The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 356 There is a demonic aura so strong

Chapter 356 There is a demonic aura so strong

After a period of understanding, Tang Tang also knew about Tang Yuhao's situation, and immediately understood that the old man Mingyue suffered a dark loss. Tang Yuhao naturally thought of fun things, as long as it was fun, it was the same for him. What is the most fun, in Tang Tang's mind, Tang Yuhao should prefer to play all the fun things.

So, it's not that Tang Yuhao doesn't have something he wants to do most. What he wants to do most is actually play, but what to play?I'm afraid Tang Yuhao himself doesn't know it, anyway, he can play whatever he wants. In this way, how can Immortal Vine guess it!
Tang Yuhao's incident told everyone a truth, that is, people's hearts are unpredictable, and everything can be figured out, except people's hearts!

Fortunately, the vine fairy seemed to keep his promise, and he didn't play tricks. He waved his hand, and a gap appeared in the surrounding vine walls!
"Go." The old man Mingyue said to the three of them: "The vine tree demon you are looking for is inside, and with the skills of the three of you, it should not be difficult to catch it. The old man is a little tired and needs to rest. "

After saying that, the old man Mingyue tilted his head on the stone platform and closed his eyes, ignoring the three of them. Tang Tang and Tang Yuhao didn't care, but Tang Taro returned the greeting respectfully. Then he left the territory of Immortal Fuji and entered Mingyue The southwest of the ancient spring is also the deepest part of the Mingyue ancient spring!
This is also the place for the three of them to level up, refresh the leader of the flower demon at level 55, the scorpion snake at level 58, and a small number of elite monsters at level 62. However, it seems that the vine tree demon is also here Southwest, in this way, even without Wan Shanhong's entrustment, the three of them would inevitably have to fight the vine tree demon.

"It's demonic!"

"What a heavy demon!"

Entering the southwest of Mingyue Ancient Spring, Tang Tang and Tang Taro couldn't help muttering in unison.

This has to mention the characteristics of different sects. For example, Tangmen is to slay demons and eliminate demons. They do not pursue the holy path, but only practice good deeds, and take slaying demons and demons as their own responsibility.Therefore, disciples of the Tang Sect have a small characteristic, that is, they can feel the evil aura. As for what is the evil aura, in fact, many players in the Tang Sect are not sure. this sense.

And after entering the southwest of Mingyue Ancient Spring, Tang Tang and Tang Taluo suddenly felt uncomfortable all over, it was the feeling brought by the strong evil spirit!
Tang Taro said: "I'm afraid this vine tree demon is not simple."

Tang Tang nodded and said, "Maybe we've misunderstood. Although there are monsters between 55 and 60 around here, there is no rule that the boss monsters must be around this level. The important thing is that you don't want to fight with that old man, the Vine Immortal." It seems that the healing ability is so powerful!"

Tang Taro said: "And the vine tree demon is hiding in the dark, which is even more harmful to us."

Tang Tang laughed suddenly and said, "This is easy, see me!"

As soon as the words fell, a ball of flames danced in Tang Tang's hands, and then Tang Tang pressed the fire and thunder heavily to the ground!


There was a loud noise, and the muddy ground was blasted into a huge deep pit with the power of fire and thunder. At the moment when the deep pit appeared, a rattan as thick as a thigh suddenly penetrated. Come out and quickly attack the three of them.

Quickly dodging backwards, Tang Yuhao asked curiously: "Little girl, how do you know that old demon is underground?"

Tang Tang said: "You are stupid, its name is the vine tree demon, it is either hanging on the tree or buried in the ground, there are no trees or vines around, but the evil spirit is so heavy, it is obviously not far from us , then of course it’s underground.”

As Tang Tang spoke, he quickly took out the nine-level pagoda from his backpack and threw it in front of him!

"Nine-level pagoda, suppress it!"

The ninth-level pagoda turned into a nearly transparent black shadow and fell towards the surroundings. The speed of the vine suddenly slowed down, but the slow speed was not obvious. The speed of the vine tree demon was not fast at all, even if The speed was reduced, and the effect was not too obvious. Secondly, the level of the vine tree spirit was 63, which was two levels behind Tang Tang. He only needed to bear the power of a Buddha by one level, reducing his speed by 10%!

However, this made Tang Tang a little puzzled. Nowadays, the leader monster in his early 60s is really nothing in his eyes. Just like the old man Mingyue said, using the strength of Tang Tang and the other three to deal with Fujishu There aren't many monsters. Could it be that such a boss monster that they can easily deal with has such a strong monster aura?
Tang Tang was puzzled, but his hands were not slow, and he raised his hand to meet him with a sword, entangled the vine!

On the other end, Tang Yuhao was about to help Tang Tang, but he was also entangled by a rattan that suddenly came out from the ground. He swung his sword and danced with light, and quickly strangled Tang Yuhao.

Seeing that both Tang Tang and Tang Yuhao were at the front, Tang Taro was naturally in charge of the main attack, and cast spells as soon as he raised his hand. Who would have thought that the vine tree demon would really be endless. Once the soil on the ground cracked, several more sprang out. A thick rattan waved wildly in the air, and then fell towards Tang Taro.

