Chapter 374
"Impossible! It's absolutely impossible!"

Tang Yukuang had a look of disbelief, but the blue light was so shattered that it couldn't be broken any more. At the same time, the hair crown on the back of Tang Yukuang's head also cracked, and split in two with a snap. The maddened black hair immediately flew away in the wind, and the elegance on her body disappeared instantly.

"The scarlet flame breaks the soul, burns with the red flame of fire, and has a 10% chance of destroying the enemy's Horcruxes and equipment!" Tang Tang smiled and stretched out two fingers, and wiped the sword of the Huoyu Feiyan sword: " Your luck is really good, it took dozens of attacks to destroy your auxiliary Horcrux!"

Tang Yukuang bit his lips tightly, he was fooled, the little girl was out of balance, she just pretended to be eager, in order to be able to attack a few more times and trigger the 10% Chi Yan Destroyer system.

"damn it!"

Tang Yu cursed furiously, and after slashing with his sword, condensing out his heavenly sword and slamming it down towards Tang Tang as soon as his soul power was consumed.

With Tang Tang's light body on one side, the huge Heavenly Sword passed by his side, and slammed into the ground, shaking the top of the ghost cliff, as if about to be caught by Tang Yukuang's attack. It was as if the sword had been split open, and such actions seemed to indicate Tang Yukuang's anxiety.

It's just that Tang Tang didn't intend to take advantage of the momentum to attack at all. Instead, he looked at Tang Yukuang jokingly. Sure enough, the corners of Tang Yukuang's eyes twitched, and the anxious look on his face disappeared, and he returned to his indifferent look. , if he dared to challenge Tang Tang with only one defensive horcrux, then he would not be Tang Yukuang. of.

"There is a senior in the back mountain of the demon tower in Tangmen town!" Tang Yukuang stretched out two fingers and flicked on the sword: "The name is Dai Mubai, he is a rare imperial weapon genius in the Tangmen, he himself The soul-creating skill Tiger Sword God's Seven Forms, I'm stupid, so I can only grant the first of the Sword God's Seven Forms for the time being!"

Tang Tang said: "Then I need to see it!"

When the words fell, Tang Tang generously made a gesture of invitation to Tang Yukuang, as if he had no intention of making a move first.

Tang Yukuang also caressed the sword with his fingertips until it reached the tip. Just when everyone thought Tang Yukuang was about to unleash his sword, Tang Yukuang suddenly turned around and urged the sword to leave!
"Want to run!"

Tang Tang hooked the corner of his mouth, spread out in his palm, and there was a small dark pagoda, and he sent forward: "Nine-level pagoda, press!"

The small black pagoda quickly turned into a black hazy shadow and fell towards Tang Yukuang, but the nine-level pagoda fell on Tang Yukuang, but it had no effect at all.

Tang Tang was stunned, and then cursed damn it!

Tang Yukuang was No. 1 in the soul domain, and his leveling madness is unquestionable. Although he suffered heavy losses due to the failure of the Heavenly Tribulation, his leveling madness is not comparable to that of a lazy girl like a little girl. To put it simply, Tang Tang's level is lower than Tang Yukuang's!

If the level cannot be suppressed, then the ninth-level pagoda will naturally be invalid!

In this regard, Tang Tang was helpless, and immediately left the imperial weapon, chasing towards Tang Yu madly, stretched out his hand to grasp the void, and the surrounding wind was strong, and the ghostly aura floating in the air quickly moved towards Tang Yu. Crazy siege over.

At this moment, Tang Yukuang lost his defensive Horcrux, and as long as he was surrounded by Nether Qi for a round, Tang Tang could guarantee that he wouldn't even have bones left.

It's a pity, with Tang Yukuang's net worth, how could he only have one defensive Horcrux?
"Heavenly Demon Cover!"

That day, the demon hood was covered with a large dark cloud, and it was necessary to use nine extraterrestrial demons to sacrifice and refine their demon souls into the dark cloud. Between the hands, there was a gust of wind, thousands of miles of sand and dust, swallowing up all living things in the world , is also a very vicious evil horcrux, and its sacrificial method is also a secret of the devil world, but he did not expect Tang Yukuang to be able to get this auxiliary horcrux into his hands!
However, Tang Yukuang's celestial demon mask was obviously not hot enough. The dark cloud billowed, and three hideous green-toothed ghost faces emerged, but they were only three-headed celestial demon souls. The sacrifice has not been completed yet.

Even so, this evil horcrux, which is well-known in the demon world, is still extremely powerful. Facing the overwhelming ghostly aura, the three ferocious alien celestial demons opened their fangs and huge mouths and roared in unison. Circles of sand and dust slammed into the Nether Qi, unexpectedly blocking three thousand strands of Nether Qi.

Even, occasionally, more than a dozen streams of Nether Qi broke through the encirclement, and the demon souls of the three-headed heavenly demons from outside the territory would immediately stretch out their claws, pinch the Nether Qi fiercely, and suck out the soul in the Nether Qi, just like that. In his mouth, he began to eat with a click.

Tang Tang also took a deep breath, lamenting the ferocity of the three-headed demon soul, and lamenting that the demon shield was so fierce that day, and it was so powerful if only three demon souls were sacrificed. How powerful is it to complete the sacrifice of a Horcrux?At least enter the ninth level steadily!

