The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 676 Chapter 679 Girl Slaying Dragon Life and Death Wheel Chapter [3]

Chapter 676 Chapter 679 Reincarnation of the Girl Slaying the Dragon [[-]]

The fist breaks the world and suffers heavy casualties!

That day, there were about 3 to [-] people online in the Dufeng resident, which is considered a good average online rate. However, Qiongwu can kill more than a dozen people in seconds with a thunderbolt. Although the frequency is not high, it is enough to make people uncomfortable if they come here every now and then. Besides, Tang Tang doesn't regard the lives of people who smash the world as human lives at all. They resisted, but they still couldn't blame Tang Tang. If they didn't resist, the resident building would be destroyed.
And Tang Tang quietly led those masters who had survived the second calamity to go around behind Qiongwu!
"Full bombardment!"

Tang Tang yelled, and took the lead to strike. Because of the attraction of the crowd, she was able to do it with all her strength. She directly took out the soul stone and threw it at different positions beside her. Then the hand formula changed, and Tang Tang's surroundings A circle of fiery red patterns emerged!
"Lei Tian..." Tang Tang shouted in a low voice, "Flame Formation!"

The Carving Formation under Tang Tang's feet suddenly glowed red, and there was a huge roar!

A black robbery cloud appeared in the sky, and nine thunderbolts fell, which coincided with the position of the Nine Palaces. With intense electric currents, they constantly stimulated the formation, and a circle of green haze that seemed to exist swung away from Tang Tang's body!

The Yanlong wrapped around Zilei also jumped up from the formation, facing Qiongwu, who was also a dragon species but several times bigger than himself, Yanlong showed no trace of fear, his face was ferocious, and he grinned Breathing flames.

"go with!"

Tang Tang condensed his sword finger and pointed forward, and the Yanlong immediately rushed towards Qiongwu angrily!

The dragon roared wildly!

Yanlong quickly entangled with Qiongwu, spitting out large pieces of scorching flames, and at the same time entangled his body, quickly entangled with Qiongwu, grinning and biting continuously.

However, even though the Yanlong was extremely ferocious, the damage it caused to Qiongwu was still not that great, but compared to the others, it was quite outstanding, but it would also anger Qiongwu even more, so Tang Tang almost pulled his legs out after finishing the fight. run.

At this time, Tang Tang had already sneaked back to Tiandu Peak.

The moment Tang Tang avoided the battlefield, Qiong Wu was not too bothered by those continuous attacks, suddenly turned his body around, and opened his mouth to let out a dragon chant!
A beam of purple thunder light similar to an aurora suddenly spewed out from Qiongwu's mouth, hitting the Yanlong directly, at a speed almost visible to the naked eye, and the Yanlong was submerged in the beam of light, turning into traces of ashes However, breaking the Thunder Sky Flame Formation was just the beginning, after Qiongwu destroyed the flame dragon that was entangled him, he turned his eyes to those disciples who attacked him.

Sad thunder!
With Qiongwu as the center, a circle of purple-black circular current swings outward, and the ear-piercing sound is like tens of thousands of people crying and screaming!

Immediately afterwards, everything turned into nothingness!
Almost in an instant, the thunder circle swept over everyone, without exception, as long as they were hit by the thunder circle, they would be burned to ashes immediately, and none of the more than [-] masters of the second robbery were spared!

In an instant, the entire Tiandu Peak resident was completely silent.

Tang Tang hid under the eaves of a house, and also wiped off his cold sweat. This move of grief and thunder was really overbearing. Fortunately, he ran fast, otherwise he would have died heroically in all likelihood.

However, the shock was shocking, and the casualties were indeed heavy, but the effect was still obvious.

After paying a large number of casualties and the full blow of more than 400 masters of the Second Tribulation, Qiongwu's health dropped to about 47%, and more than half of his health was almost gone. It can be seen that this colony strategy is still very effective , secondly, the clever Fist Breaking the World gang should be thankful. Fortunately, the sorrowful thunder was sent from the sky. If Qiongwu falls in the Tiandu Peak garrison, let alone thousands of players can escape How much, at least [-]% of the buildings in the resident must be destroyed.

From this point of view, the outcome of sacrificing [-] Second Tribulation masters is actually not bad.

Secondly, the cooldown time of such an extremely domineering big move like Sad Thunder is extremely long. This is true for both players and bosses. Therefore, after 200 people consume this sad thunder, at least Qiongwu can be guaranteed. This trick will not be used repeatedly in a short time, which can be regarded as good news among bad news.

However, the next step is still full of difficulties.

The strategy of mobilizing the masters of the Second Tribulation to severely injure Qiongwu can only be used once, because at the first time, everyone did not bear hatred on them, and the sneak attack would be very easy, but the second thought is to go around behind Qiongwu Focusing on the attack may not be so easy.

"It can only be worn down slowly!" When Pineapple Pineapple Sour came back from the underworld, Tang Tang pulled him and said: "All the masters of the Second Tribulation go to the air to fight the autumn wind, they can fight whatever they want, and attack as much as possible on the premise of saving their lives , the others act according to my instructions. You see, I have two flags here. I wave the blue flag, and the one with the higher defense will go up. The one in charge of attack will be pulled away to the sides. I will wave the red flag, and the one in charge of attack will be whatever Throw something, keep attacking, and the middle of you is almost destroyed, I don’t think it’s necessary, just destroy it and pull out an open space, which is easy to attack and easy to avoid.”

Pineapple Pineapple's sour heart was bleeding. Tang Tang simply stood and talked without pain in his back. He would do whatever he could to kill Qiongwu. Anyway, he was not the resident, and the money for the construction was not his. Of course, Tang Tang's strategy was not There is nothing wrong, but it is difficult for most people to make such a decision when everything about themselves is concerned, but Tang Tang is able to ignore it. If this matter should be left in Dalongqiu, Tang Tang would definitely be killed and would not be willing to do so .

After hesitating for a moment, Pineapple Pineapple Sour still gritted his teeth and said, "Just listen to you!"

Tang Tang said: "Then tell me to go down!"

Pineapple and Pineapple nodded sourly, and then said gratefully to Tang Tang: "I really appreciate your willingness to stay and help!"

Tang Tang was also in tears, and he held the pineapple and pineapple sour hands heavily, not excited, but frightened!

After ordering Tang Tang's words through the gang channel, the people who broke the world spread out to the two sides. In fact, the building in the center was not much different from the ruins. Another fire was added, and the dilapidated buildings were pulled down to clear an open space.

Tang Tang shouted from the side: "Look at my flag, wave it once to represent the first team, and wave it twice to represent the second team!"

Immediately, someone shouted at the throat: "What about swinging it a hundred times?"

Tang Tang shouted: "That means I have polio!"

"Ha ha……"

There was a burst of laughter all around. Under this atmosphere, a lot of tense atmosphere was diluted. With Tang Tang raising the flag, the first team of vanguards met Qiongwu's thunder formation!

(End of this chapter)

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