The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 578 Chapter 581 The place where things are really planned

Chapter 578 Chapter 581 The place where things are really planned (4 more)
Bloody Muka was choked half to death by Tang Tang, and he was so angry that he wanted to kill Tang Tang with a sword. However, reason still urged Bloody Muka to calm down, but he couldn't figure out where Tang Tang found such a thing. Many people, you must know that although Tang Tang is famous now, everyone knows that this guy is a lone ranger. , and Wuyutang has some entanglements, Tang Tang does not seem to have any involvement with other gangs, how could so many people be summoned?

"Is it from Kunlun?"

Scarlet Muka immediately vetoed it. Because of the gang war, Kunlun and Tang Sect had already been aligned. Even without Tang Tang, Kunlun might rescue Tang Sect. Therefore, Scarlet Muka had already sent someone to watch Kunlun's movements. However, there is no sign of a large number of players being transferred in Kunlun. If this is the case, where can Tang Tang find people?

Sighing, Bloody Mka patted Bloody Limbo on the shoulder and said, "There's nothing we can do, let's withdraw, we've dragged on for long enough."

Bloody Limbo was silent, and looked at Tang Tang meaningfully. Then he nodded at Bloody Muka, pushed his sword straight into the sky, and disappeared without a trace in an instant, but Bloody Muka pretended to attack Tang Tang. After the three saluted, they walked away with their swords.

Regarding the departure of the two, neither of them had any intention of chasing after them. Although they were unwilling, Tang Xin and Tang Taluo both understood that it was meaningless to chase after them. Perhaps, the lesson this time was also a reminder to them. However, for the two of them, finding a way to survive the test of the third catastrophe seems to be an imminent task.

As for Tang Tang, she wanted to chase after her. It was quite unexpected that Bloody Lin Bo could obtain the top ten treasures. It's not so nice to have messes.

"Welcome back."

Urging his sword back, Tang Taro smiled and gave Tang Tang a hug, but when it was Tang Xin's turn, Tang Tang waved the guy aside.

"Go, go..." Tang Tang said, "I'm not interested in smelly men, and I don't hug ugly men."

Tang Xin didn't care either. He laughed and patted Tang Tang on the shoulder and said, "You came back in time this time. By the way, it seems that you brought a lot of people? From Kunlun? Well, it's unlikely. If it is People from Kunlun, Tang Mei will definitely come with you."

"Don't guess." Tang Tang said: "It's a long story, I'll tell you slowly, by the way, why did Douluo Palace suddenly come to attack Tangmen? There is something wrong with them, maybe they still want to Is it possible to build the resident on the moon-watching platform?"

The people Tang Tang brought were of course evil demon cultivators, and they hardly mobilized. Anyway, this group of guys came from the Heavenly Demon Valley and fought endless tribal wars. They were all militants. After posting an announcement, the crowd immediately responded. Tang Tang simply used the identity of the demon king to release a tribal war mission in the Heavenly Demon Valley, to start a war against the Douluo Palace. Every time he killed a Douluo Palace disciple, he could get experience and Gold coins, moreover, the money and experience are all from Soul Realm, so Tang Tang doesn't need to spend half a gold coin.

Of course, Tang Tang couldn’t give experience even if he wanted to. Secondly, it’s impossible for him to give out gold coins with his little possessions. How could Tang Tang pay for one hundred thousand gold coins?In other words, no player can afford it, so Soul Domain is not too difficult in this regard. Tang Tang can only issue tasks, and the rewards are reasonable gold coins and experience randomly given by Soul Domain as rewards, but , if you want to give something extra, you can only get it from Tang Tang.

It is impossible for everyone to have extra rewards, so Tang Tang randomly picked a hundred pieces of materials from Shicheng, and the top one hundred people who kill the most people can get them, so as to mobilize the enthusiasm of everyone in Tianmo Valley. Tang Sect, I am afraid that in any place in the Soul Realm, the people in the Douluo Palace will become the targets of the evil cultivators of the demon clan.

However, this matter was too troublesome. Tang Tang explained lazily, but the second half of her sentence resonated with the two of them. Tang Xin couldn't help complaining: "The lunatics of the Scarlet Mercenary Corps don't know what the hell they are doing. There is also a lot of friction in time, but in the absence of soul domain activities, launching such a large-scale sect war is of no benefit at all. Can they occupy the moon-watching platform? The disciples of the Tang Sect will not be all muddy. If the Tang Sect falls , all Tang Sect disciples have to risk their lives, they won't last long at all..."

When Tang Xin said this, his complexion suddenly changed, and he circled anxiously in the air. After a while, his ugly appearance couldn't be more ugly.

Tang Taro asked with concern: "What happened?"

Tang Xin looked ashen and said: "The trick is to attack the west. What they want to attack is not the Tang Sect, but the gang camp of the Kuangzhan Pavilion."

"No way?" Tang Taro said cautiously: "If people from the Scarlet Mercenary Group sneak attack on your garrison, you should be able to know immediately..."

