Chapter 394

Tang Tang is not familiar with Tianxiahui, but has a relationship with her!
I'm not familiar with it because Tianxiahui is very low-key. As the strongest monster gang in the half-beast forest, Tianxiahui doesn't show much and has almost never done any big things, so most people don't have a deep impression of Tianxiahui. , I only know that there is such a demon clan gang in Tianxiahui. As for the relationship with Tang Tang, it is natural that Tianxiahui will go along with the bloody mercenary group and issue a reward for killing themselves.

After a long silence, Tang Tang opened his eyes abruptly and said, "This group of people is not carrying the sacred instrument Fuxiqin, it is a fake, please don't do anything, just let them pass by."

Lin Dong was stunned and said, "Are you sure? Don't make a mistake, it's hard to explain!"

Tang Tang said in a low voice: "Listen to me, you're right. By the way, you tell the legendary landlord that Tianzhu has a scroll of mountains, rivers, and lands in his hand, but there are hundreds of thousands of armored soldiers inside. If it is true, then there is no need to fight. Individuals can't beat them at all, and Tianzhu must have brought 800 people in the map of mountains, rivers and communities, and they can't ambush them at all."

Although Lin Dong didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Tang Tang's gourd, he still contacted the legend owner!
After a while, Lin Dong said to Tangtang with a strange expression: "It is said that the landlord said that the reward for the five of us will be increased to 8000 gold coins, as long as we stop those people who just passed by."

Tang Tang laughed and said, "Tell him [-] gold coins, or I won't do it!"

For the sake of the extra gold coins, Lin Dong honestly acted as a microphone, and immediately, Tang Tang's thousands of miles of sound transmission rang: "Little girl, don't go too far."

Tang Tang chuckled, and answered the wrong question: "The group of people walked very cautiously. Although they were not fast, they were still two hundred meters away from us!"

Legend has it that the landlord sighed and said: "Damn little girl, you are really annoying, I promise you, [-] gold coins, do it immediately!"

It is said that after the landlord turned off the voice transmission of thousands of miles, Lin Dong and the others also had different expressions. Obviously, they all received the price increase transmission, which surprised the four of them. These days, there are not many bosses who will take the initiative to increase the salary of employees. One, especially doubled after a rise.

Niu Dada pulled Tang Tang and said, "Amituofu, you have to tell me what's going on."

"Talk while chasing!" Tang Tang smiled and started chasing after him, and then said: "Since Soul Realm has offered 15 Dragon City coins to buy back the holy artifacts, it is equivalent to 8 to [-] taels of actual gold coins. How much can you earn? You said that a person who can take out nearly [-] gold coins in one breath can care about tens of thousands? So, it is said that the landlord actually wants piano and gold coins, and he deliberately hesitated with us He said vaguely, but as expected, the sacred instrument, Fuxiqin, has always been with him!"

The four of them were stunned, and after a while, Lin Dong said, "I don't understand."

Tang Tang said: "I don't understand the complete situation, but I guessed a general idea. It is said that the landlord first sold the holy artifact Fuxiqin to a certain group of people, made the first money, and then sold the news of the sacred artifact Fuxiqin For the second group of people, earn the second sum of money, and finally let us go to grab the holy artifacts back, earn the third sum of money, well, the order of the second group of people and the third group of people is not sure, we may be cheating The first batch of black robbers, and then the second batch of people thought we were the first batch of people to rob us, or we may directly rob the second batch of people, but it’s all the same, probably that’s what it means. In this way, as long as we succeed After snatching the qin back, she sold the Xianqin around Liangliang three times, but the qin was still in her hands, and he only paid a sum of money, and as long as he sold the holy artifact after the event, he would pay for it. I also took this money back, which means I didn’t spend a dime and got three sums of money!”

"Although I still don't understand it very well, but..." Lin Dong broke his mouth and said, "It's so fucking bad! By the way, how did you think of it?"

Tang Tang said: "Actually, one item sells more. I didn't expect it at first. I really thought that if Tianzhu from the Tianxiahui made a move, we would have no chance. His map of mountains and rivers can accommodate many people. If we sneak attack, he will release it directly." Hundreds of people came, absolutely besieged us, and then you also saw that the attitude of the rumored host shows that he knows who the other party is, it is definitely not Tianxiahui, nor Tianzhu, and he directly increases the price, which is equivalent to not calling himself. After a little bit of running around, you know that guy is playing tricks."

While talking, the five of them are getting closer and closer to those Yaozu players!
At about 20 meters, the five of Tang Tang slowed down. If there were more than twenty opponents, if they really wanted to fight, each of them would have to deal with four and a half. If the opponent was an ordinary player, the five of them would naturally not be afraid, even The opponent's skills are good, as long as they are not as good as their strength, they can still fight, but since the opponent is a monster player, the five of them have to be cautious.
As we all know, Yaozu players are the most explosive players, and they are also the scariest when they fight their lives, because they can enter the semi-monster state, and their strength will increase sharply in a short period of time. However, Tang Tang and the others slowed down, but the twenty or so Monster Race players who were advancing slowly sped up suddenly.

