Chapter 622 Chapter 625
In fact, saying that it is the Dragon Palace is really giving the White Dragon King too much face. The White Dragon King's cave is not qualified to be called the Dragon Palace. However, the White Dragon King's cave is indeed not bad, and the appearance is a bit bad. It is a black hole, but it is decorated with bright lights. There are candlesticks one by one, but they are illuminated by luminous pearls. There are precious coral decorations of different colors planted everywhere. In addition, tables, chairs, cabinets and beds are all available. , Even the White Dragon King hangs a few white jade paintings in the hall in an arty way. Obviously, after the White Dragon King can transform into a human form, he mostly lives among humans, so many places use human habits.

Of course, in addition to these beautiful and luxurious things, the White Dragon King also left some good places, a treasure room, most of which are some things collected by the White Dragon King, but compared with the treasures of the Man King Stone City, the White Dragon King is simply a treasure. Poor ghost, moreover, because the dragon doesn't worry much about his cultivation, as time goes by, the dragon will naturally become stronger and doesn't need much help from external forces. Because of this, the White Dragon King will give the treasured sacred tree seed to him. Therefore, the White Dragon King's treasure room is mostly odd gadgets, and there are very few things that Tang Tang can use.

And another good place is a medicine refining room. Although the White Dragon King doesn't live in Dalongqiu, he still left some family property. There are thirty or forty bottles of medicine, all kinds of medicines, although there is nothing wrong with it. Heaven's pills are all rare, and there are two small surprises, the first of which is the Great Pill Stove!

Zilong Pill Pattern Furnace (Pill Furnace): The success rate of resident alchemy increases by 15%, and the chance of improving the quality of the pill is 3% when the formula below the eighth level is refined into a pill!
The Purple Dragon Pill Pattern Furnace belongs to a building, and it is a very awesome building facility. With this thing, I am afraid that many alchemists who want to challenge the master craftsman will flock to Dalongqiu!

And the second surprise was that Tang Tang found the remnant soul of the centipede hiding there with his ass pouted under the alchemy furnace.

"Hey, so it's you kid." Tang Tang grabbed the remnant spirit of the centipede and said, "Last time I let you run away. I was kind-hearted and didn't chase you. How dare you hit me?" Small report?"

The centipede spirit was miserable, and said in his heart, if you are kind-hearted, what is sister Guanyin?Then flatteringly said: "You always don't kill me, don't kill me, do whatever you want me to do, yes, I will help you guard the garrison, and help you guard Dalongqiu."

"Just you?" Tang Tang said happily, "A broken soul?"

The centipede was immediately blocked and speechless, in fact, its strength was not bad. Back then, Tang Tang knew from the Qingmu Shenwangshu that there were several other fairies who helped the White Dragon King guard the Dalongqiu, and this centipede was among them. The most difficult to deal with, Tang Tang used tricks to get this guy drunk and took a lot of effort to kill him. Moreover, the level is as high as 122, so this centipede spirit is not far behind the White Dragon King, but the premise is The centipede is still alive.

Ning Rongrong held his chin and said, "You can give him a body."

When Tang Tang was reminded like this, he remembered that Zhenyuan Tianzun was also bound by his own dragon body, so he disguised himself as a happy demon. Speaking of which, this trick seems to be good, even if the centipede's strength is so It's a little bit backward, but it's also a hundred-level Boss. It seems so extravagant to use it to guard your own station.

Tang Tangle frowned, thinking that this matter could be discussed in the long run, so he threw the remnant soul of the centipede spirit into the backpack.

After visiting the cave of the White Dragon King, Tang Tang finally found a stone seal in the hall, which is also a symbol of the cave.

Soul Realm Tip: Does the player "Tang Tang" want to occupy Dalongqiu's Bailong Cave Mansion?
Picking up the stone seal, a reminder from the soul domain sounded immediately. Tang Tang hesitated for a while and then chose whether or not. Now that his residence in Dalongqiu has not been completed yet, how can he have time to toss about this cave, moreover, to completely occupy this water residence? Finally, Tang Tang felt that he should make some changes in the construction of the resident.

Flying out of the water, J had already killed the White Dragon King, and naturally a hole was made in his head, satisfying J's appetite. However, the White Dragon King dropped a lot of things, and they were placed on the shore. Loyal guard.

Tang Tang leaned over to take a look, and found that the loot was quite rich, a Horcrux Water Ice Spirit Sword of the ninth-level ordinary quality, a dragon scale armor of the eighth-level legendary quality clothes, and an auxiliary Danxin mirror of the eighth-level legendary quality. After eating the brains of the White Dragon King, although the level did not increase, each attribute increased by 7 points, which was obviously stronger.

