The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 516 Chapter 519 The Black Hand Appears and Turns the Way

Chapter 516 Chapter 519 The Black Hand Makes a Turnaround (7 more)
Originally, with Iron Invincible's ability, there should still be a great chance to discover that these two Horcruxes left Tang Tang's side. Even if he didn't find out, he should have discovered the Horcrux Flying Sword beside Tang Tang when Tang Tang made a move. Two are missing.

It's a pity that Tie Wudi had been dazzled by anger at that time, and he didn't notice such a small detail at all!
The body fell straight, the pill rolled and fell to the corner of the wall, Tie Wudi's body was quickly refreshed by the soul domain, and thrown to the palace of hell for reincarnation, I am afraid that Tie Wudi would not have thought that he would suddenly become He was a frequent visitor of Lord Hades, and he fell into the hands of the same person twice, let alone thinking that the one who died twice was defeated by the same move!

Watching Tie Wudi turn into white light, Tang Tang turned and walked to the edge of Yongzhen Nanhuang.

With a muffled sound, Tang Tang pulled Mozun Tianjue Sword from the ground.

"What's mine is mine, and no one can take it away from me!"

Tang Tang stretched out his fingers and flicked the sword body of Mozun Tianjue Sword lightly, and then wiped the sword body with his palm with some nostalgia, but at this moment...


Suddenly there was a huge bang from the wall behind Tang Tang, and then, the wall was shattered into countless rubble, and a figure rushed out from behind the wall!
"Big grief!"

Before Tang Tang could react, the figure suddenly blasted out a palm print. Tang Tang felt a tightness in his chest, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body was sent flying. With one roll, it wrapped around the blade of Tianjue Sword, and snatched it away.

"Evil monk!"

Tang Tang gritted his teeth and spat out two words!

The one who broke through the wall was indeed the evil monk they had seen in the ancient battlefield. In this way, the three masters of the demon race were complete.

However, the evil monk was still the same as in the ancient battlefield, with an indifferent expression on his face, he knocked back Tang Tang with his palm, and after taking down the Demon Lord's Absolute Sword, he neither looked at Tang Tang nor the Absolute Sword of that day. With a glance, as if what he was holding was just a broken sword like scrap copper and rotten iron, he changed hands and walked away, walking out from behind the cracked wall.

"Don't go!" Tang Tang would not let the evil monk go, and immediately jumped up from the ground and said, "Leave the sword behind!"


The evil monk didn't say a word, but before Tang Tang caught up, he hit the incomplete wall with another palm, knocked down the wall, and fell towards Tang Tang, naturally blocking Tang Tang.

How could Tang Tang retreat just like that, and swiped her sword to cut open the rubble in front of her, trying to continue chasing forward, but unfortunately, when she managed to break free from the collapsed rubble, the gap in the collapsed wall was already closed. It was blocked by gravel, and what was even more unfortunate was that Tang Tang suddenly found that the shaking around him didn't stop, but became more violent!

"damn it!"

Tang Tang also realized what happened, and after cursing viciously, he turned around and ran away immediately!
The passage suffered from Iron Invincible's Nine Heavens Thunder Sword, and was messed up by Tang Tang's piercing air. It was already overwhelmed, but now the evil monk smashed a wall with his fists. , finally unable to support, completely collapsed.

Faced with such a scene, Tang Tang was helpless, even if she pierced through the shattered rock, so what?The rubble falling from all around is definitely more than what he crushed!
"let's go!"

Tang Tang yelled, and ran out of the passage. The most depressing thing was One Step One Kill and Tang Yuhao. They were supposed to ambush and attack, but unfortunately, the turnaround was too fast, and now they had nowhere to sneak attack. The sneak attack was completely reduced to a passer-by watching a show.

They took the road and rushed out of the passage quickly. When they entered the Chakrama River again, the bottom of the lake was quiet. It seems that Tang Tang guessed right before, that place should be a space magic power like a space formation , or it was simply a teleportation formation that brought them somewhere.

However, because of this, Tang Tang's heart was completely silent. In this case, where should he find the evil monk?

His face was a bit gloomy, and when he got out of the lake, Tang Tang saw a dense crowd, probably in the hundreds, and the person at the head also had an ugly face, so he knew who it was without guessing.

"Hand over the Heavenly Absolute Sword." Tie Wudi said with a dark face, "Otherwise, you won't be able to leave the Heavenly Demon Valley alive."


Tang Tang is also in a bad mood right now, how could he talk to Tie Wudi, he gave a low drink, and raised his hand to slap the flames of the sky.

Of course, the blazing flames were not a problem for Tie Wudi that day. Raising the grenade surged the flames through the friction of the current to block the flames. However, Tie Wudi forgot one thing. He could block it, but it didn't mean he brought it. People who come can stop it.

The incandescent flames passed by, and there were screams one after another, and there were even more than a dozen white lights, which meant that many unlucky people were instantly killed by Tang Tang!

This is also a helpless thing. Tie Wudi was able to rush back to the Chakrama River in such a short time after his death, which shows how hasty he was, and he was able to pull hundreds of people in haste, so it was naturally impossible to choose them carefully. Regardless of the uneven strength of the players, the more important thing is that most of them are very weak.

