Chapter 366

However, Tang Tang still has privileges here. Who told Tang Mei, the organizer, to be on his side? Of course, Tang Tang had to help Tang Tang with this little matter.

Tang Mei nodded in agreement, and after a long while, she said to Tang Tang: "That day, the Archbishop brought out the Mohuang Shenling, and the situation has been found out. The Huangdi Shenling may not be as good as you imagined. It is very effective against monsters, but The effect on people is a little bit worse, especially if you cultivate the spirit or magic soul, it has a certain resistance to demons, but it is still a good thing. The archbishop means that the price can be increased by 6000 gold coins. I told him that no gold coins should be used. Finally, he will let you see the next exchange item, if you want it, you can discuss it again."

Tang Tang said: "Then read what he said before discussing."

Tang Mei said: "Then I will announce that the exchange has been successful. Anyway, we are our own people, and if it doesn't work, it will be considered a success!"

Tang Tang smiled and nodded. He didn't care much about such small details!
After the master of ceremonies announced that the fireworks armor exchange was successful, it was the No. 11 exchange item, which was the one that the archbishop said.

Arctic Frozen (rare): Use profound ice as a weapon, and freeze the soul of the weapon. After using it, you can enter the frozen phantom mirror. There is a certain chance to comprehend the soul of the weapon and comprehend a level of realm!
"Why is it a realm again? It seems that you have never heard of this stuff in your previous life?" Tang Tang frowned and asked Tang Mei, "What is this realm? I haven't heard of it before."

Tang Mei shook her head and said: "I'm not too sure about this, it seems that it appeared after the update of the Heavenly Tribulation, it's relatively rare, it seems that only killing the leader can occasionally see related things, but so far I haven't heard of anyone who has comprehended the realm , or it was not disclosed after comprehension, I guess, it should be the kind of human-machine integration, the kind that will explode in strength after comprehension."

Tang Tang nodded. Since it is a new item, the price is difficult to estimate. Even if it is a precious item, I don't know if it will be good or not.

After pondering for a moment, Tang Tang said decisively: "Exchange, but you have to exchange two for one. You tell the archbishop that he is not sure whether his Arctic ice can really comprehend the realm, and there is not even much probability. No matter how precious it is, it is worth the price. Be an extra."

Tang Mei nodded and helped Tang Tang convey the message. After a while, she said, "The archbishop agreed, but you have to answer his question, whether the fireworks boots are in your hands or not."

"Hey, this thing is still a suit, and shoes? Then the archbishop also has at least one piece of pyrotechnic equipment?" Tang Tang was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smirk: "Tell him, add 1000 gold coins."

Tang Mei nodded, and then said, "The other party agreed."

Tang Tang said: "No, I don't have fireworks boots!"

Tang Mei was stunned for a moment, and immediately vomited blood. She thought that the so-called firework boots were also in Tang Tang's hands, so she made a trick to get an extra 1000 gold coins from others. They spent 1000 gold coins to buy the word "no". It's really not a normal loss. At the same time, Tang Mei secretly sighed that it's a good thing that she and this unscrupulous little girl are sisters.


When the Archbishop got the little girl's answer from Tang Mei, he was also choked for a long time before recovering, and then he cursed the little girl viciously!

However, the archbishop did not choose to give up the exchange, because Tang Tang guessed one thing correctly. The archbishop did have a piece of pyrotechnic equipment in his hand, called the pyrotechnic wrist guard, which he got from a hall master of the pyrotechnic mercenary group. It came, and the pyrotechnic equipment is a unique set. Simply put, there is only one set. If the archbishop does not get the pyrotechnic armor, then he will never be able to get a set of three in his life. Now, the archbishop is only short of a pair of pyrotechnics. boots.

After the two parties reach an exchange agreement, the items will be delivered to the other party after the Treasure Appreciation Conference is over. Therefore, neither party can see the items for the time being, but the Treasure Appreciation Conference will continue.

The following things are naturally higher and higher grades. The most worth mentioning is an eighth-level eight-array map. This thing needs to be refined from the first level and has been sacrificed to the ninth level. It can be said that it is extremely rare. I don't know what that person was thinking, and even took out this thing to exchange, Tang Tang even suspected that the organizers found it again, something that was just a formality.

Tang Tang slandered carefully, and then yawned as he watched the top-quality items appear in front of him one by one. To be honest, the fundamental meaning of the Treasure Appreciation Conference is actually here. On the other hand, it is naturally a kind of show off to each other. When those top products with heaven-defying attributes appear in front of everyone, they will indeed make many people short of breath. Naturally, Tang Tang is no exception. However, looking at two pieces and three pieces , this feeling will be particularly strong. After reading more than a dozen pieces, there is always a feeling that that is the case!

"It's almost there!" said Tang Tang, who was about to fall asleep after Tang Mei picked up the bucket, "Wake up, item No. 19 is your firework warrant, and that thing will definitely kill you!"

The eldest sister's words aroused Tang Tang's interest, and soon, No. 18 items were also exchanged, followed by the fireworks warrant, which was placed on a mahogany tray and brought to the table.

