Chapter 525 Chapter 528
Of course, this problem can be solved slowly in the future, but Tang Tang’s backpack is filled with a lot of things at the moment, and there are only seven or eight slots left, and those things are either rare materials or high-level equipment, or they can Precious medicines that restore health or mana in an instant, are these more than 5000 pieces of broken metal and iron, throwing away these things?
Yes, it is broken copper and rotten iron!

Tang Tang didn't believe that being able to forge more than 5000 soul banners that would love you exactly the same would be such a good thing.

The weapon spectrum patted Tang Tang on the shoulder and said: "I have another secret here, I think you should be interested, when the reincarnation emperor made the sun and moon reincarnation banner, he was very happy, but later, he thought it was too old to take it with him. With so many troubles, he decided that it was a failure, so he threw it away in the world and didn't want it. Of course, it's good to be a man, and it's also good to be a holy king. He didn't want people to know that what he refined was As a failure, he claimed that the fragments of the sun-moon reincarnation streamer were left in the world. Later, my master thought that this thing was forged from rare treasures such as stars and meteorites, which are only found in the holy world. It's a pity, so I picked them all up, don't worry, nothing is missing, as long as you learn the Sun-Moon Revolving Soul Technique, you can form the Sun-Moon Reincarnation Banner Formation."

Tang Tang wanted to cry immediately, but it turned out to be a junk that was thrown away.

Fortunately, Weapon Book did not forget to comfort Tang Tang: "But don't be too sad. For Emperor Samsara, the Sun and Moon Samsara Banner is a failure, but he is the Lord of the Temple of Samsara. To you, the Sun and Moon The reincarnation flag is also a very remarkable thing, and it will never let you down, of course, the premise is that you have to find the soul art of the sun and moon reincarnation, otherwise..."

Weapon Book hesitated for a moment and said, "This pile of things is really broken."

The weapon spectrum is very real, but because of his authenticity, Tang Tang cheered up a bit, because the weapon spectrum is right, no matter what, it is something made by the reincarnation emperor, no matter how bad it is, it is not so bad. For herself, it is still worth looking forward to. As for the Soul Jue of the Revolving Sun and Moon, Tang Tang is not worried, because she knows that she can get it at Mie Shen Tai.

However, when looking at the bundles of sun and moon reincarnation flags, Tang Tang felt extremely depressed again, and said very miserablely: "Can I ask someone to help move it?"

Weapon Book didn't give Duanmuyu face this time, because of the rule that anyone who enters the Boneyard can take away a famous sword, Weapon Book will never compromise on this matter, not only can't let people enter the Boneyard, but also No one can know the secret door on the second floor. Duanmuyu can ask someone to move it, but those people can only wait at the entrance of the first floor.

Duanmuyu immediately wanted to cry but had no tears, his expression was resentful like a little daughter-in-law, he just passed through the second floor, and under the leadership of the weapon spectrum, he walked for nearly an hour!
"Take seven bundles in one trip, and I can walk three or four times a day. Damn it, it will take me two days just to move these junk?"

Tang Tang rubbed his hair a little madly, but there was nothing he could do about it. After finally finding it, he had to move it?Moreover, Tang Tang now also believes that what the weapon spectrum says has some truth, it is a failure for Emperor Samsara, but it is not necessarily true for her, she still has to move back, get the Soul Jue Sun and Moon Rotation, and look at the attributes. of.

Therefore, Tang Tang could only call for friends.

Tang Mei is definitely not going to make it, she is probably still taking care of Kunlun affairs, so why call Tang Xin and Tang Taro?Tang Tang immediately wiped off his sweat, and called the head of the Tang Sect's first gang and the elders of the Tang Sect to move things. It seemed a bit extravagant. Tang Tang also wanted to ask Li Yanxiao if there was any way to take advantage of it, and then she called Qingqing Applexiang, the resentful woman stood on the street all day to seduce handsome guys, anyway, she was not doing her job properly, calling her no burden, and finally called Tang Xiaoyao, The original intention was to ask if there was any magic circle that could take away all those soul banners, but it turned out that Dora brought a coolie.

Four people, Tang Tang thought about it for a while, was enough, so he simply started to lift and recover, bundle by bundle...

But when he walked out of the dark room with two bundles of soul flags, he saw that the stone wall not far away was opened with a "boom" sound, but it was another dark room, and when the stone door opened, there was also a flash of light inside. figure!
"The ancient demon king?"

"Tang Sect disciple?"

Both sides lost their voices at the same time, both were quite surprised.

Tang Tang couldn't help looking back at the weapon spectrum.

The weapon spectrum took it for granted: "Oh, he is the same as you, but not the same, you are here to find Horcruxes, he is here to find the casting furnace, but there is no difference. Can enter the place where the sword is buried."

"I go!"

Tang Tang cursed uncontrollably, and she knew that Soul Domain would never be so kind as to let her take things with her so easily.

While Tang Tang was cursing, the ancient demon king rushed towards Tang Tang with a ferocious face.

"All disciples of the Tang Sect deserve to die!"

Five fingers into a sword, the ancient demon king is also an illusion of the evil thoughts of the head of the Tang Sect, his ability is indeed not bad, the ability to condense energy into a sword is indeed very powerful, a false catch, Tang Tang will fall Five streaks of purple-black sword energy appeared in front of him.