However, Tang Tang is not afraid, isn't it the three-headed demon soul? Other things can scare Tang Tang, but the demon soul is something that Tang Tang has specially restrained in his hands!
Thinking like this, Tang Tang urged the breath of the young phoenix into the sky, and headed towards the magic hood of that day. Facing the dark wind coming from the pavement, Tang Tang picked up the burial coffin and struck it hard, Using strength and skill, he split open a gap in the dark wind, and he easily killed it, and that Tang Yukuang was not stupid, seeing Tang Tang killed him, he immediately hid in the demon hood, and then He commanded the three-headed demon souls to grab Tang Tang.

Facing the green and fierce claws, Tang Tang snorted coldly, and did not touch him head-on. Instead, he waved the ghost blood banner, and once again released two thousand ghost spirits from the banner, a total of nearly five thousand ghost ghosts. The air rolled into one piece, like a huge black wall, blocking the continuous wind. At the same time, with a flick of Tang Tang's fingers, under the cover of the ghostly air, three streaks of soul-stirring cold smoke were released, straight into the three Between the eyebrows of the demon soul!

The three-headed demon souls suddenly showed pain on their faces, and howled to the sky. For pure demon souls, the soul attack of Dementor Hanyan is the nemesis!
As the three-headed demon souls competed with Dementor Hanyan, Tang Tang took the opportunity to hold it high and listen to the song. With a move of the overlord holding the tripod, he blasted it with all his strength on the demon hood, and the tumbling black cloud surged, unexpectedly It was smashed apart abruptly by Tang Tang, but...


Tang Tang shattered the demon shield with one blow, but there was no figure of Tang Yukuang in the black cloud!

Where have people gone?

"it's here!"

A roar suddenly sounded from behind Tang Tang, and when he looked back, Tang Yukuang had sprinted behind him at some point, with a white awn on his body, and a sword-shaped phantom appeared behind him, domineering and awe-inspiring!

"Little girl, if you think I'm bragging, you're wrong!" Tang Yukuang laughed loudly at Tang Tang, "I've been waiting for this moment, and I'll show you my Sword God Style!"

As the words fell, Tang Yukuang's hands changed rapidly, changing more than a dozen handprints in a row, and the imaginary sword with a height of seven or eight meters on the back was like a peacock spreading its tail, creating countless sword shadows Expand towards the sides!

"Sword God One Form!"

Tang Yukuang condensed all the resentment in his heart into this loud roar, the white light on his body swelled, and the imaginary sword around his back also surged towards the surroundings, dancing wildly to bring out the sword energy that filled the sky.

"Not good!" Tang Taro's face changed, and he shouted anxiously: "Everyone, retreat quickly, retreat a hundred meters quickly, and don't stand still!"

Tang Taluo was not slow in shouting, but it was still too late. Countless sword qi flew across and hit the top of Guijian Sorrow Cliff, creating a cloud of smoke and dust. The crowd in the outermost circle almost had no chance to hum No, I just felt that the sword was surging, and as soon as the white glow appeared, the next moment, I appeared in the underworld!

After a while...

The wind is calm and the clouds are clear!

The diffuse smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and the beam of death finally disappeared. When the outline of the top of the cliff slowly appeared, everyone couldn't help but gasped!
Tang Tang's splitting of the Guanri Tower has already made people feel extremely violent. At this moment, Tang Yukuang's Sword God Yishi actually split the top of the ghost cliff into three pieces, like three huge rocks suspended In the air, there is no such thing as a cliff.


"Ha ha……"

Tang Yukuang spread his hands out, laughing wildly, hanging in the air, like a king descending.

"I won!" Tang Yukuang clenched his fists and said, "Tang Tang is dead!"

"Who are you saying is dead?"

Tang Tang's voice suddenly sounded, and Tang Yukuang's laughter stopped abruptly, like a duck whose throat was suddenly pinched, with protruding eyes, an unbelievable look!

On Tang Yukuang's neck, a flying sword with surging flames was lightly held there. Tang Tang stood just behind Jian Dao Wuming, pinching Tang Yukuang's shoulder with one hand.

"This sword god's one-style soul skill is indeed very powerful!" Tang Tang praised, and then said: "It's a pity, the price you have to pay for such a powerful soul skill will never be small, you still have extra Is the soul power value the same as the divine soul value?"

Tang Yukuang's shoulders pinched by Tang Tang trembled.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Tang Yukuang clenched his teeth and said, "You can't resist, how could you resist, you should be dead!"

As the words fell, Tang Yu grabbed the sword fiercely and swung it back, slashing heavily towards Tang Tang.

Tang Tang lifted the burial coffin, and stopped Tang Yukuang's Horcrux flying sword with ease!
"When you go to the underworld, you will know who died!"

As the words fell, the Huo Yu Fei Yan sword passed Tang Yukuang's neck, and at the same time, the huge burial coffin suddenly hit Tang Yukuang's back!
Tang Yukuang's head was hurt for the first time, and it was also the last time!
The decisive battle between Tang Yukuang and Tang Tang's Gui Jianchou at the top of the cliff is over!

This is a very ordinary battle. Every day, every hour, every minute, in a certain corner of the Soul Realm, there will always be some wrong players who draw their swords and face each other. , the person with grace is to declare war heads-up!
However, in view of the reputation of Tang Tang and Tang Yukuang in the Soul Realm, this battle was not so ordinary, and the number of people watching the battle reached [-].Moreover, this number of people is still because the area around the top of the cliff is crowded, and the extra people can't squeeze in at all.However, after the battle was over, the battle between Tang Tang and Tang Yukuang was recorded by the memory crystal, and the discussion about this battle also swept through like a storm!

"The Tang Sect is the strongest!"

"Tang Sect No. 1!"

"The duel between the top of the Tang Sect will finally be settled!"

(End of this chapter)

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