The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 561 Chapter 564 Shura Undead in the Bloody Battle in the Valley

Chapter 561 Chapter 564 Shura Undead in the Bloody Battle in the Valley (3 more)
While talking, Tang Tang cast his eyes on a bald man with a black dragon tattooed on his neck, which looked very hideous.

"No problem!" The bald man grinned and gritted his teeth terrifyingly: "For us Tadai tribe, the disastrous defeat in the Shura tribe is an eternal humiliation in our hearts, and this time we will wash away our humiliation with blood. "

Tang Tang curled his lips in noncommittal. This bald man is called Chi Da, the leader of the Tadai tribe, and one of the few NPCs who surrendered, but his strength is very strong. The strength of Erjie is a well-known body refiner in Tianmo Valley. However, it is impossible for all the Tadai tribes to have the strength of Chida. If possible, Tang Tang still hopes to use all players. However, it is probably impossible to gather [-] players of the Second Tribulation.

"How about counting me in?"

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded outside the house, Tang Tang raised his eyebrows, and suddenly grabbed Baiquehuang and slashed towards the void on the roof!

The fire-attributed sword energy burst through the air, shattered the roof, and headed towards the sky, but was blocked by the opponent's hand. With a random pinch, the fire-attributed sword energy was crushed into pieces.

"Three Tribulations." Tang Tang looked at the falling step and killed him one by one: "That's right, that's right, it's really much stronger than before."

One step at a time, Tang Tang glanced at him and said, "It's not too late for me, is it?"

"Not too late, not too late." Tang Tang said happily, "It's just in time."

Although the success of killing and crossing the tribulation step by step has not been announced, the matter that is listed in the Holy Devil Catalog is still announced. No matter how remote the Heavenly Demon Valley is, the soul domain announcement can always be seen.

In this way, Tang Tang and one step and one kill are both three tribulations, and the evil monk and the black-hearted grandma are also masters of the demon clan. Tang Yuhao has never been underestimated. Dude, Tang Tang couldn't believe that he was no match for the Asura Department.

The next day, Tang Tang led the team to Scarlet Dusk.

Due to time constraints, Tang Tang only collected more than 700 players from the Second Tribulation, and the rest were replaced by players from the Ta and Dai tribes and some NPCs with outstanding strength. , because the mighty 5000 people are almost all players, so there is no need for special forging. However, Tang Tang thought of Tianyao's spear-throwing tactics, so he asked Nanman to make a batch of continuous crossbows, seven arrows in a group, each Everyone brings five groups, and they can carry out several rounds of arrow rain coverage to hit the opponent before charging.

At noon, Bloody Dusk appeared before Tang Tang's eyes.

To be honest, this is an ordinary valley that couldn't be more ordinary, but Tang Tang gasped at the moment of entrance.

Although the weather was good that day, there was no sense of brightness in the valley. It was gloomy and dead silent. The ground and cliffs were all mottled red, filled with broken weapons, bones were everywhere, burnt trees, muddy The deep pit, the scorched black broken tree, and the rock were cut into two by the sharp sword energy, all of which showed the brutality of that battle!

And in the deepest part of the blood-colored dusk, there was already a group of people waiting, all in black helmets and black armor, with the wolf emperor under his crotch, holding a black iron spear ten feet long, neatly lined up there.

"Asura Department?" Tang Tang grinned and said, "You guys are really early."

There was silence, and no one from the Asura tribe came out to answer. Tang Tang was a little embarrassed, and continued: "At least let's talk about how to play?"

After a while, there was still no sound in the valley, only the wind blew through, bringing up the sound of sand and dust.

"These guys can't be deaf, right?" Tang Tang whispered to Tang Yuhao who was beside him: "The deaf people should know how to read my mouth, or are they all dumb?"

Tang Yuhao said: "I think it might be wax figures. Didn't you notice that not only did they not speak, but they didn't even move?"

One step, one kill, the corner of his eye twitched, and it took a long time to say: "You guys are really imaginative."

Of course, the members of the Asura Department cannot be deaf, nor can they be dumb, and they cannot be wax figures. They just don't want to talk, and Tang Tang doesn't know why they don't want to talk. for a moment...

At noon the sun is thick!
Soul domain reminder: The Shura tribe launched a tribal war against the Tadai tribe!



The group of five thousand black-armored warriors from the Shura tribe broke out in an instant with a roar, and the Canglang Emperor, who had his legs clamped under his crotch, suddenly charged in Tang Tang's direction.

"I'm going! These guys are even more unruly than me, and they even fight at will!" Tang Tang pulled out Baiquehuang from his backpack and said, "For victory, kill!"


The people behind Tang Tang also shouted, and immediately raised their swords, forming three layers of upper, middle, and lower!

"Hand crossbow!" Tang Tang raised his sword and slashed down fiercely: "Shoot!"

