Chapter 646 Chapter 649
After crossing the wall, Tang Tang heaved a sigh of relief. Less contact means less mistakes. If she doesn't make mistakes, she can move freely in the Beast Spirit Gate. Thinking about what happened to her eldest sister Tang Mei, Tang Tang feels that if her guess is correct, then the soul domain will be destroyed. Maybe it gave everyone a clue?What is your clue?
Tang Tang scratched his head, and then transmitted the sound to others from thousands of miles away.

One step and one kill was refreshed in the kitchen, following the chef to make Goubuli steamed buns, Tang Yuhao didn't speak, he didn't know what he was doing furtively so he didn't have time, the black-hearted grandma was just wandering around like Tang Tang, this woman is sometimes very rough , counting on her is hopeless.

Tang Tang had to figure it out for himself, and finally understood why so many people were stuck on the 27th floor. It is not surprising that the difficulty is high.

Continuing to wander around the Beast Spirit Gate, Tang Tang never thought of any clues. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Tang Tang simply went to the inn to have dinner, and then continued to waste brain cells.

After casually ordering some home-cooked dishes, Tang Tang just sat on the bench in a daze. Someone was gossiping, saying that the granary of a certain farm caught fire and black smoke was billowing. The huge fire didn't even affect the inside of the granary. It only spread outside the granary for less than 15 minutes before it was naturally extinguished. However, the people in the farm were too panicked and scared themselves, chaotic and crowded, and trampled on each other, resulting in two dead and ten Seven injuries, but none of them were burned by the fire. In addition, the farm was specially used for storing grain. Intervening in the investigation does not rule out the possibility that someone deliberately created chaos and took the opportunity to steal property.

When Tang Tang saw this, he was startled suddenly, and a sliver of understanding appeared in his mind, and he almost stuffed the dish that had just been served into his nose abruptly!
"So that's what happened, I know!"

Tang Tang slapped his thigh and ran out of the inn as soon as he dropped his chopsticks, and quickly entered the Moon Pool dungeon!
"Dong [-] calls, Dong [-] calls..." After going online, Tang Tang began to transmit voices thousands of miles away: "Dong [-], Dong [-], Dong [-], Dong [-], please answer, if you hear it, please answer."

Tang Mei said weakly: "Dong [-] has hit the street, Dong [-] has hit the street."

One step at a time, he said, "What's the matter? I just finished working as a dog and now I'm working as a civet cat!"

Tang Yuhao directly threw a question mark emoji over the text channel.

Grandma Heixin said: "This level is so boring, I don't know what to do!"

Afterwards, everyone launched an in-depth crusade against Soul Realm for creating such an unscrupulous level. They felt that it was purely making things difficult for others and they should complain.

After finally waiting for them to discuss, Tang Tang burst into tears and said: "I know how to break this layer!"

"I'll go!" After half a second of silence, the other four said in unison: "Why didn't you say it earlier."

Tang Tang wanted to cry, but he wanted to say, you don't want me to talk about the problem, but this is not the time to be serious, Tang Tang hurriedly said: "Stop talking nonsense, set fire, set fire, and then we will go to the forest to gather."

"No way!" One step one kill said in amazement: "You came up with such a bad idea? Those disciples of the Beast Spirit Sect, we can win if we fight one and one, and we will definitely not be rounded if we fight two. They are all boss level."

"Alright, alright!" Tang Tang urged: "Those who believe in me will have eternal life. Listen to me. You don't have any other tricks anyway. Listen to me. Hurry up and set fire to set the whole sect on fire. Absolutely!" The one that can't be saved."

The others were doubtful, but they still decided to believe Tang Tang, because Tang Tang was telling the truth, and none of them recruited them. Only Tang Yuhao had some clues. He knew that the head of the Beast Spirit Sect was facing a great enemy, and he was going to send out the sect to him. The treasure is offered to a stronger sect to ask for asylum. The donated thing is likely to be a blood keel. He is about to snatch it when the other party is donating the bone, or directly pretend to be a disciple of the sect that is asked for help to deceive the blood keel into his hands However, Tang Yuhao didn't know exactly how to operate it. Since Tang Tang has a way, it's okay to use Tang Tang's method first.

Everyone dispersed to the entire Beast Spirit Gate, and then they were about to act as an arsonist. Tang Tang was an expert in this aspect, and she was very knowledgeable about arsonists.

Released Jie from the beast-controlling bag, Tang Tang patted his head, and let him fly into the air to breathe out flames, and then Tang Tang spread his palms without saying a word, and ignited the flames of the sky around him for a moment. After a while, the entire Beast Spirit Gate was a sea of ​​flames.


Tang Tang ignited all the surrounding buildings, and then turned onto J's back and soared into the air. Of course, Tang Tang did not forget to continue setting fire in the air. After a while, the entire Beast Spirit Gate was engulfed in flames. Then, there was cursing, screaming, shouting, and chaos!
Tang Tang's inspiration naturally came from the gossip she heard just now, but she also figured out the way to break through this layer. Normally, the normal thinking is to find a way to find the blood keel, find a way to get the blood keel, and find a way Take away the blood keel, these three steps are carried out in sequence, in fact, the clues given by the soul domain are not so detailed at all, but directly tell the player what method should be used!
The information Tang Tang got was that the disciples of the Beast Spirit Sect were not in the same mind, and were dissatisfied with the fact that the headmaster ignored their safety and was still considering whether to use the forbidden law. Immediately afterwards, the words of the supervisor uncle also told Tang Tang that the Beast Spirit Sect The Lingmen are not united, and they may fly separately in the face of disaster, so creating chaos and ambushing the person who brings out the blood keel is the method given to Tang Tang by the system.

And Tang Mei is naturally stealing, how to steal is the player's business, for example, although Tang Tang's method of stealing clothes is a little unreliable, but it is worth a try, as for Tang Yuhao, it is cheating, and how to cheat is also the player's business, anyway. Yu had already given enough hints, and Tang Yuhao had indeed figured out the way.

At this level, the focus is actually on observation and quick thinking. Martial power is of course indispensable, but it is only auxiliary, just like now the five of them are waiting for the unlucky guy who escaped with a bloody keel to arrive, and then catch the turtle in the urn and kill him in one fell swoop. its taken down!
After a while, the Beast Spirit Gate was in chaos!

However, there were not many disciples of the Beast Spirit Sect who escaped, and they were sparse. Tang Tang knew very well that none of these could be his goals. How could ordinary disciples take away the blood keel? Gold and silver jewelry.

(End of this chapter)

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