Chapter 606 Chapter 609
Yu is an ancient alien beast, known for being brave and fierce, and hardly tolerates other alien beasts. That Dijiang was once one of the four fierce beasts in ancient times, and now his strength has greatly increased after becoming a divine beast. His strength is especially above that of Ji, but But Yan was resolute and unafraid. After a long roar, he headed towards the Dijiang beast falling from the sky. Without Tang Tang's instructions, he immediately snorted unhappily, stepped on the fire cloud, and opened his mouth with a fiery samadhi The real fire fell towards the overwhelming cover of Dijiang divine beast.

The Divine Beast of Dijiang used to be a fierce beast second only to Taotie and Qiongqi, so its temper was naturally not much better. Seeing the jiao rushing towards him, the one not to be outdone also spewed out a burst of heavenly fire. When the two fires intersected, there was a bang immediately It exploded, but it was evenly matched!
This is actually expected. As a fierce beast that can fight dragons, even if it is worse than the ancient four fierce beasts, the difference is limited. What's more, since joining Tang Tang, J's food has also increased. It is impossible to eat dragon brains, but there has never been a shortage of natural materials and earthly treasures, and its strength has also increased greatly. Even if it will still lose in the hands of Dijiang Divine Beast, it will be at least after more than a hundred rounds of fighting.

In this way, the giant spirit god's idea of ​​wanting Dijiang Divine Beast to help destroy Tang Tang was ruined, and the two sides are still deadlocked!

But at this moment...


The underwater city suddenly shook violently, to such an extent that Tang Tang and the two giant spirit gods fell to the ground at the same time!
The violent shaking lasted almost a full three or four minutes.

This kind of shaking for a long time, and the degree of violence, and the continuous roaring sound in the ears at the same time are all abnormal. Even a powerful attack cannot last for three to four minutes. All the underwater cities are shaking, and the shaking caused by ordinary attacks cannot spread to such a range.

The first thought that came to Tang Tang's mind was an earthquake, or else the Dragon King launched a submarine tornado, no such a big movement could not be made.

However, after a while, the feeling of shaking slowly disappeared, and the sea was calm, as if nothing had happened, but the problem was that it was impossible for anyone to treat the shaking as if it hadn't happened.

Tang Tang and the two giant spirit gods stopped fighting at the same time, and even Dijiang Shenshou and Yan temporarily ceased fighting, looking at Shui Bi and Xi Feng.

Shui Bi sighed and said, "The seabed city keeps moving, and the gods and demons couldn't find us at all. Why did we get discovered by the gods and demons at the same time? Because we stayed in the same place for too long. "

"That's right!" Tang Tang suddenly said, "When I came in, there was no movement in this underwater city."

Shui Bi said: "Because Xifeng and I discovered that the undersea volcano was going to erupt, if we don't care, then the surrounding villages will suffer and many people will die, so Xifeng and I let the undersea city be suppressed on that one." On top of the volcano, the worlds of gods and demons learned of our location, but it seems that we can't suppress it now."

"You are really heroes." Tang Tang said with tears in his eyes, "But I don't want to be a hero, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Shui Bi sighed, "I wanted to say something, but before I could say anything, you guys started fighting."

How did Dou E die?Unjust death!

Tang Tang has always known that the soul domain activity system is not a good bird. You said that this underwater city is so big, but there are only two checkpoints in the end. The first checkpoint is the magic bone. If you can’t kill, it’s estimated how many people will die, but human nature has the choice of running away. If you turn around and fight back, you will definitely run away. Anyone who doesn’t accept death can pass this first level. The question is just how heavy the casualties are. The second hurdle is the formation method, which is of course difficult, but although the formation repair is rare, it is not impossible to find it. It can always be done by calling friends and friends. The difficulty of the level is not too high. Moreover, if the magic circle master can completely trap people to death, then the magic circle master will be invincible in the world.

As for the third checkpoint... If the small words on the stone gate counted as a checkpoint, Tang Tang felt that no reasonable guy would give up looking back just because of the small words.

In this way, the three checkpoints in the underwater city are nothing. To be honest, I'm afraid it's not as difficult as those shrimp soldiers and crabs outside, but as a system activity, will it be so easy?
There is almost no need to guess the answer. Tang Tang originally thought it was the two giant spirit gods and Dijiang beasts who killed a thousand swords in front of him. There are not two or three hundred players in the second catastrophe. I am afraid it is not enough for two giant spirits to torture them. It is completely one hammer. As for the Dijiang beast, there are not many players who have a Boss-level holy beast. , let alone an ancient alien beast that could compete with Dijiang Divine Beast.

Unexpectedly, these three guys are also playing tricks, and the submarine volcano is the trouble!

"I think it's better to think of a way if we fight to the death..."

Tang Tang turned around and was about to seek peace with the two giant spirit gods, but before he finished speaking, he saw that the giant spirit gods were already at the edge of the stone gate, and rushed out while squeezing each other.

Turning around again, the Divine Beast Dijiang had already slipped to shatter the void, and went straight back to the God Realm.

"I'll go!" Tang Tang said angrily, "Why are people in the fairy world so spineless?"

Xifeng laughed heartily and said: "Otherwise, what do you think? Although we demons are indifferent, no one is afraid of death. As for the people of the gods, the longer they live, the more they are afraid of death. They only know about luxury and pleasure. Besides, what else do you know?"

Shui Bi glanced at Xi Feng with some reproach. She was also born in the God Realm. Of course she was dissatisfied with Xi Feng's statement, but she didn't refute it. The reason why she eloped with Xi Feng in the first place was naturally because they were fighting each other. Sparks really sparked, and on the other hand, Shui Bi was really disappointed with that God Realm, and more god kings were angry at the order to capture King Fudo Ming. It is really chilling to stop the demon army once, and end up with such a reincarnation in the end.

Tang Tang couldn't care less, wiped off his sweat and said, "The key is that I envy them for being so spineless."

Tang Tang's words made everyone startled, and bowed their heads silently. Of course, Xifeng and Shuibi were surprised why Tang Tang was so righteous, while Xiaoxian Poisonous and Jin Lingdong felt ashamed, but Qingqing Applexiang was quite Envious, at least she thought so, but she didn't have the courage to say such words.

"Haha, there are some interesting people in the God Realm." After a while, Xifeng laughed loudly, then pointed to Tang Tang and said, "It's human nature to be afraid. If you dare not say it, at least you can prove it." This person is not hypocritical, I like you, you can rest assured, our husband and wife have not thought of dragging other people into trouble, you go back."

(End of this chapter)

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