The fine iron arrows that were only two fingers long fell down like rain. However, the black armor worn by the Shura warriors was forged from some unknown material, and it was surprisingly strong. Those iron arrows hit the black armor. But it can only make a tinkling sound, at best it can only spark a spark.

Tang Tang frowned, gritted his teeth and said, "Come again!"

The second wave of arrows immediately fell down like locusts, but the effect remained the same. It seemed that those black armors were able to block the first wave of arrows. It was not accidental, but those black armors were indeed not extraordinary.

Chi Da rode on the liger and said anxiously: "We should charge. If they get closer, we will lose the distance for the liger to run with all its strength, and we will not be able to resist the opponent's charge."

Chida is a rebellious guy, and he is not very polite when speaking to Tang Tang. However, the Tadai tribe is indeed a born warrior, and he is also very familiar with tribal warfare. Tang Tang also knows that it seems impossible to continue archery. .

"Then..." Tang Tang raised his sword and roared, "Charge!"

The liger roared, and the sword light rained like rain in mid-air. It charged forward quickly, and collided fiercely with the black torrent of the Shura tribe!
The sword's edge is cold, and the blood is miserable!
Holding swords in both hands, Tang Tang plunged into the black torrent!
In fact, weapons like swords are not suitable for attacking on the battlefield. However, the Baiquehuang and Jiehuolongscales in Tang Tang's hands are not ordinary products. The armor was indeed exceptionally strong, but it was hard to withstand the sharpness of a ninth-tier weapon. Tang Tang took advantage of the situation and split the black armor of a Shura demon, bringing out a splotch of blood.

Immediately afterwards, Yan lightly moved his body sideways, and Tang Tang brushed past the Shura demon clan, and continued to charge forward, with both swords fluttering, without the slightest fancy, Tang Tang simply used the speed of his charge, With the sharpness of the two swords, they beheaded more than a dozen Shura demons in a row.
But at this moment...

"There is something wrong with this group of guys." Suddenly, someone exclaimed: "This group of guys can't be killed!"

Tang Tang also vaguely heard the shout, his expression was stunned, and when he looked back, he was shocked.

There was no half corpse behind him, and the dozen or so Shura demons who should be beheaded by Tang Tang were suddenly behind Tang Tang, holding up their iron spears and stabbing at Tang Tang fiercely.

"Broken Blade!"

Tang Tang swung his sword almost instinctively, and the calamity fire dragon scale quickly broke into countless dragon scale blades, flying forward, blocking those black spears with tinkling clangs, Tang Tang immediately patted Jie on the head, Immediately comprehending, he opened his mouth and sprayed out a piece of Samadhi real fire.

The flame rolled and rolled, and immediately devoured the Shura demon in front of him. In the flame, Tang Tang could still see figures flickering. ...

Two black spears suddenly sprang out from the flames, aiming at Tang Tang's eyes.

Tang Tang's expression froze, and he immediately raised Baiquehuang to block the two spears, but he was shocked. The chests of the two Shura demons 1 had obvious scars cut by him, and, because of the relationship between the real fire of samadhi, the guns in their hands Both the black gun and the black armor on his body were somewhat deformed, and even after the black armor was melted by the flames, it stuck to the bodies of those Shura demons, and the bloody flesh could be torn off with a slight movement, and the two Shura demons themselves were also Her whole body was scorched black and severely burned.

However, without shouting, without crying out for pain, or even affecting their movements in the slightest, the two Shura demons just raised their guns straight and killed them out of the flames.

Immediately afterwards, the real fire of samadhi gradually extinguished, and several more seriously injured Shura demons swayed up from the ground, pushed away the body of the Canglang Emperor, picked up the black gun that had been burned into a stick, waved it, and once again He rushed towards Tang Tang.

"Is it true that these guys can't be killed?"

Tang Tang's heart was cold, but he immediately denied his own thoughts. There were eleven or two Shura demons who besieged him just now, but now there are only seven left. The five Shura demons were still lying on the ground, two were still struggling, and the other three were standing upright, obviously they should be dead.

"But, even if it can be killed..." Tang Tang slashed the arm of a Shura demon with his sword, cutting off that arm shoulder to shoulder, but the Shura demon didn't even look at it, so he raised his gun again and pointed at him. When Tang Tang came to kill him, Tang Tang could only murmur to himself depressedly: "These guys are too hard to kill!"

Tang Tang scowled angrily, then looked behind him, frowning.

It can be said that there were heavy casualties on my side, and even the players of the second robbery died a lot.

At this time, killing every step and step was bloody all over, and he went to Tang Tang's side and complained: "These guys seem to have secret skills, it's too difficult to kill."

There are many strange cultivation methods in Tianmo Valley, and there are all kinds of evil methods. When they attacked the witch clan, the group of magic sticks could inexplicably perform curse killings. Now even if the Shura demons have any secret techniques, it is not enough. Strange, it's just that the situation is extremely pessimistic for them!

(End of this chapter)

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