The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 406 Great Chaos Killing Saints and Demons

Chapter 406 Great Chaos Killing Saints and Demons
With the passage of time, Tang Tang obviously felt that the number of people was increasing, and the number of people staring at her increased. Secondly, she had eyes to see. With the increase of the number of people, it was not so easy to hide. Tang Tang could even see around wandering player.

However, everyone seems to have reached a tacit agreement, and no one dares to step into the Tongtian Tower first!
Other than the top five, everyone wanted to enter Tongtian Tower and turn defeat into victory, but no one dared to be the first to stand out and become cannon fodder for others!

No, there is one person who dares!

"You can go in, go in the direction of Tongtian Tower!"

It is said that the landlord sent a sound transmission to Tang Tang from thousands of miles away, and his tone was indifferent, as if asking the little girl to do a trivial thing.

Tang Tang had the urge to vomit blood and said, "Do you know that as long as I take a step forward, at least thirty people will jump at me?"

Legend has it that the landlord giggled and said, "Are you scared?"

After being silent for a while, Tang Tang gritted his teeth and said, "You are ruthless, no matter what you do, you'd better not fail!"

When the words fell, Tang Tang stepped forward!

In the first step, Tang Tang found that all the loose gazes returned to him again, but no one made the first move!
Step two!
third step!

Clang, clang, clang...

The chains of the burial coffin dragged across the ground, making a crisp sound. When Tang Tang walked to the seventh step, a dozen or so horcruxes of various kinds suddenly appeared in front of Tang Tang, with various colors of light, pointing at them. Tang Tang!
With a wave of Tang Tang Xin's hand, he made an obvious sword arc in the air, shaking those Horcruxes away one after another.

Immediately, Tang Tang rushed forward!

Now that we have already started, there is no need to worry about it. It seems to be the best choice to rush to the Tongtian Tower in the shortest possible time!

At this time, there was a bang on the ground, and two arms suddenly sprang up from the ground, but someone was hiding in the ground and suddenly attacked Tang Tang. He smashed it towards the ground, smashing the ground, and then stretched out his hand to pull the player who was hiding in the earth out!

"Get out of here!"

Tang Tang threw the person aside casually, and continued to sprint forward. The players hidden on both sides finally took advantage of the momentum. They didn't attack Tang Tang, but headed in the direction of Tongtian Tower!

Obviously, their goal is also the Tongtian Tower!
Immediately after...

The surroundings became chaotic, and the wandering and hidden people rushed out at the same time. Their purpose was the same, to obtain the reward from the city lord in the Tongtian Tower, and then kill those who might surpass themselves!
In normal times, Tang Tang might happily say: Look, this is the good and evil of human nature!

Unfortunately, right now she is also one of the members who is desperately sprinting forward!
"Beat you! Beat you! Beat you to death!..."

Tang Tang kept waving the burial coffin, and kept rushing forward. The situation was exactly as she had guessed. In just ten seconds, there was complete chaos. More than 300 people, and, that's not all!
"The sky is blazing!"

Tang Tang pushed forward with a palm, bringing out a blaze of heavenly fire and sweeping forward, forcibly making a gap, and moving forward.

"Watch your left side!"

At this time, it is said that the landlord's sound transmission from thousands of miles suddenly sounded, and Tang Tang was stunned. Then, a flying sword turned into a sword light and pierced through Tang Tang's left shoulder, taking away more than a quarter of Tang Tang's life at the same time. But it was still a powerful sword art.

"damn it!"

Tang Tang couldn't help but yelled, if it wasn't for the rumored landlord's warning, she might have escaped with an excellent reaction, but when the legendary landlord shouted, she was taken aback and was succeeded by the other party, but, The unlucky guy didn't get any better, Tang Tang struck the man's shoulder with a heavy burial coffin, and then a fire thunder condensed out of his hand, and pressed it on the man's face, with a bang, he knocked him down To blow up.

"What's the matter!" Tang Tang cleaned up the man, and then he said to the legendary host: "No, you can see me?"

Tang Tang smiled and said: "It's just a small assistant, I'm sorry, I wanted to help you, but I didn't expect to hurt you."

Tang Tang said: "Speaking of business, you don't just want to remind me, do you?"

Legend has it that the landlord put away his smile and said: "I forgot to tell you just now, one meter in front of the gate of Tongtian Pagoda, that is, in front of the white jade steps on the first floor, there is a stone futon for kneeling there, you just find it A Horcrux, or directly use the Horcrux in your hand, insert it!"


Tang Tang agreed, but didn't ask why. In the current situation, is it meaningful to ask what's going on?
"Nine-level pagoda!"

Tang Tang immediately stood up proudly with a horizontal knife, and summoned two Horcruxes at the same time!
As soon as the ninth-level pagoda came out, the crowd's pressure increased sharply, and the speed of slowing down made everyone not very used to it, and Tang Tang wanted this effect. At the moment when the nine-level pagoda slowed everyone down, Tang Tang flew into the air Leap up, take out the white shark fangs from the backpack, step on it, and charge towards the Tongtian Tower with the imperial weapon!
Close at hand, but also at this time...