Department of Soul Realm Announcement: After unremitting efforts, the player "Tang Yuhao" has been on the holy path, becoming the heart of the South Heaven, the body of the green dragon, the moon fox with the heart of the oriental green dragon, the master of marriage, the moon and the angelica, respecting the emperor Xia Shentang, and ranking among the saints Magic Atlas!
The so-called blessing and misfortune are really true. Dalongqiu was bloodbathed by the White Dragon King. Tang Tang refined the wood essence to kill the White Dragon King at a critical moment. Instead, he recovered a cave. Now there is another piece of good news, Tang Yuhao Finally, the robbery was successful.

However, this good news is a blessing and a curse. Right now, there are fewer and fewer places in the Holy Demon Atlas, and only half of them are left, which means that the opening time of the God and Demon Well is approaching. It is not a good thing for the person who holds the key to the god-devil well. Of course, as a friend, Tang Tang is still happy for Tang Yuhao, because Tang Tang knows very well that Tang Yuhao has similarities with his own personality in some places. They all have pride in their bones. If Tang Yuhao fails, then Tang Tang feels that he may never see him again, just like Tang Tang would choose to disappear and lick his wound slowly when he failed in the Heavenly Tribulation. Allow anyone to see their cowardly side.

Fortunately, Tang Yuhao succeeded.

Moreover, Tang Tang misses Tang Yuhao's existence very much now. He is really not the kind of person who can handle big and small affairs, and neither is he able to kill every step. The evil monk and the old black mountain demon can't be counted on. Talent, secondly, the two of them are now concentrating on preparing for the Three Tribulations. You know, regardless of the others for the time being, Tie Wudi is as famous as them. The evil king's seal, as well as the strange cold air of the black-hearted grandma's hand that can freeze even the flames are really strong, but Tie Wudi was the first to survive the three tribulations, which made the evil monk and the black-hearted grandma not very convinced. They are fighting secretly.

Since no one else could count on it, Tang Tang had no choice but to bite the bullet, gritted his teeth, and said: "Expand, extend twenty miles south, directly to the shore of Dalongqiu, um, build a few more docks, can we It’s also good to go fishing in Dalongqiu.”

"Twenty miles?" One step and one kill said in surprise, "Are you sure?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Tang Tang said helplessly, "Shall it be demolished and rebuilt?"

One step at a time, he said: "I don't think there is anything wrong with demolition. The resident that was tossed about by the White Dragon King and was almost built is now almost abandoned. It can be relocated directly. The White Dragon King is still a free demolition worker. I can be relieved."

Tang Tang patted his forehead and said, "The problem is that I planted the seeds of the sacred tree. If I move twenty miles south, the coverage of the seeds of the sacred tree will exceed. Are you willing to give up? If it weren't for the seeds of the divine tree, I would have come back." What I saw back then were ruins, now at least it looks like a garrison.”

One step and one kill also slapped the forehead. What Tang Tang said was the truth. It was a pity to waste the seed of the sacred tree after finally getting it. So there is still some distance between them. If it is expanded, the area of ​​the station will be too large.

The last two people looked at each other, and Tang Tang made a rogue decision: "Anyway, this resident must not be abandoned. Relying on the seeds of the sacred tree, let's build it first. As for the question of whether to expand or not, wait until the resident is built first." , you find two good players of the Second Tribulation to stay in the cave of the White Dragon King temporarily, and don’t occupy it for the time being, but you must not lose it. Secondly, I asked Yu to bring back the body of the White Dragon King and hang it up for public display. Let’s restore everyone’s momentum, it’s not okay to be so low, um, tell them, this week, the two players who have done the most resident tasks and contributed the most to the resident will be able to take the two extra pieces of materials dropped by the White Dragon King, keel and dragon tendon, Very rare."

Step by step nodded and said: "No problem, it's just a trivial matter, I'll take care of it."

"Wait a minute." As soon as Step One Kill turned his head, Tang Tang called to him again: "You still remember the Demon of Joy?"

Step by step, I was stunned for a while, then laughed and said: "Of course, if it weren't for that guy's sacrifice of his life, I wouldn't have a chance to inherit the sword demon lineage. Why did you suddenly mention him?"

Tang Tang said: "I told you, Huanxi Demon and Zhenyuan Tianzun are actually the same person. His real body is an evil dragon. He was sealed up by the overseas dragon king. After the Yuanshen came out of his body and took a body, he changed his name to Huanxi. Demon, I have a remnant soul under my hand, that is the centipede spirit, this guy's cultivation is not bad, it's good to use it as a guard, but I have to find a physical body for him, otherwise he won't be able to display his strength."

"This is a bit difficult..." Step by step said: "The technique of seizing the body is a bit evil, it's hard to find, but it doesn't seem too difficult to get a body, can it be a puppet?"

Tang Tang said: "Puppet?"

Step by step, one kill explained: "Huanxi Demon's kung fu of killing and seizing the body is so evil, it's hard to find, and, taking the body will also greatly reduce the strength, especially if you let a centipede enter the human body, the cultivation base will naturally be suppressed It is more powerful, but the puppet is different, firstly, it will not harm the harmony of the world, secondly, what kind of needs can be done by yourself, maybe it can exert stronger strength, and it is not certain."

(End of this chapter)

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