"I won't explain much about this token. I believe that as long as you read the introduction, you can understand its value. With this token, you can take over the pyrotechnic mercenary group, which is equivalent to getting a completed building. The player forces are stationed, and the money and time saved are inestimable, if you are interested in this piece of fireworks warrant, then please hurry up!"

It was rare for the master of ceremonies to give a simple and clear introduction, and it was also the first time that there were whispers of discussions in the hall.

It's no wonder that the previous items are all personal items, and the firework warrant is obviously aimed at player forces. Leaving aside the value, the rarity may not be as high as some of the previous items.However, it is absolutely not unreasonable to be ranked No.19 by Tang Mei. From a practical point of view, the pyrotechnic warrant is far more than the first [-] items that appeared on the stage.

After a while, Tang Mei's expression was strange, and she pulled Tang Tang and said, "Little girl, can we make a deal with you?"

Tang Tang said: "Tell me, do we still need to ask about our relationship?"

Tang Mei said: "Almost everyone is interested in your fireworks warrant, and they exchange all kinds of things. If this goes on for a quarter of an hour, it's definitely not enough, and even screening can't be done. Therefore, my proposal is to make the exchange items public , Let them take out the things they are going to exchange one by one. In this way, those things that are not good enough, I am afraid no one will take them out. After all, if they are too bad, it is a shameful thing. It is beneficial to you The disadvantage, the advantage is that you will definitely get better exchange items, and the disadvantage is that no matter what you get, it will be seen by everyone. So, if you think about it, if you don’t want to, I can extend the exchange time.”

Tang Tang thought for a while and said, "Forget it, openly exchange things, it's easy for me to choose."

Tang Mei nodded, and then the master of ceremonies stood on the stage and said, "Because many friends are very interested in this fireworks warrant, we decided to change the method. All those who are interested in exchanging, please bring your things to the stage and proceed to exchange." After the public display, the owner of the token will choose whether to accept the exchange. At the same time, I will also announce some requirements of the token owner here. First, the item of the soul master is given priority, the auxiliary Horcrux is given priority, and the auxiliary is given priority to defense. Horcruxes are at least above the seventh-level elite quality, the same is true for soul skills, and finally there are spells and other items."

After announcing the conditions, the people below began to whisper again. The anonymous way made everyone exchange at ease. Even if the attributes of the things are known, it is not so easy to guess whose hands the things will fall into. In a public way, then who owns the firework warrant will naturally be known by everyone.

However, if you think about it carefully, the pyrotechnic warrant is either not used. If it is used, then whoever is in charge of the pyrotechnic mercenary group is the exchanger. It is also very easy to guess, that is, the difference between early exposure and late exposure, and the meaning of this difference is also not big.

The most important thing is that the pyrotechnic warrants are too tempting for everyone. It is a well-built garrison, and there is one thing that even Tang Tang doesn't realize, that is, the members of the pyrotechnic mercenary group. Does that mean that the members of the pyrotechnic mercenary group will also obey orders?

Soon, the members of the Tomb Raider Family took the lead. You must know that the Tomb Raider Family is recognized as a rich sect, and they were generous with their actions. It turned out to be an eighth-level organ puppet, and it could be used even by disciples who were not members of the Tomb Raider Family. !
This can't help but make Tang Tang's heart tremble, the first thing touched her, but Tang Tang is still calm, she understands the truth of the price, the first thing will never be the best one !
Immediately afterwards, people came to the stage one after another, and the things were indeed better than the other, at least not inferior to the puppets brought out by the family of tomb robbers, but Tang Tang didn't like many people, mainly because they didn't suit him.In the end, Tang Tang picked three things in his heart. The first one was the organ puppet, the second was a level 30 common-quality fire and thunder sword, and the third was a seventh-level soul skill of Tianshan. It's called Luoxue Wuqing, but as long as the sword is repaired, it can be practiced. At the same time, the opponent also knows that his soul skills are not good enough, so he also bought two true solutions that can improve the soul art below the ninth rank by one level with a [-]% chance.

Tang Tang also thought to himself, if nothing unexpected, it should be one of the three.

"I think it's still the Fire Thunder Sword..."

Tang Tang thought for a long time, and finally he was going to get the flying sword. Firstly, the flying sword was indeed the best among the three things. Secondly, the flying sword came from Tang Xin. Tang Yukuang made Kuang Zhan The strength of the pavilion was greatly damaged. If the firework mercenary group fell into Tang Xin's hands, it would be regarded as a waste of money for outsiders. Taking a step back, the flying sword that Tang Xin gave was also the best.

And Tang Xin had been sitting next to the little girl, so he knew very well who the fireworks warrant was. Hearing what Tang Tang said, he was naturally overjoyed, but when the master of ceremonies was about to take the stage to announce his ownership...

"Wait a minute!" Huo Ying suddenly stood up with the folding fan: "The last exchange item was brought by our Scarlet Mercenary Group. Now, we are willing to use that item in exchange for the fireworks warrant!"

(End of this chapter)

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