Chapter 532 Chapter 535
Legend, my dear legend, seeing you, I feel like seeing a miracle born! "

"I told you to use my full name, otherwise I'll call the host!" It is said that the host sighed helplessly at the other end of the voice transmission: "Forget it, you should get straight to the point. Anyway, when you contacted me, nothing good will happen."

Tang Tang smiled and said, "I want a set of equipment, blood shield equipment with full blood and full defense. It would be even better if I can bring some body protection."

Legend has it that the host thought for a while and said, "Are you level 90?"

Tang Tang said: "Level 87, almost 88, but I have the Dragon Soul Stone, which can instantly reach level 90."

Legend has it that the landlord said: "Then it's no problem. I have a level 90 suit here, which is full of blood and defense, and can also protect the body. It also has attributes and is immune to special states."

Tang Tang thought for a while and said, "Is there a belt, the three parts of the heel of the boots?"

This is very important. If that set of equipment is for the whole body, then of course it is not mentioned, but many suits are composed of several parts, and Tang Tang's belt, boots and head equipment are all rubbish. Zed must be changed, it is best if it overlaps with the suit, but if it is staggered, Tang Tang will cry to death. Beast feather plus fire attribute damage, these three pieces are absolutely irreplaceable.

"There are belts and boots." Legend has it that the landlord pondered for a while, probably asked to check the attributes of the suit, and continued after a while: "Belt, boots, and two accessories."

Tang Tang thought for a while. For the two accessories, it means that the beast feather must be sacrificed. However, the main purpose of the Heavenly Tribulation is to resist. If there is no beast feather, it will be gone, so he nodded and agreed: "The price."

Legend has it that the landlord said: "[-] gold coins, I will give you a discount for the sake of our familiarity, [-]."

"I'll go!" Tang Tang couldn't help but said, "One piece is about [-] yuan? Why don't you grab it? Those of a few grades, the price of the eighth grade is the same."

"Seventh-order." The legendary host curled his lips and said, "It's not worth the price to disassemble it, but a set is worth it."

Tang Tang was speechless for a moment. This seems to be true. After all, it is difficult to make a suit, but a set is almost one-third of his net worth...

Feeling distressed for a long while, Tang Tang gritted his teeth and said, "I'll add 1 taels of gold, and you can find me a seventh- or eighth-level head position equipment, full of blood and defense."

Legend has it that the landlord said cheerfully: "Yes."

Tang Tang said: "Add another 5000 taels of gold, and find me a hundred main Horcruxes around the third level."

"Alright." Legend has it that the landlord couldn't hold back this time, and couldn't help saying: "Why do you buy so many main Horcruxes? Or garbage Horcruxes around the third level, is it useful? Is it a refiner?"

Tang Tang hummed, "I won't tell you."

Legend has it that the landlord said: "I will find you one hundred third-order main Horcruxes for free."

Tang Tang immediately said very spinelessly: "Du Jie."

As soon as these words came out, it is said that the landlord fell silent, and after a long while he was surprised: "Three calamities?"

Tang Tang nodded and said, "Three Tribulations!"

It is said that the landlord was silent again, as if he was digesting the shocking news, and then he said: "I understand, everything is ready-made, after an hour, you can come to Fengmingxuan in Luohe Ancient City to get it, do you have any other needs?" ?”

Tang Tang thought for a while, except for the equipment, there was only pills, but she was not short of pills. After confirming that she didn't need anything, she temporarily bid farewell to the legendary host, and the next contact was Tang Xiaoyao.

"Little monster!" Tang Tang also talked nonsense lazily, and cut directly to the point: "You said before that you have a magic circle that weakens Heavenly Tribulation?"

Tang Xiaoyao said: "Yes, there are, but there is no formation that can weaken the Heavenly Tribulation, but a formation that weakens the attribute damage. The effect of calming the spirit and resisting the demon..."

"Stop, stop..." Tang Tang hurriedly interrupted the chattering Tang Xiaoyao and said, "Don't tell me those principles, I'm not a magic circle master, you can do it if you can, anyway, pick the best one for me, What materials are needed and how much it costs are all mine, and I will give you another [-] gold coins afterwards."

"Hey, big sister said this, it's too polite to have money..." Tang Xiaoyao thought for a while and said, "But where should I deploy?"

Tang Tang was stunned for a moment. That's right, why did I forget about this? If you want to set up an formation, you must first determine where to cross the catastrophe. To be honest, Tang Tang really didn't think about it. I was involved by the Thunder God tyrant. During the second calamity, I ran to trouble the Scarlet Mercenary Group. The two tribulations were actually coincidences, not Tang Tang's original intention. This is Tang Tang's first time. If you plan to cross the catastrophe with preparation, you don't even think about choosing a good place for the transitional catastrophe.

At this time, Tang Xiaoyao suddenly said: "Brother Yu, wait a minute, senior Tang Taluo wants to talk to you."

As soon as Tang Xiaoyao's words fell, Tang Taluo's voice sounded: "Your friend is going to cross the catastrophe?"

"No." Tang Tang said, "I will overcome the tribulation by myself!"

"You? Three Tribulations?" Although Tang Taro had already expected it, he was still a little shocked when he heard Tang Tang say it himself, and then he said in a suppressed voice: "How sure are you?"

