Chapter 400

The so-called practice of soul skills and spells is to kill monsters. Of course, there are other ways, but it is the most convenient way to do it directly, and smart people know that at this time, killing some middle and low-level monsters without asking for character levels can make them even better. quick.

Even so, it took Tang Tang nine days to grind his own level to level 77. At the same time, Huo Lei Burst was gloriously sixth level, and Thunder Breaking Sky entered the seventh level. He piled up instant recovery blue potions and used them there without any interval, but it was unexpectedly upgraded two levels in a row, reaching level five.
Huo Lei Bo finally made its first appearance. Originally, this trick was not used very frequently, and it was mostly used in pk. Now, one has changed to three. Not to mention the power, it is equivalent to using one experience to double three. times, while Thunder Breaker is very disappointing. It is more powerful, but there is no essential change. It is still a thunder from the sky, which is nothing new. The shooting speed is of course gratifying, but the auxiliary spells are just that, and there is nothing worth mentioning.

Of course, it is not without regrets, because Death Pulse is a combination of soul skills and body skills. After frequent use of Treading Snow Wuhen, the frequency of using Death Pulse will naturally decrease, which also makes Death Pulse fall short in the end. Go up to the seventh step before the magic conference!
However, this is not important, what is important is that the Holy Demon Conference has started!

The location of the pre-selection registration is all the big cities in the entire Soul Realm. The Soul Realm will release the Holy Demon Venerable in each city, talk to, pay the money, and then you can participate. Of course, players who do not have a team still need to choose from the Holy Demon Venerable. Automatic matching.

Some people choose to go to remote cities, while others choose to go to Dragon City. The former want to avoid the masters and go further, while the latter want to compete with the masters, and it is not ruled out that they want to step on the masters to become famous. Can't say good or bad.

Tang Tang chose Dragon City, the busiest and busiest place. Her lowest goal is to get involved in the top 64. If she needs to deliberately avoid some characters, then this goal is a joke. Therefore, the little girl chooses Dragon City, and only others can avoid it. She, not her circumvents others!

Meeting in a tavern in Dragon City, the five of them went to pay the fee to the Venerable Saint Demon together, and then, they needed to participate in a round of pre-selection which was not counted as pre-selection!
The so-called preselection is not considered preselection because they still need to enter the single-player dungeon to knock down five players, and only those who successfully beat five players are eligible to participate in the preselection. You must know that according to informal statistics among players, players who participated in the Holy Demon Conference But there are tens of millions of people, and taking such a test can at least reduce the number of people by four-fifths. Moreover, this is not a detailed calculation, because it does not rule out that someone who kills four people in a row is shot by the opponent when the fifth person But, so, just the first level of the test, not even one fifth of the people can stay.

Among the five, only Tang Xiaoyao was in some danger. Even Li Yanxiao was unlikely to fall in the first level. suspense.


After Tang Tang finished writing his thumb with a smile, he stepped into the teleportation array first with a smile.

For her, the test is meaningless at all, as long as it is not randomly drawn to the level of Bloody Limbo and Tang Yukuang, the fact is the same, Tang Tang has not encountered any difficulties, only in the third round, a master who is good at Yunxiao sword The Kunlun disciple brought her some troubles, but it was just troubles. Tang Tang directly lit the sky fire and burned him to death.

In 9 minutes, Tang Tang was the first to complete the pre-selection test.

The second one came out was Li Yanxiao, the third one was surprisingly Tang Xiaoyao, the fourth one was also surprised, it was Li Yanxiao, and Bai Fengyu was the last one to come out. I know, Bai Fengyu bumped into Tieniu in the fifth round, that guy is one of the top five masters in the Buddha Hall, of course, this is not the point, the point is that everyone knows that the skinheads in the Buddha Hall are very resistant to fighting!

But no matter what, everyone passed the level.

"In this case..." There was a celebration party in a tavern, and it is said that the proprietor tapped his knuckles on the table in front of him and said, "We have to arrange the pre-selection. A large dungeon, with a total capacity of 5000 people, can get a piece of soul jade for each person killed, and the winner will be determined by the number of soul jade obtained at the end, and the top five will pass. By the way, the top five covers the entire team. For example, Tang Tang Tang enters the top five, and we are all outside the thousand. As long as she gets the top five, all five of us can pass, but we need to pay attention not to die. If Tang Tang gets the top five, among the four of us If two people die, then the dead two will be eliminated, and the two alive will pass no matter how many soul jades they have in their hands."

Li Yan smiled and said: "That's easy, we can concentrate all the soul jade on one person."