At this time, Tang Tang could only put away the venting cursing, and concentrate on preparing to deal with the ancient demon king, but a black shadow rushed ahead of him.

After being subdued by Tang Tang, Jiao didn't show his irritable side, but became relatively quieter. However, after the battle, Jiao's aggressive temperament was clearly seen, and he let out a violent roar, shaking the surrounding stone debris. Fei, opened his mouth and sprayed out a mouthful of flames to counteract the five sword qi of the ancient demon king. Then, with four hooves, he rushed towards the ancient demon king.

Obviously, the ancient demon king didn't expect to kill such a vicious guy out of nowhere. After a moment of stupefaction, he was shot out by the chest. However, the ancient demon king is an evil spirit and is very good at illusion Tang Tang knew this very well when the ancient demon king attacked the Tang Sect. Therefore, when j launched the second attack, the ancient demon king suddenly circled behind j with his phantom body, holding a sword in his hand. Qi flew wildly, but was resisted by Yan, and then a flame engulfed the ancient demon king.

Tang Tang watched from the sidelines, and his mood was extremely complicated. It was a mixture of joys and sorrows. Such a combative character of Yan destined this guy to be unwilling to be lonely. Will rush to the street, you know, the death battle is just talk, Tang Tang can't bear to die.

Sighing, Tang Tang also straightened his sword and attacked the ancient demon king. Tang Tang could feel at ease if he could return to his peak state, but right now if he was to fight with the ancient demon king, he would definitely die , Tang Tang naturally had no choice but to stand up.

"The ancient demon king, you slaughtered the Tang Sect and wanted to destroy the Demon Suppressing Tower. The crime is extremely heinous. Today, I will represent the moon, bah, bah, and destroy you on behalf of the Tang Sect!"

While talking nonsense to disturb the ancient demon king, Tang Tang let go of his hands, and the two bundles of sun and moon reincarnation flags fell to the ground with a bang, and Tang Tang urged the sword to kill the ancient demon king.

I looked at my soul power value, because I didn't waste much when I was fighting with Yan, so it was full, and the mana value was naturally the same, and it didn't matter if the mana value was not enough, Tang Tang had a pill that could instantly restore mana value , but the spell value is a bit troublesome. This thing cannot rely on pills, and the recovery is very slow. However, although the broken blade skill of using the fire dragon scale is used up, there is not much, and there are still many left!

As a result, Tang Tang immediately attacked the ancient demon king resolutely, with all his strength!
There is no way, Tang Tang wants to fight steadily, but she can't let him withdraw, that guy is like a donkey, he can only touch along the hair, not to mention that Tang Tang has just subdued him, and the relationship between the two is still not stable. Secondly, The ancient demon king is very strong, at least level 110, and he is also good at phantom body. This kind of boss cannot be described by level alone, because it is very difficult, so the best way is to kill him with one stalk, without giving the opponent a chance.

A sword pierced the back of the ancient demon king, but was lightly flashed by the ancient demon king, and then a sword light shot out from Baiquehuang's sword with a curved finger, knocking Tang Tang's Baiquehuang into the air with one blow. In terms of swordsmanship attainments, Xie Jianxian is indeed extraordinary.

However, this was also within Tang Tang's expectations, because Yan had quickly rushed to the back of the ancient demon king!

Although it was the first battle, one man and one beast cooperated quite tacitly!
"Hold him, entangle him with all your might." Tang Tang quickly pinched his soul skills and said, "Help me by all means."

Tang Tang has a lot of means, but if he wants to subdue the ancient demon king with one blow, it is nothing more than Feng Yufei Sword and the Star Soul Formation. Not to mention that it is not raining now, and it is in the sword mound, Feng Yufei Sword naturally can't count on it. If it is on, then it can only be the Star Soul Formation!

There are six sets of sword formations in the Star Soul Formation, among them, the five-in-one Star Soul Breaker, Tang Tang can't use it for the time being, because the magic soul and cultivation base are not enough, and in the other five sets of sword formations, Tang Tang only has the Earthquake Star Shen Heel. I have never used Fengxuebingtian before, and Fengxuebingtian mainly has large-scale freezing and frostbite effects. As an auxiliary formation, its offensive ability is not strong, so Tang Tang chose Starsinking Earthquake.

As a summoning formation, Earthquake Xingchen can attract the stars of the nine heavens and summon wind and thunder. Its attack power is not weak, and it also has a strong defensive effect. It can not only inflict heavy damage on the ancient demon king, but also protect him from being injured by the ancient demon king!
The hand formula flew, and Tang Tang's fingertips brought out an afterimage.

Immediately after...

Hundreds of condensed silver-white phantom swords appeared around Tang Tang, and with the appearance of those phantom swords, thousands of Horcruxes in the place where the swords were buried were all pulled, shaking one after another, trembling the sword Around him, there was a series of continuous sword sounds.

"Earthquake and star sinking!"

Tang Tang raised his hand high, and a strange silver-white circular pattern appeared behind his back. Immediately afterwards, those hundreds of phantom swords rose from his mouth, pierced the ceiling of the sword mound, and headed towards Jiutian!

(End of this chapter)

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