Chapter 696 Chapter 699
"It's really resolved." Looking at her state, Tang Mei was overjoyed and said, "How did you know he was hiding on top of me?"

"I don't know." Tang Tang spread his hands and said, "It's just that the second sister told me that the head drop is like a spell, and it has a range. If the person wants to ensure that his head drop is effective, he must always stay within the attack range." , so, I will cheat him."

Tang Mei said with a dark face: "Then you still let me pee."

Tang Tang said with a dry smile: "Is that also to make him think that we have figured out a way to break the curse, so that he will be impatient, and if he is impatient, he may show up, secretly confirm whether we really have a way, and after luring him out , Kill it, and naturally the curse can be broken. Unfortunately, I didn't expect him to hide in the tree above your head. You don't need to look up. You can see us by lowering your head. I have no choice but to lie to him. It worked."

"Forget what you said." Tang Mei pointed at Tang Tang, and then her face changed drastically: "Then he saw me taking off my pants!"

"Ha, the weather is so sunny today!"

Tang Tang let out a haha, and trotted forward.

The others also covered their mouths one after another. If it weren't for Tang Mei's expression like swallowing two kilograms of flies, everyone might have laughed out loud. Of course, they were not worried that Tang Mei would get angry. It's still very good, but everyone is worried that Tang Mei will continue to hit her head against a tree.

After continuing to move forward, everyone's mentality finally calmed down a lot.

I have to admit that assassination is an art. After the assassination is played to the fullest, it is definitely not just killing people. Combined with mental pressure, it will make people collapse, and suddenly give a fatal blow in the midst of panic. This is the essence of assassination .

Therefore, the dual pressure of spirit and body is the essence of assassination. Of course, it is undeniable that the ultimate goal is assassination, but after a mental breakdown, it will make the assassination easier.

The ubiquity of the Black Clothes Shrine makes people somewhat unbalanced, but after such a commotion right now, everyone has calmed down. As long as they can maintain their normal mind, the people of the Black Clothes Shrine will not be so easy to sneak attack.

However, what Tang Tang didn't expect was that the Black Clothes Shrine would not succeed in a sneak attack, because there was no sneak attack at all.

At the end of the deep forest, when they were about to walk out of the forest, six figures appeared in front of them.

The mask is covered in black, and the bamboo hat is lowered to cover the eyes. It is a typical black-clothed shrine.

"I am the owner of the sixth floor of the Black Clothes Shrine!" The man in black at the head stepped forward and said with a smile, "I have a very small request, can you accommodate me?"

"I also have a very small request, can I trouble you to die?" Tang Tang said, "I will agree to your request after you die."

"Yes." The man in green and black smiled and said: "As long as you can give up the magical weapons and treasures in your hands, I will let you kill ten times to vent your anger, what's the point?"

Tang Tang said: "Success, you die first, and if you die ten times, I will give you the things."

The man in black smiled and said, "You really know how to joke."

"That's nothing to talk about?" Tang Tang spread his hands innocently and said, "You see, in fact, I am very sincere in giving you things. If you have difficulties, it doesn't matter if you die a few times less, but very Obviously, you are too dishonest."

The man in black shook his head, then waved his hand, and the six men in black spread out and slowly approached them.

"Ha!" Tang Tang said with a nonchalant smile: "If the sneak attack fails, are you going to use the robbery directly? It's really not technical at all, it's so disappointing!"

The power of the Black Clothes Shrine is that they are always mysterious, and they are ubiquitous, with sudden assassinations and various tricks, which will cause people a lot of fear. In fact, the strength of many assassins in the Black Clothes Shrine is missing. It's better than the target they assassinate, but they always succeed, this is the difference between assassination and pk.

Right now, the Black Clothes Shrine is putting everything on the table, and it's a fair fight of six vs. six. Well, that bastard Yumian Luo Sha who is clearly watching the show from the sidelines doesn't count, it's just six vs. five, Tang Tang Unaware of the fact that the Shrine in Black possesses the strength to forcibly destroy a few of them.

They are the ones who have an advantage in this kind of frontal battle.

However, has the black shrine ever made a direct shot with a sword and a spear?
When the six black-clothed people were about to get closer, bamboo poles flew out of the ground suddenly, and so did the tree above them. Everyone quickly avoided, but someone's movements slowed down a beat, and the staggered bamboo poles went up and down. After connecting, it became a square bamboo cage, and the duckweed was locked in it. The man in Tsing Yi jumped forward, but it was a shot of silver frost, which was also the breath of ice, and quickly To freeze the bamboo cage with the duckweed in it.

Tang Mei said anxiously: "Save people!"

As the words fell, Tang Mei raised her sword and came out, but was stopped by two men in black. Immediately afterwards, the ground suddenly stretched out a pair of hands, firmly grasping Tang Mei's feet, hindering her movement.

