The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 563 Chapter 566 Victory is in sight Shura statue

Chapter 563 Chapter 566 Victory is in sight Shura statue (5 more)
However, the ax-wielding Shura who was kicked away by Tang Tang soon got up, and rushed towards Tang Tang silently. The huge mountain-opening ax fell towards Tang Tang, but Tang Tang beat him alone He grabbed the face of the ax and took it down.

"Player? Leader? Clan leader?" Tang Tang looked at the ax-wielding Shura and said, "You don't want to talk? Then go die!"


When fire and thunder exploded, Tang Tang suddenly hit the ax-wielding Shura's waist, blasting the black armor into powder in an instant, and blasted the ax-wielding Shura's lower abdomen, sending him flying.

However, before Tang Tang had killed many Shura demons, the ax-wielding Shura stood up again. The black armor around his waist had been completely shattered. The rib was broken by Tang Tang's blow, but the broken rib recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a while, the depression disappeared completely, except for some scorched marks. It was restored in an instant!

"This guy……"

Tang Tang frowned. The ax-wielding Shura was not dressed for other Shura demons. He was obviously the leader or one of the leaders of this group of Shura demons. From the looks of it, this guy was also stronger than other Shura demons. At least this kind of recovery ability is too terrifying.

Thinking like this, Tang Tang's movements were not slow, he raised his palm like a knife, and blocked the mountain-opening ax that was attacking him again.

To be honest, apart from his amazing recovery ability, this guy's strength is also quite terrifying. After Tang Tang was demonized, all attributes soared to match the opponent's fight. Otherwise, Tang Tang would not have the ability to head-on with the opponent's weapons!

However, other than that, the way this guy wields the mountain ax is terrible, it's random and disorderly, either sweeping or vertically chopping, Tang Tang dodges all of them very lightly, taking advantage of a gap, single-handedly The palm becomes a knife, and as soon as it is sent forward, it smashes the black armor on the opponent's chest, and stabs into the heart of the ax-wielding Shura!

Tang Tang succeeded in one blow, but he didn't show the slightest joy. Instead, he cursed secretly. The other party recovered faster than he thought, and the muscles in his chest were squeezed, and his palm was actually stuck there.

The mountain-opening ax was raised again, and it fell towards Tang Tang. As soon as it was about to hit, a red figure flashed past, and the ax-wielding Xiuluo was knocked out again. Tang Tang looked up, but it was Yan kill back.

"Good boy!" Tang Tang patted J's head, then his eyes lit up, he stroked J's mane, pointed at the ax-wielding Shura and said, "Kill him."

With a low hiss, Yu immediately rushed towards the ax-wielding Shura, and while dodging the mountain-opening axe, he quickly soared into the air, and opened his mouth to swallow the ax-wielding Shura with a stream of Samadhi real fire.

Tang Tang nodded. Although J's speed was not outstanding, it was not slow, and he was very flexible, and he could also breathe out true fire of Samadhi. Although he didn't expect J to kill the guy with amazing resilience, it was enough to restrain him.

"Don't get entangled with those difficult ones!" Tang Tang freed his hand, and immediately released the sky fire blazing flames to slaughter those ordinary Shura demons, and at the same time, he shouted at the evil monk, Tang Yuhao followed step by step: "Take back the disadvantage first. "

The three of them seem to be fighting against the first-level leader, and the one who is entangled with the one-step-one-kill is a female Shuraman, who only uses black armor to cover important positions, and uses a pair of daggers. The damage is not high, but she is good at hiding. Tougher than the ax-wielding Shura, the one Tang Yuhao dealt with used the same spear as him, and the two sides fought on par, but the gun-wielding Shura also had amazing resilience. Tang Yuhao stabbed him more than a dozen times, and his whole body was bleeding. But it recovered after a while. As for the one dealt with by the evil monk, in addition to its amazing recovery power, it also had infinite strength. The two evil king seals with a thousand equal strength were able to resist the pressure with ease.

But after Tang Tang yelled, the evil monk immediately changed the direction of the evil seal. His evil seal can be smashed wherever he wants, just like the art of moving mountains and seas, just don't get entangled with the other party. As for Tang Yuhao, he quickly Throw out an auxiliary Horcrux!
"Ten Miles of Netherworld!"

Click, click...

There was a sudden burst of fried beans sounding on the ground, and there was a touch of white on the ground, which turned out to be pieces of white bones, like blooming flowers, and the white bones grew out of the ground out of thin air. It spread rapidly towards the surroundings. Wherever it passed, black air was lingering, and no grass grew, but the thick trees withered rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. There were dead trees one by one.

Tang Tang has seen the auxiliary Horcrux of Shili Netherworld before. Demon characters can increase their attributes by 250% within ten miles of Netherworld. With that incomparable speed, he got rid of the gun-wielding Shura, and quickly charged into the crowd, shooting one by one, picking up a dozen Shura demons in an instant.