A black shadow flashed by, Tang Tang saw it, but he couldn't stop the black shadow, a pain in the waist, the black shadow knocked her off the white shark's fangs.

Looking up, it was a female cat demon with pointed ears, a wagging tail, a yellowish-brown cat fur on the spine, sharp claws, and a jewel-like eye on the forehead!
"Three-eyed cat monster?" Tang Tang raised his eyebrows and said, "Yao Yaoer?"

However, the cat demon ignored Tang Tang, and flew up again with its fangs and claws, scratching Tang Tang's face, but Tang Tang retreated lightly and dodged it.

"I don't have time to play with you, go away!"

Tang Tang swung his sword in the air, but the Catwoman leaped nimbly, her toes touched the sky coffin, and she floated into the air. It seemed that her level was not low, but the nine-level pagoda had no effect on her. only……

At the moment when the cat demon also felt that he was dodging, with a clatter, the funeral coffin swung over, but the entangled iron lock was thrown out, hitting the cat demon's lower abdomen fiercely, and knocking it out of the air. brought it down.

"You are too weak!"

Tang Tang took advantage of the opportunity to step forward, and slammed the burial coffin forward, pressing on the cat demon's body. Then, three fire and thunder blasts hit the cat demon's head in succession, bringing out a blazing white samsara shine.

After dealing with the cat demon, Tang Tang quickly took three steps forward and reached the front of Tongtian Pagoda. There were two or three people in front of her. There were always some lucky people who could break out of the crowd.

Tang Tang waved the burial coffin, and knocked down those players who were kneeling in front of Tongtian Pagoda to visit the city lord and pray for rewards, and she saw the stone futon that the legendary host said!

Raising the white shark's fangs, Tang Tang ruthlessly inserted into the stone futon!


A huge roar sounded, and Tang Tang felt his feet shaking, so he quickly grabbed the funeral coffin to avoid falling. As for the people in front of the Tongshentian, they all fell on their backs. The chaotic battle stopped instantly, and everyone Everyone was shocked by this sudden earthquake!

All around, multicolored beams of light surged, straight into the mouth of heaven!
One, two, three...

Hundreds of beams of light appeared in various locations in Cloud Nine City, and slowly, the multicolored Qiongguang slowly condensed in the air, creating five big characters flying like dragons and phoenixes!

Saint-killing and demon-killing array!
Soul Realm Reminder: You have qualified from the dungeon "Nine Nights Cloud City"!
Soul Realm Tip: You have passed the pre-selection of the Holy Demon Conference!
Soul domain prompt: The teleportation will take place after 30 seconds, please interrupt by mistake!

The reminders of Soul Realm began to sound continuously, and the text channels were densely swiped. However, Tang Tang still looked around in surprise. The five-color beams of light flowed around, and in just a moment, there was a quiet voice around him. There was no sound, and immediately, countless white lights of death shot up into the sky, like a white meteor shower.

A moment later, Tang Tang was thrown out of the dungeon and returned to the Dragon City Tavern, still in a daze.

"What the hell is that!"

"That's a formation!" Tang Xiaoyao didn't know that Tang Tang was talking to himself there, and explained honestly: "It's an ancient formation, very powerful, and the buildings in Jiuxiaoyun City are arranged according to the formation. .”

Tang Tang came back to his senses, scratched his head and said, "To be more specific, I'm really at a loss now. I don't understand what's going on. I only know that those people died for no reason. We seem to have passed the preliminary selection for no reason?"

"Let me tell you!" Legendary host said: "After I asked some NPCs in Cloud Nine City, I learned some backgrounds about the Little Saint Realm and Cloud Nine Cloud City. The Little Saint Realm is probably like a new map. Among them, the great power here does not necessarily become a holy king, but may build his own territory in a corner of the small holy world. The lord of Cloud Nine Clouds comes from overseas casual cultivators. He is a very famous array mage in ancient times. His Nine Heavens City is located at the border between the holy and demon realms, so he arranged Nine Heavens Cloud City in the formation of killing saints and killing demons. Then, you should know that Soul Domain will not set up such a background and content for no reason, since If it exists, it means it can be used.”

Tang Tang suddenly said: "So you let Tang Xiaoyao arrange the formation?"

The legendary host nodded and said: "It's almost like this, but it is much more complicated and difficult than you imagined. First of all, we must have an array mage. Secondly, we need to collect a lot of things to set up a saint-killing and demon-killing array. It's thanks to Li Yanxiao and Bai Fengyu, but it's not the most troublesome thing. What's more troublesome is how many people will die when setting up the holy killing array? Not only the players will die, but also those NPCs. Therefore, the setting of the soul domain is that if you let The Npc knows that we are doing this, and will definitely obstruct it, which is why I don't tell you, the ghost knows if there will be any special spells or auxiliary Horcruxes in those Npcs that can know your thoughts, you know, this is the same as being able to It is a truth to read the Taoism of other players' attributes, but it is not uncommon to find out the attribute information of other players. I have seen several, and attributes and the like are only applicable between players. It is to directly read other people's thoughts, memories or ideas."

Tang Tang nodded and said, "So, you're talking like a god, and you still shut yourself in the house and pretend to be an otaku, just because you're afraid of accidents when you go out, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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