The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 410 Evenly Matching Demon God Whip

Chapter 410 Evenly Matching Demon God Whip

On the other side of the woods, Tang Tang and Tang Yuhao fought inseparably, which was extremely exciting!

Tang Yuhao's silver spear trembled like pear blossoms blooming, while Tang Tang changed to dexterity and struck extremely steadily. The funeral coffin swept across and vertically, but it was as motionless as a mountain!

In fact, Tang Tang didn't want to fight back, but couldn't!

She had always known that Tang Yuhao's gun was fast, but she never thought that the speed of that Annihilation Spear could be so fast!

Under the shadow of the spear, Tang Tang couldn't see clearly how many times the spear pointed forward. Tang Tang even found that Tang Yuhao hadn't retracted the spear at all. Toss means to thrust out the second shot. It doesn't use arm strength at all, but simply uses the swing of the wrist to borrow strength, which makes the terrifying speed of the gun feel continuous, even if the eyes can't see clearly. With the impact of the funeral coffin, Tang Tang could also feel that Tang Yuhao shot dozens of shots in a row, and then there was a small pause!

And all Tang Tang could do was to seize that moment of pause!

"24 Bridges on a Moonlit Night!"

At that moment, Tang Tang made a sudden move, and the funeral coffin brought out a thick phantom, sweeping towards Tang Yuhao.

Tang Yuhao immediately retreated sharply, holding the gun in both hands, spinning sharply in his palm, and the Annihilating Gun spun rapidly with the electric current. With the help of the magnetic force of the current, Tang Tang could easily touch other people's Horcruxes, but it's a pity...

Tang Tang used a sky burial coffin!

A pure sarcophagus will naturally not be affected by electromagnetic shocks!
Therefore, ignoring the entangled electric current, the sky burial coffin in Tang Tang's hand hit the Annihilation Spear continuously, making tinkling and crisp sounds. With each blow, the sky burial coffin's suppressive effect produced a slight effect, until the last three times , the Spear of Annihilation that was spinning rapidly in front of Tang Yuhao was finally swung away with one blow, opening the door in front of Tang Yuhao wide!

The burial coffin dances swiftly, like thunder.

Burial coffin - 1325!

Tang Yuhao jumped back with his gun in his hand, and with a light flash, his shoulder was wiped by the edge of the burial coffin. Seeing that the remaining two blows were unavoidable, Tang Yuhao suddenly slapped the sarcophagus with one hand. Pressing on the funeral coffin, the whole person suddenly stood upside down, and at the same time resolved the last two blows of 24 Qiao Mingyue, then flipped in the air, jumped behind Tang Tang, and then stabbed Tang Tang's back with a carbine!
Tang Tang swept the burial coffin, and the iron lock wrapped around the sarcophagus was thrown backwards, hitting the spear of annihilation, changing the trajectory of the spear head, and stabbing the ground with one shot. Just shoot the ground like that, take advantage of the situation and flip forward in the air, and after drawing the gun, it landed firmly on the ground!

The two looked at each other, and immediately, Tang Tang gripped the chains of the burial coffin, feeling himself involuntarily excited.

She always wanted to have a good fight with Tang Yuhao!
Because, Tang Yuhao is very strong!
When facing Tang Yuhao, Tang Tang would have the same feeling as when facing Tang Yukuang, Bloody Limbo, and Petra. It was a feeling of enthusiasm and wanting to compete.

It's a pity that the two of them are so familiar that it's impossible to make a move. If it's just a sparring, then there will be less of that exciting feeling!
Now, Tang Tang can get his wish!

Tang Yuhao stood with his gun in his hands!

Tang Tang stood unevenly, and the burial coffin was casually erected in the ground beside him. With his left hand, he pinched an imperial weapon formula, and a thunder and a fire surrounded Tang Tang's body and condensed into fire and rain. The smoke sword and the thunder and lightning Longyuan, and immediately, Tang Tang threw the white shark wolf tooth out, and the three Horcrux flying swords were in the shape of a character, shaking, and floating in front of Tang Tang.

The two were silent for a moment. Seeing that Tang Yuhao had no intention of attacking, Tang Tang smiled and flicked his fingers, and the three flying swords moved towards Tang Yuhao. mango!
The three Horcruxes fly together!
This is Tang Tang's specialty, but Tang Tang doesn't expect Tang Yuhao to be able to defeat Tang Yuhao with three horcruxes flying together. The players in this group can at least barely use the three Horcruxes flying together, and naturally they can barely cope.

However, Tang Tang only needed Tang Yuhao to be tired of dealing with it. At the moment when the three Horcruxes came out together, Tang Tang quietly spread his palms, and a small black tower fell out of his palms.

Nine-level pagoda!
Tang Tang's real purpose was to slow down. The speed of the Annihilation Spear was really terrifying, but what surprised Tang Tang was that the phantom of the ninth-level pagoda enveloped Tang Yuhao, but it didn't seem to have any effect at all!

Seeing Tang Tang's weird expression, Tang Yuhao suddenly giggled and said, "Little girl, I got promoted recently!"

"Huh?" Tang Tang raised his head wonderingly, "Is it a boy or a girl?"

