. Tang Tang saw that Tang Tang was sitting there reading a card. All of them are handsome guys, and the most important thing is: all of them are naked!
"I'll go!" Tang Tang patted Tang Mei's shoulder and said, "I said big sister, you miss spring in broad daylight, don't you feel ashamed and panic?"

Tang Mei hid the card in embarrassment and said, "Isn't this boring?"

Tang Tang lay down on Tang Mei's bed and said, "Isn't Dad considering letting you take over from him? By the way, the house is not small, but with Dad's business ability, why doesn't he buy a manor for Mom?"

"Mom doesn't like it. She says the manor is too lonely, just like a landlord's wife." Tang Mei hummed and said, "Also, I obviously go to the store now, but only once every two or three days. Anyway, Dad arranged for me. It's also a casual job, but if you take care of it seriously in the future, Mom will be even more lonely, and I guess you will have to rely on your goddaughter to see her."

Tang Tang said: "I don't care, it's okay to take it to my little nest, and it just so happens that I don't have to go to the restaurant."

"Hey!" Tang Tang said happily, "You're treating my mother as a babysitter, aren't you?"

Tang Tang was also having a good time. Although the two could meet in normal times, the frequency of seeing each other was actually not high. Tang Tang had her own affairs.Therefore, it was inevitable to meet each other, and after talking, the topic naturally returned to the soul domain.

"The bloody mercenary group is so lucky!" Speaking of the recent situation of the soul domain, Tang Mei felt the same as Tang Tang, and she obviously saw it more thoroughly than the little girl, counting with her fingers: "First of all, the update is complete. In the end, it can be said whether such a lineup can be assembled to deal with the Scarlet Mercenary Group, such as the Kuangzhan Pavilion, after Tang Yukuang's incident, Tang Xin almost bit his head and continued to deal with the Scarlet Mercenary Group. I want to get rid of the bloody mercenary group, get more benefits, isolate Tang Yukuang and then deal with him, but it seems that it should be very difficult to do now..."

"Secondly, although there are more than a dozen gangs in the Zhengdao Alliance, large and small, although they are all besieged, they must have benefited more or less. They are not as united as imagined. It may be difficult to reorganize. Finally, those gangs of the Demonic Dao Standing, they are happy to see the Scarlet Mercenary Corps make a fool of themselves, so that they can plunder the gang, but they don't want a giant like the Scarlet Mercenary Corps to fall, the existence of the Scarlet Mercenary Corps can protect them from the wind and rain, More importantly, if the Scarlet Mercenary Group falls, then who will fall next? It makes sense, after all, they are all demon gangs, and they should be regarded as one in the general direction."

Tang Tang thought for a while and said: "I think the disciples of Douluo Palace will also help. Firstly, Scarlet Lin Bo's voice in Douluo Palace is indeed loud; secondly, the existence of Konoha Fantasy City greatly facilitates the people of Douluo Palace. Disciple, therefore, it is beneficial to help the Scarlet Mercenary Group."

Tang Mei said: "In this way, the monster players in the half-beast forest must be counted, and Konoha Fantasy City is also their biggest foothold."

Tang Tang sighed: "It seems that the bloody mercenary group is really immortal, why do they upgrade at this time!"

Tang Mei chuckled and said, "What's the matter, little girl, are you afraid?"

Tang Tang said: "It's definitely a lie to say that I'm afraid. I won't be so intimidated. But, as the saying goes, don't be afraid of thieves stealing, just be afraid of thieves thinking about it. This time I really offended the Scarlet Mercenary Group." , That's called discord, and it's absolutely immortal. It would be better if they really come to the door, because they are afraid that nothing will come out and disgust me. Isn't that annoying? You have to be on guard against being attacked when you work together to practice a level? "

Tang Mei said: "Go and learn a technique of prediction or calculation."

Tang Tang was noncommittal, this was the worst possible solution.

And after talking about the scarlet mercenary group, we will naturally talk about other things, such as Tang Tang's recent situation. The first task is naturally to get the world's famous wine, so that he can learn the death scythe, and the second is leveling. I have used the Dragon Scale Sword of Jiehuo, um, Ghost Blood Banner will inevitably have to find a way to get to level nine, but in general, Tang Tang's future is smooth, or in other words, Tang Tang is already on the way forward .

Tang Mei was not so lucky. When she mentioned her own affairs, Tang Mei sighed and said that the Nine Layers of Heavenly Soul Art had already reached the seventh level, and its power was extraordinary. It can grow exponentially, but...

"My Sword of Nine Tribulations is not easy to hold." Bi Yuntao said: "Each calamity of the Sword of Nine Tribulations is about its host. The former host of the first four catastrophes was our Tang Sect master, and the current host is Tang Beiwei, and the host of the last five kalpas is Feng Ling. However, Feng Ling doesn't seem to take this matter seriously. So, even if it is the first four swords and nine robberies, as long as he uses the Sword of Disdain for Nine Heavens, he can easily make it. From my point of view, if Feng Ling breaks through the ice, it probably won't kill our Tang Sect. The sect master puts it in his eyes, maybe he will take the first four swords together, I don't care about the four swords, I can't use them anyway, but if I want to get the last five swords, I may have to wait The first four kalpas fell into Feng Ling's hands, and then Feng Ling was killed and snatched."

Tang Tang said: "Then kill it."

Tang Mei rolled her eyes and said, "You're speaking lightly. Let me tell you that before Fengling Bingfeng was at least level 80, he was a rare genius in the Tang Sect. After creating the 'Disregarding the Nine Heavens', he was at least level 99. I guess It’s no worse than your alcoholic mentor Dugu Bo, kill one for me to see?”

Tang Tang thought carefully, "That's not easy to kill."

Tang Mei said: "Besides, Feng Ling treats me well. If you want to talk about killing people and seizing swords, I really can't do it. Right now, I can only follow the mission and take every step."

(End of this chapter)

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