Chapter 592 Chapter 595
Therefore, for various reasons, it is destined that Tang Tang will not be able to build too many residences for those Tianmo Valley players, and it is impossible for her to spend a lot of thought on managing several or even dozens of gang residences at the same time like those gang bosses.

So, Tang Tang thought of Tang Yukuang.

Tang Yukuang is ambitious and powerful, but incapable!
The ability here refers to his talent in management. This guy can endure, but he is not good at planning. Simply put, he lacks talent in management. After leaving Tang Xin, Tang Yukuang created his own gang Wuyutang, From the name, it can be seen how serious this guy's desire for power is, but Tang Yukuang also understands how much effort it takes to manage a gang, and the matter of just two or three stations made him dizzy My head is bloated, so there is no time to continue to expand the resident, and a gang with only two or three resident, not to mention the top, I am afraid that it can only be the bottom of the first-class gang, so, after thinking about it, Tang Yukuang almost exhausted his wealth , bought many restaurants and inns, and adopted a free-range management policy for those gangsters.

These restaurants or inns located in various cities are gang meeting points. Tang Yukuang completely regards these restaurants and inns as gathering halls for releasing gang missions, gang announcements, and gang transactions. Medicines, equipment repairs, etc. Wait, other infrastructure is available in the city, and it doesn't affect the gang's game.

To put it simply, Tang Yukuang gave up the resident tax, the transaction tax, and the resources of the resident, and used the city of souls to use restaurants and inns as gathering halls to maintain all the needs of the gang, even though he gave up a large part of it. Benefits, but also maintain the size of the gang in this way.

Tang Tang is very interested in this model, because Tang Tang is lazy, and she always doesn't like to devote energy to things that don't interest her. Moreover, she doesn't need those Tianmo Valley players to bring benefits to herself, but hopes to give them A gathering point for the players in Tianmo Valley makes the evil cultivators of the demon race huddle together. In terms of long-term development, it is natural to manage it in a gang mode and continue to develop and build the station. But Yingyu didn't have such a leisurely heart at first, and he was lazy at the second time. Management, you know, if there are a lot of resident, then it is not possible for Tie Wudi and Tang Yuhao to help him share it, and Tang Yukuang's method, which has very little benefit but hardly requires management, will become Tang Tang's first choice.

The value of a restaurant ranges from 10 to 30 gold coins, and it varies from city to city, including decoration, tables and chairs, waiters, shopkeepers, chefs, cashiers, etc. After NPCs are hired, the price is about 30 to 50. Between 29, if you want to create your own characteristics, it may be slightly higher, and Tang Tang's total net worth is only 8 gold coins, which can be regarded as a small rich class, but it is difficult to buy a restaurant, but, Tang Tang has no money, but Tianmo Valley has it. As long as one room of the materials in the inventory of Titan Giant City is used for sale, you can buy seven or eight restaurants. Unless the part of the transaction tax was taken away by Soul Domain, the rest is at Tang Tang's disposal, and there are [-] to [-] taels of gold every month. Besides, restaurants and inns can't always lose money, can they?
In addition, in order to "repay" Tang Yukuang for indirectly providing him with such a good idea, Tang Tang decided to choose Longcheng as the location of the first restaurant. This is the opposite of the restaurant, which is Longteng Kyushu!
"My bastard's open restaurant crowds your restaurant, robs your business, and robs your people, even if the crowd doesn't praise you, you'll be happy if I make you sick."

Tang Tang thought happily, with the dog's tail grass in his mouth, humming an unknown tune, and leisurely walked towards his "this is a restaurant".

However, when he got to the restaurant, Tang Tang was immediately dumbfounded.

There were only seven or eight people in the whole restaurant, and they were all waiters and chefs he hired, yawning boredly there, and some restless ones were chasing flies with their shoes.

guest?Where are the guests?
"The shopkeeper, the shopkeeper, come out quickly."

Tang Tang immediately yelled loudly, those shop waiters and chefs are all NPCs with low IQs, they only do their own jobs, and everything in the restaurant is actually managed by the shopkeeper.

"Come on, come on, yo, it turns out that the boss is here, you sit, you sit..."

The shopkeeper is a fat middle-aged man, named very rich, he is very careful in doing things, can speak well, but has a simple and honest face, this kind of person is a real profiteer, definitely more difficult to deal with than those guys with a treacherous face , This is why Tang Tang picked him at first glance.

After sitting down, Tang Tang cut straight to the point, pointed around and said, "What's going on here?"

Youcai immediately showed embarrassment and said, "Boss, there is a saying that I don't know if I should say it or not."

Tang Tang said very simply: "Tell me, I'm sure I won't be angry."

Very wealthy said: "Boss, the place you chose for this restaurant is really bad, opposite..."

Having said that, he pouted towards the door, and that direction was naturally Longteng Kyushu.

Tang Tang frowned, and then said, "If you have money, even if this restaurant is not located across from him, as long as it's in Dragon City, there will always be competition, and I invite you here because I believe in your ability, so you should be able to One that overwhelms Soaring Dragon Kyushu."

You Cai smiled wryly and said, "Master, I have more energy than I want. The one opposite has been in business for a long time. Secondly, they have some specialties. Our store doesn't have any. How can we compete with others?"

What is the characteristic of Longteng Kyushu, Tang Tang naturally knows very well, isn't it just a competition with the wind, flowers, snow and moon, can he get a free order, and this is not a special feature. At first Tang Tang thought it was fun, but later he found out that Tang Yu Kuang is using this trick to select some masters who have not joined the sect, and if possible, he will win them over.

However, Tang Tang also had to admit that those competitions were quite fun and interesting, but required a certain amount of strength and cultivation.

Seeing that Tang Tang frowned and remained silent, he bit the bullet and continued: "Secondly, in the business of restaurants and inns, it is of course necessary to attract people, and more importantly, the signs of time-honored brands. If you want to fight against those time-honored brands, you can only With features, price, and service, it is very difficult to go to the sky in one step, unless there is something tricky in the other store, which makes people feel chilled, otherwise it is extremely difficult to snatch customers over... "

"Wait!" Tang Tang interrupted, "What did you just say?"

Very rich said: "It is extremely difficult to get the guest..."

Tang Tang said: "The last sentence."

Very rich said: "It's chilling!"

"That's right!" Tang Tang slapped his tongue immediately, then patted Rich on the shoulder and said, "If you are rich, you are capable, do it well, I am optimistic about you, and we must carry forward our restaurant."

You Cai was stunned for a while, then nodded in agreement submissively, wondering in his heart, is there something wrong with his little boss, why is he so surprised?

(End of this chapter)

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