The others dispersed one after another, but at this moment, figures appeared one after another from the backs and tops of the surrounding trees, and without exception, there were almost two items in their hands, the first was a fishing net, and the second was a It is an iron chain, the role of the former is self-evident, while the latter requires a certain amount of cooperation. Two people hold the two ends of the iron chain respectively, and then six people cooperate to tie people up by circling each other.

At this time, Tang Tang's only thought was to scold himself for being stupid for believing that the Black Clothes Shrine was ready to fight head-on. For them, the meaning of fighting was nothing more than killing people, and as long as they could kill people, any means were reasonable.

This is the Black Shrine.

"Bastard, let me out!"

Duckweed kept kicking the bamboo pole in the bamboo cage, displaying its difficult nature, but the black-clothed man let out a chuckle, and the coldness in his hands burst out, releasing more intense coldness, completely freezing the bamboo cage.

But also at this moment...

A heat wave hits us!

"The sky is blazing!"

Tang Tang jumped up in the air, raised his hand and shot out a piece of blazing fire, which fell towards the bamboo cage, instantly melting the frost of the man in black and scorching the bamboo cage at the same time. The bamboo pole was broken and ran out.

The man in black looked stunned, and he couldn't believe it when he looked around. There was nothing wrong with his arrangement, but he failed, because the weapons on the ground fell all over the place!
Baique Chaohuang: Weapons below Tier 360 within a radius of ten miles are invalidated for [-] seconds!
The reason why the Black Clothes Shrine's assassination success rate is so high is that they are not only surprised, but also have strength. They are always strategizing, and to do this, they must have a deep study of the target, at least they should figure out some habits of the target However, it is impossible for them to know the attributes of Tang Tang's Horcrux Flying Sword clearly, besides, Tang Tang has never been very eager for equipment, but he is not very good for Horcruxes, and he still has a lot of them. It is very troublesome just to find out which weapons Tang Tang has.

"Tianxuan Five Tones!"

After Fa Po got out of trouble, he immediately plucked the strings lightly, and the melodious sound of the piano sounded, and the musical notes flashed outside the bodies of everyone, covering the whole body, and the overall attributes suddenly increased greatly.

Most of the men in black had lost their weapons, and they immediately flew up viciously, beheading three of them in the blink of an eye.

The man in black gritted his teeth, waved his hand decisively and said, "Get out!"

Most of those black-clothed people have mastered the earth escape technique. This move is really the best way to assassinate and escape. Unless it can prevent them from escaping from the ground, there is really nothing to do with them. However, those guys who don't know the earth escape technique Unlucky, they were naturally surrounded and killed. As soon as Tang Taro made a move, hundreds of wind blades with a width of one finger raged, swaying towards the moment, stopping people, and then they had to face Tang Xin The joint encirclement with Tang Mei turned out to be just as Tang Tang said, a pure head-to-head confrontation, these people from the shrine in black were no match at all, at best they were at the peak of the second calamity, and there was really an insurmountable gap in front of the third calamity .

However, the leading man in black is not bad, he is worthy of being the owner of the shrine in black, his body is cold and his mentality is quite domineering, it is absolutely different from Tang Mei's kind of condescending Nine Heavenly Soul who mainly focuses on deceleration and frostbite , that guy's cold air is purely offensive, and there is a lot of frost contained in the cold air, and these frosts are without exception, all of which are in the shape of blades.

Tang Tang and that guy dismantled each other for more than a dozen rounds, but they still didn't take it down. He was also quite impatient, and the anxious look on his face was visible. When the man in black saw it, he immediately smiled smugly. Tang Tang's name was there, and many people were proud of being able to defeat Tang Tang, but at this moment, Tang Tang also smiled strangely.

A ghost claw suddenly loomed behind the man in black, and a sudden blow hit the man in black's back, causing him to stagger.

One hit is 80% health!
The man in black was startled, with less than 10% of his health remaining, he was on the verge of death. It was really dangerous to face Tang Tang, because everyone knew that Tang Tang had a fast sword, and a fast sword meant that he was hard to defend against. Yiren is no exception.

However, this guy deserves to be the leader, he is very decisive in doing things, he didn't hesitate at all, he chose not to take medicine to replenish blood, but to turn around and run, this is undoubtedly a very correct choice, the most taboo to take when losing blood Pills, especially when you are dying, the time you take a pill is enough to kill you once, but the man in black apparently forgot that Tang Tang is not only fast with his sword, but also extremely fast, and, The coldness of the man in black was quite disgusting, it could almost protect his whole body, he was the nemesis of the ghost claws, after more than ten rounds of fighting, Tang Tang found such a flaw, and succeeded in one blow, how could he let him go.

But at this moment...

The sword glow turned sharply!

The jade-faced Luo Sha, who had been pressing behind him all the time, suddenly appeared in front of him, and with a slash of his sword, he stabbed the man in black in the heart and knocked him down to the ground.

"He's mine now!" Yumian Luosha smirked at Tang Tang, "You owe me a favor."

"That's right." Tang Tang suddenly swung his sword and pointed at the jade-faced Luosha and said, "I'll pay you back right now!"

(End of this chapter)

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