The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 519 Chapter 522 Ice-cold hell red lotus blood bloom

Chapter 519 Chapter 522 Ice-cold hell red lotus blood bloom (3 more)
At this moment, Tang Tang was more or less in the mood of "I feel sour if I can't eat grapes", but I have to say that the appearance of a magic weapon, a heaven and earth treasure, and two things really made this battle even more popular. strength!

After a moment of silence, Tang Mei raised her head and said, "The competition between the divine soldiers and the heaven and earth spirit treasures? Interesting! Since this is the case, we don't need to waste time. How about a one-shot decision?"

"This is the best." Brother Yanyan said with a smile: "If I can save some time, I can still take a good tour of Kunlun Mountain. The scenery here is really wonderful."

"I don't think you stand a chance."

Tang Mei suddenly loosened the Nine Tribulations Sword from her hand, and the Nine Tribulations Sword was like frost, blown by the wind, turning into countless crystal frost flowers and disappearing in the air!

"Snow falling with the wind, condensing snow into lotus, icy hell, absorbing coldness..." Tang Mei's hand formula changed, and finally she folded her hands together, making a lotus shape, and whispered: "Red lotus realm! Knot!"

Accompanied by Tang Mei's voice...

The wind rises and the frost surges!

The originally blue sky all around suddenly turned gloomy. It was clear just now, but at this moment, a cold wind suddenly blew. In the wind, white frost and snow suddenly fluttered in the wind, covering the surrounding area!


An ice lotus suddenly bloomed in the air, just suspended in mid-air, followed by the second, third...

In a short while, the ice lotus was covered with ice lotus around the two of them, and gradually, the bottom of the ice lotus turned red, and began to spread along the petals bit by bit.

"When the ice lotus turns completely red..." Tang Mei held up an ice lotus and said, "There will be no one to fight against!"

Brother Yanyan smiled and said, "Are you implying to me that if I want to defeat you, I should take the time now?"

Tang Mei said, "This is your only chance."

"I don't think so!" Brother Yanyan put Amaterasu in his hand and said, "I think you may have guessed the function of Amaterasu. The only function of Amaterasu is to memorize any moves, but you still have a small glimpse of Amaterasu. Alright, the moves that Amaterasu remembers can ignore soul power, mana value, magic soul value, cooldown time, and release time, and your proud red lotus state is of course also in this range!"


Brother Yanyan said, the Lingbao Amaterasu unexpectedly shattered like the Nine Tribulations Sword. Immediately afterwards, the surrounding wind and snow became a little stronger, and immediately after that...

Hundreds of red lotuses bloom together!

The red lotus realm used by Lingbao Amaterasu is exactly the same as that transformed by the Nine Tribulations Sword.

Who will win and who will lose is really hard to predict, but people won't have to wait too long for the answer, it will be revealed the moment the ice lotus turns red!


The ice lotus is broken!

The moment the ice lotus was fully rendered in red, all the ice lotuses were shattered, and with a biting cold air, a piece of blood-colored ice suddenly condensed in the air, and a large swath of cold white mist completely obscured everyone's sight.

Everyone stretched their necks and looked forward, like thousands of kittens grinding their paws in their hearts, everyone wanted to know the final result.

After a while, the white mist dissipated.

The pupils of the crowd who watched the battle shrank, and the center of the battle was covered with a piece of red ice within a hundred meters. The ice condensed outward, like a completely red lotus, which was even more surprising. What's more, Tang Mei and Brother Yanyan were both frozen in the ice lotus!

How should this be calculated?
Are both dead?Or are both still alive?

Everyone looked at it curiously, and then, the big red lotus with a diameter of [-] meters suddenly cracked and slowly split open!

Tang Mei and Brother Yanyan broke out of the ice almost at the same time, suspended in the air, and then...

Brother Yanyan's body was like a block of ice, a gap suddenly opened on his face, and a puddle of blood spilled out, but before it fell, he was frozen into a red icicle and stuck to his face.


Brother Yanyan spread his hands out in disbelief, his two arms split apart as quickly as ice, and his life was emptied in an instant!
Tang Mei said: "Exactly the same moves, but you and I have different attributes!"

Brother Yanyan showed a look of surprise. The Red Lotus Realm is a move that is not intense, even looks a little ordinary, but extremely domineering. Its power comes from the icy hell, and in that icy hell, no one can After surviving, the only end is to be frozen to death, and the same is true for the red lotus. Before death, the solid red lotus will never disappear, but the one with higher ice attribute or water attribute can obviously survive in the red lotus. The environment lasts longer.

This is a very simple truth, but because it is too simple, Brother Yanyan didn't notice it!
"I lost!"

The moment he uttered these three words, Brother Yanyan's body was completely torn apart, turning into countless frosts and dissipating in the wind!

Tang Meitao turned around, raised her right hand high, and the wind and snow all over the sky gathered in her palm, recondensing into the Nine Tribulations Sword!
"Kunlun will win!"

Tang Mei raised her arms and shouted.

After a moment of silence, a violent roar erupted from the direction of Kunlun Mountain!

"Kunlun will win...Kunlun will win...Kunlun will win...!"


