Chapter 680 Chapter 683
Tie Wudi was a little hesitant. He is the kind of person who has a strong desire for power, but it is not purely for making money. It is his wish to be able to rule the Heavenly Demon Valley. Conscientious, because this is what he wants to do and hopes to do well, but Tie Wudi never thinks that he is Tang Tang's subordinate, and he even feels bitter about his repeated defeats at Tang Tang's hands. Chances are, he doesn't mind taking back the Heavenly Demon Valley from Tang Tang's hands. Because of this, he really can't handle the grief and thunder in front of him.

"You can take it." The black-hearted grandma couldn't bear the two staring at each other, so she directly stuffed the sad and thunderous ancient book into Tie Wudi's hand and said, "It's just you, Lei Xiu, you take it." It's over if you don't want it, if you don't want it, I will want it."

Tie Wudi hesitated for a moment when he encountered the mournful thunder, but still nodded at Tang Tang, and then sat down, taking his things.

"Okay, extra things!" Tang Tang slapped his hands and said, "The meeting is over!"

"Wait a minute!" Step by step said dumbfoundingly: "I haven't spoken yet!"

This meeting was held at the request of one step at a time. For this reason, Tie Wudi was specially called back from Tianmo Valley, but he sat down for less than 5 minutes, and Tang Tang slapped the meeting and ended the meeting without saying a word. What's the matter.

"Then tell me quickly!" Tang Yuhao lay on the table, fiddled with his fingers boredly and said, "It's so boring!"

One step at a time, he patted the table and said, "Then hurry up and tell me, do you all know what happened on the forum?"

"Understood." Tang Tang waved his hand depressedly and said: "Isn't it just those posts that condemned me, calling me inhuman, a female devil, inhumane, letting eighteen big guys take turns a hundred times, and there is also a psychopath, He even wanted to use me to be famous, insisting that he had a one-night stand with me, and the post was written in a vivid and vivid way, the most annoying thing is that the pig on the forum version didn’t get his head caught by the door, and even highlighted the damn post, anyway The people in the Martial God Temple now regard me as a street mouse, but it’s just a blah, did you see someone come to kill me? I can’t make a fuss with their guts.”

"The problem is that it's already noisy!" One Step One Kill knocked on the table with his knuckles and said, "Do you know how many people on our side have had PK's since last night?"

"Fighting?" Tang Tang spread his hands and said, "If it's not you killing me, then I'll kill you. PK things can't be counted every day. What's so strange about that?"

"But it's all people from the Martial God Temple and the evil cultivators from the Demon Valley, so there is a problem." One step at a time, he said: "It is said that Qizhu Zhuyue has already let go, see the evil cultivators from the Demon Valley, kill! "

"I'll go!" Tang Tang said in astonishment, "I can't play so hard, can I?"

"That's called ruthless?" Grandma Heixin smiled heartlessly and said, "If you make such a fuss, they will lose hundreds of thousands of gold coins."

"If that's the case, I think there is still some sense left in riding a pig every month." One step and one kill helplessly shook his head and said, "There is news from Fist Breaking the World that this is the conspiracy of the Black Clothes Shrine, and you and Black Clothes The shrine is a gang."

"No way." Tang Tang said in surprise, "Where is this going?"

One step at a time, he said: "This is really possible, you don't know, when riding a pig back to Tiandu Peak month by month, he was killed once by the owner of the sixth floor of the Black Clothes Shrine, and what's more, no one knows that riding a pig Zhuyue has the treasure of heaven and earth in his hands, and the five smokes and brocades are in the hands of Qizhu Zhuyue. Of course, it is now in the hands of the Black Clothes Shrine. The meaning of putting the basin on your head is just out of other considerations, so I didn’t tell you about it, but the rumors have already started.”

"How can you be so clear?" Tang Tang couldn't help asking, then patted his forehead and said: "By the way, you are the owner of the fifth floor of the Black Clothes Shrine, hey, I remembered this, you undercover It’s too low-level, isn’t it? Such a big thing can only be known after the fact!”

One step at a time, he spread his hands and said: "That's how the Black Clothes Shrine is managed. What can I do? I haven't even seen a few killers on the fifth floor. It's almost like the task is released. Whoever is killed, what is the benefit of killing?" , and then you can only choose to kill or not to kill, so far, I have seen five landlords on the [-]th floor of the Black Clothes Shrine, and they are all masked."

Tang Tang also had a headache.

If you really put her together with the Black Clothes Shrine, this shit is really troublesome. You know, there must be eighty if not a hundred of the masters assassinated by the Black Clothes Shrine, and more than 70% of these masters are majors. Members of gangs have high prestige and popularity. Even if they are not members of gangs, there are sects behind them. Therefore, the Shrine in Black is now in the nature of a public enemy.

However, everyone hates Tsing Yi Lou deeply, but the Black Clothes Shrine is indeed too mysterious, and no one can understand the Black Clothes Shrine deeply. In terms of one step and one kill, he got mixed into the Black Clothes Shrine, and still got nothing Useful news, so even if everyone wants to take revenge on the Black Clothes Shrine, they are helpless because they don't know how or where to take revenge.

Secondly, regarding the Black Clothes Shrine, some gangs are also panicking. The incident of Yumian Luosha proves that the Black Clothes Shrine is everywhere. Your most trusted left and right hand may be a member of the Black Clothes Shrine. Therefore, In the absence of direct conflict, even those big gangs have adopted an attitude of avoiding the Black Clothes Shrine.

Combining these two points, it can be seen that secrecy is the biggest threat and reliance of the Black Shrine, making it impossible for everyone to find trouble with the Black Shrine. However, Tang Tang is different. She has no secrets. As I said in one step and one kill, if it is rumored that I am in the same group as the Black Clothes Shrine, then I will really be unlucky, and I can’t tell those guys who are unhappy with the Black Clothes Shrine to pass on their hatred and vent their anger on themselves Come on, maybe I have to be a public enemy again!


Tang Tang couldn't help but patted his forehead, Tang Tang had never been one who suffered from being dumb.

She deeply regrets what happened to her. After all, she may become her enemy, but at least she has not become her enemy. Tang Tang is actually quite guilty of cheating others like this, but this is not the case. There is no way, the five peaks of Huangshan Mountain are all places that can break through the world, if they don't cheat you, who will they cheat?
Secondly, the matter at the Black Clothes Shrine is troublesome, but Tang Tang is not easy to mess with. Don't you want me to be blamed?
(End of this chapter)

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