The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 659 Chapter 662 Supernatural Strength Unstoppable

Chapter 659 Chapter 662 Supernatural Strength Unstoppable
In terms of strength, Lin Dong is not as good as Tang Tang. However, Lin Dong is one of the few masters who can be ranked in the Wushen Temple. He is very well-known in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The so-called fame is full of people. Lin Dong's strength is still certain. It is difficult to make up for the advantages and disadvantages of Sanjie and Erjie in terms of attributes, but what if Lin Dong only wants to defend and not attack at all?
Tang Tang has a headache!
The Temple of Valkyrie adopted a suicide attack on the stone tablet on Tang Tang's side. For a team of five, it is too luxurious to have four masters of the Three Tribulations. However, there is a big drawback, that is, Tang Tang's side Only the black-hearted grandma is a fake Dharma cultivator, why use the word "fake"?The reason is very simple. The tough folk customs of Tianmo Valley have created a large number of violent Dharma cultivators, such as the black-hearted grandma and Tie Wudi. They have acquired a certain habit, so that they all like to fight in close quarters, and they have extremely strong melee capabilities, even better than weapon soul masters. host.

In this way, Valkyrie Palace is definitely not an opponent in terms of fighting alone, but they adopt delaying tactics, and then use their own lives in exchange for a chance to smash the stone tablet with a suicide attack. It was difficult to defend, which was why the stele on Tang Tang's side kept falling.

However, Tang Tang was an exception.

Tang Tang has a very beautiful sky fire, and Tang Tang's fire attribute is extremely against the sky!

These are not secrets. Therefore, Lin Dong appeared in front of Tang Tang. His role was to prevent Tang Tang from returning to aid and seal Tang Tang to death on the mountain road. Moreover, Lin Dong and Tang Tang were good friends, and he was naturally familiar with Tang Tang. He understood Tang Tang's style, and he was naturally handy in how to stop Tang Tang.

But you can't ask Lin Dong's team to lose just because of friends, and Lin Dong is already very interesting. The resident in Yandang Mountain should not be very satisfied, that place is really not far from Qiantang. For the Martial God Temple, how can there be a tiger on the side of the couch!
"Give me the coordinates of the stele of the Valkyrie Temple!"

Tang Tang was silent for a moment, his own dragon and phoenix swords, star soul array, sun and moon reincarnation banner, and a series of support were all detained by the soul domain, especially the ghost claw, which is known as the king of pk, could not be used. Tang Tang's The strength has indeed been weakened enough, and there is still a great chance of winning against Lin Dong. After all, Lin Dong is also suffering from the pain of a piece of junk equipment, but he is focused on defending and retreating while fighting. Tang Tang has nothing to do with it. That being the case, it can only play some small tricks.

"Here are the coordinates and screenshots of the stele of the Valkyrie Temple."

After getting the stele coordinates and the screenshot of the small map from Lin Dong, Tang Tang immediately sent the things to Scarlet Bubus through the text channel.

"Hahahahaha..." Scarlet Bubus was stunned for a full minute when he got the item, and then he laughed wildly. Tang Tang said through the voice transmission of thousands of miles: "Little girl, you have today, ha, I just said it right, right? You also feel uncomfortable today, being pressed and beaten by others, do you mean to beg me now? Do you want me to bring someone to rescue you? You also have times when you can’t handle it..."

"Idiot!" Bloody Bubus was still proud, but Tang Tang interrupted directly: "Hmph, you save me? Can you make the decision? I just want you to give the things to Huoying!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Tang ignored Scarlet Bubus, and immediately suffocated Scarlet Bubus to death!
"Your sister!"

After a long while, Scarlet Bubus cursed, but looking at the coordinates, Scarlet Boots became depressed again, because this matter is really not up to him.

Helping Tang Tang was naturally something Scarlet Boots didn't want to see, and even the entire Scarlet Mercenary Corps didn't want to see it. Preventing other people from getting points while getting more points. According to the current situation, the possibility of Tang Tang's five being eliminated is extremely high. The possibility of winning will also become very small.

This kind of situation is like mahjong, you have to prevent the player who listens to draw the cards, and you must not let go, and at the same time, you must make up your own cards as soon as possible. target of attack.

On the one hand is the enemy, on the other hand is the victory, Scarlet Bubus is very entangled, but fortunately, the final decision is not in his hands, because this time the team leader is Fire Eagle, but thinking of this, Scarlet Bubus is even more I hate Tang Tang, you don't know how to give the coordinates to Huoying by yourself, you have to turn it over by the hands of the young master, it's just to tease the young master.

Bloody Bubus actually misunderstood Tang Tang this time. Right now, Tang Tang is having a good time with Lin Dong. He wanted to find Huoying, but he really couldn't spare his hands to type. Bloody Bubus would not. It's the same, Tang Tang just killed him, and there is Scarlet Bubus's name on the information panel, Tang Tang can directly contact him after he selects it.

When Soul Domain saw those coordinates, he immediately waved his hand and said, "You two stay behind, and the others follow me to push the stele."

This is why Fire Eagle, as a follow-up recruited master, can become a commander, and Scarlet Bubus, as an old man of the Scarlet Mercenary Group, can only become a thug. Does Fire Eagle hate Tang Tang?Objectively speaking, he didn't hate it. He had talked with Tang Tang and thought Tang Tang was quite an interesting person, but subjectively speaking, he was very annoying. Who asked Tang Tang to cause trouble for the Scarlet Mercenary Group.

However, the difference between Firehawk and Scarlet Bubus is that Scarlet Bubus will hesitate because of this, but Firehawk will not. It is definitely a good opportunity for them to greatly improve their scores.

After a while, the soul domain reminder appeared again on the screen!

Soul Realm Tip: The player "Bloody Bubbles" successfully killed the player "Little Kitten"!
Soul Realm Tip: The player "Fire Eagle" successfully killed the player "Little Kitten"!
Soul Realm Tip: The player "Fire Eagle" smashes the stele!
Soul Realm Tip: The player "Walking in the Rain" successfully killed the player "Riding a Pig Chasing the Moon" and completed five consecutive slashes. She has surpassed God!
Soul Realm Tip: The player "Tang Yuhao" smashed the stele!
Soul Realm Tip: The player "Scarlet Bubus" smashes the stele!
Soul Realm Tip: Player "Lin Dong" smashes the stele!
Soul Realm Tip: The player "riding a pig to the moon" killed the old black mountain demon and completed four consecutive slashes. He is unstoppable!

(End of this chapter)

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