Chapter 625 Chapter 628
Feng Hua got up and was about to leave, but Tang Mei firmly held her back. However, Feng Hua didn't know what method she used. With a simple touch, a pair of wooden clips appeared on Tang Mei's wrist, and Tang Mei's His hand was clamped on the table leg, and then he jumped out of the window and ran away.

"Uncle, you can't go!"

Tang Mei immediately got up and wanted to chase after her, but she forgot that her hand was still fixed on the table leg by the wooden clip. She pulled it like that, and the table turned over immediately, and all the wine, vegetables, and soup poured onto Tang Tang's little head.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!" Tang Mei hurriedly drew her sword and smashed the wooden clip, then helped Tang Tang wipe it, and took off a big soup bowl that was stuck on Tang Tang's head, and removed a piece The big vegetable leaf on Tang Tang's face was surprised: "Huh, Tang Tang? Why are you here?"

Tang Tang wiped the vegetable soup off his face, unable to laugh or cry: "I still want to ask you, what the hell are you doing?"

"Hey!" Tang Mei sighed, "It's a long story!"

Kunlun once held a Soul Domain event at the beginning. After Fengling broke through the ice, he tried in vain to fly the entire Kunlun to the holy world, so that the entire Kunlun faction could achieve the holy body. Suffering, sand and soil flying everywhere, blinding the sky, dirty water, villagers displaced everywhere, Nine Heavens Saintess appeared, preached the destiny, sent everyone from Qionghua into the East China Sea, and forced Feng Ling into the East China Sea in the name of "violating the way of heaven" In the deepest vortex, Feng Ling accepted his orders with a big smile, rebelled against the Heavenly Court, despised the punishment of the East China Sea, abandoned old thoughts like blind shoes, took his life as his oath, and devoted himself to the way of magic.

In this event, players can choose their own camp, help Feng Ling, or help the Nine Heavens Saintess. In the end, the Nine Heavens Saintess's side won, and Feng Ling was beaten into the bottom of the East China Sea. However, there are so many players in Kunlun, so of course not Maybe he was also thrown into the East China Sea, from Kuanfa behind, only punishing Fengling alone, Kunlun Mountain fell back into the mountains, Kunlun School was dilapidated, and then naturally it was in a period of waste, and the leader Fengyao passed this The first battle also had a lot of emotion. The few disciples who worshiped with her in Kunlun back then, the eldest brother Feng Zhen died the earliest. He died in the battle with the demon clan of the underworld. Feng Tian and Feng Yun were dissatisfied with Feng Ling in the early years. In order to ascend to the Holy Realm and disregard the lives of the people under Kunlun Mountain, she betrayed Kunlun with the Nine Tribulations Sword. After learning of Fenghua who left Kunlun many years ago, she gave Tang Mei a teacher's order to find Fenghua.

Because Tang Tang was in Tianmo Valley back then, she only heard about the incident in Kunlun, but she was not able to participate. She felt very sympathetic to the experience of her eldest sister Tang Mei.

However, for the Soul Domain activities, both the Tang Sect and the Sea God Pavilion were beaten by the ancient demon king, and they were all unlucky. That's good, the Nuwa's heart fell on the Tang Sect, envious of other sects, the Sea God Pavilion was even happier, after the head was killed by the ancient demon king, he experienced a long dark age without a head, but in the end he became the No. The faction controlled by two players, and after Zhibeiyou became the head of the Sea God Pavilion, in order to welcome the support of the disciples of the Sea God Pavilion, he was naturally very generous. The disciples of the pavilion are all converted serfs and sing, how happy and happy life is, Kunlun was harmed by the Soul Realm activities this time, it may be a bad thing, anyway, for now, the sects that have been harmed by the Soul Realm will have good things in the future Son.

Tang Tang was very sympathetic to what happened to Kunlun, and also expressed his sorrow for Tang Mei who took this unfortunate mission. It was not easy to find someone in this vast sea of ​​people. After finally finding him, he was not willing to go with you. It's bad, no wonder Tang Mei even used the trick of hugging her thighs, but your bad luck is yours, and it's not right to make me unlucky with you. I managed to make a puppet for myself, damn it With such a bluff, what should I do.

Thus, the tiger bench, pepper water, and ten torture methods were brought out one after another!

"Wrong, wrong, I'm wrong, can't I do it!" Tang Mei hurriedly shouted: "I know where the uncle is, we can go find it together, and let her make a puppet for you first, and I will do it when I am done." I beg her to return to Kunlun."

"Deadly!" Tang Tang let go of Tang Mei and said, "You have been playing in Soul Realm for so long anyway, and you are the number one senior in Kunlun, so you can be regarded as a master after all, why are you so inexperienced?"

Tang Mei said, "Then what do you mean?"

Tang Tang directly swiped the knife with his hand, and made a gesture of knocking out.

"No way." Tang Mei said in astonishment, "You mean kidnapping directly?"

"Stupid!" Tang Tang said, "I don't deny that mechanism techniques are powerful, but whether they are powerful or not, there is a decisive flaw, that is, their puppets are indeed very powerful, but their own skills have always been terrible. , Therefore, the disciples of Tianji Pavilion usually use puppets or small props to attack, but they usually carry two or three defensive horcruxes for self-defense, and even all the auxiliary horcrux grids have defensive horcruxes, and then there are some spares. Yes, choose different defensive horcruxes according to different situations, so as long as you find the right opportunity and don't give them the opportunity to use auxiliary horcruxes, it is very easy to stun, kidnap, or destroy a mechanism master..."

"Wait, wait." Tang Mei said anxiously, "I didn't intend to listen to what you said, but you intend to let me kidnap my uncle?"

"That's right." Tang Tang said: "You care so much about what to do. The task is to let you take her back, and you didn't say how to bring her back. By the way, you have to ask her to help me make a puppet before kidnapping her."

Tang Mei gave a thumbs up and said, "You are ruthless, I just finished making a puppet for you, and you sold him off."

"Hey, she hasn't helped me make a puppet yet." Tang Tang said, "The problem now is where to find someone."

Tang Mei said: "Of course it's the Tianji Pavilion. My uncle is the head of the Tianji Pavilion."

"Huh?" Tang Tang blinked and said, "Master?"

Tang Mei had no choice but to explain: "When my uncle went down the mountain, he encountered many ups and downs because of his inexperience in the world. Later, he was rescued by an old man. He learned mechanism skills under his sect, and inherited the orthodoxy of that mechanism master. After the old man died, his uncle, in order to inherit the old man's last wish, carried forward the mechanism technique, and created the Tianji Pavilion to take in his children and teach people the principles of mechanism. A few days ago, I found my uncle in Tengzhou, but she refused to go back to Kunlun with me."

"Nonsense, I wouldn't do it." Tang Tang rolled his eyes and said, "Why are you going back to Kunlun with you? At best, you can be an elder. You might not even be an elder. Besides, your Kunlun is a mess now. There are a lot of things, even if there is an elder, it is thankless, how can you be happy to be the head of Tianji Pavilion..."

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(End of this chapter)

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