Every Kunlun disciple who stayed in the Kunlun Mountain Gate to watch the battle shouted loudly, venting everything in his heart hysterically. For the Kunlun disciples, today is undoubtedly a day of pride!

Tang Tang wanted to get together with Tang Mei after the war. If he won, he would congratulate Tang Mei. If he lost, he would comfort his elder sister, and he would help her get revenge. However, it seems that there is no chance now, Tang Tang Mei should have a lot of things to deal with in the sect.

However, before that, Tang Tang still met Tang Mei, she was also very interested in magic weapons.

"Actually, the Nine Tribulations Sword is not as powerful as you imagined, because the Nine Tribulations Sword is not complete, and even comprehensively speaking, it is not as good as a ninth-order Horcrux." Tang Mei thought about her words and explained: " Regarding the divine weapon, I am actually still groping, so it is difficult for me to explain clearly, but the divine weapon is by no means simple. First of all, how to obtain it is extremely difficult. , you can use it, the divine weapon has a soul, you must be recognized by the divine soldier, and the divine soldier will recognize the master. I can use the Nine Tribulations Sword, but I can only use a small part of its power. Like Tang Xin of your Tang Sect, his Judgment Sword must have not recognized the master, otherwise, at the Holy Demon Conference, you would not even have a [-]/[-] chance of winning. Don’t think I am exaggerating, this is God The power of soldiers!"

At the end, Tang Mei didn't forget to ask Tang Tang, "Do you also have magic weapons in your hand? Or the ten great spiritual treasures?"

I have to say that Tang Mei is also very smart. If Tang Tang is only interested in the magic weapon, he should find a way to find the magic weapon first, instead of coming to ask her about the magic weapon. Therefore, Tang Tang may also have some magic weapons. Divine Soldier or Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasure!
To this, Tang Tang just smiled and said nothing.

Even if he is the best sister, Tang Tang will also maintain his determination to not admit defeat. This time, it was the eldest sister Tang Mei who came ahead of him. Therefore, before he understood the reincarnation of Feng Qiuhuang, Tang Tang didn't want to Tell me about Feng Qiuhuang.

After the two sisters talked for a few words, they parted ways!
Tang Mei must go back to Kunlun to deal with those enthusiastic Kunlun disciples. This is her treatment as a Kunlun hero, and it is also the responsibility of Kunlun No.1. It is also a good opportunity to improve her reputation. Starting today, Tang Mei will be a real Kunlun My first senior sister!

Today is a carnival night for Kunlun disciples.

While the Kunlun disciples were reveling in excitement, Tang Tang had already appeared in Xueyin Village.

She had to figure out why there were two Mozun Tianjue swords.

To this, the blacksmith only replied: "Are you ready to conquer the Heavenly Demon Valley and the entire Demon Race?"

are you ready?
Tang Tang was taken aback on the spot, and then he understood that the blacksmith seemed to know why there were two Demon Venerable Heavenly Absolute Swords, but before Tang Tang was ready to challenge the entire Heavenly Demon Valley, he didn't intend to say anything more to Tang Tang .

Leaving Xueyin Village and looking at the starry night sky, Tang Tang suddenly felt a strange feeling in his body!

That feeling is called blood boiling!

There are two kinds of people in the Soul Realm world, the first kind regards Soul Realm as life, and the second kind treats Soul Realm like a game.

Tang Tang is the kind of person who wants to be the best since she has done it. Although she is not too demanding on herself, she undoubtedly belongs to the category that regards the soul domain as her life. After the Holy Demon Conference, Tang Tang Some lost momentum!
However, now Tang Tang's motivation is back. Facts have proved that the Holy Demon Conference does not represent everything, and being No.1 in the Holy Demon Conference does not mean that he is the number one in the whole soul domain. At the Holy Demon Conference, even if it is the Douluo Continent in China, since there will be a drag brother, there is no guarantee that there will be no second one!

"And Petra!"

Tang Tang clenched her fists. The cheap big brother Petra has always been her target, but since Petra is too low-key, Tang Tang has nothing to do.

But no matter what, Tang Tang has finally found a new goal now. Even the eldest sister Tang Mei has obtained the magic weapon, showing strength beyond the past. What reason does Tang Tang have for continuing to be lazy?

With a goal, there is motivation!

The first thing Tang Tang has to do now is to make Samsara Phoenix Qiuhuang submit, and secondly, to conquer the entire Heavenly Demon Valley.

So, Tang Tang came to the long-lost place - Jianzhong!
This time, he didn't follow with one step and one kill. After all, that guy also had something to do in the soul domain. She understands that Tang Tang is not as good as she was before. Now she has a cold body armor with cold silk armor, a dragon scale body with robbery fire dragon scales, and a resurrection stone left on her body. Save her life. Of course, the speed of Tang Tang's imperial weapon is the most important thing that cannot be ignored. As long as Tang Tang cannot be killed in one blow, then there is no doubt that Tang Tang will become the most difficult person to kill, because she can run , but those who can catch up with Tang Tang usually can't beat her, and those who can beat her usually can't catch up with her, so it's safe to let Tang Tang go to Jianzhong by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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