If you think about it, after Tie Wudi died, he used the teleportation array to go to the tribe's camp of the Moon-Watching Demon Clan at the Palace of the Underworld, and the tribal war between the Moon-Watching Demon Clan and the Backer Demon Clan was in full swing, but almost all those who had the strength joined the tribe. The war is over, how can there be a strong player who can be pulled from the tribe by Tie Wudi?
Tiger among wolves!

Tang Tang didn't talk to Tie Wudi at all, but pulled Tang Yuhao and killed him step by step, and the three of them rushed into the crowd like wolves and tigers!
Without the slightest hold back!
Anyway, I was in a bad mood, since the other party came to my door, how could Tang Tang have any reason to be polite to them?
Seven Horcruxes are out!
Tang Tang skillfully controlled the Star Horcrux to unfold beside him, spinning rapidly, like a giant gear, but with unparalleled sharpness. The extremely sharp long sword pierced straight into the opponent's hinterland.

Tie Wudi was in a panic immediately. The reason he brought so many people was naturally because he was not sure that he could defeat Tang Tang. Secondly, there was a black-hearted grandma who was eyeing him, so Tie Wudi thought of the crowd tactics. He really didn't think about it. Unexpectedly, it would turn into a one-sided massacre.

Tie Wudi immediately rushed back to help to stop Tang Tang, and then used himself to entangle with the other party to organize an effective siege, giving full play to his superiority in numbers.

To be honest, this kind of thinking is not wrong at all, Tie Wudi is indeed quick-witted, but Tie Wudi has underestimated Tang Tang too much, and at the same time overestimated himself. Right now it is not a question of whether he can stop Tang Tang, but when he It was only when he tried his best to use the flying technique to chase after him that he realized that he couldn't catch up with Tang Tang at all!
The speed of the two is completely different!
At that moment, Tie Wudi involuntarily felt a sense of powerlessness. If he fights, he may not be able to beat Tang Tang. If he chases him, he can't even catch up. Of course, Tie Wudi also has his own characteristics, but this is not enough. cover up his weakness.

However, when Tie Wudi was depressed, Tang Tang suddenly turned around in the air and came towards Tie Wudi.

This kind of change naturally surprised Tie Wudi. You must know that Tang Tang used to play tricks to get rid of Tie Wudi, and then slaughtered the surrounding Moon Mozu players at will. This shows how fast the two of them are. If there is such a huge gap, one is charging forward and at the same time still thinking about killing people there, and the other is concentrating on chasing with all his strength, but he can't catch up!

Under such circumstances, why did Tang Tang turn around?She can drag Tie Wudi to slowly slaughter the players of the Mochizuki Demon Race!

There is only one reason!
To win!
Tie Wudi pulled out the arc in some embarrassment, and with a quick pinch, he pinched the arc into a lightning rod that looked like a spear and a stick, blocking Tang Tang's falling Baiquehuang. Immediately afterwards, Tang Tang felt that his arm had A trace of numbness!

Soul domain prompt: You are in a state of paralysis for 3.5 seconds

Tang Tang raised his eyebrows. No wonder Tie Wudi dared to fight melee as a mage. It turns out that even ordinary contact can produce a paralyzed state. Although the time of 3.5 seconds is very short, it is deadly enough in close quarters. Moreover, this is only The frequency of normal attacks will be very high, and there is no cooldown time, so these 3.5 seconds become very scary.

However, it is not easy for Tie Wudi to kill Tang Tang within 3.5 seconds. Those spells that are enough to instantly kill Tang Tang take more than 3.5 seconds to cast. Therefore, Tie Wudi chose the fast thunderbolt. In time, Tie Wudi was able to release four to five thunderbolts that pierced the sky, even if each one only dealt 3.5 damage, Tang Tang would be half disabled even if he didn't die.

But the fact is that Tang Tang's damage stopped declining at 50%!

Because of the cold air protection of the cold silk armor!

Out of the paralyzed state, Tang Tang didn't rush to drink the medicine to recover, but swung his sword and slashed again. It's just that Tang Tang also learned how to be smart, and he slashed back, but this time he used the imperial weapon technique to make Baiquehuang levitate. , in this way, it is natural to avoid the paralysis state very well.

Seeing Tie Wudi block Baiquehuang with his lightning rod, Tang Tang suddenly smiled and said, "Do you feel the chill behind you?"

Tie Wudi's heart skipped a beat, the ghostly ghost hand has definitely become the heaviest thing in Tie Wudi's heart, he almost instinctively used electric current to knock Baiquehuang into the air, Tie Wudi waved his lightning rod and swept back, but...


be cheated!
The muscles on Tie Wudi's face twitched a little, and when he turned around, he met a ball of incandescent flames.

Fire and thunder!
Ignore Defense + Crit Damage—4011!
With a bang, Huo Lei pressed on Tie Wudi's chest, directly blowing him away. At the same time, Tang Tang grabbed Bai Quehuang and swung his sword to kill him!

The fire-attributed sword energy surged out and slashed towards Tie Wudi. Tie Wudi hurriedly waved his lightning rod to block the sword energy. However, when the flame was blown away, Tang Tang disappeared without a trace. .

(End of this chapter)

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