The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 565 Chapter 568 What is inheritance before the giant city

Chapter 565 Chapter 568 What is inheritance before the giant city
Putting all one's eggs in one basket is easy to say, but it is not so easy to do, it requires great courage and perseverance. In this respect, even as an opponent, Tang Tang still thinks Tie Wudi is amazing, but he admires Tie Wudi. I admire him, Tang Tang will not hold back from Tie Wudi because of this, and it is even more impossible to give up the inheritance of Demon Lord Titan because of this!

Only he is the last winner.

"Are you really going to Titan City?" After leaving Bloody Dusk, Tang Yuhao couldn't help asking Tang Tang: "What if the old man lied to you just now?"

The old man Tang Yuhao talked about was Luo Mu. Before Tang Tang left, Luo Mu stated that Tang Tang was qualified to inherit the inheritance of the Demon Lord. Moreover, this was not his wish, but the decision made by the six guards of the Titan City. If Tang Tang can pass the test of the Asura Department, he is eligible to enter the Titan City.

However, Tang Yuhao's worries were not unreasonable.

Before Tai Tan was alive, he recruited qualified demons from various tribes to join the giant city of Titan. However, after entering the giant city of Titan, he had to work hard to get what kind of treatment he could get. The six strongest people could become the guards of the demon king. , At the same time, you can read the most powerful exercises of Titan Giant City, and control the most advanced materials of Titan Giant City.

In fact, these six people are also the six people who are most qualified to inherit the inheritance of the Titans, and Tie Wudi is also one of the six people and the only player. However, except for Tie Wudi, the other five people are all following Mozun The old people are not young. Although they are qualified, it is almost useless to inherit the inheritance of the demon king. It is clear how much they have, but even so, they should give the opportunity to the best in their tribe , not Tang Tang, an outsider.

Tang Tang shrugged and said, "Who knows? Maybe Soul Domain doesn't want Tie Wudi to be too easy? Anyway, no matter what the reason is, I will go anyway. If I don't go, how can I inherit the inheritance of the Demon Lord?"

Just like Tie Wudi crossing the catastrophe, he has no choice, and Tang Tang has no choice. At this point, she can't give up.

Fortunately, Luo Mu didn't say that Tang Tang had to go to Titan City by himself, so everyone else would accompany them. With the strength of their group, if they just set a trap and wanted to keep them in Titan City, That would underestimate them too much.

As for the others, Tang Tang asked them to go back home, and go back wherever they should go. Firstly, if something happened, these people couldn't help them with their abilities. According to Tang Tang and others, two days at most is enough to fly the imperial weapon, but if you bring so many people, you may not be able to arrive in a week.

After handing over the command right to Chi Da and asking him to take the people back to the tribe, Tang Tang and the others headed straight for the giant city of Titan.

Two days later, Tang Tang saw the famous titan city in Tianmo Valley!
Magnificent, majestic, but extremely lonely!
It was a stone city somewhat similar to an ancient western castle, standing so lonely in the middle of a wilderness, surrounded by no plants, no birds, no animals, it was completely silent.

Walking to the city gate, Tang Tang saw Luo Mu and three old men in different costumes. Judging from their posture, it seemed that they had been waiting for Tang Tang's arrival.

"Let me introduce you." Luo Mu, as the only one who had met Tang Tang face to face, stood up and introduced the three old men one by one to Tang Tang, saying: "These three are the local barbarians and the Yueshui demons. With the elders of the Langtu clan..."

Tang Tang greeted them one by one with a smile. No matter what he thought in his heart, Tang Tang's superficial skills were indeed very thoughtful.

Luo Mu said: "They are all the loyal guards of the Demon Lord. After Tai Tan passed away, there were some differences among the six guards, and the three of them felt that no matter what, Tai Tan managed the Demon Valley very well. If someone can take over Titan, and continue this, then it is the best result, I think, you should understand what I mean?"

Luo Mu's eyes flickered, while Tang Tang nodded with a smile. Didn't he just hope that everything would go on as usual, and he was afraid that a powerful or ambitious leader of the Demon Race would change the pattern of the Demon Valley? Of course, to put it bluntly, it was still the interests of their own tribe , like Tie Wudi was born in the Moon-watching Demon Clan, is it possible not to seek profit for the Moon-watching Demon Clan?Of course not!But Tang Tang is different, not to say that it is completely fair and fair, but as long as it has a good relationship with Tang Tang, or has enough interests to entangle, then any tribe may become the object of favoritism, but the premise is that Tang Tang is also You have to be willing to do that.