Tang Xin shook his head and said: "You don't play gangs, so you don't understand some of the rules. Residential battles will only issue reminders to players who are currently set as permanent residents in the station. After death, they can only temporarily stay in the Netherworld. The Nether Underworld does not allow sound transmission for thousands of miles, as for the people stationed there, the Scarlet Mercenary Group used some method to set up a large formation around the periphery, making it impossible for them to transmit sound for thousands of miles."

"No wonder, I heard that the Scarlet Mercenary Corps spent money to hire people from the Black-clothed Shrine, but along the way, let alone the guy from the Black-clothed Shrine, I didn't even see anyone with good strength, only Bloody Lin Bo and Scarlet Muka are leading the charge there, not even their number one think tank, Firehawk!" Tang Tang suddenly realized, and then cautiously said to Tang Xin: "It's miserable?"

Tang Xin said: "It's miserable, Qianxun Mountain Peak and Baiyun Peak, these two camps are close to Minghe River, they can be regarded as two nails I inserted in the territory of Douluo Hall, and now they have been pulled out by the Scarlet Mercenary Group, while Wang Yue It seems that the station is also suffering a tragic attack, and the news inside cannot be transmitted. I just asked someone to check the situation of each station, only to find that two stations have fallen, and the moon watch station has been completely sealed. .”

Tang Tang was stunned and said, "Isn't the moon-watching platform near Mingyue City? It's very close to Tangmen. There's something wrong with Bloody Limbo. What are you going to do to attack such a nearby place..."

Before Tang Tang finished speaking, a flash of inspiration flashed in his head.

Bloody Linbo has survived three tribulations and entered the Holy Demon Atlas. Not only that, Bloody Linbo has also obtained the Qingming Misty Rain Luo, the top ten treasures of heaven and earth. Judging from the use of Bloody Limbo, he may not have fully obtained it. Qingming Yanyuluo's approval can only exert a part of his power, but the power he can exert must be much higher than Tang Xin and Tang Taluo, otherwise he would not be so handy. It shouldn't be too difficult to focus on it.

In this way, Bloody Limbo seems to have all the conditions, and...

The Demon Well was crushed under the hanging cliff!
"I'll go, these guys seem to have a big plan!"

Tang Tang muttered something in a low voice, which aroused Tang Xin and Tang Taluo's doubts. However, Tang Xin was worried about the gang's resident right now, so he didn't have time to wonder what Tang Tang said to himself, but said anxiously: "I can't wait any longer. I'll send someone to watch the moon immediately. I have to think about keeping it there. Douluo Hall must not be occupied."

"I'll go lead the battle for you." Tang Tang patted his chest, then smiled at Tang Taro: "I just heard that when I was not around, those bastards from the black shrine came to make trouble when you were about to cross the catastrophe , if my news is correct, the Black Clothes Shrine should also have a hand this time, there will be a lot of people, and I will find a way to help you wipe them all out."

Tang Tang's natural self-confidence is indeed very impressive sometimes. Some people will think that she is arrogant, and some people will be infected by Tang Tang's self-confidence. Tang Taro does not count both. With her character, Naturally, he wanted to remind Tang Tang to be more careful. He had also fought with the people from the Black Clothes Shrine, and he knew that these people were not easy to deal with because of their profound cultivation.

However, before Tang Taro's reminder could be spoken, Tang Tang's weapon had already been turned into a light, and he rushed into the sky in an instant, disappearing without a trace.

Tang Taro immediately shook his head and smiled wryly, "She walks really freely."

Tang Xin smiled and said: "Don't worry about her too much, you and I both have magic weapons, and the little girl also has them, you should know that if you want the magic weapons to show their true power, or at least show some strength, at least It takes three calamities, so Tang Tang is fine, even Bloody Limbo is the same, but at least the little girl can still run away. Haven't you noticed that her imperial weapon seems to be faster than before? Her cultivation Seems to be improving."

However, the speed of Tang Tang's imperial sword has nothing to do with her cultivation base, but the damage of the Samsara Phoenix Qiuhuang is not very high, even lower than the ninth-level flying sword, but because it is a double sword, the attack The frequency is very high, and at the same time, the speed of Yujian and the speed of attack are extremely terrifying.

Because of this, Tang Tang quickly flew over Mingyue City and saw the moon-watching platform.

Moonwatching Terrace is actually a place of many events.

At first, due to the competition between Kuangzhan Pavilion and Tufengying, the good land around Tangmen where they could build a resident was taken away by Douluo Palace. Taking the opportunity to take back Mochizuki Tower, but that time because of the rebellion in the Japanese class, the Kuangzhan Pavilion suffered a terrible loss and was unable to manage Mochizuki Tower, so they reached an agreement with Tufeng Ying, and the legend owner will act as an intermediary to jointly manage Mochizuki tower.

However, the good times didn't last long, they had just taken over the moon-watching platform, Tang Yukuang knocked down the moon-watching platform after he betrayed the Kuangzhan Pavilion, but Tang Yukuang knew that he was able to take down the moon-watching platform by himself He has a strong cultivation base and a hard-cut merit stone, but he can't defend it if he wants to defend it. Therefore, when the Kuangzhan Pavilion and the Tufengying came back, he abandoned the watchtower and left!

(End of this chapter)

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