The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 535 Chapter 538 God of War Phantom Thor Phantom

Chapter 535 Chapter 538 God of War Phantom Thor Phantom (5 more)
Nine-nine-to-one thunder is one of the most powerful tribulation thunders. It belongs to the universe thunder of heaven and earth. It can breed yin and yang, and there are nine ways in the world. , It is conceivable how powerful the nine thunders will be when they overlap nine times. It is not just the nine times of overlapping damage, but the power of each overlapping will be doubled.

Meeting such a tribulation thunder, besides Tang Tang's bad luck, is also a punishment for Tang Tang's daring to provoke the catastrophe!
Jieyun is not something that can be smashed if you want to, and the re-condensed Jieyun will obviously be even more powerful!
It's just that Tang Tang doesn't care. Pursuing the saint is a matter of changing fate against the sky. Even if he chooses to resist, won't the lightning strike him?Moreover, ninety-nine returns to one thunder, in the eyes of others, is extremely difficult to resist, but to Tang Tang, it is exactly what he wants.

"One man guards the gate!"

The second special body protection attribute of the sky pattern suit is one man guarding the gate. Although it cannot move or attack, it will enter an invincible state, all attacks and negative effects will be nullified, and the duration is not long, only 30 seconds. If Counting every nine thunderstorms, you can resist two at most, and it depends on whether the robbery cloud will give face, and how long is the interval between each thunderstorm, but now the nine thunderbolts are one, which is naturally suitable for Tang Tang. mind.

However, if you want to trigger the attribute of being a man, you must be on the brink of blood first!

Holding Baiquehuang, Tang Tang gesticulated a few times on his body, cutting his neck?There will be blood splatter!Head stab?It will be disfigured!cut belly?That's what people with special hobbies do, Tang Tang doesn't want to be misunderstood!

"Damn it, you can't cut your own tits!"

Tang Tang cursed angrily, and then stabbed twice in his calf. There was no other way, except for Mimi, the legs were easy to attack!
After finally stabbing himself into a near-death state, the nine thunder shadows finally completely overlapped and crashed down towards the bottom.

When he was about to hit Tang Tang, behind Tang Tang was a golden light, congealing into a phantom of a human figure!

People looked up immediately, and saw that the golden phantom was an extremely strong man, wearing red martial arts trousers, naked to the upper body, with a pair of eyes on the chest, a mouth in the abdomen, and above the neck, a A scar the size of a bowl, with two mighty axes in his hands, stood proudly behind Tang Tang's back!

God of War Xing Tian!

Tang Tang was overjoyed immediately, he never expected to be able to summon the phantom given by Xing Tian. This guy is a figure passed down through the ages, known as the unyielding god of war. He was decapitated for resisting the gods, but now he was killed by himself Get it out to resist the catastrophe, tsk tsk, it really is God's will in the dark!

That phantom of Xing Tian jumped up from Tang Tang's back, and suddenly attacked that ninety-nine return to one thunder!

The huge ax was thrown forward by Xing Tian, ​​and it slammed heavily on the Jiujiuyilei. With a bang, it caused an explosion. However, Jiujiuguiyilei's attack was a wave-shaped attack, that is, that Layer after layer of attacks, even though Xing Tian smashed a part of it, they still fell downwards, heavily bombarding Xing Tian's phantom.

However, Xing Tian is indeed worthy of not yielding to the god of death. After being hit by the thunder, he was resolute and unafraid. He directly grabbed the ninety-nine and returned to one thunder, like catching a dragon, and kept fighting in the air. For a long time, the ninety-nine Gui Yilei was finally overwhelmed, and after a loud noise, he was completely blown away, while Xing Tianxuying was still standing proudly despite being covered in blood.

"Next one, hurry up..."

Tang Tang shouted immediately, it took 16 seconds to resist the ninety-nine return to one thunder, and there are 14 seconds left in the invincible time, which means that Xing Tian Xuying will disappear after 14 seconds, and there is every chance to resist another one Jielei, unfortunately, the Jieyun didn't give face, and the Jielei did not fall for a long time, and the phantom of Xingtian slowly dimmed and completely dissipated in the air.

This made Tang Tang curse fiercely in his stomach, but there was nothing he could do. At least he survived the sixth round of tribulation thunder, and there were still three remaining rounds, which could be regarded as victory.

About 5 minutes later, the robbery cloud gathered thunder light again.

Tang Tang also knew that tribulation thunder, it was the thunder of destruction!

The Thunder of Destruction is said to be beyond the attributes, not in the yin and yang of the world, it is the purple thunder outside the sky dedicated to punishment in the holy world!
Of course, although Tang Tang is arrogant, she doesn't have the courage to try it easily, and the lightning strike of annihilation is very exciting to her, but after the stimulation, she will turn into ashes, so she dare not be tough with Tang Tang's courage. Tang Xiaoyao spent a lot of time laying out the formation, and it was finally time to show his face.

Taking out a piece of spirit stone, Tang Tang found the position of the formation eye that Tang Xiaoyao had told her in advance, and quickly changed a few moves, and the formation pattern under his feet suddenly lit up with a faint light.

Tang Tang immediately did as Tang Xiaoyao had ordered, and quickly arranged the spirit stone at the eye of the formation!