Legend has it that the landlord said: "This is inevitable, smart people will do this, so what I want to say is who to focus on, because, according to the rules, there will be a soul jade ranking for query after entering the dungeon, if it is Tang Tang , there is no doubt that it will have a great deterrent effect, but it may also become the target of public criticism. If it is given to the little demon, it will have a very good deception effect. Originally, I was inclined to the latter, but the rules have stated that entering the dungeon After that, they will be randomly teleported to a location, that is to say, after five people enter, it does not mean that they will be together. After they die at the same time, all the soul jades on their bodies will drop. cause trouble."

Tang Xiaoyao said: "Let's let Eldest Sister Tang Tang stay with her, it's safe for her."

Tang Tang shook his head and said, "Legend never talks nonsense. Since he has said it, he will definitely not want to put the soul jade on me."

"Don't call me Legend, you can call me Louzhu!" Legend of the landlord complained dissatisfied, and then said: "In fact, it is not suitable for Tang Tang and Tang Xiaoyao, both of them are too extreme. Give it to Xiaobai..."

Bai Fengyu interjected: "Fengyu!"

Legend has it that the landlord said helplessly: "It is best to put it on Bai Fengyu. He is capable, but at the same time his reputation is not obvious and he is also deceptive. However, my suggestion is to focus on me for the same reason, but there is an extra A personal reason, that is to be able to promote the legendary landlord, if you are willing to believe that I have the ability to protect the soul jade, and are willing to concentrate on me, then I will pay an additional 1000 gold coins per person."

Tang Tang smiled bitterly and said, "You really never forget to do business. I agree, and the soul jade will be concentrated on you."

Tang Tang knew the background of the rumored landlord, so there was no reason not to believe in the strength of a multi-treasure Taoist. As for the others, Li Yanxiao and Tang Xiaoyao didn't want to participate in the Holy Demon Avenue Meeting, but they were dragged by Tang Tang. Tang Tang followed the lead, but Bai Fengyu, not to mention his indifferent attitude towards everything, even if he had an opinion, it was useless, four to one, the minority obeyed the majority.

After the decision was made, it is said that the landlord explained other rules and formulated several sets of different strategies. Until the evening, the test was finally over. After being prompted by the soul domain, the first round of preliminary selection officially started.

"see you later!"

"see you later!"


The five people left a tavern, smiled and blessed each other, and then, a white light fell, covering the five people, the surrounding area was incandescent, the scenery flowed, gradually became blurred, distorted, and the people watching were a little dizzy, Tang Tang simply closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, the surrounding scenery had completely changed, and Tang Tang was really taken aback.

There are five-color clouds all around, and the blue sky is within reach. Looking at her feet, she is standing on top of a five-color cloud. The dungeon she is in is actually the end of the colorful cloud!

Looking at the name of the dungeon, it is called Nine Clouds City, and his current location is Caiyun Road. The time limit is one week, that is, seven days. After seven days, the winner will be determined according to the soul jade. It is also possible for the players to kill each other until there are only five people left, but it is extremely unlikely.

As for the soul jade ranking, Tang Tang only glanced at it. Everyone's ranking is tied for the first place, because no one has got the soul jade yet, but soon, the soul jade ranking jumped a bit, and there was a player named Jimmy The number of soul jades he held changed to "1", but his name disappeared in just 30 seconds, and a player named Tang Mu replaced him as the top of the list, and the number of soul jades was "2" , obviously, he killed the player named Jimmy.

"It's really intense!"

Tang Tang muttered something, and then his voice transmission sounded from thousands of miles away, but it was said that the landlord was asking for the coordinates of everyone.

Tang Tang stated his location very simply, and after a while, the legendary host said: "Li Yanxiao is closer to me, Tang Xiaoyao is not far away, Tang Tang's location is farther away, um, try to reach Cloud Nine Clouds as quickly as possible Let's meet up there, before that, I will try my best to find missions in the city and accumulate soul jade!"

It is said that the landlord’s opinion has been approved by everyone. Soul Realm has made a copy of Ruoda and provided it to players. It is not just for players to kill. There are many other ways to get soul jade, such as looking for tasks in the npc of the copy. , or find something rare to sell, simply put, in the dungeon, the soul jade is the transaction currency, just do everything possible to get it.

And such a rule, obviously, is to give opportunities to those players who are not strong enough. Soul Domain does not want to simply send the victory to those players with strong strength. , those task masters also have the opportunity to show their talents and seize the top five positions!

"However..." Tang Tang clenched his fists confidently and said, "Victory will definitely be mine!"

(End of this chapter)

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