Tang Yuhao's face turned pale immediately, and he broke Tang Tang's mouth and said, "It's an upgrade!"

Tang Tang immediately looked embarrassed, knowing that he was ashamed this time, but can he blame her?She didn't say that on purpose, didn't she just say it!

And after the episode, Tang Tang also realized that the nine-level pagoda could not be counted on, because they were really familiar with each other, and Tang Tang always knew that Tang Yuhao's level was one level lower than his own.However, it was obvious that Tang Tang had forgotten his personality as a slob, and that Tang Yuhao was often a hardworking bee. After Tang Yuhao upgraded, the two were at the same level, and the nine-level pagoda was naturally useless.

"Damn it, let's compare our skills and see who is the real master!"

Tang Tang spread his palms, and there was a phantom in the palms, but it was a sun and moon wheel, crossing and spinning, Tang Tang threw the sun, moon, universe wheel forward, and kept attacking Tang Yuhao!
The four horcruxes are flying together, but it has already exceeded the limit that Tang Yuhao can bear. Although the Annihilation Spear in his hand is dancing again and again, the shadow of the spear brought out cannot be splashed, but it can still be seen that Tang Yuhao's speed is completely suppressed Living.

"That's it!"

Tang Tang breathed a sigh of relief, and the speed of the imperial weapon was getting faster and faster. Seeing that Tang Yuhao was about to be overwhelmed, but at this moment, Tang Yuhao suddenly flicked the tip of the gun, and a blue glow with electric current exploded in mid-air, like A thunder net sent Tang Tang's Horcruxes flying away, but it was Tang Yuhao who used the Soul Skill.

Tang Tang was not in a hurry, he performed another imperial weapon technique, and the flying sword of the Horcrux reunited in the air, but he did it again!

But at this time, Tang Yuhao also laughed, and said to Tang Tang, "little girl, you don't seem to have seen my assistant before?"


Tang Tang froze, his first thought was to think back, he seemed to have never seen Tang Yuhao use support, in fact, if it wasn't for that robbery, Tang Tang didn't even know that Tang Yuhao's real weapon was a gun, and his second thought was It's just going to be bad...

"Bone Purgatory!"

Tang Yuhao's vermilion lips parted lightly, the voice was crisp and crisp, it should have been particularly pleasant to hear, but Tang Tang suddenly felt chills all over his body, and always felt a chilling feeling, so he instinctively jumped into the air and stepped on the ground quickly. The trunk leaps to the top of the tree!

Click, click...

At the moment when Tang Tang ran away, there was a sudden burst of fried beans on the ground, and there was a touch of white on the ground, which turned out to be pieces of white bones, like blooming flowers. The white bones grew out of the ground out of thin air, and quickly spread towards the surroundings. Wherever it passed, black air lingered, and no grass grew, but the thick trees quickly withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the emerald green leaves became green. Withered and yellow, flying and falling, shriveled and turned into dead trees one by one.

Seeing such a scene in his eyes, Tang Tang secretly burst into tongues. Such assistance must be too terrifying.

But at this moment, Tang Yuhao suddenly scolded softly, bent his feet, and jumped up into the air!

"So fast!"

Tang Tang had already experienced Tang Yuhao's speed. However, seeing Tang Yuhao attacking at this moment, Tang Tang couldn't help shouting these two words. Tang Yuhao's speed was actually much faster than before. With the tip out, there was still a shadow of the spear, but this time, only the outline of the tip of the spear flashed, and the half of the Annihilating Spear seemed to disappear.

This reminded Tang Tang of his 24th Bridge Moonlit Night, because the 24th Bridge Bright Moonlit Night also disappeared as quickly as a sword!
Immediately, Tang Tang only felt a pain in his shoulder blade, and a spray of blood splashed out. Without any reaction, Tang Yuhao stabbed him right in the face. When his body tilted, he fell into the air!

Tang Tang fell to the ground and smashed a pile of bones. Immediately, Tang Tang didn't care much about the injury to his shoulder, but desperately touched his body. She didn't want to suddenly turn into a bunch of pink skeletons.

"Okay, okay, I won't do anything to you." Tang Yuhao stood on the top of the tree and laughed, "My auxiliary Horcrux is neither offensive nor defensive. Its only function is... "

"All attributes of demon characters increased by 250%!"

When the words fell, Tang Yuhao suddenly shot!
The speed was still surprisingly fast, Tang Tang threw himself to the side while rolling and scrambling, rolling on the spot, crushing countless white bones before barely dodging, and at the same time broke out in a cold sweat!
250% increase in all character attributes?Damn it, wouldn't the attributes of the character be much higher than those who survived the second catastrophe?It's just playing a rogue!Moreover, when did Tang Yuhao become a demon?
Thinking of this, Tang Tang suddenly felt as if he had met Tang Yuhao for the first time. He was an abrupt but mysterious man. There seemed to be many mysteries about him. He is good at using the Raider Spear. He clearly uses Raiders, but he has soul power, and now he suddenly becomes a demon again. It sounds different from the meaning of crossing the catastrophe and becoming a demon...

(End of this chapter)

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