The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 528 Chapter 531 The battle against the Demon Lord is extremely difficult

Chapter 528 Chapter 531 The battle against the Demon Lord is extremely difficult (5 more)
"Flame Burning Thunder!"

Tang Tang immediately threw a flaming thunderbolt with his hands, and with one blow, his mentor fell from the air, and the moment Dugu Bo landed...


There was a sound of explosions on the ground, and Dugu Bo was blown away, but it was Tang Tang who wiped the ground covertly before using Duankong, and at the same time buried five fire thunderbolts in that position!

The figure of the shadow Dugu Bo gradually disappeared, obviously Tang Tang passed the test, and at the same time, the soul domain showed that he had changed from ninth-class red to eighth-class red.

"It's so easy to pass the level?"

Tang Tang was stunned for a while, and then he understood. Because the attributes are almost the same, there is not much difference in strength. The difficulty of each level of the red product should not increase. As long as you successfully challenge nine of them, you can pass the red product. The important thing is It is to challenge different objects to accumulate actual combat experience, and to test whether players can deal with various types of opponents.

In this way, Tang Tang became very interested in his next opponent.

However, Soul Realm created a new phantom very shamelessly. Unfortunately, that phantom came from Sea God Pavilion.

"Maybe it's an elder from the Sea God Pavilion."

Tang Tang pursed her lips. The phantom was actually very beautiful, a young woman in her thirties who was still charming, but because she came from the Sea God Pavilion, she was quite disappointed for Tang Tang, a violent fighter.

As a sect that Tang Tang is afraid of outside the Mishentai, Tang Tang still knows the Sea God Pavilion very well. He is good at water spells, but there are not many offensive spells. Most of them are auxiliary spells, mainly recovery spells. A few negative state spells are blessed.

The characteristics of the disciples of the Sea God Pavilion are that they can restore health, wear resistance, and pester people. Usually, it takes a long time to kill a disciple of the Sea God Pavilion. Similarly, the monotonous attack method and low damage also make the disciples of the Sea God Pavilion abnormally want to kill Difficult, usually in a game, there is no way to tell the winner in less than half an hour.

However, in Mishentai, the disadvantage of Seashen Pavilion's weak attack will disappear, but Tang Tang is afraid of Seashen Pavilion because his water attribute and water resistance are zero. Naturally, he will not be afraid in Mishentai. After offsetting it, the disadvantage of the Sea God Pavilion's monotonous attack method was obvious at a glance. It took Tang Tang about a cup of tea to destroy the phantom that kept returning blood to him.

It's messy, it's tough, but it's not difficult at all.

Tang Tang stepped into the seventh-class red, waiting for the third phantom to refresh, and at this moment...

The magic flame is monstrous!

"You are all ants!"

The third phantom condensed into shape, looked at Tang Tang, and spit out two words lightly, Tang Tang didn't get angry, but was dumbfounded.

Demon Venerable Ancient Banyan!

This name is enough to knock anyone's heart!
The demons have always been aggressive, and the demon master Gu Rong is known as the strongest in the demon world. Of course, he didn't blow it out, but beat him out. Only by defeating all the masters of the demons can Gu Rong be qualified to be called the strongest in the demon world.

Tang Tang was also very aggressive, and he was the type who would be excited when encountering a strong enemy, but when he suddenly threw a Demon Lord to deal with her, Tang Tang couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

"Could it be that because it was too simple just now, Mie Shentai is deliberately tossing yourself?"

Tang Tang complained depressedly, but at this moment, Gu Rong flashed a black light in his hand, and a silver arm blade appeared on his forearm, and he waved casually towards Tang Tang, a saber aura pierced the air.

Faced with Gu Rong's sudden attack, Tang Tang was obviously calmer. Indeed, no matter how powerful Tang Tang was, he could not be Gu Rong's opponent. Leaving aside other things for now, just saying that Gu Rong is a Demon Lord means that Gu Rong After going through the third catastrophe, and Tang Tang only had the second catastrophe, the attributes of the two sides are much different. However, it is different in Mie Shentai. Everyone has the same attributes. Skill, not mere strength.

However, Tang Tang forgot one thing, Gu Rong claims to be the strongest in the demon world, that is because he has defeated so many demon masters, so many that no one dares to fight, and any battle is not enough to rely on strength , Gu Rong's power is very strong, but also does not lack skills.

Seeing Tang Tang thrusting his sword forward and flying that saber aura, Gu Rong suddenly snorted coldly, shook his hand, and then swung a second saber aura, and the second saber aura was even stronger. Faster, more swiftly, the second strike came first, when the tip of the sword almost touched the saber air, the second saber air suddenly split the first saber air into two, left and right, avoiding The Baiquehuang in Renren's hand continued to attack him.

"I'll go, is this all right?"

Tang Tang was stunned for a moment, the two saber qi were split like this, not only turned into three, but also avoided his own flying sword, and more importantly, the three saber aura were very close at hand!
Almost relying on instinct, Tang Tang made a sideways attack, only the position of the shoulder was brushed, but even if he didn't dodge completely, Tang Tang was very lucky. If all three saber qi were hit, then Tang Tang Tang Tang was already outside Mishentai at this moment.

