Chapter 657 Chapter 660
"Hey, are you looking for me again?"

Tang Tang appeared on top of Scarlet Bubus's head. The moment Scarlet Bubus raised his head, Tang Tang sent a pulse of death down, beating Scarlet Bubus into white light and leaving!

Soul Realm Tip: The player "Tang Tang" successfully killed the player "Bloody Bubus"!
After successfully getting the points, Tang Tang fell back to the ground and opened the box.

Soul Realm Tip: Player "Tang Tang" got mountaineering shoes!
Mountaineering shoes (for checkpoints only): defense 780, walking speed +180, mountainous terrain movement speed +600!
Soul Realm Tip: Player "Tang Tang" got a bronze bottle!
Bronze bottle (only for levels): A wine cup that can never be drunk, as long as you drink up the sorghum in the cup, new sorghum wine will immediately gush out!
The equipment Tang Tang wants most is weapons, and secondly, the support is also good. However, the climbing shoes are also very good, and the defense is not low. The second is that the walking speed and the moving speed of the mountains can be superimposed, which means that Tang Tang's speed will increase by 780 points. From the short-legged tortoise crawling slowly to the short-tailed rabbit running fast, but what's the use of the bronze bottle?If he was in a state of drunkenness, he could still use the profound meaning of death, but although the sorghum wine was delicious, it was only delicious, without the slightest side effect.

"It doesn't matter, let's go first."

Tang Tang put on the climbing shoes, threw the bronze bottle into the backpack, and continued to walk down the mountain. Because of the speed bonus of the climbing shoes, Tang Tang's speed was much faster, and the wasted time was naturally shortened a lot .

At the same time, the reminders of the soul domain are constantly refreshed there. It takes only two hours. If you don't hurry up, you will lose!

However, the Martial God Palace and the gang that Tang Tang didn't know about had suddenly started fighting, and the soul domain reminded that news of the death of the Valkyrie Temple personnel continued to appear. However, although the number of dead people on the other side was small, the stone tablets were crushed one after another. , which belongs to the situation where half a foot is out.

Tang Tang thought for a while, and the sound transmission of thousands of miles killed him one step at a time: "Go around and see where the Temple of Valkyrie fights with those people. If it is appropriate, make trouble. Earning too many points is not good for us, um, if possible, find out where the stele of the Valkyrie Temple is, and we go to steal the stele, the points are worthless!"

Soul Realm Tip: Player "Tang Yuhao" smashed the stele of player "Lin Dong"!
Soul Realm Tip: The player "Tang Yuhao" smashed the stone tablet of the player "Riding a Pig Chasing the Moon"!
Soul Realm Tip: The player "Black Mountain Old Demon" smashed the stone tablet of the player "Chrysanthemum Beauty"!
Just as Tang Tang was talking, three messages popped up in the soul domain prompt, and then their team's score suddenly increased by 8 points.

One Step One Kill spread his hands and said: "It seems that I don't need to make a move."

Tang Tang made a haha, and then shouted in the team channel: "Everyone has to work hard!"

Tang Mei rolled her eyes and said, "You say that you seem to be a softie."

Tang Tang was speechless for a moment, they now have 12 points, Tang Tang only got 1 point, she went all the way to the foot of the mountain, but she killed a bunch of wolves, a bunch of tigers, and found a wooden box , Right now Tang Tang has all the equipment on his body. Except for jewelry, he is wearing a rattan armor and a tiger skin on his waist. He is an orc. 8 seconds. However, Tang Tang didn't have the weapon or points he wanted most, but he had accumulated a lot of money, with [-] gold coins.

After entering the market, Tang Tang went straight to the elixir shop, but was suddenly blocked by a fat man on the way.

"Ah, the endless wine glass, this is the endless wine glass, little girl, sell me, sell me!"

The fat man in gorgeous clothes didn't know what trick he used. The bronze bottle that Tang Tang threw in his backpack ran into his hand, and then screamed wildly, begging to hand Tang Tang a silver ticket, and arrested Things just run away.

Tang Tang looked at the amount, my good guy, it was a total of [-] gold coins, but it was marked on the back that they could not be taken out of the checkpoint.

"Hurry up and tell me what equipment you lack." After buying the life potion and mana oil in the elixir shop, Tang Tang shouted on the team channel: "I'm in the market, I have money in my hand, what equipment is missing, hurry up and talk, Auxiliary? Auxiliary is not sold here, shoes? Yes! Necklace? Yes! Wow, morale +15, double attack 30% top-quality sachet, damn it, [-] gold coins are only available for checkpoints..."

Tang Tang continued to purchase equipment at the market according to other people's requests. Except for auxiliary equipment, everything is sold here. As long as you have money, you can even sell things against the sky. Tang Tang even saw a card that can summon the Nine Heavens Maiden for 60 seconds. The paper talisman only cost 1 gold coins, which made Tang Tang really unlucky to enjoy the beauty of the Nine Heavens Saintess.

After purchasing, Tang Tang was ready to go back to the mountain. Right now, everyone's equipment and props were almost assembled, and more than half an hour had passed, and they had entered the stage of declaring war. The highest score had already reached 21 points. The third place is 17 points, the third is Tang Tang's team with 13 points, the fourth is 12 points, and the fifth is the unlucky team that was the first to discover the stele by the Valkyrie Temple. Wu Jizong's stele made Wu Jizong quickly return to defense, allowing them to pick up a small life and not be directly out of the game.

When leaving the market, Tang Tang chose to go back to the mountain from the other side. He didn't see any steles in the direction he went down the mountain just now. He was obviously planning to try his luck in another direction, but at this moment, the soul domain alarm rang loudly.

Soul Realm Tip: Your stele is being attacked!
Tang Tang's stele is 3 points, it's not very high, but it's not low. The key is that the stele is swiped every 5 minutes. Tang Tang rushes back for at least 20 minutes, and will be swiped off by the opponent at least three times. If the stele is broken, points will be deducted.

Tang Tang hurriedly notified Tang Mei who was closest to the stele to come back for help, but not long after, Tang Yuhao's stele was also attacked.

"Guarantee three and abandon one!" Tang Tang said decisively: "Protect mine first, Haozi returns to defense, yours only has 1 point, and if you are knocked out once, you only lose 1 point. The others also quickly return to the vicinity of the stele. Find out the positions of our steles through the pentagonal arrangement."

The others agreed and didn't say anything more, Ying Yu ran wildly without saying a word, but just as he got on the mountain road, he heard the sound of fighting, but it was Tianji Pavilion and the Scarlet Mercenary Group who fought again, But the unlucky guy of the Scarlet Mercenary Corps was Scarlet Bubus again, and the disciple of Tianji Pavilion was replaced by another person, not as powerful as the one I saw just now, the puppet controlling a three-tailed scorpion kept resisting Scarlet Bubus Attack, and there are still a lot of things scattered under the feet of the two. Obviously, it was originally a group fight, and only two of them are dead.

"If you don't take what is delivered to your door, you won't take it for nothing!"

(End of this chapter)

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