The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 546 Chapter 549: The Tribal Totem of Demon Lord Shura

Chapter 546 Chapter 549: The Tribal Totem of Demon Lord Shura (5 more)
Seeing Tang Tang like that, Grandma Heixin immediately patted the table and laughed.

On the other hand, the evil monk was a little terrified by Tang Tang's treacherous eyes, and he explained helplessly: "She just owes me a favor."

Tang Tang nodded and said, "Don't worry, I understand, it's just a favor."

The evil monk was helpless by Tang Tang's obviously incongruous expression, and then kept silent. This is also the best way to deal with the bitch, just ignore it!

Sure enough, seeing that the evil monk ignored him, Tang Tang had no intention of continuing to tease him, but said to the black-hearted grandma: "I agree to all your conditions, and hope to have a happy cooperation."

"No, no!" Grandma Heixin shook her head and said, "I just said that the tribal elders mean that if you are really capable, then they don't mind letting the Black Mountain Demon Clan support you, do you understand? The key to this sentence is You really have strength!"

Tang Tang frowned and said, "Then what should I do?"

Child Elder said: "To the south of our city, there is another city about ten miles away, but it does not belong to us, but belongs to the Dong tribe. I will allocate 200 people to you, and you can conquer the city of the Dong tribe. Fortress, then we can get the support of the Black Mountain Demon Race."

Tang Tang said without hesitation: "Deal!"

Grandma Heixin smiled, and then the soul domain reminder sounded.

Soul Realm Tip: Will you accept the test from the leader of the Black Mountain Demon Tribe and attack the village of the Dong tribe!
This can be regarded as a proof and guarantee of the black-hearted grandma's change of direction. Only the heirs of the tribe and the leader of the tribe are eligible to issue tasks. This is not limited to NPCs or players, just like Tang Taro. It is the same to release the mission of the Master's Gate, so the appearance of the mission prompt naturally shows that the black-hearted grandma is not lying. Although she is a player, she is indeed the leader of the Black Mountain Demon Race. It is possible to cheat, if Tang Tang can do it, the black-hearted grandma must fulfill her promise.

After Tang Tang chose to accept, Grandma Heixin said, "When are you going to leave?"

Tang Tang said decisively: "Just tonight!"

Grandma Heixin nodded and said: "Then I'll go prepare the troops now, and this monk can go with you. As for me, dear baby, as the leader of the Black Mountain Demon Clan, please forgive me for not being able to help!"

Tang Tang curled her lips and said, "You'll be doing me a great favor if you stay away from me."

Grandma Heixin giggled, and then floated out of the room.

Tang Tang drank quietly in the room. He didn't ask how many people there were in the Dong tribe, nor did he ask the strength of the two people given to him by the black-hearted grandma, because these were meaningless, and Tang Tang would never refuse, nor could he. refused.

Soon, the 200 people that the black-hearted grandma was talking about gathered in front of the house.

In terms of appearance, they are not bad, each one is very strong, wearing simple wooden armor, and the weapon is left bow and right knife, and there is a pot of arrows on the waist. As for the mount, there is no, of course, no need, attack In fact, the cavalry is not very suitable for the city.

Soul Realm Tip: You have taken over a team of Black Mountain Demons, quantity: 200/200!
After handing over from the black-hearted grandma, Tang Tang got a reminder from the soul domain that she could manage this team with full authority.

At the same time, NPCs also have the advantages of NPCs, that is, Tang Tang doesn't need to worry about loyalty at all. Everyone's loyalty to Tang Tang is not high, but they are all barely qualified, because the initial loyalty is 60 points, which is very uniform. At least there will be no situation where the order will not be reached.

In addition, Tang Tang can also change the formation. However, there are only two formations to choose from for a team of 200 people. The former is the most common square formation, followed by the wild goose formation, which is of little significance. Anyway, it is a simple formation, and besides, it is possible to allocate equipment, which is relatively speechless. Tang Tang is not capable of producing so many standard equipment. As for some good equipment, she can only distribute them to a few people at most, it’s nothing It will also cause the loyalty of other people to decline, so it is better to keep everything as it is.

Tang Tang said, "Can we go now?"

Grandma Heixin smiled and spread her hands as a gesture of please.

Leaving the cottage, Tang Tang deeply hated that she didn't have many people riding Horcruxes. She could fly her own imperial weapon for a quarter of an hour at most, but with 200 people, she could only walk slowly. Moreover, if there were many people Riding a Horcrux, she can also perform an airborne trick.


With a word of exclamation, Tang Tang could only lead the people along the road honestly.

All the way to the south, the evil monk also took time to introduce the situation of the Dong tribe to Tang Tang.

The Dong tribe is a small tribe in the Tianmo Valley, but for some reason, more players choose the Dong tribe, which makes the Dong tribe grow stronger, and when any power grows, they can’t help but have some thoughts, so the Dong tribe pays attention to Put it on the body of the Black Mountain Demon Race closest to you.