The light, which was originally quite dim, suddenly flourished and turned into a colorful streamer of light, like a ribbon, flowing around Tang Tang, and the surroundings of Xingchen Peak were covered with a layer of rainbow-colored clouds. The awn is truly dazzling.


When the first tribulation thunder fell, it almost passed through the radiance without any resistance.

Tang Tang was taken aback. Isn't this magic circle useless?But at this moment, the pattern under his feet suddenly twisted, turning into a vortex of five colors, and the lightning that fell in the air was instantly pulled, and flew past Tang Tang directly, hitting the center of the vortex , just like hitting the water surface, after a wave of ripples, the annihilation thunder was broken down and turned into nearly a hundred tiny electric currents, which were digested by the pattern.


Tang Tang pouted, and couldn't help but praise.

To cross the catastrophe, to put it bluntly, it has nothing to do with being able to fight. The most important thing is to be able to resist the thunder and not be beaten down, to be able to block the demons like the return of the god of war, or to put it in a more simple way, the first thing is to be able to resist , the second is must be able to persist.

But Tang Xiaoyao's magic circle definitely opened up an alternative way to overcome the catastrophe, this method of breaking down the sky thunder is really unheard of.

However, Tang Tang's admiration didn't last long. When the seventh thunder of annihilation fell, the ground suddenly cracked, and the entire formation burst apart. of crushing.

"I'll go!" Tang Tang immediately sent a sound transmission to Tang Xiaoyao angrily: "Didn't you say that it's okay to resist three or four dials!"

Tang Xiaoyao said aggrievedly: "I counted from the first call."

"I go……"

Tang Tang really wanted to press Tang Xiaoyao to the ground and beat him up, but at this moment, the thunder of destruction fell and hit Tang Tang's head.


Soul Realm Tip: You have entered a state of paralysis for 60 seconds!
That lightning strike took away about 90% of Tang Tang's damage, and almost sent her into a near-death state. What's more, she was still in a paralyzed state for a full 60 seconds, which meant that Tang Tang couldn't To take the elixir, one must forcibly resist the ninth thunder of annihilation.


When the purple thunder fell again, many people thought that Tang Tang was about to finish his game, and that it would be a great thing to be able to resist seven waves of calamity thunder, but at this moment, the scales of the calamity fire dragon suddenly made a crisp sound and turned into countless scales, like An eggshell usually wraps Tang Tang up.

Dragon Scale Bodyguard: Triggered automatically when the HP is below 25%, the maximum counteracts 22000 damage, and lasts for 120 seconds!
The annihilating thunder landed on the dragon scale, constantly impacting, and opened up circles of electric patterns like waves, but it was finally blocked by the fire-robbing dragon scale, and the 22000 damage absorbed was indeed gone. Higher than the upper limit of the damage of the death thunder.

Tang Tang breathed a sigh of relief, broke out of the paralysis, and took away the robbery fire dragon scales. The seventh wave of robbery thunder has been resisted, and there will be a short rest period. Although it is not long, it must surpass the dragon scale guard. The 120-second time limit of the body, so it is meaningless to continue to maintain the body protection state.

After thrusting the fire-robbing dragon scale into the ground, Tang Tang poured the recovery potion into his mouth, restoring his life to full within a limited time.

Next, it is the eighth round of tribulation thunder.

This is a hurdle.

In fact, in addition to the ability to cross the catastrophe, the mentality is also more important. The more nervous some people are, the more afraid they are, and the less they can withstand the catastrophe. Therefore, the eighth tribulation thunder is the most difficult to resist, because at this time the mentality It's easy to get out of balance, and when you get over it, it's the ninth wave of tribulation thunder, and it's also the last wave of robbery thunder. On the contrary, it's easy for everyone to grit their teeth and persist, but before that, during the eighth wave of robbery thunder, It is easy to worry about gains and losses, and it is difficult to maintain a stable state of mind.

Tang Tang's mentality has always been good, and she is also very good at how to control her mentality, otherwise she would not have agreed to Tang Taro's request. You must know that it is still easy to have a catastrophe when so many disciples of the Tang Sect are watching. Stress in the heart makes the emotions out of control.

A moment later, white light burst out from the robbery cloud, and a white thunder suddenly fell from the sky and landed in front of Tang Tang.

In the white thunder, a phantom formed by thunder and lightning strides out to Qia. It is a phantom of Thor in silver-blue armor and holding a four-way drum that shakes thunder.

Soul Realm Reminder: After 600 seconds, Thor's Phantom will disappear!

Tang Tang raised his eyebrows, that Jieyun was really giving himself face, and it turned out that one wave was more difficult to deal with. However, the eighth wave of Jielei was the Phantom of Thunder God. You know, Tang Tang wanted to use some small things to fight Over this wave!
"Vulcan Phantom vs. Thor Phantom, maybe it's a good choice!"

Tang Tang smiled and threw the Fire Soul Orb out. The Fire Spirit Orb burst into a red glow, rolled up the flames of Taotian, burned, and slowly condensed into the appearance of Vulcan. Before the phantom of Thunder God rushed up Breathe out a mouthful of flame.

Tang Tang didn't watch the battle, but quickly set it up on the ground.

 Mistyped chapters~ It does not affect normal viewing~ Chapter 357 was originally chapter 537, wrongly typed...

(End of this chapter)

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