Gu Rong also suddenly became interested, looked at Tang Tang and said, "You are the most tenacious among ants."

Tang Tang rolled her eyes, she didn't think it was a compliment.

Moreover, when Gu Rong said this, his hands were not slow at all, and he swung five saber qi in succession!
With the lessons learned from the past, Tang Tang dared not to be negligent in the slightest, and immediately ran quickly. Gu Rong's move of splitting the saber energy is indeed very strange, but it can only be said to have miraculous effects. After seeing it once, people will know how it is. If you dodge, that is running, running continuously, as long as you are not in a fixed position, this method of cutting knife energy will be invalid, unless those knife energy will turn!

But what Tang Tang didn't expect was that her casual thoughts came true.

The five saber auras that Gu Rong swung again were completely five irregular lines. However, Tang Tang's position was quite precise. Even if the saber auras were not straight lines, she was confident in avoiding them. However, after a while, Tang Tang Surprised expression again!
"Cross attack?"

Yes, the five saber qi actually showed crossing lines. After sliding a certain distance in the air, they crossed each other, chopped up other saber auras, and turned into ten saber auras. After the split, the trajectory is completely changed, just like what Tang Tang said, unless the saber energy can turn!

Therefore, Duan Tangtang was completely tragic this time, without even a chance to evade, he was cut into white light by the saber energy that suddenly changed his course.


Seeing Tang Tang disappear from the God Miting Altar, Gu Rong also shook his head, and with a wave of his hand, after breaking the void, he also disappeared from the Miting God Altar!


There is never a shortage of anecdotes and gossip conversations in Soul Domain.

And the two people who have been in the limelight recently, no surprise, are naturally Brother Yanyan and Kunlun's first senior sister Tang Mei!

Let's not talk about Tang Mei for the time being, after Brother Yanyan defeated Scarlet Lin Bo, he was defeated by Tang Mei. His limelight was really great, and he was simply stepping on others' heads. Under the publicity of the Kunlun disciples, Tang Mei naturally became the object of discussion. Everyone was curious about the Nine Tribulations Sword in her hand, and also curious about the story she had to tell with Tang Tang, the female devil of the Tang Sect.

As for Brother Yanyan, it is said that this guy should disappear without a trace. Unfortunately, this guy seems to be a natural troublemaker. Get the number plate number four in the shrine!

With this, the Black Clothes Shrine, a sect that has been operating in secret, officially appeared in front of everyone. At the same time, Brother Dragan published a post on the forum in the name of the Black Clothes Shrine. There are a total of two hundred masters of the sect and the gang, and each one has a price, the price of one death!

This post posted by Brother Yanyan in the name of the Black Clothes Shrine instantly caused a sensation. Of course, it was more about the strong dissatisfaction of various sects and gangs. This way of selling heads with a clearly marked price offended almost all sects and gangs. Only a few sober-headed people looked at the quotation and sneered. There is a difference between whether Brother Drago joined the Black Clothes Shrine after becoming famous, or he is a member of the Black Clothes Shrine. If only the latter, then It means that the people at the Black Clothes Shrine may not be able to bear the loneliness anymore. Unfortunately, there are not many people who can see through this matter.

In addition, some interested people also found some small details worth talking about. For example, the number plates of the Black Clothes Shrine are all given by the soul domain based on the strength judgment according to the order, but Brother Drag is only ranked fourth?Who are the top three?There are actually three people in the Black Clothes Shrine who are stronger than the drag brother holding the heaven and earth spirit treasure?If this is the case, then the announced list may not be a joke, and the Black Clothes Shrine may really have such strength!
Secondly, some people found that almost all the names on the list of 200 people had a price next to them, ranging from a few hundred gold coins to thousands of gold coins. However, some people found that nine of the names There is no clear price, and there are four words marked on the side - add more details.

If Tang Tang saw this list, he should probably feel honored. Coincidentally, among the nine names with no clear price, Tang Sect occupied two. The first was Tang Xin, and the second was her Tang Tang. !
It's a pity that Tang Tang has no time to deal with these meaningless gossips!


"Whoosh, whoosh..."

Tang Tang panted heavily!

The red rank is really not that easy to pass. Although it is as fair as possible, there is still a gap. It seems that the phantom that is refreshed is Gu Rong, whose fighting skills are obviously higher than ordinary cats and dogs. What is more depressing is this phantom. Without the slightest pattern, Tang Tang met Gu Rong three times in total, one was eighth-class red, one was ninth-class, and one was third-class, which greatly increased the difficulty.

At the same time, even if Gu Rong didn't appear, there would occasionally be other famous guys in the mainland, such as the dead Mozun Taitan, Kyushu Sanren, Kunlun's strongest Nine Tribulations Sword Master Feng Ling, Tianshen Sect's Jiang Li, Douluo, etc. The God of War in the temple, these guys are very difficult to deal with, and Tang Tang will be thrown out of the Mishentai if he is not careful.

(End of this chapter)

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