Chapter 369
However, the eldest sister Tang Mei's identity as a passer-by was really good, and there was indeed no one to provoke, and everyone went smoothly all the way.

Going all the way to the central hall on the second floor of the maze, there are almost no people here. It’s not that the level of monsters is too high, but the number of monsters that are refreshed every time at the refresh point in the center of the hall is too large. The monsters are densely packed like ants wandering, let alone An ordinary team of seven or eight people, even if it is a group of dozens of people, it is estimated that it will be difficult to win.

The chopper team basically didn't have to think about occupying space, and the Sea God Pavilion was generally not good at magic attacks, and was better at supporting the field to control the field, and it was not suitable for facing dense crowds of monsters.Therefore, there are only a few players in the center of the hall playing the autumn wind.

Tang Taro caught sight of the center of the hall at a glance. To him, he was not afraid that there would be too many monsters, but he was afraid that there would not be too many monsters. The dense crowd of monsters with more than a hundred monsters was exactly what he wanted. The monsters refreshed are the sea snake at level 70, the shrimp soldier at level 72, and the crab general at level 75. They are already the three highest-level monsters in the underwater maze. Therefore, the small platform in the center of the main hall has become a Tang Taro monster. The leveling treasure in the eyes!
"The venue is reserved, the venue is reserved..." Tang Tang was not polite, and shouted under his name: "If you can't brush the monsters, consciously walk to the side!"

"Hmph, why?" Tang Tang's words immediately caused dissatisfaction among a disciple of the Asura Hall, "This is a labyrinth under the sea, and the people in the Sea God Pavilion didn't say anything. How dare you drive us away from the Asura Hall..."

Before the man finished speaking, a silver light flashed in front of his eyes suddenly, and several sword lights went straight into his chest, without even seeing who made the move, he went to the underworld.

Tang Tang rubbed his sword and said, "Isn't it the jade-faced Luo Sha sect? If you have the ability, let him come to me. I'll see if he dares to come."

The group of Asura Hall disciples still wanted to speak, but Tang Fengzi opened his hands together, pulled out a half-meter-long purple thunder and said, "You guys better not provoke us, I'm still from Tufengying!"

The disciples of the Asura Palace looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, gritted their teeth and left, sighing inwardly that they were unlucky, they just practiced a level, why did they meet Tang Mei and a group of psychopaths to travel to the Sea God Pavilion!
After driving away the group of Asura Hall disciples, Tang Taro propped up the Immortal Wind and Cloud Body Art on his body, and a green wind swept around him. Tang Taro walked into the group of monsters after drinking a bottle of mana blessing potion.

Tang Tang and Tang Taluo cooperated tacitly for many days, and immediately followed Tang Taro forward, escorting Tang Taro all the way to the small platform in the center of the main hall.

"Everyone, don't mess around, kill in a circle!"

Tang Xin ordered everyone to stand with Tang Taro as the center of the circle, and then each moved towards the front to clear the monsters. After clearing the platform for them to stand, Tang Taro was almost ready.

"Wind and Thunder Double Kill!"

Tang Taro spread his hands, and the wind and thunder rose from the ground, and the peak lotus flowers exploded in the crowd of monsters, mixed with the power of thunder, rolling towards the surroundings, and the monster crowd that was densely packed like a colony of ants was sharp. It was cut in half, and the rest were half-destroyed. Tang Mei pushed to the front, urging the Nine Heavenly Soul Jue with all her strength, and released the cold air to freeze the surrounding monsters with a layer of frost. After slowing down the movement speed, Tang Tang He and Tang Xin rushed into it like wolves and tigers, entering three times and exiting three times. In the blink of an eye, the platform of the main hall was already emptied.

The Asura Hall disciple who hadn't gone far was naturally taken aback when he saw it, and secretly cursed that this group of guys are really inhumans, and finally they didn't dare to have other thoughts at all.

On the other end, Tang Fengzi also sighed: "This is called leveling. The experience gained by a group of monsters is more than my usual half an hour."

The others also nodded one after another. It is a very happy thing to practice with Tang Taro. On the contrary, Tang Tang has been practicing with Tang Taro for half a month, and he has almost lost his numbness. After two fishes slipped through the net, he glanced at his chat window and said, "There will be another person in a while!"

Tang Fengzi's eyes lit up immediately and said, "Male or female?"

Tang Tang rolled his eyes and said, "Men."

Tang Taluo smiled and said, "Yuhao?"

Tang Tang nodded honestly, then manipulated the Horcrux casually, waiting for the monster to respawn.

Tang Fengzi suddenly wentssiped about Tang Yuhao's growth, but unfortunately no one paid any attention to him, but Tang Xin brought the topic to Tang Tang, asking whether he was confident against Tang Yukuang. You know, he might be most concerned about this issue. If Tang Yukuang wins, it will undoubtedly be a blow to Kuang Zhan Ge, and the impact will be no less than sprinkling salt on Kuang Zhan Ge who is already covered in scars.