The Black Mountain Demons will call this name because the Black Mountain Demons have a special ability to discover the Black Mountain crystal mines, and these crystal mines have similar functions to spirit stones, but they are much more advanced, and occasionally they can find some extremely rare crystals that have special functions The crystal mines are very valuable. Therefore, the Black Mountain Demons have relied on digging crystal mines to exchange items with the monks of Shenzhou for generations. The Dong tribe does not want to annex the Montenegro Demons, but they are very interested in the crystal mines. There is friction, and tribal wars are not once or twice.

The village that Tang Tang was going to attack was one of the six villages of the Dong tribe, which could accommodate about 3 people. It was only at night, and the online rate of players would not be too high, including NPCs, which could only exceed 1 people.

Of course, Tang Tang sneered at the words "no more than" and asked himself to take 200 people to attack 1 people, but it's still called "no more"?

Of course, due to the rules of tribal warfare, it is not hopeless.

There are two types of tribal wars. The first is a decisive battle, just like when Tang Tang saw Tianyao leading the backer demons to fight the moon-watching demons. There is time for preparation, and the number of people that can be sent by both sides is the same. The one who dies first, or whoever dies more within the stipulated time will be regarded as a failure. In tribal wars of this kind of duel, the price is usually agreed in advance, and the war can only start after the two parties agree. The bet is of course the Chakrama River, and at the same time, it is also possible to bet on one's own tribe directly.

The second is plundering. One party initiates a tribal war without giving the other party time to prepare. Attacking the other party’s tribe and occupying different buildings can have different effects. Occupying warehouses can plunder materials, occupying the main village can capture prisoners, and occupying weapons Ku can take away the weapons. In general, the second way is to fight the autumn wind. It is difficult to judge the outcome, and what is what to grab. Of course, if the number of people is large and the strength has an overwhelming advantage, then directly destroy the buildings of the opposing tribe. Occupy both, and destroy the opponent's tribe totem or tribe flag, then you can directly occupy the opponent's tribe.

Regarding this, Tang Tang was speechless. She didn't feel like she was pursuing a holy path, but playing a war game.

The evil monk spread his hands and said, "That's what the so-called Emperor Xuanyuan and Chi You did. Speaking of which, these two are the source of many myths and stories. Is it a copper head and iron forehead, a human body and a cow's hoof, four eyes and six hands, they are demon gods at all, even so, don't they bring people from their own tribe to fight? The Heavenly Demon Valley has ancient myths as the background, and such tribal wars are naturally very interesting. normal."

Tang Tang nodded, agreeing with this statement, but, she is a disciple of the Tang Sect who is very young, fighting with Horcruxes flying all over the sky, so it is unexpected for her to take a group of guys with almost no cultivation to such a backward battle. The war just feels a little weird.

However, if you think about it carefully, it is quite fun, and it is a different kind of experience.

In his thoughts, in the hazy night, a city was gradually faintly visible!

Announcement in Soul Realm: Congratulations to the player "Jade-faced Luosha" for successfully crossing the catastrophe, with a perfect heart of Taoism and success in the way of heaven, hence the name: Demon Lord Shura.

Soul Realm Announcement: After unremitting efforts, the player "Jade Face Luosha" has been crowned the Holy Path, becoming the Western Sky, the Body of the White Tiger, the Rooster of the White Tiger of the West, the master of disasters and disasters, more evil than good, and listed in the Holy Demon Catalogue. !
Announcement in Soul Realm: The player "Jade Face Luosha" is highly respected in the Shura Hall, and was recommended by the elders of the Shura Hall to become the Lord of the Shura Hall!
When Tang Tang was looking at the map and pondering how to attack the Dong tribe's city, a reminder suddenly sounded in Soul Realm, but Tang Tang regained his composure after a moment of astonishment.

It is not surprising that the jade-faced Luosha would run to cross the tribulation. Since he was defeated by Brother Yanyan, his life in the Asura Hall has been very difficult, and the head of the Asura Hall has abdicated. Although he has worked hard for a long time, he has always had to With the approval of the elders of the Shura Hall, the Shura Hall has never had a sect headed by it. Under such a bad situation, there was a jade-faced Luosha who was ready to take a gamble. I won the bet, and a person at the end of the road can always create miracles, so it is really not surprising, but the jade-faced Luosha got his wish to become the head of Penglai after going through three tribulations, which made Tang Tang a little stunned .

However, this was just a small episode. Tang Tang didn't pay much attention to it, but continued to study the map of the city wall he got from Grandma Heixin.

First of all, a decisive battle is impossible. The Dong tribe is not a fool. If they send 200 people to a decisive battle when their strength is not proportional, then they can only launch the second type of tribal war, which is plunder!

The symbol of the Dong tribe is a totem pole, which can be smashed to occupy the city, but Tang Tang thinks it is of little significance. The tribal war in the form of plunder is different from the tribal war in the form of duel. There is no preparation time, and there is no preparation time. Initiate, even if I conquer the totem pole, the opponent immediately launches a plundering war to re-attack and take back the city. I only have 200 people.

(End of this chapter)

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