The intelligent soul master is the main attack, and the instrumental soul master is the protection!
This is the iron law, so when Tang Tang saw that the vine was going towards Tang Taro, he immediately turned back with the imperial weapon. The Horcrux brought out a crescent arc in the air, cut open two vines, and landed on Tang Tang's body. At the same time, there was a burst of thunder in the backpack, and Thunder Ryuyon also came out of the backpack, accompanied by Tang Tang's soul skill, slashing left and right!

"Damn it, good dryads don't want to be tentacle monsters, I'll burn you all today!"

When the words fell, Tang Tang slapped his palm in the air!
The incandescent and transparent flame turned upside down, and instantly suppressed the dancing rattan. However, the blazing flames seemed to be not good for the rattan tree demon that day, especially the rattan tree demon who had obtained the earth spirit pearl for a long time. Wearing it by your side, it has a bit more earth attribute, and naturally it is not so afraid of the oppression of flames, but it is still a plant, and has a great fear of flames. After waving it a few times indiscriminately, it was found that it could not break through the flames of the sky. After the flames, those vines quickly receded.

"Want to run?" Tang Tang twisted his sword light, stabbed a vine, and shouted at Tang Yuhao: "Use the sword array to force the vine tree demon to appear!"

Tang Yuhao nodded, and immediately shouted softly: "Wind and Thunder Sword Formation!"

Tang Yuhao let go of his hand lightly, and the flying sword fell downwards. The soil on the ground was like a lake, and ripples rippled out, swallowing the flying sword with the fragrance of pink and daisy flowers. Immediately afterwards, one after another, earth fires shot into the sky. Go, build a wall of fire around those vines, and block them alive.

Boom, boom...

The vines were frustrated, the ground finally rumbled and pulled, and a huge gap opened, and the body of the vine tree demon finally got out. As for the appearance, it was not unexpected, it was a vine tree, but the The branches and leaves are terrifyingly thick, each branch and vine is as thick as Tang Tang's waist, after getting out of the ground, he released those branches and vines to the surroundings, and rushed towards the three of them, but at this moment, Tang Ta Luo's spells are finally condensed!

"Wind and Thunder Double Kill!"

Tang Taluo opened his eyes suddenly, a circle of green wind swayed away from his side, condensed into a virtual shape, and turned into a green lotus, with purple leis silk wrapped around the lotus leaves. , making a buzzing sound...


Tang Taro pulled out his fingertips and lightly pinched the Dao Jue, the cyan thunder lotus immediately exploded with a bang, and the cyan wind blade swept nearly a thousand purple lightning currents towards it. Wherever it passed, the vines break!

This move is Tang Taro's self-created dual-attribute spell, and it is also a desperate move.Because the power of the wind and thunder double kill depends entirely on the level of mana, and it will drain mana in an instant. Tang Taro uses this move, which means that either the enemy is finished, or Tang Taro is finished. A wise soul master who has lost all his mana is as fragile as a lamb waiting to be cooked.

It's just that the vine tree demon didn't die, and Tang Taro couldn't die either!

Tang Tang immediately stood in front of Tang Taro.

"Summon Dragon Soul!"

Tang Tang gave a soft drink, and raised one hand high above the top, and the lightning dragon condensed into a thunder ball. With Tang Tang's gentle pinch, it turned into ten dragon shadows, charged forward, and gave the remaining branches and vines to the ground. It was all in a mess.

Tang Taluo is worthy of being tall, rich and handsome in Tang Tang's eyes. After the wind and thunder double kill, his mana is exhausted. This is the most dangerous vacuum period.However, with the little girl's obstruction, Tang Taro naturally would not delay, and poured a bottle of blessing oil into his mouth, but it was a rare medicine that restored 50% of mana at once, and with that 50% of mana In the end, Tang Taro naturally built a wall of wind for himself immediately, so he had nothing to fear.

"Go and help, I'm fine." Tang Taro said: "The life value of the vine tree demon is running low."

Tang Tang nodded, and was hit by Tang Taluo's wind and thunder double kill, usually crippled if he didn't die!

"Don't worry, I'll go see me next." Tang Tang took out the wine barrel and took a sip for himself while talking, and said to Tang Yuhao, "Haozi, you must hold on, it will be fine in a few minutes."

After saying that, Tang Tang took another sip of wine, and then said to Tang Taro, "Hit me."

"Ah?" Tang Taro suspected that he had heard it wrong, and said in a daze, "You want me to hit you?"

"That's right, that's right, hit me." Tang Tang drank alcohol, was a little dizzy in a drunken state, and breathed out alcohol: "You just imagine me as a flirtatious person who cheats feelings, seven days for eight Boyfriend, on two boats, a bad woman who cheats money and sex..."

Angrily, Tang Taro slapped Tang Tang on the face.

Tang Tang was stunned, then covered his face and said, "Why did you hit me?"

Tang Taro was also stunned, looked at his palm and said, "Didn't you ask me to hit it?"

Tang Tang smiled wryly and said, "I want to lose my health. You only need a slap to get so much blood. It doesn't take a thousand damage to beat me into a pig's head. Hit me with a spell, just be careful not to kill me."


Tang Taro was a little embarrassed, and quickly agreed in a low voice, ready to cast the spell.

(End of this chapter)

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