The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 635 Chapter 638 Please enter the urn and wait for the bait

Chapter 635 Chapter 638 Please enter the urn and wait for the bait
Tang Tang's speed was much faster, and it took less than a stick of incense for the imperial weapon to fly to Zhuhujian.

There is nothing special about Zhuhujian itself, it is just a stream, a little turbulent, and there are several small cascades of three or four meters high. The water depth does not exceed one and a half meters. Pebbled river beach.

If a garrison is built in such a hellish place, the scale will not be too large, and it can be seen at a glance, but Tang Tang flew around twice, but he didn't see a ghost. Tang Tang couldn't be sure that he really thought it was rumored that the landlord was playing with him, but after getting nothing, Tang Tang had to turn back to Dalongqiu.

Killing three at a time, seeing Tang Tang's face, she knew she must be up to no good, so he had no choice but to say, "What should I do?"

Tang Tang patted his forehead, still wondering what to do.

"Come out!" After hesitating for a moment, Tang Tang grabbed the remnant soul of the centipede spirit, and at the same time put the centipede puppet made of Tie Xinmu on the ground and said, "Let me ask you, do you know that there is a man living near Zhuhujian?" Zhilong ape monster clan? You have to answer well, I will give you my body right now, if the answer is not good, hehe..."

The centipede stared at the puppet very hotly. Although he liked his own body more, it had already been destroyed by Tang Tang, and it was not impossible to make things made of wood. It was better than being a remnant soul. However, hesitate for a moment Finally, the centipede still shook his head and said: "I don't know, that's not my territory. Although I used to rely on my cultivation to roam around in other monster territories, I didn't often occupy other people's territories. For these things, I really don't know much."

What the centipede said was quite sincere, and Tang Tang had no choice but to let go of the remnant soul of the centipede and said, "I get used to the body of a puppet, and after I get used to it, I go to hide in the tiger's gorge, and give me the dragon ape demon clan Find it out."

How could the centipede spirit refuse, and immediately nodded in a hurry, and then happily floated towards the ground, and then flew into the centipede puppet.

Grandma Heixin suddenly said, "Why don't you ask Tie Wudi?"

Tang Tang doesn't like to use her brain very much. Even if she tries to damage her brain cells, she is still the kind of person who is good at individual combat or small team combat. Such troublesome things are not her specialty, and the others are similar. He was very good at this aspect, but the black-hearted grandma and the evil monk would definitely not be able to save face, but Tang Tang didn't care much, and directly sent a sound transmission across thousands of miles to call for help.

After Tie Wudi listened, he spit out four words without the slightest hesitation: "Please enter the urn!"

In the next few days, Dalongqiu looked peaceful, and everyone did what they had to do.

Tang Tang was also very bored, and suddenly remembered a skill he had learned in a certain year and month called random splitting wind hammer method. It is said that it is still a very good forging method, so Tang Tang made a boat with great interest. The boat, which is not counted as a boat, went to Dalongqiu for fishing.

Fishing is a technical job. It is not something you can catch if you want to. The important thing is what you can catch. It is said that someone once caught a black copper pot. He thought it was a piece of garbage, but after cleaning it, it was An auxiliary Horcrux of ninth-level quality. Of course, someone caught a fish the size of a palm and wanted to cook fish soup with great joy. Only then did I realize that the fish was a level 110 boss, extremely ferocious.

Of course, Tang Tang definitely didn't have such a good life, nor such a bad life, because only a master craftsman is qualified to enjoy the thrill of ups and downs in the fishing process, but Tang Tang can't, her fishing experience is zero.

While Tang Tang was fishing leisurely, Dalongqiu's residence was also being rebuilt.

There are not many craftsmen in Tianmo Valley, and the craftsmanship is very rough. However, Tang Xin dispatched many people to lend to Tang Tang, so the construction of the resident is very fast. Only the last round of outer wall defense facilities are not complete, but it will not take too long. , but at this moment, they had to suspend work temporarily!

Because, it's raining!

Yandang Mountain is famous for its clouds and fog, so Yandang Mountain is also rainy.

Tang Tang likes rain very much, not just because of Feng Yufeijian, but because she has a preference for rainy days, maybe because of the clear rhythmic ticking sound, maybe because of the refreshing feeling, or because of the rainy weather. Because of my own background, before the Era, it was also such a rainy day, my master picked me up in front of Ciyun nunnery.

Everyone has their preferences, though.

Tang Tang likes rainy days. When it rains, she usually becomes very quiet, listens, and appreciates the rain scene in front of her. However, not everyone is like this. Some people hate rain. People are irritable, the muddy ground makes people feel difficult, and the pattern of sight brings inconvenience to people. Therefore, when the entire Dalongqiu resident is immersed in the rain, many people choose to leave. Such heavy rain affects their life. For leveling, they can go elsewhere and come back when the rain stops.


At night, the evening breeze is cool!
It may be due to the rain, but there is a fresh earthy smell in the air.

This kind of air is a good time to rest peacefully.

Therefore, no one noticed that on the outskirts of Dalongqiu's residence, among the bushes, there were faint figures of people, densely covered, coming towards Dalongqiu in an orderly manner.

But at the moment of reaching Dalongqiu...

Puff puff!
One by one torches suddenly lit up from the wall of the station, and not only the wall, but also many braziers were set up around the station. In an instant, there was the sound of flames beating, and they continued to burn. Everything around is illuminated brightly.

"Hi!" Tang Tang climbed up the wall tower abruptly, and waved towards the wall tower where he was stationed: "How are you? Friends from the Yaozu!"

There were nearly 2000 people under the wall building. Since they were not demonized, there was nothing unusual about them. However, Tang Tang knew very well that these guys should be the Dragon Ape monster clan that disappeared in Yandang Mountain.

Tang Tang smiled and said, "I don't know which one is good?"

Three people came out of the crowd, and the leader was Hao Wei Hum. As for the other two, they should be the deputy gang leaders of ape dung. One is called Laiyifen and the other is called Zhenqiwei. Know how long they were hungry foodies in their previous lives.

"Hey, isn't this a good leader? How are you doing recently?" Tang Tang coughed twice and said, "We are good neighbors. I asked someone to visit you a while ago, but I didn't expect that you were not at home. Today is the What's the matter, why do you have the leisure to come to my place?"

(End of this chapter)

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