Chapter 627 Chapter 630
Li Qiaoshou hesitated, but finally nodded and led everyone into the cabinet of the shop.

After sitting down and serving tea, Li Qiao held the sachet and said: "I sewed this when I was young, and it was the first piece of work under my teacher's teaching. Afterwards, my teacher traveled around, and I will give this to my teacher." , but I have never seen this thing again, and naturally I have never seen my teacher again, so I don’t know where the warrior got this thing from?”

Everyone looked at Tang Tang in unison.

Tang Tang wiped his sweat. It seems that Li Qiaoshou wanted to find his mentor through himself, but the problem is that he has never seen it before. This sachet is rewarded by the Holy Demon Dao. Two episodes, but, having said that, what's the matter with this thing being rewarded by the Holy Devil Daohui?Is it a reward task?Then I still have to continue editing!

After pondering for a moment, Tang Tang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Listen to me..."

"It was a dark and windy night. I was knocked off a cliff. Under the cliff, I found a crack in the mountain. I drilled through it and found a cave. There lived many little monkeys with human nature. I and those little After the monkey got acquainted, the little monkey took him to treat a white ape, and then I took out the sachet hidden in the belly of the white ape."

Puff puff……

Just as Tang Tang finished speaking, everyone except Su Qiaoqiao spouted out the tea they just drank.

Tang Mei leaned closer to Tang Tang's ear and whispered, "Do you think you are Zhang Wuji? Why don't you say that what you took out was the Nine Suns Magic Art, and then kill all directions, making you invincible in the world."

Tang Tang also whispered: "That piece of shit is a reward from the Holy Demon Conference, I don't make it up like this, what do you want me to say?"

The two were muttering there, but Li Qiaoshou didn't notice it, and he said after a while: "Warrior, can you tell me the location of that cliff?"

Tang Tang immediately laughed and said, "I seem to have said just now that the moon is dark and the wind is high?"

Li Qiaoshou gritted his teeth and said, "This matter is very important to me."

Tang Tang scratched his head and said: "I really don't know about this. It was indeed night, and I fought with people again. At most, I can remember the general appearance. If you really need it, I can go to that cliff, but this requires time."

Li Qiaoshou nodded and said, "Then trouble the warriors."

When the words fell, Tang Tang got up and said goodbye. Li Qiaoshou didn't have a good impression of Tang Tang, so he naturally wouldn't stop them, but he sent everyone out politely, and he didn't forget to tell Tang Tang when he was done. Please inform her if you have any news. It wasn't until Tang Tang was about to walk out of Jinyufang that Li Qiaoshou gritted his teeth suddenly and took out a piece of satin from under the counter.

"Warrior, please wait a moment." Li Qiao handed the satin to Tang Tang and said, "Warrior helped me find the sachet, this is a small thank you, please accept it."

Seven-color damask (auxiliary horcrux) (eighth-level rare quality): It is woven by "ingenious workmanship" Li Qiao with seven-color feather silk and bright silk thread. It can completely resist the damage of nine attribute spells, and the upper limit of damage resistance for each attribute is 50000 points!
Tang Tang whispered secretly, this auxiliary Horcrux is not ordinary, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, thunder, wind, light, and darkness are exactly nine attributes. Forbidden spells, what kind of spells can resist it?
"Faxiu nemesis!"

Possessing the seven-color silk in her robe, Tang Tang repeatedly said to Li Qiaoshou that it was too polite, and turned around and threw the seven-color silk into the auxiliary Horcrux grid.

Leaving Jinyufang, Tang Tang was a little entangled.

Li Qiaoshou definitely doesn't like herself very much, any woman would not be happy if she is treated as a brothel girl, so Li Qiaoshou returned Qi Se Ling to herself, expressly hoping that she could help her find clues to her master, but those of her own The words were all made up, so where would I find a crack in the mountain to go with the old ape, besides, I took all the rewards, and Tang Tang doubted whether the rewards from the Holy Devil Avenue would stop here.

"Don't get entangled!" Tang Mei comforted Tang Tang and said, "If you're not sure about the soul domain, I'll let you tangle with it. Look for it. There's a huge crowd. You may not be able to find it even if you find the Ascension Sacred Realm. Don't look for it. Seven-color silk is enough. It's against the sky, I'm not sure to give you a nine-color damask to kill you, and then you will be a savage all over the mountains and plains. This is clearly a dilemma. With the shamelessness of the soul domain, there is a great possibility Sex is cheating you, I think it's more important for us to get down to business first."

Tang Tang gave Tang Mei a contemptuous look, and made it clear that only the last sentence was on his mind for a long time. However, Tang Tang agreed with Tang Mei's point of view. Soul Domain often does not do anything about personnel, and players who deliberately disgust and get rewards may not I can't do it, of course, because people are not human in the first place, and Tang Tang himself feels that ten thousand birds in the forest are not as good as one bird in the hand.

"Go, get down to business!"

Tang Tang waved his hand, not bothering with Tang Mei, and was going to continue looking for Fenghua, but just as Tang Tang left, Tang Yuhao grabbed his arm.

Eyes blinking, Tang Yuhao asked with a curious look, "What business do you have?"

"Business? Do you have it? Do you have it?" Tang Tang knew that this girl was the master who was afraid of chaos in the world, so he hurriedly said, "What can I do? Women, eating and drinking is a business, and we are preparing to eat Let’s go, you just passed the three tribulations, it’s too hard, you should relax, go play for a few days, and don’t be with us.”

Tang Yuhao didn't let go, blinked his eyes and said, "Little girl, do you really think I'm a fool?"

"I'll go, I'll go, I'll go too..." Xiaoxian Youdu was already going crazy when she worked as a coolie for three people, so she hurriedly recommended herself: "I am the number one senior in Samurai Soul Valley, and I am the number one in playing soul Gu. , I'm very good at illusion, if you don't take me there, I'll smash the window of your house in the middle of the night."

Tang Yuhao, on the other hand, was more straightforward. He patted Tang Tang on the shoulder and said, "There is something fun, do you dare not take me to play?"

Qingqing Applexiang snuggled up to Xiaoxian's poisonous side happily and said, "I'll go with you."

Jin Lingdong thought for a while and said, "If you all go, then I will go too."

Tang Mei and Tang Tang looked at each other, the former was depressed, she didn't want to kidnap Fenghua, she just wanted to talk in a very peaceful way, but what happened now was like gang robbery, the latter was also depressed, gang robbery was It's normal, but it's not normal for gangs to be thieves. If so many people mix together, that's not called thieves, it's called camping.

"That's right." Jin Lingdong was still very resistant to being a thief, but he still had the spirit of being a gangster, and said to Tang Tang, "What are we going to steal from Tianji Pavilion?"

Tang Tang said: "Steal someone!"

This time it was the other people's turn to look dull!

(End of this chapter)

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