Because, if Tang Yukuang wins against Tang Tang, it is almost confirmed that he is the No. The leader of the Berserker Pavilion.Of course, the problem is also here, whoever called the leader title with the word "once", and because of this, will definitely be dissatisfied or resentful towards Tang Xin, and his life will not be easy.

"I'll do my best." Tang Tang was very confident in herself, but she hadn't fought Tang Yukuang for a long time, so she didn't dare to talk too much, so she said: "I think I can win, but, Tang Yukuang probably thought so too, otherwise he wouldn't have made an appointment with me."

Tang Xin nodded and stopped asking. A new wave of monsters spawned again. Tang Taro's mana was almost recovered. He was about to release Fenglei's hands again with a light pinch of spells, but at this time...

Tang Tang suddenly abandoned the crowd and left. With a shake of the thunder and lightning in his hand, Longyuan walked towards a passage beside him. Everyone was puzzled. A black shadow suddenly appeared in the passage, turned around and ran away, but it was caught by Tang Tang. A sword hit the back.

Blood splashes!
The man was suffering from pain in his back, and he turned his head abruptly. A dagger fell from his sleeve, with a trace of green energy, obviously poisonous. As soon as he handed it forward, it stabbed directly at Tang Tang's throat.


Tang Tang directly raised his hand and pinched it, grabbing the dagger with one hand, blood oozing from his palm, but the poison did not have any effect on Tang Tang, and with a flick of the lightning dragon in his hand, the sword rose and fell, killing the man Sword beheaded!

Using the tip of his sword to pick apart the corpse, Tang Tang found a bottle of venom and three demonic snakes. It seemed that he was still a demonic person. That evil cultivator shouldn't be so weak, and indeed he shouldn't have come so fast.

After picking up the things, Tang Tang wobbled back to the small platform. Tang Xin asked strangely, "Who is that person?"

Tang Tang smiled and said, "I don't know, but my head is very valuable right now."

Everyone suddenly realized that the Scarlet Mercenary Group now hated Tang Tang to the bone, and everyone knew about the reward, but they didn't expect someone to assassinate Tang Tang. However, two swords and one life, that person's level is too high worse.Moreover, all the masters of the Tang Sect are here, and they dare to come to assassinate, it is really too courageous.

Naturally, Tang Tang didn't explain that it was actually an NPC. This kind of misunderstanding doesn't make much sense. With the sword raised, Tang Tang rushed into the crowd of monsters again, left and right, and continued to fight for his own leveling road. effort……

There are still three days until the battle date!

Tang Tang also rose to level 75 on this day. At the same time, the six-person leveling team disbanded in a hurry. Although the training in the underwater maze was quite refreshing, leveling is like this. It takes two or three days. Fortunately, after a lot of practice, everyone has the urge to vomit when they see monsters. Anyway, no matter how hard you work in three days, it is impossible to reach level 76. Why don't you go on strike, rest for three days, and adjust your body well? state.

Tang Xin originally suggested that he and Tang Mei should compete with Tang Tang, but Tang Tang refused. It would be more challenging to fight against the two of them, so Tang Tang appeared on Mie Shen At the foot of Mount Tai!
When I came to this famous mountain again, it was much deserted. For nearly a month, everyone was entrenched here, but in the end they couldn’t figure out how to enter the Mishentai. In the end, everyone could only give up. No one has stopped here now. , Delaying my own time for leveling and hitting treasures, Tang Tang walked smoothly all the way.

In front of the god-destroying stage, the old NPC was still guarding it, and the content of the prompt did not change much, but there was one more grade, and the words "Yellow First Class" were written on the back, which made Tang Tang feel very ashamed. , Tang Tang got into the Mishentai of the colorful mist!

It was still flying swords flying across the sky, and spells spread all over the sky. Tang Tang went in with confidence, scrambled and scrambled to dodge, and was thrown out disheveledly. After seeing the soul domain prompt, the result was yellow second-class, neither top nor bottom, It seems that he hasn't made any progress or regressed, but he hasn't been here for a long time, and once he enters, he is a second-class yellow. Tang Tang is quite satisfied, at least he proves that he is in good condition.

However, Tang Tang didn't plan to go in again, at least not right now.Because, after confirming that he was in good condition, Tang Tang took out the Arctic ice seal.

This thing can only be used once, and it doesn’t matter if you can comprehend the realm. Anyway, after comprehending, the scroll will disappear. It is also a help!
Putting the Arctic ice seal on the ground and looking at the icy ice peak, Tang Tang chose to enter the ice fantasy world!


Tang Tang closed his eyes, and the scenery around him was changing!

The north wind is raging!

With a chill that pierced through my heart, there was an indescribable refreshing feeling.

Tang Tang opened his eyes.

Surrounded by ice pines, the shortest one is more than ten meters high, a continuous piece, swaying in the wind, turned out to be a continuous sea of ​​pine.

But in the sea of ​​pine, there is still a residential house, with smoke curling up, it seems that someone is lighting a fire to cook, it seems that someone is living in that bamboo house, so Tang Tang finally feels relieved, at least he can Ask, what is going on in this cold illusion, and at the worst, you can hear some clues from the other party's words.

(End of this chapter)

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