Chapter 586 Chapter 589
"So, you just called me here?" Tang Jian listened helplessly to Tang Tang's narration, and said pitifully, "Senior sister, I'm preparing to cross the catastrophe, and I'm very busy!"

Tang Tang waved his hand and said, "I'll borrow you!"

Bi Xi has now become a professional accountant for crossing robbery. Tang Xin and Tang Taluo depended on that guy to survive the second catastrophe, and they have to continue to count on the third catastrophe without any accidents. Secondly, Tang Yuhao has already borrowed Bi Xi. Looking back, everyone in Tianmo Valley might want to borrow it too, and it is naturally difficult for Tang Tang to refuse, and after each resistance against robbery, it will take a long time for Bi Xi to recover, unless Tang Jian kills them all, and then jumps in the queue openly Otherwise, he probably doesn't even know when he will be able to see Shang Bixi.

Of course, Tang Tang slandered in his stomach for these words, and he would not tell Tang Jian foolishly. Anyway, as long as he didn't say it, Tang Jian would still have to be grateful to him.

Sure enough, Tang Jian immediately pulled Tang Tang's hands excitedly, and said with tears streaming down his face: "Senior sister, benefactor, don't say anything, I really burst into tears."

"Your tears should be used when you are picking up girls and telling people sensational stories." Tang Tang grabbed Tang Jian and said, "I'll just ask you, you have clearly remembered everything I told you just now. Is it?"

Tang Jian immediately patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, isn't it because you suspect that there is a Boss commanding this large group of tree demons, and you want me to use the earth escape technique to lure him out, and then let you kill him, right?"

"It's arresting, not killing!" Tang Tang reminded, "Don't go too far."

"Don't worry, don't worry." Tang Jian waved his hand and said, "It's just a trivial matter. I'll take care of it. Don't worry!"

As Tang Jian said, he landed downwards, causing the group of tree monsters to release branches and leaves to attack. However, this guy's skill is indeed very good. He dodged left and right, and unexpectedly passed through those branches and leaves abruptly. As soon as it hit the ground, it fell into the dirt pile with the earth escape technique.

From now on, for Tang Tang and One Step One Kill, there is only waiting.

How big is this dryad's territory?In fact, they don't know very well, even, they don't know whether their speculation is correct, whether there is really a Boss in this hellish place that can drive the dryad.

Anyway, Tang Tang only brought seven or eight thousand evil demon cultivators, and there will naturally be many more in the follow-up, but obviously, it is not possible to organize such a large-scale manpower in a day or two, so Tang Tang's time She is still quite well-off, which makes her ready for a long-term struggle with One Step One Kill.

But in fact, Tang Jian's hands and feet were more nimble than they imagined.

However, when Tang Jian rushed out of the ground, he was dressed in ragged clothes and looked ashamed, as if he had been dragged into a dark alley by eighteen big men. come out.


At this time, there was a sudden loud noise in the mountain forest, and a blue light followed Tang Jian's figure straight into the sky!
Inside the package of green light that soared into the sky was a middle-aged man in his thirties and forties, wearing a green wood armor and holding a strange three-pointed double-edged sword in his hand. The most peculiar thing was the beard on his face, facing It exploded all around, like the barbs on a hedgehog, but when you look closely, it's no beard, it's densely packed with fibrous roots!
Chasing and fleeing on both sides, although Tang Jian does not have the speed of Duanmuyu, the Death Pavilion is a double cultivation of wisdom and weapons, which attaches great importance to comprehension, but does not pay much attention to strength, the heart of the source of law, etc. Soul masters usually use the most tricks, which have high comprehension and naturally grow fast. Therefore, Tang Jian's speed is really not slow. The Qingjia man seems to be very fast on the ground, and he can still hold Tang Jian to death, but in the air , Tang Jian gradually opened the distance by relying on the imperial weapon technique.

Seeing that he couldn't catch up with Tang Jian, the man in green armor was naturally unwilling to do so. He suddenly gave a loud shout, and stabbed forward with the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand, and a cyan mysterious light went towards Tang Jian's back. It is the purest source of wood essence.

Tang Jian was as slippery as a loach, how could he be hit so easily, and as soon as he floated in the air, he dodged the cyan light. Unexpectedly, the cyan light was just a false move by the opponent. Jian dodged it, but suddenly a group of sticks as thick as a dozen wrists exploded out of the blue light, and they quickly moved towards Tang Jian, binding him tightly into rice dumplings.

As a result, Tang Jian naturally couldn't continue to protect the weapon, and fell downward when his head was tilted.

Seeing this, Tang Tang also knew that it would be unkind of him to continue watching the show, so he immediately stepped on the funeral coffin, and replaced the Horcrux in his hand with Baiquehuang.


Holding up Baiquehuang and slashing through the void, the fire-attributed sword brought out a tail of fire in the air and passed by Tang Jian's side, then smashed the vines that bound him and the burned ashes, and at the same time the sword The momentum was not weak at all, and he slashed straight at the green armor man again!

The Qingjia man immediately thrust forward the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand, and cut off Tang Tang's fire attribute sword energy.

With the opportunity to escape, Tang Jian naturally rolled and crawled. Tang Tang admired him a lot, and it was fortunate that this guy was able to perform such difficult movements on the flying horcrux. However, Tang Jian was enraged Tang Tang was still dissatisfied with the Qingjia man, he wanted to take those tree monsters for his own use, and offended the boss, how could he recruit them?

"See what you've done." Tang Tang kicked Tang Jian's ass and said, "Didn't I tell you to take it easy?"

"Senior sister, I didn't go too far." Tang Jian said aggrievedly: "I just couldn't find it after searching for a long time, and then I panicked, so I jumped out of the ground to relieve my physiological needs and let the water go , As a result, this guy jumped out from the ground and insisted that I peed on him, looking very angry."

Tang Tang rolled his eyes and said, "If someone pees on you, are you angry?"

"Angry." Tang Jian agreed embarrassingly, and then said: "Isn't it the boss, we beat him, it's best to come to us wisely, otherwise he will be killed."

"What do you know?" Tang Tang said earnestly: "Being a human being requires reasoning. We should convince people with virtue and persuade them well..."

At this time, the Qingjia man also flew in front of them, first glanced at Tang Jian, then looked at Tang Tang, and suddenly said even more angrily: "It turned out to be you, you little girl is too much, you killed me I robbed my disciples and grandchildren of my disciples and grandchildren, and even robbed them of their energy sources, I advise you to obediently return the stolen essence resources to me, or don’t blame the weapons in Grandpa’s hands for being ruthless, beheading your life to pay homage to my disciples and grandchildren.”

(End of this chapter)

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