The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 637 Chapter 640 Three Demon Battle Formation vs Star Soul Fall

Chapter 637 Chapter 640
"Tang Tang!" Hao Weiheng watched the number of people on his side continue to decrease, and was furious in his heart. He gritted his teeth and shouted at Tang Tang: "Come down and fight with me if you have the ability!"

"Oh! Are you hitting me?" Tang Tang looked at Hao Wei jokingly and hummed: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Hao Weiheng's face turned red, he was naturally speaking in a moment of anger, there is no point in fighting between the second robbery and the third robbery, unless the equipment of the two sides is very different, otherwise the gap in character attributes is too big, the players of the second robbery are purely looking for Harassment, but didn't I say a few words of strong morale, why are you so serious!

Unfortunately, Tang Tang really took it seriously!

"I won't play with you anymore..." Tang Tang said with a smirk, "Let this guy play with you."

After saying that, Tang Tang untied the soul beast space bag!

There was a roar that soared into the sky, the sky shook, the ground seemed to tremble, the soul beast bag in Tang Tang's hand shot out a burst of flames, and immediately after that, Yan stepped out with all four hooves, and the flames lingered like entangled Like a cloud of fire, with a billowing flame, it hummed towards Haowei.


Hao Weihu is also a monster race, so he naturally recognizes ancient beasts like Yan, and he was shocked in his heart. He jumped up in the air to avoid the fire cloud, but the moment he jumped up, Yan opened his mouth and there was a samadhi The real fire blasted down, landed on Hao Weiheng's head, directly shot him down from the air, and fell to the ground fiercely, creating a huge depression and a cobweb crack.

Fortunately, there is nothing special about the demonization of the dragon ape family. The only characteristic is that the power soars, and the damage is doubled after demonization. The second is to inherit the characteristics of the giant ape family, with rough skin and thick flesh, and special resistance. The resistance of the five elements is also extremely high. Although he was a little embarrassed when he was hit in the front, Hao Weiheng shook his body and immediately stood up again.

Yan rushed down in the air again, riding on Hao Weiheng and still a little dizzy, immediately swooped down from the air, crashed into Hao Weiheng's arms, knocked Hao Weiheng back, and there were repeated rumbling sounds, But Yu snorted with a good taste and broke several big trees!
"Boss, let's help you!"

Lai Yifen and Zhenqiwei were fighting among the crowd, and there were hundreds or dozens of players in Tianmo Valley hanging in their hands. At this time, they suddenly saw Haoweiheng being beaten by Yan, and immediately rushed out of the crowd, towards Haowei come here.

As soon as that rare smell shot out, it was a golden mango, connected into one piece, like a piece of golden satin, hitting Yu's back heavily, knocking him staggeringly, and the golden mango flew back into his hand, but it was a piece of silk. Zhang Ba's long golden stick flew around in a circular arc, and the rare smell threw the stick towards Yan again, but at this moment...


There was a crisp sound of metal clanging, and the sword light fell, like a meteor flying across the sky, hitting the stick, taking advantage of the situation, and picking out the stick, while Tang Tang was carrying the burial coffin upside down, accompanied by the sarcophagus When it was dragged, the iron chains tied to it made a clanking sound.

"If there are three people..." Tang Tang glanced at the three people with a smile and said, "Then it's worth my shot."

"Tang Tang, don't be complacent!" Hao Weiheng got up from the ground shaking, pointed at Tang Tang and said angrily: "Our brothers still have tricks that are useless, since you want to be cruel, then don't Blame our brothers for being unrighteous."

"I've heard that you have a set of strike formations, right?" Tang Tang smiled and snorted, "Please do it!"

After Tang Tang finished speaking, it seemed that he really didn't want to stop him and stood there waiting. Such an attitude made Hao Weiheng a little uncertain, but after looking at his character attributes, Hua Weiheng still had to be ruthless , there is no other reason, his demonization time is running out, this ability to explode overwhelming strength in a short period of time will definitely not be too long-lasting, and, demonization is also related to cultivation, even the three of Hao Weiheng The time limit is almost up, not to mention other Yaozu players.

That being the case, you have to fight if you don’t fight!
"Set up the formation!" Hao Weiheng shouted: "Three monster battle formation!"

Humming, the three of them quickly stood in a triangle position, but what was quite surprising was that after the three of them stood still, they did not use weapons, talisman papers or engravings to set up the formation, but quickly gave their own demon pills to the formation. Squirt it out!
Red, white, blue!
The three inner pills rotated rapidly in the center of the three of them, and a pattern of five spirits appeared under the corners of the three of them. Immediately afterwards, the two colors of gold and earth faded rapidly, and the circular pattern turned into three colors. Among them, the blue spirit A pattern of rapid light is great!

"The wind blows the clouds!"

Accompanied by the roar of the three, the three demon pills quickly entangled with each other, and then spun in the air.

Waves of wind and mist visible to the naked eye circled in the air, and finally rose from the ground, turning into a giant tornado with a height of more than [-] meters. A white wave spewed out from the center, but it was a scene of a dragon absorbing water. It is raging all around, as long as it is rubbed against, it will immediately turn into white light.

"It's interesting!" Tang Tang said with a smile, "However, I can also use formations, Star Soul Formation, come on!"

hum, hum...

There was a sound of swords around Tang Tang, and immediately after that, five star horcruxes appeared around Tang Tang, suspended in the air!

"Star Soul!" Tang Tang changed his hand formula repeatedly, and the surrounding Star Horcruxes emitted five-colored Qiongguang, Tang Tang closed his hands fiercely, and shouted: "Destroyer of Meteor!"

The five star horcruxes spread out in an instant and merged into the ground under Tang Tang's feet. The surging rays of light intertwined with each other and turned into a large area of ​​five-color aurora, floating into the air like a piece of silk and satin, sucking water towards the huge dragon.

The fighting around came to a short stop, and everyone watched Tang Tang's confrontation with the three of them intently!

Star Soul Meteor's five attributes are united to generate and restrain each other. In terms of attributes, they are naturally far superior to each other. However, when Hao Weiheng and the three become demons, Tang Tang's attribute advantages due to the Three Tribulations completely disappeared. The three Players at the peak of the second calamity doubled their own attributes with demonization, which naturally exceeded the third calamity. Of course, there will be a time limit, but at least the demonization of the three of them is not over yet!

So, who loses?Who wins?

Many people want to know this answer!
At this moment, the five-color aurora that Tang Tang condensed with the Star Soul Formation finally collided with the huge waterspout!


A huge sound erupted in an instant, and everyone felt that the soles of their feet were tilted, and the ground shook violently. Under the impact of the collision, it collapsed several inches downward, and the resident wall behind Tang Tang stretched for several Ten meters, all collapsed in an instant, becoming countless broken wooden pillars stacked together, and the huge waterspout was also crushed in an instant, countless water liquid was washed into the air, and then scattered down, like A drifting rain.

(End of this chapter)

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