It's one kill at a time. Even though he is the same as Tang Tang, he got into trouble. His bloodthirsty sword is a move that kills more and more bravely. Although it is very suitable for the battlefield, its disadvantage is that it can only attack one target at a time. There is no way to cover a large area, and there is no way to instantly increase the attribute, and the female Shura who is entangled with him will hide, the speed is not slow, and she is extremely flexible, otherwise she would not use such a small dagger. With weapons, it makes it impossible to get rid of one step at a time.

However, it is best to have one more him, but it is not a lot to have one less him!
Tang Tang's blazing sky fire, and the evil monk's evil king's seal are extremely domineering moves, killing people one by one. At the same time, there are Tang Yuhao and Grandma Heixin. Both of them are in good shape, and they can go wherever there are many people Drilling, where you need support, you can drill wherever you need support. Moreover, one has a skyrocketing attribute, and the other has a weird cold air that can freeze everything. It can also instantly kill those Shura demons without giving them any chance to recover their health. .

The advantage previously held by the Shura demon was gradually reversed immediately.

"Boys!" Chi Da has been fighting extremely aggrieved. Seeing that the advantage of the Shura demon is gradually losing, he immediately raised his big gun and shouted: "Come out, sharp awl, pierce through!"

The warriors of the Tadai tribe are well-trained and have experienced many battles. They have fought countless tribal wars against various tribes. Chidaye gave an order, and the warriors of the Tadai tribe immediately got out of the battle circle and quickly formed a triangular formation. The formation, under Chi Daye's command, quickly withdrew from the battle circle, and after opening a range of about 100 meters, suddenly launched another assault towards the location where the Shura demons gathered, forcibly breaking through a gap.

"I can win, I can win, I can definitely win!"

Tang Tang looked around, gritted his teeth and roared in his heart.

With the correct method, Tang Tang's advantage in recruiting a large number of players from the Second Tribulation became apparent. Although the players from the First Tribulation had a hard time dealing with the Shura Demons and could barely protect themselves, the players from the Second Tribulation were naturally better than these in terms of strength. The Asura Demons are only fighting alone. It is too difficult to kill these guys with amazing recovery ability, but after collaborating in twos and threes, the effect is extremely obvious, and they will no longer be unable to resist the attacks of those Asura Demons. The few people in the lead slaughtered recklessly, and the numbers of both sides gradually became equal. Even, as the number of Shura demons continued to decrease, the scale of victory began to tilt towards Tang Tang.

But at this moment...

The ax-wielding Shura was so arrogant that he was entangled by Yu, he suddenly smashed the huge mountain-opening ax in his hand towards the ground, and raised his head violently, as if roaring silently!

Immediately after...

The remaining three Shura leaders gave up their opponents in an instant, and suddenly rushed towards the ax-wielding Shura. The four of them stood side by side, and their figures turned into a void at the same time, slowly overlapping each other, and finally turned into a phantom. With three eyes, three heads and six arms, the red and yellow light in his hand is shining brightly, and it turns into a day and a month in the palm of his hand!
"Ashura statue..."

The pupils of the people suddenly shrank.

Asura means no righteousness, her daughter is as beautiful as a flower, but her man is ugly. She is a famous evil god, and also a fierce god and fighting god. They once attacked Mount Sumeru, and although Asuras look different, they have a little similarity. Their dharma bodies are all three heads and six arms, holding the sun and the moon in their hands!

The four Shura demons used the statue instead of the mansion, the former is only the king of Asura has this ability, the latter is similar to the illusion, or just a clone, but it can also borrow the power of the king of Asura!
The sun and moon in the palm quickly released radiance, one red and one yellow, and the bewildered people couldn't open their eyes.


The deep and hoarse voice was unusually unpleasant, and it made people's ears tingle, but at that moment...

The light of the sun and the moon in the palm shattered as if it had substance, turning into countless reddish-yellow powders, which were scattered around. Those Shura demons who fell to the ground all struggled to get up from the ground, and some of them were seriously injured. He was not in human form, with bones exposed, but he still picked up the weapon and kept crawling on the ground.

Everyone was stunned!

Tang Tang took the first step and raised his sword to cut off the head of a Shura demon, but the Shura demon still stood up straight, raised the black iron spear and threw it at the head of the man, and then continued to shake his body Forward, unyielding.

"Is it really impossible to kill?"

Tang Tang was stunned, and then looked at the statue of King Asura!

Capture the thief and capture the king!

"I destroyed your Asura statue, let's see how you survive!"

With a low growl, Tang Tang raised his imperial weapon, Baiquehuang slashed forward, and a fire-attributed sword energy slashed towards the statue of Asura, but was pinched by the statue of Asura, The fire attribute sword energy was crushed to pieces.

But at this moment, Tang Tang immediately fell down, and the tip of the sword raised, piercing the throat of the statue of Asura.

(End of this chapter)

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