"Although I have been in Tianmo Valley for a while, I am still not very familiar with everything in Tianmo Valley, so I still need someone to help me take care of everything. The three of them are old enough to be my I am the elder of my family, and I am the leader of each tribe, I think I still need to rely on the help of the three to deal with many things."

Tang Tang lowered his posture very cleverly, and this was the attitude the three tribal leaders wanted to see, so he naturally nodded in satisfaction.

Afterwards, there were naturally some unnutritive polite words, and the meaning of the words was nothing more than "I am optimistic about you", "I will support you", "must work hard" and other nonsense, until Tang Yuhao yawned impolitely, The three tribal elders showed embarrassment, took their leave and left first.

"I thought only gentlemen were hypocritical..." Tang Yuhao showed no apologetic expression, and imitated Tang Tang's usual manner, spreading his hands and saying, "It turns out that the devil is also like this."

Luo Mu laughed loudly, and said indifferently: "You can't blame them, this is the superior, they always have to consider their own interests and their own interests, and whether they are hypocritical has nothing to do with gentlemen or devils. , everyone has a hypocritical side, but not everyone will show their hypocrisy in front of others."

Tang Tang said: "I'm not interested in these things, I just want to know when I can inherit the Titan inheritance."

"That depends on you." Luo Mu said: "When the sun rises tomorrow, you can enter the giant city of Titan, but whether you can inherit the inheritance of Titan depends on your own ability. Of course, there are some other people Will enter the Titan city with you."

"What else?" Tang Tang asked in surprise: "Just entering the giant city of Titan? Shouldn't we have to find the inheritance of Titan by ourselves? Well, by the way, what exactly is orthodoxy? To be honest, I have never seen What does the aisle look like, can you see it? Feel it?”

The answer to this question naturally needs to be answered step by step. Here, he is the only one who has inherited the inheritance.

However, the one-step-one-kill disappointed everyone waved their hands and said: "Inheritance is said to be something left by the predecessors, but when I inherited the inheritance of the Sword Demon, the Sword Demon had not yet died, how could I know? However, inheritance should be just a general term. I inherited the sword demon's weapons, sword formulas, and mind skills. The cultivation bases below have been instilled in me. If I really want to say, each of these can be said to be inheritance, right? Many of the things I own now are owned by the Sword Demon, so inheritance should be more or less inheritance. Things, inheritance can be money, it can also be a house, it may even be a pile of debts that cannot be paid off.”

"It's about the same." Luo Mu laughed and said: "The words are rough and the meaning is almost the same, just like you got the Titan's Tianjue Sword, it is because you inherited the Tianjue Sword that some people will recognize you , I think you may be the descendant of Titan, but unfortunately, you don't cherish this, otherwise, you might already be the master of this city now."

Tang Tang has no interest in such things that have been done. She can't turn the Saturn Horcrux back into the Tianjue Sword, so she just continued: "Then what are the things left by the Titans? Weapons? This is impossible, then Is it a cultivation method? A mental method? Or an auxiliary Horcrux or something?"

Luo Mu spread his hands and said, "Who would know?"

"I don't know?" Tang Tang asked in surprise, "You don't even know? Then what are you going to inherit? Maybe Tai Tan didn't have any orthodox traditions left behind, and he had already fallen in the bloody dusk. Should it be in Bloody Dusk!"

"Perhaps you are right. Tai Tan may not have left anything such as exercises, but Tai Tan has left one of the most precious things!" Luo Mu said solemnly: "That is Ruo Da's Heavenly Demon Valley. , maybe you can really find the Titans in Titan City, maybe there is nothing, but whether you find it or not, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that if you can become the final victor, even if you If you didn’t find anything, you can also claim to have inherited the Demon Lord’s lineage, then you are the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Valley, and the entire Heavenly Demon Valley is yours, isn’t that enough?”

Tang Tang curled his lips. He really wanted to tell Luo Mu that in his own eyes, the entire Heavenly Demon Valley that was talking about bullshit was not as important as the techniques, mental techniques, and soul techniques left by the Titans. He had to know the so-called The Taoist lineage of the Mozun is the Heavenly Demon Valley, and Tang Tang will never come to this shabby place. However, he has reached the last step now, and Tang Tang can't give up. Moreover, he heard that in the giant city of Titan There are many kinds of ancient books from the Titan collection, some are exercises, some are mental techniques, there are also formulas and soul skills, and at the same time, the giant city of Titan is also piled up with many rare and precious materials from various tribes. It's a bit regrettable about Titan's abilities, but it's not bad to be able to inherit them.

"In this case, let's find a place to rest first, and come back at the beginning of tomorrow."

Luo Mu nodded, this is the rule, not only for Tang Tang, but also for others.

(End of this chapter)

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