Tang Tang said: "I've definitely... That's impossible, there is still a [-]% to [-]% certainty, the main reason is that I am worried about the invasion of the heavenly demon, and there is at least an [-]% certainty that the tribulation thunder will pass."

Tang Taro thought for a while, and then said in a negotiating tone: "Then can you think about going through the tribulation at Xingchen Peak?"

"Xingchen Peak?" Tang Tang didn't remember it for a moment, and after a while he suddenly said: "Is it the place where Taiwu summoned us when we went to Kunlun Shrine last time?"

Tang Taro said: "Yes, that's the place. I hope that Tang Sect disciples can watch you cross the catastrophe. This will be a kind of motivation for everyone, and you will cross the catastrophe at Xingchen Peak. Once you come, you don't have to worry about being attacked by your enemies." I found out that people from the Douluo Palace cannot enter Mount Shu. As for Tang Yukuang, he is also a disciple of the Tang Sect after all, and he dare not be bold. You must know that regardless of cultivating saints or demons, killing each other is a serious crime. Secondly, if you are in As an elder, I can use my identity as an elder to call the Tang Sect's mountain protection formation to help you. Moreover, even if you are willing to pay for the materials you asked Tang Xiaoyao to find, they cannot be found in a short period of time. , if you agree, I can also allocate some for you from the warehouse of the Tang Sect, of course, no money is needed, as an elder, I am in charge of the warehouse."

"Such a generous offer, I think it would be very difficult to refuse." Tang Tang chuckled, and then said, "However, I have one condition. You must gather trusted disciples of the Tang Sect to patrol the area 2000 meters around Xingchen Peak. Shou, any Tang Sect disciple watching the battle must not exceed this distance, anyone who crosses the line will be killed without mercy."

"Such a large area? That requires a lot of people..." Tang Taro knew what Tang Tang was worried about after thinking about it for a while. If the distance is too close, the little girl's background may be completely wiped out by prying eyes. I'm afraid no one will. Yes, but I would definitely not be willing to change it, so I said decisively: "Yes, I will ask Tang Xin for help. It should not be difficult to gather tens of thousands of people, but it will take time. After six hours, um, we can simply do it tomorrow." In the early morning, you can come to Xingchen Peak to cross the tribulation, can you?"

Tang Tang naturally said that there was no problem, and then went straight to Luohe.

Fengmingxuan is an inn with restaurant service. It is the second restaurant for players. The owner is also very mysterious. However, since it is said that the owner will call Tang Tang here, it is self-evident who the owner of Fengmingxuan is.

In the private room on the second floor, Tang Tang saw the legendary host and the four-piece suit.

The name of the suit is the Sky Pattern Set, which can be used at level 75. They are all of the seventh-level legendary quality. There is nothing worth mentioning about the basic attributes. Anyway, they are the attributes that the seventh-level legendary quality should have, and the special attributes are also based on strength. Health, defense, and three attributes are the main attributes, and the boots also have a 10% damage reflection. However, who is the damage reflection of the catastrophe?Jieyun?
However, it was rumored that although the landlord was a little bit dark, he must have bought something good. After the four sets were completed, the six attributes of the set did make Tang Tang's eyes shine. At least he felt that the money was not wasted.

Normal attributes increased by 15%, HP increased by 10%, 30% chance to ignore 15% damage, 0.5% chance to resurrect without loss after death, death as home (player damage reduced by 90%, HP increased by 30%, defense increased by 30%, Attributes increased by 30%, lasting for 360 seconds, cooldown time 1600 seconds) All-in-one (when in the dying state, automatically enters the invincible state, in the invincible state, unable to move, unable to attack, unable to log off, all attacks are invalid, immune to all special Effect, restore 1% HP per second, last for 30 seconds, cooldown time 5200 seconds, upper limit of use: 26/30 times!)

The first four attributes are passive attributes, which are already quite good, but the two active attributes that need to be used are even more surprising. The attributes like death as home are actually very tasteless. Although they can increase health, defense and normal attributes, but the damage is reduced After 90%, it is a pure meat shield. The damage is undoubtedly nowhere near the itch, and it is basically not used in normal times, but it is definitely a wonderful way to use it to resist the catastrophe.

As for one man guarding the gate, it only takes 30 seconds, and the cooling time is too long, but it can save lives at a critical moment. The only regret is that it can only be used 30 times. After 30 times, this attribute will disappear, and it is still used. It has been dropped 4 times, and it can only be used 26 times at the moment, but anyway, it is quite useful to use it for robbing.

In addition to the sky pattern suit, it is said that the landlord also prepared a phoenix crown for Tang Tang, called the glazed phoenix crown, the eighth-level ordinary quality, the basic attributes are not special, but the special attributes are not bad, one is ordinary attributes plus 50 points , the life value increases by 5%, and there is a 3% chance of being immune to 50% damage, and the highlight is that when equipped with the glazed phoenix crown, no matter whether it is a wise soul master or a weapon soul master, it can use a third-level magic glass golden body, which consumes 300 mana , can restore 1200 points of health, 50% chance to eliminate one of its own negative effects, and the cooldown time is quite short, only 120 seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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