Chapter 576 Chapter 579

"But it's not right!" Tang Tang looked at Tie Wudi and said, "I'm asking why you are here, not where Tang Yuhao has gone."

Tie Wudi said: "Your man found me, and he said that he hoped that I could help with the affairs of the Heavenly Demon Valley. Moreover, even if you leave the customs, you will only make demands instead of requests. I can decide everything in the Heavenly Demon Valley. Apart from having the title of Mozun, you have no other use, and then I agreed, and I have been handling the affairs of Tianmo Valley recently."

"I'll go, that Haozi is too irresponsible." Tang Tang complained, and then said to Tie Wudi: "I will give you the position of elder when I get the Tianjue Sword."

Tie Wudi's face suddenly changed, and he said strangely: "Aren't you angry after hearing what you just said?"

Tang Tang asked strangely, "Which ones?"

Tie Wudi said: "I will handle all the affairs, and in this way, I have completely emptied your rights."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you like it." Tang Tang spread his hands and said, "I wish someone could help me deal with those troublesome things."

Tie Wudi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Then why did you fight with me in the first place? Why don't you just let me be the leader of the demon clan?"

Tang Tang shrugged and prepared to leave Shicheng to exercise his muscles and bones. Although he knew that the real time must not be long, but in Feng Qiuhuang's reincarnation world, he had experienced hundreds of reincarnations and thousands of years before and after. It's been a long time, so long that it makes people want to go crazy. The only thing Tang Tang wants to do now is to find a place to roar or find a boss to try the sharpness of the magic weapon.

But at this moment, he stumbled into the room step by step, and happened to collide with Tang Tang, and the two of them immediately fell back, falling all over the place.

"It hurts, it hurts..." Tang Tang covered his sore buttocks and said, "You are also a master of the Three Tribulations, can you be more reserved?"

"Are you out?"

One step, one kill, with a look of surprise on his face, he immediately pulled Tang Tang to whisper in his ear.

Tang Tang said impatiently: "Speak up!"

"An accident happened to the Tang Sect!" One step and one kill roared in Tang Tang's ear: "Dou Luodian led people to prepare to attack the Tang Sect, and at the same time snatch the moon-watching platform, and they also hired No. 30 from the Black Clothes Shrine to No. [-] You let me sneak into the Black Clothes Shrine last time, and I never quit, so I know about it."

"I'm going, don't we need to be so loud?" Tang Tang felt his ears buzzing, covered his head and patted it a few times, then he was stunned, grabbed the clothes that killed him every step, and gave him Pulling it in front of him, he said, "What did you say? Something happened to the Tang Sect?"

Tang Taluo and Tang Xin stood in front of the main hall of the Tang Sect. Through the magic circle outside the Tang Sect, they could see the dense crowd at the foot of the Tang Sect Mountain.

Every sect has a group of mainstays belonging to its own sect!

In Douluo Hall, the Scarlet Mercenary Group is naturally the leader, while in Tangmen, the Kuangzhan Pavilion and Tufengying are naturally leading, just like the Scarlet Mercenary Group calling in the Douluo Hall, it will definitely bring in a lot of fights. Like Luo Dian disciples, as long as Kuang Zhan Ge and Tu Feng Ying are jointly named, they can also gather a large number of people in Tang Sect.

It's just that Douluodian's attack this time was clearly premeditated, and they suddenly attacked Tangmen without any notice. Before arriving at the foot of Tangmen Mountain, no one knew of their arrival!
"Bloody Limbo is very calculating." Tang Xin said: "The only way I can think of is that they spent at least a month, sending players to the cities around Tangmen to go offline bit by bit, and then unified offline scheduling , Only in this way can we make the crime unnoticed, this is not enough to describe the cost of countless manpower and material resources, by the way, what did the elders of the Criminal Law Hall say?"

"No." Tang Taro shook his head and said: "NPCs will not help, this is also the result we expected, since there are no NPCs in Douluo Hall, Tang Sect's NPCs will definitely not help, even except Outside the basic buildings such as the medicine house, blacksmith shop, etc., even the mountain protection array is not used. If you die, you can only go back to the moon-watching platform of the Tang gate through the teleportation array in the underworld, instead of directly returning to the gate of the Tang gate. On the one hand, Soul Domain absolutely upholds a fair attitude."

Tang Xin said sarcastically: "It's just watching players fight like this. When everyone's level and equipment are crazy, the soul domain will be extra fair. Hehe, the so-called soul domain is not just to make things difficult for players. Does it exist?"

Tang Taluo shook his head, instead of arguing with Tang Xin, he said, "Let's go, the moon-watching platform cannot be broken, and it will be too late if they kill you to the mountain gate. Moreover, there are masters in the Douluo Palace, Bloody Lin Bo has already After three kalpas, if you didn't use the Judgment Sword, the entire Tang Sect might be unstoppable, and the Fire Eagle is also a rare master, so I can only deal with it. We are not here, they are afraid that they will kill recklessly. "

"Bloody Limbo? I think of a guy who might make Bloody Limbo hate it..." Tang Xin shook his head and said, "Forget it, let's go."

