The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 652 Chapter 655 Defeat across the board

Chapter 652 Chapter 655 Defeat across the board
However, Tang Tang didn't expect that Gu Rong's fight was also quite domineering, and he didn't dodge or dodge at all, and his moves remained the same, just like grabbing the Nine Tribulations Sword just now. However, Jiehuo Longlin and Baiquehuang are not magic weapons. Gu Rong carried the demonic energy in his hands, but both swords could not hurt him, and then he pinched the swords and crossed them in the middle, and they used Tang Tang's two swords Fei Jian blocked the burial coffin, and hit him with a knee, Tang Tang followed in Tang Mei's footsteps and was blown away by Gu Rong.

However, Tang Tang also managed to hold back Gu Rong. Taking advantage of the gap, the black-hearted grandma went around to the back of the Chonglou and slapped her hand. The silver-blue cold air suddenly appeared in her hand and hit Gu Rong's shoulder. A layer of frost quickly dissipated. Covering Gu Rong's left arm completely freezes it!
"Seven kills!"

The black-hearted grandma succeeded in one blow, Gu Rong would injure her severely, and immediately backed away to one side, while the one-step kill was to bow her waist and lower her body, making a stabbing motion, and the whole person pounced forward like a cheetah When he came out, his whole body was filled with blood, and hundreds of bloody swords were entangled around his side, and he rushed towards Gu Rong, trying to strangle Gu Rong to death.

But when he stabbed in front of Gu Rong, Gu Rong stretched out his right hand, and drew a strange circle with the edge of his arm, which was the circle drawn by the sword, and killed the dozen bloody swords in front of him one step at a time. All the qi was shattered, and as for the hundreds of bloody sword qi, Gu Rong didn't care at all, and directly stretched his hand in from the gap, a big hand directly pinched the head of the one-step-one-killer!

Gu Rong snorted softly, grabbed the head of the one-step one-killer like a chicken, and threw it to the left, just in time to hit Tang Yuhao who was coming up with a bloodthirsty gun. He stopped halfway, and took one step and one kill from mid-air, but he was also thrown to the ground by the momentum belt, and one step and one kill was even more unlucky, directly hitting the rock wall.

"Hmph, ants!"

Gu Rong looked at the people who were staggering around, and snorted coldly, and when he exerted force with his left arm, the ice crystal on his arm suddenly shattered with a bang.

"Damn it, isn't this girl cheating? You're still so fierce with [-]% cultivation!" Tang Tang patted his dizzy head and got up from the ground, then shouted: "Plan A failed, use Plan B instead!"

As the words fell, Tang Tang raised his sword and moved towards Gu Rong again. The light of the sword pierced through the air, and Tang Tang's body suddenly disappeared. When the tip of the sword was handed to Gu Rong, Tang Tang's figure suddenly disappeared without a trace. It is undoubtedly the pulse of death!
Gu Rong was calm, and he grabbed it casually, but it seemed random, but it was right where Tang Tang flew over. However, before Gu Rong made a move, there was a crash, but it was Tang Tang. Mei took out two large altars of half-human-high wine vats and threw them towards Gu Rong. When the wine vats collided, there was countless liquids. Immediately, Tang Mei and Grandma Heixin worked together to build an ice wall with the wine. Gu Rong was stopped.

"Seven kills!"

Killing one step at a time with a low shout, the smell of blood was strong all over his body, and a blood mist came out suddenly, heading towards the ancient banyan tree, while Tang Yuhao quietly hid in the blood mist, the bloodthirsty spear in his hand turned red, Blending with the blood mist, there is no fancy, just taking advantage of Gu Rong's unpreparedness, stabbing at it again and again!
On the other side, Tang Tang went deep into the cave, showed his figure, cut off the vine with a sword, and took off the vermilion fruit.

This is Tang Tang's plan B. Generally speaking, although Soul Realm is very unscrupulous most of the time, it is the most rule-abiding in the entire Soul Realm. He will fool the players and bury a hole for them to jump, but, Never shake the player, as long as the soul domain reminder comes out, there is absolutely no possibility of cheating, but after Gu Rong's words, there is no soul domain reminder, so it is Gu Rong's own wish to fight or grab, not Soul domain's. , Soul Realm only allows you to take Zhu Guo away, how to take it is up to the player.

Therefore, Tang Tang's plan was to fight first and then grab it. Gu Rong suppressed his cultivation to [-]%, and Tang Tang and the other five attacked first. Zhu Guo, the difficulty of snatching Zhu Guo from the hands of Gu Rong with normal cultivation is very different. At least, Gu Rong can't kill them in seconds after suppressing [-]% of his cultivation, but if Gu Rong uses all his strength, the five people No one can block its blow.

After getting the task target, Tang Tang immediately turned his head and left. Although Gu Rong had no expression on his face, it was impossible for anyone who was tricked to laugh at Mimi. The devilish energy in his body suddenly exploded. The fog was torn apart by Chonglou, one step and one kill was the first to be unlucky, but Gu Rong raised his palm like a knife, but pierced his chest with one blow, turning it into white light.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Tang Yuhao immediately raised his gun and moved forward, but he didn't expect Gu Rong to hit the gun shaft with his fist immediately, and the bloodthirsty magic gun hit Tang Yuhao's body instead, spouting bright red blood, and Tang Yuhao was also knocked down to the ground , the only fortunate thing is that he was in a near-death state, but he was not killed by a single blow.

The black-hearted grandma and Tang Mei smiled wryly, Gu Rong tried his best to act tyrannically, but fortunately Tang Tang's scoundrel played Gu Rong, otherwise it would be too difficult to get Zhu Guo from such a Gu Rong and take it away. But now it's just a matter of taking it away.

Therefore, the two also tried their best to stimulate the cold air, obstructing Gu Rong and at the same time helping Tang Tang open a way, and Tang Tang was also cunning. The moment he passed the ice wall, the fire-robbing dragon scales in his hands turned into 24 black sword lights However, it was Mingyueye from 24th Bridge who made a sudden attack, shattering a piece of the ice wall, turning into countless ice cones and falling towards the ancient banyan.

"Hmph, worm-carving trick!"

Gu Rong snorted coldly, magic flames swelled all over his body, the magic lines on his face glowed red, magic horns grew on his forehead, his red hair turned purple in an instant, and with a random wave of one hand, the magic flames surged into the sky, It not only swept away those ice cones, but also shattered the ice wall.

Grandma Heixin and Tang Mei looked at each other, then gritted their teeth, and they rushed towards Gu Rong at the same time.


Gu Rong didn't say much, and waved his hand again, a puff of magic flames shot out, Tang Mei was hit in the chest, and turned into white light without saying a word, Grandma Heixin was alert, and quickly froze another ice wall in front of her, After a little resistance, and the three kalpas already had more health, they managed to recover a life, but they also fell to the ground and fell into a near-death state.

After repelling the crowd, Gu Rong immediately jumped into the air and chased after Tang Tang.

"Long winter, pork fried with scallions!" Tang Tang looked back, breaking out in a cold sweat, and said forcefully, "Isn't it just demonization, I will too, God Transformation! Demonization!"

Tang Tang's body also immediately surged with magic flames, his black hair turned silver in an instant, and bloody magic lines appeared on his forehead. Turning his head, he slapped Gu Rong who had already chased behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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