The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 608 Chapter 611 Purple Soul God Sand 5-Color Soul Orb

Chapter 608 Chapter 611 Purple Soul God Sand Five-Color Soul Orb
Whether Tang Tang is considered a good person is yet to be seen, but the gifts given by Shui Bi and Xi Feng were indeed a bit heavy, so heavy that Tang Tang's personality of being so high-spirited that he had nothing to do with him was nostalgic for a while.

Purple Soul Sand (Rare Treasure of the God Realm): A rare material associated with meteorites, mixed into meteorites, can increase the firmness of meteorites!
This star meteorite is the material for forging the soul pole of the sun and moon reincarnation flag, and the biggest problem with the sun and moon reincarnation flag is that the damage of the sun and moon reincarnation flag is too low. With purple soul sand, it can obviously be improved a little bit, It can make Duanmuyu look forward to it.

Besides the bag of purple soul sand, Xifeng gave a heavier gift. He actually helped Tang Tang improve the Heaven Transformation without making a sound. She only received it after Tang Tang left the Underwater City Tips from the soul domain, you must know that although this move was created by the layman Bai Hua, it is basically the demonization of the demons. With the help of Xifeng, the divine change has two more attributes that day, one is to increase the duration by 15 %, and the other is to reduce the consumption of mana by 15%.

Obviously, Soul Realm does not distribute rewards at will, but according to the players themselves. The rewards given to Duanmuyu by Shuibi and Xifeng happened to be Tang Tang's weakness, and they were of great help to Tang Tang, making Tang Tang Tang also meddled in his own business for once.

Soon, new news spread from the seabed city. Of course, the content was about Shuibi and Xifeng, as well as the eruption of the submarine volcano. However, there was a hidden message in this piece of news, that The real reward is not the Undersea City, but whoever helps Shui Bi and Xi Feng, the two will instill cultivation into each other, and one of them is the right arm of the Demon King Gu Rong, and the other is the Valkyrie , its cultivation base is enough to allow at least ten players of the Second Tribulation to directly jump into the Third Tribulation without having to endure the torture of the Heavenly Tribulation.

This news was quite a sensation. For gangs, the first advantage is of course the resident, and the second advantage is undoubtedly the master. As long as there are some special buildings in the resident, especially the buff buildings, it can certainly attract many people, but if a There are more masters of the Three Tribulations in the gang, which undoubtedly means that they are stronger, will have more appeal, and will recruit more players!
In this way, the temptation of the seabed city does not seem so great. After all, the geographical location of the seabed city is not very good. It is not suitable for management because it has to wander in the four seas. The lessons learned from the fantasy city, I feel that the underwater city should have some special effects, but after weighing the pros and cons, its temptation is of course not as tempting as the ten masters of the Three Tribulations.

Secondly, Xiaoxian Youdu also made some preparations, ordering some disciples from Samurai Soul Valley to help some people enter the underwater city.

The news that came back was that the submarine volcano was about to erupt. As for the matter of cultivation, there was no mention of it. However, who would be so rational at this time? People are sure, as long as everyone knows that they can really help Xifeng and Shuibi, it is enough.

What's more, Xiaoxian is poisonous and loyal in front of the fat sheep, constantly spreading some news, and then, people echo what they say, and the fake thing becomes the real thing, so some people start looking for ways to stop the eruption of the submarine volcano.

Tang Tang only tried to think of a way, but she didn't participate in it, so her little life was very comfortable.

Although she did not leave the Arctic Ocean, she did not continue to enter the underwater city, but hunted down the shrimp soldiers and crab generals at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean.

You know, the preciousness of good equipment is that only bosses are produced, and the treasure of bosses is that first of all, you have to be strong and capable of killing them, and secondly, you have to find the boss. After all, the boss can It's not that two copper coins on the side of the road can buy a big bowl of herbal tea, and those shrimp soldiers and crab generals are all 90 to 110 bosses, densely packed, which is nothing to those who are not strong enough, but to Tang Tang, such a good hunter If the chance to kill is missed, wouldn't it be wasted.
Therefore, while everyone was busy looking for ways to prevent the eruption of the submarine volcano, Tang Tang dived to the bottom of the Arctic Ocean every day, looking for those lonely shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and killing them one by one. In just a few days, Tang Tang was Harvesting two ninth-tier weapons, seven eighth-tier weapons, five pieces of eighth-tier equipment, one seventh-tier auxiliary Horcrux, one dragon palace suit, and several precious materials worth at least five or six million yuan, Tang Tang couldn't help but sigh. Money is really easy to earn, this time the underwater city event is over, where can I find so many bosses to make myself rich.

And at this moment, Qingqing Apple Xiang and Xiaoxian Youdu appeared in front of Tang Tang again.

"Why are you here again?" Tang Tang said helplessly, "Didn't I help you think of an idea?"

"It's because you figured out a way for us." Xiaoxian said poisonously: "We have already found a way to suppress the eruption of the submarine volcano."

Tang Tang said: "Then let's do it. Anyway, I'm not interested in suppressing submarine volcanoes. The mission is clearly a reward for merit. It's impossible for the benefits to fall into the hands of a few players. I don't want to work for nothing."

Qingqing Apple Xiang said: "It's not that simple, do you know the Five Soul Orb?"

"I know." Tang Tang took out the Fire Soul Bead and the Earth Soul Bead and said, "I have two."

"Great!" Xiaoxian Youdu immediately grabbed it excitedly and said, "This way we have four, only missing the last one."

"Hey, hello..." Tang Tang said anxiously, "This is mine, I didn't say I would give it to you."

"You're really a cheapskate." Xiao Xian covered the two soul orbs poisonously and said, "We will return it to you, what are you in a hurry for?"

Qingqing Apple Xiang explained to Tang Tang: "Basically, except for your nonsense that you can inherit Shuibi and Xifeng's cultivation base is nonsense, you have guessed everything else. You just have to find a way to prevent the eruption of the submarine volcano. , and to prevent the eruption of the submarine volcano, you need to borrow the power of the holy soul orb. However, the holy soul orb was originally in the hands of Shuibi and Xifeng. This is why they can use the submarine city to suppress the eruption of the submarine volcano. Soul Orbs are not enough..."

"So..." Tang Tang interrupted Qingqing Apple Xiang and said, "Do you still need five soul beads?"

"That's right." Qingqing Apple Xiang said: "These five soul beads are all left by the god of heaven, and only by gathering six of them can we use the power of the god to seal the submarine volcano, and one of them has been found, and the opponent's The condition is cooperation, so he took out the beads, and the other one was given by someone inexplicably, and then counted your two..."

"Wait, wait." Tang Tang interrupted: "Give it to you? Who is so kind to give you the Five Soul Orb?"

(End of this chapter)

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