As soon as the words fell, Tang Xin urged out the Judgment Sword, which turned into a white light and shot straight into the sky.

Tang Taluo was unhurried, and flew down from the gate of Tangmen Mountain with his soaring technique, his figure was startled, and he followed Tang Xin away in the void!

A ray of sky in front of the gate of Tangmen Mountain!

This may be the first barrier of the Tang Sect. It is located in front of the Tang Sect Mountain Gate. There is only a winding path going up the mountain. If you do not have absolute strength to control the sky unscrupulously, then you can only go up the mountain path.Therefore, this place has become the first front of the battle. The densely packed disciples of the Douluo Palace are constantly charging towards the mountain path. Every slightly wider mountain depression has become a place of battle. The Douluo Hall disciple in the high-defense blood suit suddenly stood up with his sword, and kept dropping flying swords from the air to attack the enemy.

Among the crowd, those well-known masters from both sides turned into the most valiant generals at this moment, wielding their weapons, constantly fighting in and out of the enemy's formation, bringing out a bright blood color, exaggerating the cruelty of this sect war.

Also at this time...

"Five Sacred Mountains Chain!"

Tang Xin fell in the air, and the sword of judgment in his hand flicked forward, and it was suddenly struck towards the ground.

No one knew when Tang Xin made the move!

No one knows where Tang Xin's sword light fell!
No one knows how powerful Tang Xin's Five Mountains Chain is!
Because, when they realized it, they had already appeared in the underworld, and behind them was the majestic Netherworld, leaving them with only inexplicable inexplicable!

This is Wuyue Lianhuan!
This is the power of the divine weapon!

An unparalleled fast sword move, an unparalleled sharp weapon, almost unmatched!
"Drink!" Tang Taluo sipped softly, and when he opened his palms, countless Qinglan gathered in his palms: "Qinghua Wind Attack!"

Countless hurricanes fell from Tang Taro's palm and bombarded downwards, tearing the crowd into pieces.

The morale of everyone in the Tang Sect was immediately high. These two people are representatives of the Tang Sect, and they can make everyone happy.

But at this moment, far away, a ray of black light suddenly pierced through the air and stopped in front of Tang Xin. Tang Xin immediately swung the sword of judgment and slashed at the black light. Instead of retreating but advancing, he was able to resist the impact of the Judgment Sword. It seems that the flying sword in it is also extraordinary, at least it is a good sword of the ninth-level legendary quality. Tang Xin gritted his teeth and turned around in mid-air. As soon as the tip of the sword stabbed, Wuyue struck again in a row.

"The cycle of the underworld!"

A gloomy murmur sounded in the sky, and the black sword light suddenly exploded and spun rapidly, turning into six black sword wheels. After abruptly blocking Tang Xin's chain of five mountains, the remaining sword wheel was even more He went straight to Tang Xin, but at this moment, a wind blade came from behind and blocked the sword wheel.

"Bloody Limbaugh?"

Tang Xin murmured, looking up, it really was the blood-colored Lin Bo standing proudly in the air, holding a black sword on his shoulders. To be able to withstand the power of a divine weapon, he must have the strength of the Three Tribulations to be possible.

"Hmph!" Tang Xin soared into the sky, and Yu Jian flew in front of Bloody Lin Bo and said, "You Douluo Palace are so brave that you dare to attack the Tang Sect, do you think you can really defeat the Tang Sect? "

"That's hard to say." Bloody Lin Bo appeared from behind, and Yu Jian was in the air, pointing to Tang Xin's back and saying, "Let's see it first?"

When Tang Xin and Tang Taluo turned their heads, their faces turned pale immediately. The mountain path in front of the gate of Tangmen Mountain was opened up in an instant, and the disciples of Douluo Hall suddenly attacked the edge of the sky. After a line of Tianshan path goes up, it is the mountain gate of Tangmen.

"You guys are really generous!"

Tang Xin sighed with emotion, and he naturally saw something strange at a glance. It wasn't that the disciples of Douluo Palace were really that brave, nor were the disciples of the Tang Sect so weak, but that most of the disciples of the Tang Sect were so weak. Watching Douluo Palace disciples walk past him, it is not difficult to guess this situation, no doubt, it must be some status effect.

It could be silence, it could be lethargy, it could be dizziness, it could be something else.

And these states either come from sword formulas or magic formulas, but it is definitely impossible for everyone to know it, so it is an auxiliary Horcrux, but it is impossible for auxiliary Horcruxes to be exactly the same. It is not a matter of financial resources, but it is impossible to have There are so many repeated auxiliary Horcruxes, or formations, but this is the territory of the Tang Sect after all. If the Douluo Hall can quietly set up such a large-scale formation here without letting the people of the Tang Sect discover it, that's pure It's nonsense, since that's the case, there is only one possibility - to consume props!
(End of this chapter)

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