Tang Tang frowned, and speeded up to keep up, only to find that the opponent's speed was even faster, and kept at about 20 meters away from them, never making any progress!
"Damn it, we were discovered!" Tang Tang took out the burial coffin from his backpack and said, "Kill!"

The others were not stupid. Seeing that the other party was able to maintain a constant speed with their own side, they knew that their whereabouts had been exposed. After Tang Tang yelled, everyone did not dare to delay, and quickly rushed forward, taking a thunderous blow !
"Amituofu!" Niu da da softly moaned, and then slapped forward with a fierce palm: "Dari Tathagata palm!"

A mark of * was shot from Niu DaDa's hand, smashing several big trees in a row, and printed it towards the group of monster players!

"Yo!" Tang Tang laughed and said, "Have you changed your tactics?"

Niu da da pulled the corner of his mouth to accept it, and then he slapped the second palm, which hit the ground heavily, rolling up sand and dirt.

Taking advantage of the momentum of the bombardment, Buge also took the opportunity to rush into the crowd. When he opened his hands, he held a Zhangba long spear in his hand. The tip of the spear was lightly raised. With a pinch of flames, he swept across four or five people. Sweeping to the ground, one against six, and at the same time engaged in fire with six Monster Race players!
"I am coming!"

Tianhu's speed was a bit slow, and he was also coming to the front at this moment. Seeing the musket gun blooming, he seemed to be struggling, so he rushed forward and raised his hand to punch one. After knocking down one, he kicked and beat him. .

At this time, Tang Tang and Lin Dong also played a trick, using the three of them as bait, and when the monster players gathered forward, the two suddenly rushed out from behind the tree together!
"Wu Ling Possession!" Lin Dong made a mistake with both fists and roared, "Liu Lizhan!"

The clothes on Lin Dong's body swelled without wind, and his whole body swelled up. A golden light emerged from behind, and spread rapidly, turning into a three-meter-high multicolored glazed lamp, accompanied by Lin Dong's punch towards the void. , the huge figure of the glazed lamp also emitted a golden light, and shot down fiercely towards the dark space.


The huge golden light blasted down, and the ground immediately cracked a huge gap, which abruptly sank a few inches downwards. The monster player was killed by Lin Dong's punch. It was so powerful. However, this move was too fierce, but Lin Dong was unable to use his martial soul in a short time, and he was considered half disabled!
That being the case, Tang Tang couldn't fall behind, and the funeral coffin rushed into the opponent's formation in one fell swoop.

No trace on the snow, no sound on the ground!
Lightly point your toes, stepping on the figure-of-sight steps, Tang Tang is under the feet of flying snow. Although holding the sky coffin in his hand, it is extremely light. mango!

Feng Yu Fei Sword!

As soon as the sword came out, phoenixes flew in the air, but it didn't look frivolous. With the burial coffin in his hand, he felt a little more heavy, and when he entered the crowd, Tang Tang fought against seven people alone, relying on the exquisiteness of Feng Yufei sword , without any downside.

It's just that the Feng Yu Fei Sword is exquisite, but the 120% damage is really low when there is no rain. Tang Tang's one-block seven is not bad, but he wants to take this opportunity to kill the opponent But it is impossible.

Tang Tang knew this, and so did the other party!

Therefore, the opponent was unable to attack for a long time with seven to one, but there was no sign of anxiety. Lin Dong's attack just now was to attack him by surprise. Now they are stalemate. Naturally, the side with more people will benefit, and Tang Tang is also smiling. Since she knows, then How could he not be ready to back up?

Quietly stretching out a single palm behind him, a small black pagoda appeared in Tang Tang's palm!

Nine-level pagoda!
As soon as Tang Tang loosened his wrist, the ninth-level pagoda fell to the ground and turned into a hazy black shadow, but because it was night, there was no way to notice it until the ninth-level pagoda suddenly activated, the seven monster players in front of them There was a look of astonishment in his eyes, how did Tang Tang's speed change so fast?Before he could react, the sky burial coffin in Tang Tang's hand had already fallen down!
"24 Bridges on a Moonlit Night!"

The afterglow was shining, 24 silver lights as thick as little fingers flashed past, and then, the corpse fell and went away in white light!

Without waiting for the other party to be stunned, Tang Tang immediately used [-] points of soul power in a row, and the burial coffin rose again!
"Death pulse!"

The toes point, the flying snow dances under the feet, rolling up a burst of flower fragrance, but Tang Tang's figure has disappeared without a trace. Tang's speed was extremely fast, and before they could react, he suddenly appeared again, and as soon as the sarcophagus was lit, he bombarded away!

poof, poof!
The burial coffin was really huge, and it was really extremely domineering. Even though it was going towards the opponent's body with one blow, it smashed the bodies of the two people into meatloaf. Quickly refresh it.

Killing three people in a row, the group of monster players suddenly became chaotic!
(End of this chapter)

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