Chapter 614 Chapter 617
What Phantom Soul sent was not some equipment and weapon, but a character attribute, or an enviable character attribute. You must know that illusion is also Tang Tang's weakness, and every time it is broken by violence, or find some It was a small flaw, but Tang Tang himself did not have the means to directly decipher the illusion. After all, when facing illusions, Tang Tang still relied on luck most of the time.

"Thank you!"

Tang Tang gave a thumbs up to the stone plaque of the Smoke Soul Realm sincerely, without concealing his gratitude, but at this moment...

Qingqing Apple Xiang suddenly fell from the sky, sat on Tang Tang's chest, and threw her back to the ground.

"Hey, it's so soft." Qingqing Apple Xiang patted her buttocks and said, "I thought it would be very painful to fall."

"Your uncle." Tang Tang said angrily under Qingqing Pingguoxiang: "You're sitting on me, it hurts, it's a ghost, get up quickly, you crush me to death."


Qingqing Apple Xiang agreed, and hurriedly got up from the ground, but at this moment, Xiaoxian Poisonous fell from the sky, Qingqing Applexiang became anxious immediately, and quickly stretched out her hand to catch Xiaoxian Poisonous, and the two of them faced the ground straight fall.


Tang Tang screamed, and after chanting "You're cruel" towards the stone plaque of the Smoke Soul Realm, he rolled his eyes and fainted!


When Tang Tang woke up, the five of them had all returned from the Smoke Soul Realm, and they were sitting on a small boat, floating in Tianmeng Lake.

After getting the water soul orb, the five soul orbs are gathered together, and the holy soul orb is in the hands of Shuibi and Xifeng. As long as the five soul orbs are sent to them, the submarine volcano can be suppressed. Domain activity is almost over.

However, Tang Tang felt a little weird.

She held the Samsara Phoenix Qiuhuang in her hand, and knew very well that the other function of the Five Soul Orb and the Holy Soul Orb was to be one of the keys to open the well of gods and demons.

This made Tang Tang have to wonder if there was some ulterior motive in this Soul Realm event, to gather these soul beads together on purpose. Perhaps, the day when the Well of Gods and Demons will be opened may not be too far away...

"Tang Tang, Tang Tang..." At this time, the clear apple-scented voice brought Tang Tang back to his senses and said, "What are you thinking? Did you hear what I asked you?"

"Huh?" Tang Tang wondered, "What did you say?"

Qingqing Apple Xiang said: "I asked you whether to go to the Undersea City. If we can help Shuibi and Xifeng prevent the eruption of the undersea volcano, it should be beneficial."

"It's good?" Tang Tang said: "It's a fool not to take it if it's good, of course!"

Tang Tang agreed very straightforwardly, but even if she wanted to go, she couldn't go easily right now.

Since Scarlet Lin Bo and Yumian Luo Sha participated, they must be present, otherwise who the hell knows if they will have their share of the benefits of turning back?Of course, Xiaoxian Poisonous has a good reputation, but with Tang Tang's cheekiness present, it is really hard to guarantee. Moreover, Tang Tang's relationship with the bloody mercenary group is very bad, and it is not good with Yumian Luosha. She had been strangled in the Kunlun Shrine back then, and she was completely justified in wanting to bully these two families.

Therefore, after the negotiation, the time to enter the Undersea City was set at two o'clock in the middle of the night. The number of players during this time period was very small, and the Scarlet Mercenary Group and Shura Palace sent people to clear monsters and enter.

Regarding this, Qingqing Apple Xiang secretly asked Tang Tang: "If they find out that they have been fooled, Shui Bi and Xi Feng will not instill cultivation into them at all, what should they do then?"

"That's none of our business." Tang Tang said: "We were also victims at that time. What evidence did they have that we spread the news? As for their plans to rob the Undersea City again, that's their business. As long as Shui Bi and Xi Feng Just do us a favor."

Qingqing Applexiang was quite speechless, and she was quite envious of Tang Tang's thick skin who could push, wipe and clean up!

Nightfall, underwater city!

Those shrimp soldiers and crab generals who stood in the way were all taken away by the bloody mercenary group and the people from Shura Hall, and because they had been to the seabed city once, it was very easy to re-enter. Bi and Xifeng!

Shui Bi and Xi Feng didn't seem very happy to see everyone again. They lived for thousands of years, but they didn't even have a baby. It can be seen that these two are obviously supporters of birthlessness. They were obviously dissatisfied with so many people disturbing them. However, when they learned that the crowd had brought the Five Soul Orbs, they immediately showed joy.

"Everyone is willing to help our husband and wife. We are grateful for this kindness. Those innocent people will remember you when they think about it."

Shui Bi talked nonsense very boringly, then stood up with Xi Feng, and led everyone to a stone platform for worship. The six seats are of the light attribute, and a pure white spirit bead is placed on it. At the same time, behind the stone platform, there is a statue in the shape of a snake tail, holding a stick in the left hand and a bead in the right hand. Statue!

Xifeng said: "The spiritual power required by the seabed city is too great. Although we use our own mana to condense it out, we can't maintain it all year round. Thanks to the use of the holy soul beads to continuously send mana to the seabed city, we can barely maintain the seabed city. City, if you want to suppress the submarine volcano, you can only rely on the Holy Soul Orb, everyone, please put the Five Soul Orbs on the corresponding altar now, and we will leave the rest to our husband and wife."

Because of mutual defenses, the three sides brought some masters into the Undersea City. Therefore, after Xiaoxian nodded poisonously and casually, two disciples from Soul Warrior Valley sent the soul beads to the stone platform. Bloody Lin Bo and Yu Mian Luosha is no exception, and someone behind him will naturally send the soul orb.

Shui Bi nodded with Xi Feng, then walked to the front of the altar, ready to instill her mana, but at this moment...

The mutation has risen sharply!

The disciple of Shura Hall who sent the soul beads up suddenly jumped up, with a very high speed, he quickly picked off all the five soul beads and holy soul beads from the six stone platforms, and quickly threw them into his backpack.

"Red owl!" Jade-faced Luosha suddenly said angrily, "What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting." Before the Asura Hall player named Chi Xiao could answer, Tang Tang said first, "Because he's from the Black Clothes Shrine, am I right?"

"That's right, I'm from the ninth floor of the Black Clothes Shrine." The player named Chi Xiao didn't deny it, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your help, I have collected these five soul beads, and the Black Clothes Shrine thanked you."

Tang Tang smirked and said, "Are you sure it's a real soul orb?"

(End of this chapter)

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